Published at 6th of March 2023 08:25:40 AM

Chapter 1251

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How can a team that can kill more than 80000 first-order magic spiders in a day be a shoddy army?

At least no one dares to say that Xiao Han and his team on the top of the mountain are all miscellaneous soldiers.

Moreover, Xie Jianyun and several other mountain leaders have seen the note with their own eyes. It clearly says that Xiao Han has killed more than 20000 first-class magic spiders in one day.

What is the concept of killing 20000 first-order magic spiders by one person?

Among the ten people present, I'm afraid only a few people like Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the Tiangong temple, and the withered wood master of Prajna temple, and so on?

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the temple of heaven, saw that it was almost the same now, and began to call all the people in charge of the mountain to come to discuss the matter.

Today's war situation can be said to be very fierce. Although all the Terran Qi practitioners have killed a large number of first-order magic spiders, there are so many first-order magic spiders in Penglai fairyland. Even if they kill so many first-order magic spiders today, there is no difference in other than harvesting a lot of inner crystals of first-order magic spiders.

At least up to now, the second level magic spider has not appeared on the battlefield, and as we all know, since the strong people of the demon clan can drive the first level magic spider to fight for them, they can certainly drive the second level magic spider. The reason why there is no second level magic spider in today's battle is probably because the strong man of the demon clan intends to weigh it with the first level magic spider The strength of all Terran gas practitioners. In this way, in the next battle, the demon strongmen will know the overall strength of the Terran gas practitioners.

Therefore, according to the speculation of Xiao Han and others, it is estimated that a large number of second-order magic spiders will appear on the battlefield in the next day's battle.

In this way, it will be very difficult for all Terran Qi practitioners to fight tomorrow. After all, the overall combat effectiveness of the second-order magic spider is much greater than that of the first-order magic spider.

During the discussion, the atmosphere on the field was quite dignified. All the people present were the top experts among the Terrans and the leaders in charge of various mountains. Naturally, they were very familiar with the battle situation of today's day.

At the end of today's day, although it is said that the Terran Qi practitioners have gained a lot and killed a large number of first-order magic spiders, the number of inner crystals of magic spiders is also unprecedented. According to the truth, as long as you give us some time to refine all the first-order magic spider crystals, the cultivation level and strength of all Terran Qi practitioners will be greatly improved.

However, how could the strong men of the demon clan give the Terrans so much time to practice Qi? As long as we have passed this evening and from tomorrow, the second-order magic spider will begin to appear on the battlefield, and there are also strong demons in the rear.

This is still the case that the strong ones of the demon clan have not made a move. Now, among the whole Terran practitioners, no one has ever played with the strong ones of the demon clan. There is only a rough estimate of the strength of the powerful demons.

At this time, Xiao Han, who has been quietly listening to the discussion on the field, suddenly thought of a thing.

After the strong demons appeared in Penglai fairyland, they should be stationed in a place not far from LingXiao City, otherwise they would not have arrived near Lingxiao city at dawn.

The strong of the demon clan can drive the magic spider, but all the magic spiders, no matter they are first-order or second-order, have a great weakness. That is, after dark, they basically lose their ability to move. In this way, even if there are a large number of first-order magic spiders around the strong demons in the evening, they will basically lose the ability to fight.

So Xiao Han came up with a bold plan.

What if, after dark, some of the Terrans sent some of the strongmen to attack the camp where the demons were stationed?

First of all, after dark, those magic spiders around the strong demons are basically not a threat to the Terran Qi practitioners. The powerful demons have no way to stop the steps of the Terrans by virtue of the magic spiders.

Second, after dark, although it is said that the evil spirits in Penglai fairyland began to move out, it is much easier to deal with evil spirits than to deal with those magic spiders in the daytime.

If the Terran gas practitioners can send a small team strong enough to attack the camp of the demons, they should be able to surprise the demons.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han coughed a few times. After everyone's attention was focused on him, Xiao Han said softly: "now our whole Lingxiao city's Terran air trainers are in a very unfavorable defensive situation. This situation will be more and more unfavorable to us. So I have a proposal. Although it is bold, I think I can try it Down

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, and the withered wood master of Prajna temple, were all slightly stunned. Zhang Xiaoqiang then said, "Xiao Han, tell me your proposal!"

Xiao Han then said: "in the daytime, there are a lot of magic spiders around the strong demons, so as long as the strong demons don't come out, we have no way but to defend passively. But in the evening, all the magic spiders have lost their ability to move. I think we can send a team with strong ability to attack the camp of the demon clan."

Sneak attack on the demon camp?

Xiao Han's proposal made other Terran masters on the field very surprised.Xiao Han saw that everyone was shocked. He also knew that this idea was too weird. However, it was because this idea was so bold that not only the practitioners of their clan could not think of it, but also those strong people of the demon clan would not even think that the strong people of the human race who were in the defensive situation would dare to attack their camp.

So Xiao Han went on to say: "so far, those demons have not made a move, and we have no way to judge the overall strength of the powerful demons. In addition to seeing if we can eliminate several strong demons, we can also test the whole strength of the demons.

At the end of the day today, the powerful demons drove so many first-class demons to attack us. Originally, they wanted to weigh the overall strength of our Terrans in Penglai fairyland. If so, why can't we Terrans go up and weigh the overall strength of the demons? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Kuki master and others all fell into deep meditation. Xiao Han was right. He sneaked into the camp where the powerful people of the demon clan were stationed. I'm afraid no one would have thought that the strong men of the demon clan would have the courage to attack the camp when it was dark.

It is because of this, as long as the Terrans are strong enough in the past, they may not only be able to weigh the overall strength of the demons, but also eliminate some of the demons' living forces.

At this time, Xie Jianyun of the sky snake League suddenly sneered: "sneak attack on the demon camp? Xiao Han, I think your plan is too far from the mark? You have said that we do not know the overall strength of the powerful demon clan. If we rashly attack, we may not take advantage of it, and finally we will lose a lot of money? "

Speaking of this, Xie Jianyun quickly added: "Xiao Han, I'm not saying this because I don't see you right. It's because you and I don't see each other right. It's because I think your plan is a little too fantastic. It's just a joke about the lives of all the people's clan disciples."

"That's right, I don't think that's right. At night, although all the magic spiders have lost their fighting power, there will still be a lot of evil spirits around the camp of the powerful demon clan. At that time, whether we can get to the camp of the demon clan is a big problem, let alone attack the other party's camp!"

"I also agree with Xie Jianyun. This plan seems to be unexpected, but in fact it is no different from death. Even if the people we send out can really fight with the strong ones of the demon clan, can the people sent out come back alive? I'm afraid only God knows that! "

Xie Jianyun said that here, the leaders of several hills around him nodded in a hurry. It seems that they also agree with Xiao Han's plan.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who originally burned the temple of heaven, and master withered wood of Prajna temple were still somewhat moved. However, after careful consideration, it seems that what Xie Jianyun and others have said is also very reasonable.

Xiao Han thought about it, not that Xie Jianyun and his people were unreasonable, but that Xie Jianyun and his people were too forward-looking and backward. If so, the so-called attack camp should not be thought about, and obediently guard around LingXiao City, waiting for the powerful demon clan to attack with evil spiders!

Xiao Han said faintly: "this is just a proposal of mine. If everyone is against it, then forget it. I'm just saying so!"

Said here, Xiao Han no longer makes a sound.

At this time, the withered wood master of Prajna Temple chuckled: "I think Xiao Han's proposal is still good. If you really want to send someone to sneak camp, you should make a good plan from the beginning to the end. Maybe it is really feasible."

Xie Jianyun snorted coldly, "is it feasible? I don't know. I just think it doesn't make any difference to send people to sneak camp like this!"

Not only Xie Jianyun, but several other people around Xie Jianyun are also impatient. It seems that as long as Xie Jianyun opposes something, they are all against it, especially the proposal put forward by Xiao Han.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, was embarrassed on the field, he stood up and said, "well, Xiao Han's proposal is still good, but the most important thing for us now is to find a way to deal with the attack of the demons tomorrow. Everyone has guessed that from tomorrow, there will be many second-order demons on the battlefield. In this way, we people will have a lot of second-order demons The casualties on this side of the clan will certainly increase a lot, so let's discuss together whether there are any countermeasures? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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