Published at 6th of March 2023 08:28:30 AM

Chapter 1215

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Xiao Han took Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team to set up camp near the gate of the yard.

This move made the disciples in other teams pay more respect to Xiao Han.

Although it is now in the LingXiao City, but relatively speaking, the location near the gate is the most dangerous. Once something happens, Xiao Han's evil killing team still has to bear the greatest pressure.

Xiao Han didn't think it was so complicated. For him, the location of the gate is just convenient to go out, which is one of the main reasons why Xiao Han chose the gate.

After all the people settled down, Xiao Han still reminded the disciples not to walk around Lingxiao city if there was nothing important.

If you really have something important to do, you should at least get a few people to go with you. Otherwise, once you are alone, you may encounter someone who burned Tiangong in the Lingxiao city. Then it will be troublesome.

At this time, Huafeng of Huashan gate said: "Xiao Han, otherwise, if someone wants to go out, such as to go shopping on the market, it's better for the leaders of our team to take them with them. In this way, we can take care of each other."

Xiao Han thought about it for a while, and thought that it was good. There was also a care for each other. Once something happened, the leaders of each team should be able to hold on for a period of time.

Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "we have just arrived in Lingxiao city. Now we are not very clear about the situation in the city, so we should be careful. We don't bully others, but someone bullies our head, so we can't just let it go!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Han went on to say, "we should be especially careful of the disciples of the burning heaven palace. Don't have a direct conflict with them. As for the two brothers Yan Wushuang and Yan Wudi who burned Tiangong, I will settle accounts with them sooner or later."

After that, Xiao Han said hello to Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and others, and prepared to leave for a stroll in the street.

Li Jian ran after him and asked, "boss Xiao, do you want us to go with you?"

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile, "no, I'll go to the street to find out if there's anything I want to buy. You can also go shopping with other clan teams."

Next, Xiao Han went to the street at the gate of the city alone.

There are a lot of pedestrians on the road. Basically, they are disciples of different sects. Although Xiao Han thinks that the accent of every world is the same, there is no problem in communication.

There are all kinds of businesses in Lingxiao city. No matter Xiao Han is not interested in these things, Xiao Han just wants to find out whether he can find some treasures to repair the soul in the market.

Xiao Han deliberately restrained his breath when he was shopping. Coupled with his dusty appearance, he looked like an ordinary disciple who had just arrived at Lingxiao city from outside. He was not very impressive among the crowd.

Most of the buildings in Lingxiao city have been damaged, especially the buildings on both sides of the street have basically collapsed. Only a few buildings can stand.

Xiao Han found some characteristics of Lingxiao city.

Those who can occupy a shop on both sides of the street that have not yet collapsed are basically good schools. For example, those who can open a wine shop, and those who are responsible for the purchase of wine and the gatekeepers are mostly disciples in the same clothes, which shows that the wine shop is controlled by one of the cultivation sects in the world.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han thinks it's a good way to earn first-order magic spider crystal.

As for the dozens of disciples in the secular world, if everyone has dozens of goods in their bags, they can put all the goods together to start business after they arrive in Lingxiao city.

No matter what it is, as long as it is used by Qi practitioners, there is definitely a market in Lingxiao city. A bottle of ordinary wine can sell 20 first-class magic spider inner crystals in Lingxiao city. As for better wine, it should sell at least 70-80 first-order magic spider inner crystals, which is absolutely profitable.

If you can sell 70 or 80 bottles of good wine in a day, it will be a lot of income.

Xiao Han just passed two pubs and found that many people bought wine and took them away directly. Some disciples bought wine and sat on the table provided by the shop to drink with their companions. It seems that they are not different from the small taverns in the secular world.

Xiao Han didn't dare to be interested in wine. Xiao Han could drink wine. If he drank ten bottles of eight bottles, he would not get drunk. However, what Xiao Han didn't like was the taste of the wine.

Xiao Han is not a good drinker, but it seems that many of the practitioners in the world like to drink. Otherwise, there would not be so good business in those wine shops.

In one shop, Xiao Han also saw several people wearing clothes of burning heaven palace. It looked like a pill shop selling various kinds of pills.

It seems that there are a lot of disciples of burning heaven palace who have entered Penglai fairyland. At least the disciples of burning heaven palace in that shop are the ones that Xiao Han has never seen before. At least, it shows that these people are not people who follow Yan Wushuang and Yan Wudi.Among the disciples who have entered the burning heaven palace, there are those who have higher cultivation level and strength than Yan Wushuang and Yan Wudi, but Xiao Han has not met them yet.

Although it was said that it was incomparable with the Yan who burned the heaven palace before. Yan Wudi and others had a conflict, but Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength were enough to protect himself, but he was not afraid of people burning Tiangong to find trouble again.

I went to the market I saw before. Now I'm wandering around the two sides of the market. I want to see if I can find the treasure to repair the ghost.

Xiao Han's master, Xu daoren, is still on that piece of white suede now. Xiao Han doesn't know how long he can hold on to it.

Xiao Han is now in Penglai fairyland again. If he wants to find a treasure that can restore the soul, his only hope is to try his luck in the market of Lingxiao city.

At this time, a young man dressed as a Taoist came across the crowd. He looked only eighteen or nine years old. After walking in front of Xiao Han, he just blocked his way.

Before Xiao Han could react, the young Taoist priest came up to Xiao Han and took out a small porcelain vase from his sleeve. He said mysteriously, "this big brother, I have something good here. Do you want it? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can't miss it!"

Xiao Han looked up and down at the young Taoist priest. His dark green Taoist uniform was dirty. He could barely distinguish the original color of his eyes, but the seven or eight patches on it were too conspicuous.

I don't know how long this guy hasn't changed his clothes. His whole body smells sour.

This little Taoist is very young, but he looks very ugly. In addition to a pair of very smart eyes, his facial features are really a little sorry for the audience.

Xiao Han looked at the Taoist priest in front of him, and his face showed strange deep feelings.

Now encounter this scene, Xiao Han in the secular world has encountered more than once.

Walking in the street, a person came out from the side of the cold, and then took out a mobile phone mysteriously: brother, want a mobile phone no, the latest Apple x, only 900 yuan, the original price to more than 9000 yuan, now 900 yuan to sell you, do you want?

Anyway, it's still early, and Xiao Han is not in a hurry to go anywhere. Now a little Taoist priest suddenly comes out to promote the above things. Xiao Han is very curious about what the little porcelain bottle in this guy's hand is.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han Rao tou was interested in looking at the little Taoist priest. Xiao Han had already seen that although he was only 18-9 years old, he was already at the peak of the golden elixir period.

At such a young age, he was able to cultivate to the peak of the golden elixir period, which shows that the talent and root of this little guy are still good. At least he can enter Penglai fairyland. This shows that when the entrance of Penglai fairyland was opened three months ago, his cultivation level was at least the cultivation of the early golden elixir period. Otherwise, he would not be able to pass Penglai Entrance to fairyland.

"Oh? What good stuff do you have here Xiao Han asked with a smile.

The little Taoist looked around and said mysteriously, "elder brother, let's borrow one to talk. There are many people here, so it's not convenient to say some words."

At this time, Xiao Han has determined that the little Taoist's things must be used to deceive people. If it is really a good thing, if you want to sell it first, you need to have such trouble. If you set up a stall on both sides of the street, you will naturally have people who know the goods to ask for the price.

However, Xiao Han now wants to know about the situation in Lingxiao city. It seems that this little Taoist has been in Lingxiao city for more than one day. He must know more than Xiao Han.

Now this little Taoist priest motioned Xiao Han to speak in the place where there was no one nearby. Xiao Han was also an expert in art. He followed the little Taoist directly to a lane on the street.

The little Taoist saw that Xiao Han was very cooperative and followed him, which showed that there was drama.

Although the person in front of him is not a few years older than him, and even his breath is very ordinary, but this kind of person is better for him to cheat.

Seeing that no one around him noticed the movement, the little Taoist said in a low voice: "ha ha! Elder brother, I think you are also a blessed person. Otherwise, the good things in my hand will not meet you! "

Xiao Han was not interested in what he had in his hand, but he was still very cooperative and asked, "after talking for a long time, you didn't say what kind of good thing you had in your hand! You're not a liar, are you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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