Published at 6th of March 2023 08:20:29 AM

Chapter 1333

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Xiao Han knew that when he heard Xiao Han coming back, the night rain must have been waiting outside the hall for the first time. However, Xiao Han and Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, and the dead wood master of Prajna temple, they discussed affairs in the hall, so the night rain failed to find Xiao Han at the first time.

Night rain's mood Xiao Han can understand, so this time Xiao Han looked at a face anxious night rain, but smile special happy.

At this time, night rain see Xiao Han in addition to pale some other things, so that really put down the heart.

"Xiao Han, do you know that you scared me to death? I beg you to stop fighting like this in the future. Why do you always go to the demon camp alone?"

Listening to the night rain full of complaining words, Xiao Han grinned and did not speak.

Ye Yu knows Xiao Han's temper. Things like today are not true once or twice. In fact, Ye Yu also knows that Xiao Han is not only for himself, but also for the sake of all the people practicing Qi in Lingxiao city.

Don't say that night rain, even Xiao Han himself has no way to change his character, this is not impulsive recklessness, this is responsibility and responsibility.

At this time, many disciples around were waiting to see what happened. So when Xiao Han, master withered wood of Prajna temple and Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned heaven palace and others, came out, they found that no one stood up to say anything to them, and they just ended up.

This is what situation, before Xiao Han's appearance is not in a hurry to return to Lingxiao city?

Before Xiao Han returned to LingXiao City, did not rush to the main hall to discuss?

Why did it end up all of a sudden?

Xiao Han is about to take the night rain's hand back to the station, found that almost all people's eyes are on their own body.

Xiao Han knew that these disciples were waiting to hear the news, so he laughed and then said, "OK, there's nothing else. Let's go back. There won't be any war in these three days. After three days, the demons will come back again. So we should have a good rest and take time to practice After three days, it's going to be a tense battle! "

After saying that, Xiao Han really took the night rain to go.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned heaven palace, and Kuki, master of Prajna, left without saying a word, not to mention Luo Qianqian of the sun moon god Pavilion and Yang Kang of Linglong Academy. Xiao Han came forward to explain them, and they had no need to speak.

At this time, the night rain has been used to Xiao Han holding hands in the middle of LingXiao City, no longer feel embarrassed.

Yesterday, Xiao Han fought with magic Shuai Berg of the demon clan outside Lingxiao city. Ye Yu was around to see Xiao Han in a daze after fighting with Berg. Today, Xiao Han went out to look for the hiding place of the demons in the daytime. When he came back, he heard that Xiao Han was injured. As a result, Ye Yu was afraid of losing Xiao Han You will know how to cherish.

"Xiao Han, is nothing really happening?"

Night rain or want to go back to the night.

Originally, Xiao Han didn't want that important news to be known by Ye Yu. After all, this news is not good news for all the people practicing Qi in Lingxiao city. In order to avoid causing the pessimism of the night rain, when he was in the hall before, Xiao Han thought that besides a few people from the demon killing team, he would follow the night dragon Xuan and Kunlun sect of Wudang school at most Wang Mang and others said it was ok, and the others would not inform.

But now Xiao Han was questioned by the night rain. After thinking about it, Xiao Han still nodded with a bitter smile and said: "I didn't want to tell you, but I don't want to make you worry too much. Now that you ask me, I'll tell you!"

"Well! You say, what's going on! "

Night rain felt Xiao Han's face a little dignified, she knew that Xiao Han's next thing must be a very important thing, otherwise Xiao Han would not have a serious expression.

Xiao Han thought about it and then said, "today I went out to find the hiding place of the demon clan. It should be about to find it. Suddenly, a demon master stopped me on the way."

"Demon master? Stopped you? "

Hear here, the night rain feel very strange, a demon master just, will Xiao Han stop?

Isn't it magic Berg?

In the battle outside Lingxiao city last night, Ye Yu saw with his own eyes that magic Shuai Berg was cut off an arm by Xiao Han, and then ran away with all the demon masters. In the station of doing heaven, even with the strength of magic Shuai Berg, he should have been greatly wounded?

According to the truth, the demon master who intercepted Xiao Han on the way today should not be magic Shuai Berg. Otherwise, Xiao Han was stopped by Berg on the way.

The night rain thought about it. "Xiao Han, you mean that the demon master who intercepts you is not magic Shuai Berg, right?"Xiao Han shook his head and said, "it's not!"

Ye Yu then asked: "a demon master who stands up to intercept you, and is not magic Shuai Berg, but also fought with you. It seems that you have been hurt a little. So, even if the strength of this demon master is not as good as magic Berg, but after a fight with you, it can make you hurt, that is to say, the strength of the demon master is also quite strong, and Not much worse than magic Berg? "

Xiao Han also admired the analysis ability of the night rain. He just said such a short paragraph. The night rain analyzed so much information from this paragraph. It seems that the girl is not stupid.

But even the night rain did not think of that intercept their own demon master is what strength.

Xiao Han positively said: "you're only half right. The demon master who intercepted me is not Berg, and he didn't fight with me. When I confronted him, he only gave a punch, but I didn't catch it. All of them were injured?"

"Ah? A punch? "

The night rain couldn't help but cry.

Ye Yu's face was also surprised.

For Xiao Han's strength, the night rain is no longer able to understand.

Last night, the night rain saw Xiao Han recover from his serious injury and was unconscious. By chance, he poured his aura into his body to resist the erosion of the evil Qi, and then he successfully broke through the realm and entered the middle stage of enlightenment.

Moreover, Xiao Han is also the only master in the Lingxiao city of Zhenge, who is the most powerful person in the whole Lingxiao city. Even the withered wood master of Prajna temple and Zhang Xiaoqiang who burned heaven Palace are not Xiao Han's opponents.

What's more, last night, Ye Yu saw Xiao Han kill Xie Jianyun of Tian she league with a sword.

Although Xie Jianyun was not as good as Xiao Han, he was also one of the top six masters in Lingxiao city. Xiao Han killed him so easily. You can imagine how powerful Xiao Han is.

Besides, Xiao Han broke the state last night, and his overall strength and cultivation level were greatly improved. Even if he met magic shuaiberg in his heyday, at least it can be said that he won steadily?

However, Xiao Han said that the demon master who stood up to intercept him only one punch, which made Xiao Han hurt, and Xiao Han did not catch the fist of that demon master.

From this point of view, that is to say, the demon master who stands up to intercept Xiao Han is much more powerful than Xiao Han.

The strength of the demon master is much higher than that of Xiao Han, which means that the strength of that demon master is even higher than that of magic Shuai Berg.

Ye Yu looks at Xiao Han in surprise. From Xiao Han's look, Xiao Han doesn't seem to be making up a story. Besides, Ye Yu knows that although Xiao Han likes to joke a lot, he doesn't look like a joke now.

"Who are you? In the ranks of the demons, there is a person whose realm and strength are even higher than magic Sandberg?"

Xiao Han grinned and nodded. It seems that the head of Yeyu is also very smart. Some basic information tells her, and she can calculate it.

Xiao Han is still very satisfied with this point. As a woman of Xiao Han, it can't be a silly woman with big chest and no brain. At least, it should be worthy of Xiao Han's own intelligence?

The night rain saw Xiao Han nodding, and then he said with surprise: "so, in the demons' team, one of the first experts was Berger. In fact, there are people in the demon group whose cultivation level and strength are much higher than him? Do you think that master has been hiding in the ranks of the demons? "

"It should be like this. The master of the demon clan is covered in a big black robe. After fighting with those demons around Lingxiao city for such a long time, I really haven't seen a demon master with his whole body covered under the big black robe!" Xiao Han nodded, then said all.

The night rain pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of a very critical issue.

If the demon master who stood up to intercept Xiao Han just hit Xiao Han, who was already in the middle stage of the tongxuan period, it means that the overall strength of that demon master is not a little bit more than that of Xiao Han, at least more than one realm than the master in the middle period of tongxuan period.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Han be hurt with just one punch, and Xiao Han just said it clearly. Xiao Han didn't catch the fist of that demon master. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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