Published at 6th of March 2023 08:35:48 AM

Chapter 1090

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Yesterday, when Xiao Han took Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others to kill the first-order devil spiders on the mountain not far behind, Xiao Han did not use such exaggerated words when facing the four or five hundred first-order magic spiders. However, Xiao Han used to describe the first-order magic spiders that appear around now, they are so dignified. It can be imagined that Xiao Han is also one of the first-class evil spiders The number of magic spiders was startled.

After a moment, Guo xuanjian and others saw something in each other's eyes.

If Zhong xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others remember correctly, yesterday, when hundreds of first-order magic spiders swarmed in, Zhong xuanhai and Guo Zimo and Li Jian still remember very clearly. From a distance, they could see that the first-order magic spiders in the air would raise the dust on the sand when they were moving fast, just like a stream of thick smoke.

However, according to Xiao Han's estimation, the number of first-order magic spiders encircling their location has reached a rather terrible number. Then, according to the situation of yesterday, now there should be a lot of dust in the surrounding sky?

But now Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others turned around and looked at the sky around them. They didn't see any dust rising at all. Does this mean that either Xiao Han's perception was wrong, or that there were a large number of first-order magic spiders around, but they were still far away from them, so they stood there now Can't you see the smoke in the air?

Finally, Li Jian didn't resist looking at Xiao Han and asked, "boss Xiao, you said that there are a lot of first-order magic spiders around, but there are no signs of a large number of first-order magic spiders walking around now?"

The question Li Jian asked was exactly what Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Zhanpeng wanted to ask. So when Xiao Han looked back at him, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others nodded at the same time. Although Xiao Han didn't speak, his suspicious look in his eyes was very obvious.

Xiao Han also gently shook his head, and then said: "I'm not very clear about this, but I don't think my feeling is wrong. There are a large number of first-order magic spiders coming around. As for why there are no signs of a large number of first-order magic spiders on their way, I don't know. You wait for me here, I'll go to the sand dune to investigate."

Said Xiao Han's figure flashed forward, after a few ups and downs, Xiao Han's whole person has appeared more than 100 meters away.

In fact, there is one thing that Xiao Han didn't explain to Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, etc., that is, when Xiao Han came to this side of the cliff, he had a subtle feeling in his heart. This feeling is not so strong, but it makes Xiao Han feel that there is danger ahead.

At that time, Xiao Han didn't really care, just thought it was an illusion that he would occasionally appear.

Besides, Xiao Han also knows that in Penglai fairyland, it can be said that there may be danger everywhere, and there may be danger all the time. So Xiao Han suddenly realizes a vague sense of crisis when he comes to the side of the cliff, which is not surprising at all.

So at the beginning, Xiao Han didn't go to his heart, even the expression on his face was not revealed. Xiao Han's thoughts at that time were very similar to those of Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian.

Xiao Han also thinks that today's "killing the devil team" is not yesterday's "killing the devil team". Today's "killing devil team" has five golden elixir peak state cultivation strength members at the same time. The overall strength has been improved a lot. Such a strong team is enough to cope with various possible crises.

In addition, Xiao Han also thinks that after crossing the cliff, the area here is closer to those near Zhenmo mountain, so it is not surprising to feel a sense of crisis in these places.

However, as Xiao Han continues to go forward, the whole route slowly goes forward, and the sense of crisis in Xiao Han's heart slowly begins to grow stronger. At this time, Xiao Han should realize that it is not right.

But at this time, Xiao Han still did not have the idea to take Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others back. After all, it doesn't matter even if there are mountains and rivers ahead. Anyway, we still have to go to the front to see what the situation is and then make plans.

However, when Xiao Han took Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others into this low-lying basin, the sense of crisis in Xiao Han's mind was not only more and more intense, but also had a creepy feeling. Even Xiao Han felt that there were a lot of goose bumps on his arm.

This kind of situation of Xiao Han is very rare. The last time it happened, it happened when Xiao Han was in danger of his life. At that time, Xiao Han almost died. In the end, although Xiao Han resolved the crisis with a little luck and unremitting efforts, he still felt a little scared when he looked back.

When this happens, Xiao Han guessed that the situation that will appear now is absolutely not simple.At that time, Xiao Han actually wanted to take Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others to retreat first, but when he stopped, he found that the danger did not only come from the front, but from all directions.

In Xiao Han's perception, there is a very strong force around this low-lying basin.

However, no matter how you think, in Penglai fairyland, Xiao Han and his "devil killing team" are only demon spiders except evil spirits.

Now it's in the morning. All the evil spirits should have been hidden. After all, evil spirits only appear at night. In the daytime, they are under the control of the evil spiders.

Xiao Han knew that the time period at this time must be the world of the first-order magic spider, that is to say, what is coming now is nothing else, it must be the first-order magic spider.

It's just that at this time, Xiao Han is not sure that there are too many first-order magic spiders. After reaching a certain degree, Xiao Han realizes that there is a strong sense of danger, or that the one that will appear here is not only the first-order magic spider, but also the one that has never appeared... The second-order magic spider.

Think of here, Xiao Han's face is more dignified, if it is a second-order devil spider, it is really dangerous.

Xiao Han is still curious about the second-order magic spider, which has never appeared since. The combat effectiveness of the first-order devil spider has been so strong. What about the second-order spider?

Xiao Han doesn't know, or even Xiao Han doesn't know whether he can deal with the second-order devil spiders with his strength at the peak of his infancy. If he can deal with second-order magic spiders, Xiao Han can deal with several second-order magic spiders at the same time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han decided to go over and investigate. If he didn't find out the current situation, Xiao Han was not sure whether he could take Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others or leave here today.

When he stood on the top of the sand dunes, he was frightened by the speed of one of the sand dunes.

A few hundred meters away, the whole low-lying basin is surrounded by dense first-order magic spiders.

Now the situation is very similar to what happened around the assembly camp last night. A large number of first-order devil spiders are encircling the low-lying basin where Xiao Han and Xiao Han are living. It is as if the whole assembly camp was surrounded by dense evil spirits last night.

Xiao Han's face changed very ugly, because he didn't expect that these first-order magic spiders had formed and surrounded them so quickly.

Xiao Han is standing at the highest point of several nearby sand dunes, so Xiao Han can not only see the situation in the front, but also see the situation on both sides when he looks back to the left and right sides. Even when Xiao Han turns around, he can also see the situation in the direction they came to before.

After standing on the sand dune, Xiao Han has already felt the surrounding situation almost, which can be confirmed. Now all the people in the "demon killing team" have been surrounded by these first-order magic spiders.

In addition, Xiao Han's greatest fear is that behind those first-order magic spiders not far away, there is a place surrounded by dozens of first-order magic spiders, where there is a magic spider that is much larger than ordinary first-order magic spiders.

The size of the whole body of ordinary first-order magic spiders is the size of a millstone, which is about the same size as the front of small cars in the secular world. When I first saw them, I thought that they were really big and terrible.

But now in the place surrounded by dozens of first-order magic spiders, there is only one more than ordinary first-order magic spider's body is much larger.

If the body of the first-order devil spider laughs about the same size as the front of a small car in the secular world, then the huge body of this giant spider is only a little smaller than that of the heavy truck in the secular world.

In addition to the size of this giant magic spider is much larger than that of the first-order one, its general appearance is almost similar, except that the thick armor and fur on this giant magic spider are much thicker than those on the first-order one, and the forelimbs and hind legs of this giant magic spider are several times thicker than those of the first-order one. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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