Published at 6th of March 2023 08:20:18 AM

Chapter 1339

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"Xiao Han, when the disciples of the heavenly snake League came to you, you didn't seem to mean to start with them?" he asked softly as he walked along

"Ha ha, how can you see that?"

"Do you think I am stupid? Can't I see that when the disciples of the heavenly snake League come to you, there is no murderous spirit in your whole body, which means you didn't intend to fight them in the first place

"You are wrong!"

The night rain Leng way: "isn't it? How could I have guessed wrong? Don't you think so

Xiao Han said with a smile: "in fact, I didn't think so before. What I thought was that if they really started at me, I would knock them out one by one, and then take out the rope to tie up all the disciples of the ten Heavenly snake alliance. When they wake up and refuse to stop, I will not let them go. I will tie them all the time! Hahaha...

looking at Xiao Han's bad smile, the night rain turned white, and Xiao Han said, "as soon as you get happy, you start to be dishonest!"

"Who said I was not serious?"

The night rain rightfully said: "I, is what I said how!"

Xiao Han looked at the night rain from top to bottom, and then said with a bad smile: "well, since you say I am not serious, I will not show you serious!"

Said, Xiao Han stretched out his hand directly to the armpit of the night rain.

"Ah... Help! Don't... Don't... I'm afraid... I'm ticklish! "

In the alley, Xiao Han and the night rain have been reverberating with the sound of laughter. All the people who have passed by unintentionally shake their heads. What they can't imagine is that Xiao Han, the first expert in LingXiao City, how to play and make a scene like a teenager?

In a word, Xiao Han's good image in their mind completely collapsed.


just now, the disciples of the ten Heavenly snake alliance stopped Xiao Han and Ye Yu and staged a big scene of revenge, which made Xiao Han cry and laugh.

At the beginning, Xiao Han didn't feel very good about the disciples of the tianshe League because of Xie Jianyun's relationship. After all, they were all disciples of the tianshe League. For Xiao Han, the disciple of Chongxu sect, he was inevitably filled with resentment.

Fortunately, Xiao Han knows that the overall situation is the most important thing, so he has never been against other disciples of the clan. Even after killing Xie Jianyun directly last night, Xiao Han didn't think about fighting those disciples of the tianshe League immediately. After all, Xiao Han's mind is all on how to deal with the demons.

However, the disciples of the tianshe League suddenly came out and made people laugh and cry, which made Xiao Han feel pity. After all, Xiao Han is the same now. Not every disciple of the tianshe League should die. The mountain of Chongxu gate is occupied and the disciples of the sect are killed. The main culprit is those senior officials of the tianshe League There is nothing wrong with the ordinary disciples.

Therefore, Xiao Han decided that as long as the disciples of tianshe League didn't take the initiative to provoke Xiao Han, Xiao Han would never do anything to them.

Originally, after Xiao Han killed Xie Jianyun last night, although it was said that Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, and the withered wood master of Prajna temple were responsible for suppressing them, Xiao Han was really worried that the disciples of the heavenly snake alliance would be very evil from their hearts to be bold, and would be reckless to attack Xiao Han or his subordinates.

Even if Xiao Hanyi is brave, and his cultivation level and strength should not be worried about those disciples of the tianshe League, but those who follow Xiao Han, such as Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team, and Yeyu and Nightingale of the Emei sect, do not have that level of cultivation and strength after all Xiao Han is really worried that something will happen.

After all, it's easy to hide an open gun, but hard to defend a hidden arrow.

Now, Xiao Han doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing at all.

So after just that scene, Xiao Han's mood suddenly brightened a lot, so he had this idea and started to play with the night rain on the street.

When Xiao Han and Ye Yu chased me and I chased you to the gate of the station, Xiao Han and Ye Yu found that almost all the people were waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

Why are you

Xiao Han looked puzzled at Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team, those standing behind Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren, yelongxuan of Ruo Wudang school, Wang Mang of Kunlun school and Huafeng of Huashan gate.

Zhong xuanhai of the demon killing team stood up and said, "boss Xiao, we heard that you came back, but you were a little injured, so we sent the night rain to inquire about the situation. We are all here waiting for the news of the night rain!"

Zhong xuanhai of the demon killing team said this is true. Before they heard that Xiao Han returned to Lingxiao city from the outside, they also heard that Xiao Han seemed to be injured. They all had a close relationship with Xiao Han. Originally, they planned to wait outside the main hall, and when Xiao Han came out, they would see how Xiao Han was.Later, the night rain suggested that she should wait outside the hall and let all other people wait at the door for news.

When the night rain heard this, it suddenly occurred to me that everyone was waiting for her news here, and she... Was spreading with Xiao Han in the street.

Night rain small face red, this time is really a little embarrassed, fortunately now all people's eyes are almost on Xiao Han's body, but no one noticed the abnormal night rain.

Xiao Han laughed and arched his hands at all the people present and said, "thank you for your concern. Don't you think I'm good?"

After seeing Xiao Han, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team gradually put their hearts down. Although Xiao Han now says that his face is still a little pale, it can be seen that Xiao Han has suffered some injuries before, but it seems that Xiao Han's complexion is still good and his mental state is very good, so they are completely relieved.

Previously, Xiao Han went to find the hiding place of the demons alone. To say, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team did not worry that it was fake.

But they also have no way ah, Xiao Han decided that they can not change, even if they want to dissuade it is also in vain.

What's more, Xiao Han is now in the state of cultivation in the middle of the period of enlightenment. If they go there, they may not only be unable to help him, but also drag him down and distract him at the critical time.

At this time, Tian Daren, who killed the devil team, seemed to think of a very critical problem. He stood up and asked: "boss Xiao, isn't magic Berg injured? How can there be someone among the demons who can hurt you! "

Xiao Han laughed and then said, "I was looking for the hiding place of the demons. On the way, I was intercepted by more than a dozen demon masters, so I got hurt. It seems that the demon masters have taken precautions in advance. I guess even if I continue to follow up, they will try their best to stop me and prevent me from finding their hiding place, Then I'll have to go back halfway. "

Xiao Han thought about it for a while, but he decided not to let out for the time being that a demon king level super master suddenly appeared in the demon clan team. After all, many people practicing Qi in the presence were not high in cultivation and strength. If Xiao Han really told the truth, Xiao Han was worried that it would affect his morale, so he casually said a reason and prepared for it Well, excuse me.

Fortunately, the people present have always believed in Xiao Han's words, so they didn't think much when they heard Xiao Han say so.

However, Xiao Han still noticed that there was a little doubt in the eyes of night dragon Xuan of Wudang school and Wang Mang of Kunlun school, but in the end, they still did not speak.

Seeing Xiao Han safe and sound, the people present were much more relaxed.

"Mr. Xiao, you said that the whole clan Qi practitioners in Lingxiao city had a day off today. What about tomorrow? Will those demons appear outside Lingxiao city tomorrow

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, are we going to have a war tomorrow?"


obviously, all the people present are very concerned about this issue. After all, after such a fierce battle many days ago, all of a sudden, today we have a rest day and have nothing to do all day. Many people feel very good.

Now Xiao Han is back, perhaps for the devil's movement to understand clearly, so this question is most suitable for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han laughed and then said, "by the way, I'm going to explain this problem to them! Last night, magic Shuai Berg was cut off by me all the time. It seems that he is very weak. I don't think he can recover completely in three days. That is to say, in three days, those demon masters will not appear in Penglai fairyland! "

"Really? That would be great! "

"Ha ha, I can finally relax for a few days!"

"Yes, three days is enough for us to have a good rest."


just after Xiao Han's words came to an end, almost all the disciples of the sect were beaming with joy. Even yelongxuan of Wudang sect and Wang Mang of Kunlun sect could show the joy on their faces.

It's also true that after such a long period of fierce fighting, so many disciples of the sect must be very happy to have a good rest for a few days.

What's more, Xiao Han also knows that he should combine work with rest, and he can't be tense all the time. Otherwise, after a long time, don't mention the disciples of the sect who transform the spirit into the realm. Even Xiao Han feels that he can't bear it.

Seeing everyone's elated appearance, Xiao Han also secretly sighed a sigh.

After three days, if there is no accident, those demon masters will definitely appear outside Lingxiao city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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