Published at 6th of March 2023 08:31:23 AM

Chapter 1171

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At present, the prestige of Ye Yu among the more than 20 members of the whole Emei sect is incomparable. Whether it is the arrangement of the night rain or the decision of the night rain, the members of the Emei sect are wholeheartedly supporting it.

In addition to yeyeyeyu's charisma and powerful strength, he has conquered all the ordinary disciples of Emei sect. The first-order magic spider Neijing distributed every day also satisfied all the disciples.

It's like today's battle record. It's not time to have lunch. From the morning till now, with the 320 first level magic spiders that have just been killed, Ye Yu has led the whole team of Emei sect to kill more than 900 first level magic spiders.

If we add in the first-order spider that can be killed in one afternoon, we can kill at least 2000 first-order magic spiders in a day.

Although there are many people in the whole Emei sect, even the team members with the lowest cultivation level can get nearly 100 first level magic spiders.

This is only an estimate. The actual number should be more. Compared with the recent period of time, under the leadership of the night rain, the number of first-order devil spiders killed every day is less than 2500.

For the distribution of the first-order magic spider crystal, the distribution method of night rain is also very fair. The night rain will take out more than half of the first-order magic spider's inner crystal to average, and everyone's allocation of the first-order magic spider's inner crystal is the same.

The rest of the first-order magic spider crystal night rain is distributed according to everyone's cultivation level and contribution in the battle, so no matter who is there can find any fault.

At this time, Wenjing put the small cloth bag filled with inner crystal of the first-order magic spider into the bag of heaven and earth, then looked at the night rain and asked, "elder martial sister, where are we going next?"

Not waiting for the night rain to speak, the Nightingale standing by the night rain quickly said, "sister, why don't we go there? That direction we haven't been to before! "

The night rain turned her head and found that the direction of the Nightingale's hand was just right. It was just before the night rain faintly noticed the direction of a little movement. Just now the night rain seemed to hear a voice coming over there, which sounded like Xiao Han's.

The night rain is not sure whether it is just like the sister Nightingale said, is it not for a long time to see Xiao Han that guy, so there will be such auditory hallucinations in the ear, faintly suddenly heard a sound very similar to Xiao Han's voice.

At this time, Nightingale proposed to go in that direction. It was Nightingale who was making trouble.

Ye Yu glared at the Nightingale fiercely at first. After thinking about it, he thought that Nightingale was right. Before that direction, their Emei team did not go in the direction. Anyway, the battle here is over, and it's the same everywhere.

Think of here, night rain silently read a few words in the heart, "in the past to see what is the relationship, I am not looking for Xiao Han!"

Seeing that all the team members were looking at her, waiting for her to determine the route, the night rain had to nod and say: "well, then we will go in that direction!"


The Nightingale gave a strange cry, and then ran in that direction without waiting for the other team members to start.

The Nightingale naturally felt very happy about her sister's decision.

No matter whether you can meet Xiao Han or not, it's always good to have a look in the past. Maybe you're really lucky to meet it?

Ye Yu watched the Nightingale running away happily all the way to the distance. He quickly reprimanded the nightingale. After finding that the Nightingale didn't pay any attention, Wenjing on one side said: "elder martial sister, let younger martial sister Nightingale go ahead to explore the way. Anyway, the younger martial sister successfully broke the situation a few days ago. It's just stepping into the golden elixir peak state. There should be nothing wrong with us following behind 。”

Ye Yu nodded his head first, then waved his hand to other Emei players around him, and then said, "let's go!"


when Xiao Han blows the last one level demon spider into flesh mud, the battle on the field is almost over.

Led by Xiao Han, a master of transforming the spirit into a realm, the whole battle on the field didn't last long at all.

From Xiao Han a man like a tiger down the mountain into the first-order devil spider group, the situation on the field is one-sided slaughter.

Xiao Han's naked upper body, with a strong body, is simply ignored for all the first-order magic spider's attack, but Xiao Han's one punch or one foot, whether it's knee or elbow, every level one demon spider attacked by Xiao Han's body parts is dead or disabled.

It can be said that Xiao Han completely attracted a third of the first-order magic spider attack on the field.

Moreover, Xiao Han rushed to the group of first-order magic spiders alone, where the number of first-order magic spiders was the largest. Standing in Xiao Han's position and looking out, he could not see the edge at all. All around him were the figures of first-order magic spiders.

But for Xiao Han's physical strength, even if he was an expert in the peak state of Yuan infant period, he was surrounded by hundreds of first-order magic spiders, and even if his weapons were more powerful, he would still be chopped into flesh and mud by hundreds of first-order magic spiders in the end.But Xiao Han didn't have this worry at all. With his physical strength, he didn't need to dodge those first-order magic spiders without using aura.

The only thing that makes Xiao Han feel a little bit bad is that Xiao Han's whole body is in a mess.

Xiao Han knows that if he successfully cultivates his immortal body to the second level of "glazed gold body", then Xiao Han will not only improve his physical strength by leaps and bounds. When dealing with hundreds of first-order magic spiders, even if he is trapped in a tight encirclement, Xiao Han will not let a first-order magic spider get close to his body.

In addition to Xiao Han, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team, who received Xiao Han's influence, also rushed to those first-order demon spiders.

Of course, Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren, Zhanpeng, Zhang Qi and others are not worried that Xiao Han will be injured in the heavy siege of hundreds of first-order magic spiders. The main reason is that Xiao Han has attracted most of the first-order magic spiders to his surroundings. If Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren, Zhanpeng and others do not rush in, they will not kill many first-order magic spiders Some of the first-order spiders were not attracted by Xiao Han. They didn't rush to the front of them. They didn't wait for Zhong xuanhai and others to react. Maybe those first-order magic spiders had been killed by Xiao Han.

In the end, around Xiao Han, the corpses of the first-order devil spiders are piled up into a high wall around them. If you don't jump up and look, you can't see Xiao Han in the middle of a large number of first-order devil spiders.

"Boss Xiao, we will never fight with you again!"

"That's right, you can see that there are more level one magic spiders on the field. Nearly half of the first-order magic spiders are killed by you, and we can't even grab a few."

"well, boss Xiao, you've had a good time alone. How many first-order magic spiders have we killed so far? It's not fun. It's not fun at all! "


now Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren, Zhanpeng and others have come to Xiao Han to complain. After all, the battle just like that is not interesting.

Xiao Hangang just jumped out of the pile of first-order devil spider corpses. His face and whole body were almost stained with the green flesh and blood of the first-order devil spider, which made Xiao Han look like a man who had been soaked in green paint.

Fortunately, with the improvement of his cultivation level, Xiao Han doesn't need to wash his whole body with water if he wants to clean his whole body up and down. Xiao Han can clean up and down the body without scale by pressing the spirit Qi to the surface of his body and circling it around the surface of his body.

Xiao Han cleaned his whole body up and down with aura. He found a piece of clothes from the bag of heaven and earth to put it on. Then he looked at the people who complained and said with a soft smile: "what's the hurry? Don't you think you've killed so many first-order magic spiders? Isn't that easy? When all the first-order demon spiders have been cleaned up, you two team leaders will take their own team members to search around for fear that there will be no first-order magic spider to kill you! "

One side of Li Jian complained: "Xiao boss, can this be the same? It's quite exciting to kill the first-order magic spider by your side, and you have rhythm in front of you. I think it's more vigorous to kill the first-order magic spider! "

"Go and go... You boy, be quiet!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "don't force me, hurry to clean the battlefield!"

At this time, Li Jian and others began to arrange the task without joking. They began to go to the side to clean up the first-order devil spider corpses around.

According to the process of the battle, the number of the first-order magic spiders they killed has reached nearly 600. This is the first-order magic spider that Xiao Han and his whole team have been chasing after for dozens of kilometers.

If we just kill these first-order magic spiders, it is actually enough for Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng, etc., but Xiao Han's cultivation level is already in the period of transforming God. If we only kill the first-order magic spiders, Xiao Han will feel that there is not much power to kill them.

For the present Xiao Han, it's a little better to fight with the second-order devil spider, but according to Xiao Han's current strength, even killing the second-order devil spider doesn't need much energy.

So Xiao Han naturally thought of the third-order devil spider who had never appeared.

Since Xiao Han and others have entered Penglai fairyland, they have not really seen the third-order magic spider, which makes Xiao Han feel very strange. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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