Published at 6th of March 2023 08:28:33 AM

Chapter 1214

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Xiao Han smile, and then with Yang Chong finally said hello, after entering the city.

After all the disciples of Xiao Han entered the city, a man came out from behind the disciple of Xuantian Temple named Yang Chong.

The disciple came to Yang Chong and asked in a low voice: "brother Chong, I can't believe that among the disciples of Penglai Xiandao, there is an expert in the peak state of transforming spirit. It seems that the people of Penglai Xiandao are not just coming to join in the meeting this time?"

Yang Chong looked at Xiao Han's back disappearing into the darkness of the city gate, and then said with a smile: "whatever he is, this kind of immortal fight can't be bothered by us. It's just a guy at the peak of the transformation period. He's not the only one in Lingxiao city. Which of the six schools doesn't have one or two of its peak levels Is there a master? "

Xiao Han was the first of all the disciples to enter the city. After paying a second-order magic spider crystal, Xiao Han was not stopped from entering the city.

After entering the city, a road paved by rocks is introduced.

In addition, there are still a lot of pedestrians on the roads in the city. Basically, they are disciples who wear the costumes of each sect.

Xiao Han looked up and saw that the middle of the road was blocked by a huge stone, and he could see that this huge stone should not have been in the middle of the road, but he didn't know who moved the stone here.

Xiao Han saw a good notice on the stone.

"All disciples who enter Lingxiao city and master whose cultivation level is above the middle stage of transforming spirit, please go to the square in the city at 3:00 p.m."

At this time, the disciples of the secular world entered the city one after another. They also found the huge notice posted on the huge stone in front of Xiao Han.

"The master whose cultivation level is above the middle stage of transforming spirit?"

Standing behind Xiao Han, Zhong xuanhai said to himself, "it seems that only those who practice Qi in the middle of the spirit period can be called masters."

At this time, Li Jian said strangely, "crouching, doesn't that mean that among so many sects, only our eldest brother Xiao can gather at night Dragon Pavilion of Wudang sect?"

Among all the people present, except the yelongxuan, the other people, including Huafeng of Huashan gate and Wang Mang of Kunlun school, all had different faces.

Judging from the content of the notice, among the more than 90 disciples from the secular world, only Xiao Han, the leader of the peak state of the transformation period, and ye Longxuan of the Wudang sect, were qualified to participate in the meeting.

That is to say, this gathering is a high-end meeting for all the Qi practitioners from all over the world who have entered Penglai fairyland and whose overall strength ranks in the front.

Xiao Han gave a faint smile, then waved to the people behind him and said, "go, let's settle down in the city now, and other things will be discussed in the long run."

He took all the disciples to the city. On both sides of the road, there were ruins everywhere. Many places beside the road were occupied by some disciples. Most of them had a white cloth in front of them, and then put the treasures they wanted to exchange and sell.

Now the whole road is full of people. Although it can't catch up with the liveliness of the fairyland in the secular world, it's really rare in Penglai fairyland.

Besides, not only Xiao Han, but other disciples of Penglai haven't seen so many people at the same time for three months.

If it wasn't for all kinds of shops on both sides of the road now, but some dilapidated walls, many people really felt that they were back in the country market of the secular world.

Now Xiao Han and his street should be the market for exchanging goods.

However, those who set up stalls are all young disciples of various sects, and their cultivation level is at least the strength above yuanyingqi. Besides, now they say they are setting up stalls, but they mainly want to exchange goods with others, or take out their surplus treasures to exchange for some good things like inner crystal of the demon spider.

In this way, there is almost no shouting or selling sound on both sides of the street as in the secular world market.

Most of the people who set up stalls are experts of various sects. Who wants to sell loudly in such an environment will not make others laugh?

Therefore, the whole street is still very quiet, only some pedestrians who like something are bargaining with the stall owner in a low voice.

Originally, Xiao Han wanted to check in the neighborhood to see if he could find some treasures that could repair the ghost. But Xiao Han thought, now that everyone is still behind him, he should take all the people to settle down first, and then come here later.

Anyway, for Xiao Han, it's only at noon, and it's still early to gather at three o'clock in the afternoon. After Xiao Han has settled down with everyone, there is still enough time for Xiao Han to come out and have a look.Most of the buildings in Lingxiao city have collapsed, only a few of them are still in good condition, but these well preserved buildings are basically occupied by people.

Looking at the debris on both sides of the road, Xiao Han guessed that the Lingxiao city should have been seriously damaged in the last immortal devil war. After that, the eight sects of human training Qi had no mind to maintain the city, so Lingxiao city has become the present one.

This street in the center of Lingxiao city is at least several kilometers long and runs through the whole city directly.

However, in the center of LingXiao City, there is a magnificent courtyard, which seems to be the place where the owner of Lingxiao city once lived.

Among all the buildings in LingXiao City, the whole courtyard is the most well preserved.

However, when Xiao Han and others went to the square in front of the courtyard, they found that there were several disciples guarding the gate. It seemed that ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

Of course, Xiao Han is not arrogant and thinks that with all the disciples of the secular world, he is qualified to live in the best courtyard of Lingxiao city.

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. In other words, there can be business where there are people.

What made Xiao Han and others very surprised was that in addition to the existence of such stalls on both sides of the road to exchange goods, there were also many people who could think of any way to earn first-class magic spider inner crystal.

In addition to the street into the city, which is mainly used to exchange all kinds of treasures, there are also many places where people start all kinds of small businesses in other streets of Lingxiao city.

Some people took out all kinds of good wine stored in the bags of heaven and earth. They found a house on both sides of the street that was not seriously damaged. After a little repair, they opened the wine shop.

It seems that the business is still very good.

However, if you want to drink, the price is still very high. A bottle of the most common wine needs at least 20 first-order magic spider crystals. As for the price of better wine, it is even higher. It is not uncommon to replace 50 or 60 first-order magic spider inner crystals for a bottle of wine.

And this kind of wine shop is more than one in Lingxiao city.

It seems that among the disciples in the world of eight directions, there are many people who like drinking.

After all, even though there are only dozens of wine bags sold in Qiankun's liquor store, even if the price is limited, it is not the reason why the so-called Qiankun liquor store is closed down.

As for other businesses, some of the disciples with low cultivation level took out the things in the bag of heaven and earth to set up stalls and set up sites. There are many kinds of businesses, such as a baked cake, a first-order magic spider crystal, a roasted chicken, and five first-order magic spider inner crystals.

Of course, Xiao Han and others seem to find it interesting, but they still appreciate this kind of behavior.

Although the cultivation level of each sect disciple is limited, and some people may not kill a lot of first-order magic spiders, it is admirable to take some extra materials from the heaven and earth bags between them to exchange the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider.

No matter how high the price is, it is also a matter of willing to fight and suffer. It is better than Yan Wushuang and Yan Wudi who burned the heaven palace.

Xiao Han took all the people in the deepest part of Lingxiao city and finally found a courtyard suitable for all disciples of the secular world to live in.

This place should have belonged to a person of high status. The whole yard covers a large area. Although the damage is serious, we can still see how luxurious it was at the time of discharge.

The only bad thing is that the buildings in the courtyard are basically collapsed.

However, it doesn't matter to Xiao Han and his people. Anyway, Xiao Han and his people have prepared a lot of tents in the heaven and earth bags. With such a large area, it is more suitable for settling all the disciples of the secular world.

Xiao Han quickly called out: "everybody settle down here now, other things wait for me and night dragon Xuan to have a meeting and come back to make plans again!"

In this way, all the clansmen went to the yard to find their own place to settle down.

Fortunately, the walls around the courtyard are basically well preserved, but the gate of the yard has been damaged. However, for all the disciples present, there is no difference in whether there is a gate in the yard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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