Published at 6th of March 2023 08:19:27 AM

Chapter 1351

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It seems that there have been several times did not see Yan Wushuang's younger brother Yan Wudi, so Xiao Han was a little curious, then stopped, turned his head and asked, "why didn't you see your brother Yan Wudi?"

Xiao Han suddenly stopped to ask him, Yan Wushuang was slightly stunned, then Yan Wushuang's eyes were red, and almost fell into tears.

Yan Wushuang lowered his head and said sadly, "my brother was attacked by two demons a few days ago. He died on the spot."

Xiao Han sighed gently, and then said to Yan Wushuang: "it's a pity... I'm sorry!"

Xiao Han shakes his head and walks to the outside of the wine shop, leaving behind only the stunned Hui Shao and the moving Yan Wushuang.


after Xiao Han left, the noise in the tavern gradually recovered. At this time, many people were talking secretly. Naturally, the topic was Xiao Han who had just walked out from here.

To say that the speed of Xiao Han's growth can only be described by terror. In a short period of more than a month, Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength have made rapid progress.

When Xiao Han first appeared in the LingXiao City, although he was still in the limelight, he was not so far as he is now. However, after defeating magic Shuai Berg that night, Xiao Han succeeded in breaking through the realm of cultivation by chance. He was the first person in Lingxiao city to live directly in the cultivation realm in the middle of the general metaphysics period. So, who dares to look down on Xiao Cold?

Moreover, from a lot of things, Xiao Han's conduct was well-known in the whole Lingxiao city at that time. Everyone was peaceful and had a good temper, and he was also very generous in dealing with people. So when Xiao Han left, the tavern rang with admiration for Xiao Han.

At this time, Hui Shao slowly walked to the position just now, and then Hui Shao took up the glass and poured a mouthful of wine.

Hui Shao's face is a little gloomy. After all, Xiao Han just said that he didn't give much face. He didn't release much kindness for Hui Shao's flattering behavior. Xiao Han was polite to the bartender who had just burned heaven palace. Finally, he took out some second-order magic spider inner crystals to give the bartender as a tip, which made huishao even more angry.

But even if Xiao Han has gone, Hui Shao does not dare to show any dissatisfaction. After all, if this kind of thing reaches Xiao Han's ears, Hui Shao will be in trouble.

Now Xiao Han's strength that but will be able to light less out of the degree.

We should know that Xie Jianyun of liantian snake League was cut into more than ten pieces by Xiao Han's sword. In terms of strength, Xie Jianyun of huishao liantian snake league can't match him. How can he be better than Xiao Han?

Yan Wushuang, who is sitting opposite huishao, looks at huishao's reaction and laughs at him. Just now huishao went to please Xiao Han. Originally, he wanted to ease the tension between him and Xiaohan. However, he didn't expect that huishao did not play any role after working for a long time.

At this time, another person came in from the pub, which also attracted the attention of the audience.

"Waiter, two bottles of good wine!"

The man walked up to the counter and said to the bartender who burned the heaven palace directly.


The bartender of the burning heaven palace cheerfully replied that he had just received so many second-order demons Neijing as tips from Xiao Han, but he still hasn't tasted it from the surprise!

The bartender who burns the temple of heaven doesn't know the person in front of him, but most of the people who drink in pubs know each other and are familiar with them.

Now, many people recognize the people who buy wine in the tavern. They are the members of the evil killing team. Before that, they have been following Xiao Han's side with Zhong xuanhai.

Maybe many people in the tavern don't know Zhong xuanhai's name, but basically everyone knows that Zhong xuanhai is Xiao Han's number one subordinate, and Xiao Han attaches great importance to Zhong xuanhai.

Although many people in the tavern have no lower level of cultivation than Zhong xuanhai, they are still very respectful when they look at Zhong xuanhai.

How can a person who can get a heavy load of Xiao Han be an ordinary character?

What's more, many people in the tavern are also very clear. In front of him, the Zhong xuanhai was not very impressive around Xiao Han before, but his cultivation level and strength improved rapidly.

Zhong xuanhai didn't notice that there were so many eyes around him!

Even after paying for the wine, Zhong xuanhai noticed that many people around him were staring at him. Although Zhong xuanhai said it was a little strange, he didn't look around.

Zhong xuanhai just secretly murmured in his heart: Ma ya, is Laozi handsome again recently? It seems that even the big masters are convinced by my handsome?

Not long after Zhong xuanhai walked out of the tavern, two minutes later, another man came into the tavern.

The people who had been drinking in the tavern originally came here to have fun and pass the time. When they saw another person coming in at the door of the tavern, many people turned their heads and looked at it.You're a member of the demon killing team again?

When the public see clearly the appearance of the visitors, it is found that the people who come in now are fat and not tall, and even their names are almost impossible to call out.

But many people on the scene recognized it. The member of the demons killing team was also a guy who followed Xiao Han. Only a few people recognized his name as Li Jian.

Li Jian, like Zhong xuanhai, came to buy wine. He went directly to the counter and said hello to the bartender. Then he found that people around him seemed to be staring at him.

Li Jian is naturally quite open in front of acquaintances, but in front of strangers, his communicative ability and adaptability are not so good. So when Li Jian found that many people were staring at him, his first reaction was that he felt guilty.

"Cough, cough... That..." Li Jian stammered, "help me with two bottles of good wine!"


The bartender quickly took out two bottles of good wine from the counter, then laughed at Li Jian and said, "objective, your two bottles of wine, a total of two second-order magic spider crystal!"

"What? How much do you say Li Jian couldn't believe his ears.

The bartender said with a smile, "there are two second-order magic spider crystals in the objective world!"

Li Jian was slightly stunned, and then his face showed a trace of flesh pain.

Looking at the two small bottles of wine on the counter, Li Jian looked a little incredible.

How expensive are two bottles of wine so small? A bottle of second-order spider crystal, or is it so small?

Li Jian really doubted that he had heard something wrong. To know, a second-order magic spider inner crystal is equivalent to 60 or 70 first-order magic spider inner crystals. Can a second-order magic spider inner crystal only buy a bottle of such a small wine?

The bartender looked at Li Jian's face, but he said politely: "Sir, you want two bottles of good wine. This is the best wine here. If you think it's expensive, I still have ordinary wine and ordinary wine. Which one would you like?"

Li Jian was a little speechless this time, but with so many people around him staring at him, Li Jian was embarrassed to say that the two bottles of wine were not needed. He had to be cruel and said, "well, two second-order magic spider inner crystals are just two second-order magic spider inner crystals!"

After paying for the pain, Li Jian did not dare to look at the eyes of those around him, but ran out with two bottles of wine.

Many people in the tavern could not help laughing at this scene.

But then again, the wine sold in the tavern is really too expensive, but their customers can't help it.

There are only a few pubs in LingXiao City, and the one burning Tiangong is the largest one in Lingxiao city. Like other pubs, the price of wine is about the same as here, but the environment is not as good as that of burning Tiangong. So naturally, the business of this pub is good.

However, because it is now in Penglai fairyland, no matter which pub sells one bottle of wine, the price is so high. There are only so many wines. Do you like to buy them or not.

In this way, Lingxiao city is a real seller's market, and high prices are normal.

Now sitting here drinking, which is not meat pain when buying wine?

But there's no way for meat pain. If you want to drink, you have to buy it even if you want to drink it!

So many of the disciples in the tavern tasted it one sip at a time. It's really rare to see a cup of wine stuffy like huishao who burned Tiangong before.

Soon after Li Jian left, a man came into the tavern again.

In this way, the people who drink in the pub are very curious. What day is today?

Why are so many people coming to the pub to buy wine today?

You should know that there are so many people who come to the tavern of burning heaven palace to drink and buy wine. They are basically familiar people. Generally, no one else will come.

What's more, there are only two or three hundred people left in LingXiao City, and those who like to drink are basically those people. It has never happened before whether someone came in to buy wine like today.

Especially in these days, there are fewer and fewer people practicing Qi in Lingxiao city.

All the people in the tavern turned their heads and found that the man who had just walked in to buy the wine was still a member of the evil killing team.

If you add Xiao Han, then the man who came in now is the fourth member of the demon killing team who came in to buy wine this evening.

It seems that there are only four people left in Xiao Han's team? No, it's all here this evening. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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