Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:37:35 AM

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: As I started cooking, my talent explodes


If there’s a problem, it is that there was originally plenty of money. I’ve had money left over from my whole life, but I haven’t been able to use it because I didn’t have time.

“Um, please reinvest the principal from the profits with the Alchemist Guild… and the Adventurers Guild.”

“Understood. Sentimental.”

As the incoming investment profits were so large, with the help of the Merchant Guild, I ended up setting up an entire upper management.

Was it right to say ‘with the help’?

Listening to various discussions about the management of profits, the conversation had somehow ended with setting up an upper management.

It felt like I was possessed by a ghost.

I registered the upper management under the hero party.

Since I initially invested with party funds, the profits of the upper management would be treated as the party’s income.

I vaguely remembered hearing something about taxes, but it seems like the Merchant Guild will handle it.


“Wizard. Since they agreed to prioritize supplying reagents from the Alchemist Guild, if you need anything, just let me know.”


“Since I’ve also set up an upper management in the name of the hero party, if you need materials, just request them through the Merchant Guild.”


The wizard is happy today too.

It feels like I’ve been continuously supplying materials to the wizard ever since defeating the Demon King.

“Hehehe… A biological magic circle using cell culture medium…”

I stared blankly as the wizard conducted research using a fusion of alchemy and magic.

This is healing… Sometimes, you need time to relax and space out like this.

On the wizard’s desk, a squirming, bubbling, pulsating mass of flesh created a magic circle.

I’m not quite sure what the wizard is talking about, but apparently, the wizard is using a real-time changing magic circle implemented with a biological unit using the Alchemist Guild’s cell culture medium.

I applauded vaguely while watching the research.

“Come to think of it, what happened to the artifact we made last time with the branches of the World Tree and the heart of the Demon King?”

“Hehehe… The elves deemed it impure and dismantled it… Heheheh….”

The wizard responded with a sullen chuckle.

Indeed, to the high elves who worship the World Tree, the branches of the World Tree are something akin to divine artifacts.

Combining them with the heart of the Demon King, the essence of evil, might not sit well.

“It’s a bit of a waste of materials.”

“Heheh, recyclable…”

“I see.”

If it hadn’t been recyclable, I might have seriously considered installing a time-acceleration magic circle in the Demon King’s crown.

Wasn’t the Demon King supposed to resurrect once every 500 years?

If I accelerate time by 100 times, I can collect rare materials once every 5 years.

While I didn’t have any real intention of doing it, I asked the wizard just in case.

“Heheh… If I research it, it might be possible…”

“That’s a vague answer.”


It’s definitely nice to have a hobby like the wizard, where you can focus on one thing.

It would be great to have something that could give me enthusiasm to the point where I forget the misery of life, beyond just pondering leisurely.

“A hobby, huh…”

Maybe I should learn cooking.

I’m a bit tired of relying on combat rations, stew, jerky, and the like when I’m out.

If only I had cooking skills like Darami… Hmm… nevermind.

Learning to cook would be beneficial in many ways.

It’s for the future, even if I decide to leave the hero party someday.

“I should join the Cooking Guild!”



“Welcome~ Oh my, we have a handsome gentleman here?”

“Yes, I’ve come to learn a bit about cooking.”


“Oh~ Welcome indeed. These days, men who cook well are quite popular. You’re an adventurer, aren’t you?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“If you learn cooking while camping, you can impress your other companions with your skills~ It’s not just about parties with only men, you know?”

“Well, except for me, everyone else in my party is female….”

[TL Note: I was being so careful with genders. I had a feeling all female but finally confirmed. The author has been very gender neutral. I can be calm now]

“Oh my, oh my.”

The receptionist at the cooking guild was quite chatty.

Come to think of it, the receptionists at the adventurer’s guild seem a bit plain, don’t they?

The ones at the merchant’s guild are always recommending various investment products, while those at the alchemy guild have a somewhat subdued atmosphere.

But the adventurers’ guild members seem a bit lacking in personality.

Or maybe it’s just me feeling that way because I’m affiliated with the adventurer’s guild.

“There are various courses available at the cooking guild~ From campsite cooking for adventurers to home-style cooking. The curriculum is divided accordingly.”

“I see. Are the contents very different?”

“Yes, indeed~ Home-style cooking focuses on using fresh ingredients available in the market, while campsite cooking focuses on using ingredients available in nature and preservation methods. The learning methods are also… somewhat different.”

“I’d like to learn both…”

“Of course, learning both is possible~ There’s a schedule posted on the bulletin board, so just let us know which sessions you can attend.”

“Ah, I see. Thank you.”

I checked the exploration schedule for the Great Labyrinth and the visit schedule for the Alchemy Guild, and coordinated the visit schedule for the Cooking Guild.

Today, I decided to attend the existing lectures as well, partly for the experience.

“Everyone~. Today, we have Sentimental here joining us for the lecture~.”

“Wow, the atmosphere suddenly got lively because a handsome friend is here. It was quite dull before.”

“Oh, isn’t there a handsome man here?”

“What’s with the old pumpkin talking nonsense? Hahaha.”

“Haha, hello….”

The Cooking Guild somehow feels like it has a slightly older average age.

Perhaps it’s because many adventurers or retirees come to learn here.

There’s not much else to learn when you get older, I suppose.

“Since Sentimental is here today, shall we learn campsite cooking?”


“Ah, thank you.”

The education at the Cooking Guild turned out to be more useful than I thought.

“Cooking actually has a closer impact on the combat effectiveness of party members than you might think. Some people call it a kind of buff, but rather… replenishing morale? Vitality? It’s more like recharging energy in the body. Sometimes, when you eat delicious food, you feel like your body is overflowing with energy, making you feel like you can do anything, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

I learned that cooking during camping plays a role as a kind of buff.

It definitely seemed like my vitality was replenished when I ate the dishes made by Darami.

I thought it was because of the saliva she put in it… Hmm. No matter how delicious it is, I don’t want to eat it twice.

“On the contrary, dishes with no taste or poorly balanced flavours can drastically reduce the combat effectiveness of the party. Among the ingredients easily found in nature, there are some that should not be included together.”

‘Hmm?’ Could this be used in the party? Of course, if I make blatantly terrible food, no one will entrust me with cooking.

But if I make dishes with flavours that are ambiguous but polarizing, it might lower the favourability.

Mint chocolate, spicy rose tteokbokki, pineapple pizza…


‘Would this work?’ If I gradually lower favourability through food preferences…

“Rogue! Your taste in food doesn’t match mine at all! You’re expelled from the party!”

Like this, I might get expelled from the party.

I should look into getting some groceries or spices.

“It’s fortunate that I have connections with the Alchemy Guild and the Merchant Guild.”


“Rogue! Make more of this! Hehe.”

“Uh, sure.”

That hero was seriously gluttonous.

It seems like my plan to lower favourability by bringing strongly polarizing dishes and seeing her enjoy them so much means it didn’t work.

“Well, at least it’s rewarding to see her enjoy it.”

“Ahem, I quite like this green tea ice cream.”

“Oh, Elf. Already finished it?”

“…It’s the first time I’ve had something this delicious, so, I couldn’t help it.”

“Alright, alright, I get it.”

I’ll need to further research the plan of lowering favourability using dishes with polarizing tastes.

Cooking was quite enjoyable, and I even found it fun to create new dishes.

Some of the recipes were so good that I even requested to have them commercialized by the upper management.

Maybe I should become a chef in the countryside after retiring from the hero party. Since I’ll have plenty of money anyway, it might be nice to run a restaurant as a hobby. Selling menus that change daily with fresh ingredients could be fulfilling in its own way. Or perhaps I could open a café. Listening to people’s problems in a charming café filled with the aroma of coffee and wood sounds appealing.

“Would you prefer a café or a restaurant?”

“Hehehe, café… caféine… hmmm.”

“I guess you prefer cafés.”

The wizard is addicted to caffeine, so it can’t be helped.

Just thinking about retirement makes me feel so good.

I can’t wait to retire…


“Sir Sentimental, Sir I am from the upper management!”

“Oh, you were a merchant… What was your name?”

“It’s Gael! But, more importantly, something big has happened!”

“What’s happened?”

Did the upper management fail?

It doesn’t matter much.

Anyway, it’s party funds, and if it completely fails and gives me a reason to leave the party, then that’s fine.

“Well, it’s not that, but isn’t there a ‘restaurant’ opening up soon that the upper management decided on?”

“Oh, yes. Why?”

“Princess, um… She’s going to visit there!”

“…The princess?”

“Yes! Specifically, it’s the second princess!”


“Why would she visit a restaurant?”

“She wants to taste the food developed by Sentimental…”


“All of a sudden?”

Why would royalty visit a restaurant all of a sudden?

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