Published at 6th of March 2023 08:31:16 AM

Chapter 1174

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These nearly 20 ordinary disciples are also very clear. Although there is only one person coming to the other side, the cultivation level of the other side is already in the transformation period of flying the sword. Even if there are more than 20 people in the whole Emei sect team, they are not able to resist the other party, who is a master of transforming spirit into realm.

What's more, there are many other people staying in the same place. It's not easy for a master to transform the spirit period into a realm. I wonder if there are any similar masters in Zhonghai.

At this time, the night rain and Nightingale were staring at the figure flying closer and closer to the imperial sword in the sky. It seems that this person is a little familiar.

The main reason is that the light under the man's feet looks familiar, as if he had seen it before.

Xiao Han originally came to inquire about the situation. Besides, he was a man who transformed himself into a state of cultivation. He flew over with the sword. If the team in the distance had any bad thoughts on them, Xiao Han could also show his own strength and let them retreat in the face of difficulties.

At this time, Xiao Han, who was flying closer, looked at the team not far away and felt as if some of them had met before.

Night rain and Nightingale looked at the more fat and closer the figure, Nightingale suddenly opened his mouth, a face of shock pointed to the clear light in the air and cried out: "sister, look, it's like Xiao Han that guy!"

"Xiao Han?"

As soon as ye Yu heard Nightingale speak of this name, her face was happy at first, and then she even had a smile in her eyes, because she found that the person who came was really Xiao Han.

At this time, Xiao Han also recognized that this team was the team of Emei sect, led by the night rain and Nightingale who had not seen each other for more than a month.

It was Xiao Han who thought about it day and night. The pressure and annoyance that one person led so many team members for such a long time came to my mind like tide. If it wasn't for Nightingale and so many team members around here, the night rain would be unable to help but shed tears.

This is a sigh of relief for more than 20 talents of the whole Emei sect. It's good that the people who come are not enemies.

Xiao Han didn't expect to meet the night rain and Nightingale who had not been seen for a long time. Xiao Han grinned in the air, waved to the Nightingale and the night rain, and cried, "Hey, long time no see!"

When Xiao Hanfei gets close, he can't wait to jump down at a height of more than ten meters from the ground, and comes directly to the night rain and nightingale. Xiao Han can see clearly the thin face of Ye Yu.

At this time, the night rain looked at Xiao Han's figure and was too nervous to speak. The Nightingale had already run directly to Xiao Han, holding Xiao Han's hand, shaking and coquetting: "brother Xiao Han, I miss you so much!"


Xiao Han didn't see the Nightingale for such a long time. Suddenly, he was treated by the Nightingale so warmly and intimately. Xiao Han felt very unaccustomed for a while.

He looked awkwardly at the Nightingale and then at the rain. He laughed and couldn't speak.

The Nightingale's transformation is too big, isn't it?

At first, Xiao Han was called a villain. You are a good guy. It's good to call him by his name. But now I haven't seen him for more than a month. He has become Xiao Han's elder brother. With such a friendly name, Xiao Han is called Meng.

"Nightingale, don't make trouble, come here first!"

Night rain first reprimanded Nightingale, then arched his hand at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, long time no see!"

Xiao Han also waved to the Nightingale, which was a greeting.

At this time, Xiao Han realized that Zhong xuanhai and his people were still waiting for him there, so Xiao Han directly asked all the people of Emei sect to go down and meet again.

The Nightingale thought to herself. She thought that her Emei team had just finished a battle, and now there are no other goals and specific directions. Just follow Xiao Han to have a look. It's like taking all the members for a rest.

On the way back, Nightingale has been holding Xiao Han's hand, looking at the night rain a burst of depression, if not nightingale is her own sister, it is estimated that night rain would have been angry straight jump feet.

But the twinkling of an eye to think about the night rain feel some inexplicable strange, why she should be angry, why she is angry.

A group of night rain tangled to tangle, the face is also constantly changing, let the quiet around night rain see in the eyes want to laugh, dare not laugh.

Wenjing had seen it for a long time. Their elder martial sister clearly had Xiao Han in her heart, but she didn't dare to admit it. Now it's better for her to meet the Nightingale, who is an old and strange girl. She is helpless.

In fact, Nightingale didn't really like Xiao Han, but now I haven't seen Xiao Han for such a long time. I really miss him.

And for such a long time, Nightingale remembered that Xiao Han had taken good care of her when she was in the demon killing team. Now it's hard to meet Xiao Han again. Of course, Nightingale should take Xiao Han to reminisce about the past.

Now, Nightingale takes Xiao Han's hand and two people walk in front of the team. Yeyu and Wenjing lead other members of the Emei team to follow.After arriving at the place where Xiao Han and Zhong xuanhai fought before, the two teams joined. Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others went to greet Ye Yu and the members of the Emei sect. There were also many old acquaintances between the two sides, so the meeting was quite lively.

At this time, Xiao Han and Ye Yu, Nightingale and others sat together and chatted, while Zhong xuanhai and Guo Zimo sat beside them and chatted with other Emei members, asking each other about their recent harvest.

Xiao Han was chatting with Ye Yu. After all, he didn't meet Ye Yu for such a long time. It's deceiving to say that he doesn't miss him. But now, in front of so many people, Xiao Han is not good at talking to Ye Yu alone. It is estimated that even if the night rain is pleasant to listen, he is also embarrassed to say it in front of so many people.

But to be able to sit and chat with the night rain at such a close distance, Xiao Han is still very satisfied.

At this time, the Nightingale sitting next to Xiao Han suddenly remembered something. She took Xiao Han's hand and shook it. She pursed her lips and said, "Xiao Han, my sister and I have been bullied. Do you want to avenge us?"

Xiao Han was slightly stunned at first, and then asked: "bullying? Who bullied you? "

Nightingale first saw her sister's night rain, as if to see her sister's night rain let her say it.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly felt that the atmosphere on the field was somewhat abnormal.

After hearing the Nightingale's words, many members of the Emei sect stopped chatting and focused on Xiao Han. At the same time, many people's faces showed indignation.

Xiao Han's heart cluttered for a moment, it seems that Nightingale said someone bullied them, there is such a thing.

Xiao Han quickly asked: "Nightingale sister, tell me about it. What is going on?"

Nightingale once again looked at the night rain, found that the night rain did not mean to stop, this slowly talked about a month ago that matter.

A month ago, when the whole Emei people were killing the first-class devil spiders, they met another team. This team was not the team that followed the night rain to enter the secular world in Penglai fairyland.

There are not many people in that team, but there are two masters who can fly the sword.

After they discovered the Emei team, they found that among the whole Emei team leader, Ye Yu, the leader with the highest cultivation level, was just the cultivation realm in the middle of Yuanying period, because at that time, the night rain did not break through smoothly and reached the peak of Yuanying period.

The small sect group saw that although there were many members in the Emei sect, their overall strength was very weak, so they came forward to extort money from night and nightingale.

Originally, Ye Yu and Nightingale and other members of Emei sect refused to accept it, but there were two masters in each other's team who turned the spirit into a state of cultivation. They hit several members of Emei sect with their hands.

The strength gap between the two teams is really too big, and the night rain has no way at last. If he blindly resists and calls the people in Penglai fairyland that they should not call the ground ineffective every day, maybe those people will directly start to kill all the members of the Emei sect.

In the end, Ye Yu and others could only compromise and hand over more than 1000 first-order magic spiders harvested that day, and more than 20 other people put together a thousand inner crystals of first-order magic spiders to the team, and they were willing to give up.

Originally, I thought that the team of Emei would let them go if they had handed over more than 2000 first-order magic spider Neijing. But I didn't expect that the people in that team seemed to see Ye Yu and the two sisters of Nightingale, as well as other female disciples of Emei sect, who were pretty good-looking, and even made remarks to make fun of them.

Finally, if the night rain did not take all the members of the Emei sect to show a posture of desperate resistance, that team might not have let go of the whole Emei team so easily.

Here, the Nightingale gnawed her teeth and said, "those bad guys took our more than 2000 first-order magic spider inner crystals, but also want to make moves on us girls. I really hate them. Brother Xiao Han, if you have a chance, you must help us revenge!"

Hearing this, Xiao Han's face also became livid. After Xiao Han and other nightingales, who had been sitting in the same place for a long time, kneaded the knuckles of his two hands with a crackling sound. Anyone can see that Xiao Han was about to fall off the edge of the explosion at this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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