Published at 6th of March 2023 08:19:05 AM

Chapter 1362

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Can we say that because the level of the third level devil spider is higher, it can ignore the evil Qi in Xiao Han's body?

If so, it would be a bit troublesome. Although Xiao Han is not afraid of this third-order devil spider, he is not worried about the one in front of him, but is worried about whether there will be other third-order magic spiders around him.

According to Xiao Han's fight with the third level devil spider, he can't hurt the third level devil spider even if the sky sword is cut on it. Then, the combat effectiveness of this third level magic spider can at least be comparable to the top level master in the spirit transformation period among the people who practice Qi. In other words, among the people who practice Qi, their cultivation level and strength should at least reach the level of transformation It is possible to kill this third-order devil spider only at the peak of the divine period.

This is still a third-order devil spider, and Xiao Han can certainly deal with it. But Xiao Han is worried about whether there will be two, three, four, or even more third-order magic spiders around. In this way, even Xiao Han is a bit tricky in the face.

At this time, Xiao hanruo felt a look back, even Xiao Han couldn't help cursing.

"What do you mean, what do you mean?"

It turned out that Xiao Han seemed to have noticed something behind him, so Xiao Han looked back and just found another third-order devil spider suddenly appeared behind him.

Back and forth?

Xiao Han grinned bitterly and shook his head. No matter whether the third-order devil spider in the back wants to attack himself before and after the third-order devil spider in front of him, it seems that the minds of these third-order magic spiders are really not simple.

It's also true that even ordinary first-order magic spiders will cooperate with each other to fight, and second-order magic spiders will use all factors around them to fight, not to mention the third-order spider with higher level.

At this time, Xiao Han collected the sky sword directly.

At this time, Xiao Han was facing the state of front and back attack. Why did he put the sky sword back?

It's not that Xiao Han thinks it's inconvenient to use the sky sword to deal with these third-order magic spiders, but that Xiao Han intends to experience the real combat effectiveness of these third-order magic spiders with bare hands.

You know, Xiao Han is an expert at the level of magic generals among the demons. His physical strength is incomparable. Even if it is the attack of these three-level demons, it is not so simple to break Xiao Han's physical defense.

Xiao Han smile, this time, Xiao Han's mouth is basically not open, because this can avoid those sand into the mouth.

Since you want to attack back and forth, I'll break it.

Then, Xiao Han's figure flashed, directly to the front of the only three-level demon family burst away.

Although it was in the double gravity area, Xiao Han's speed was not much slower than when he was outside the boundary. Obviously, for the double gravity situation inside, Xiao Han had been prepared for it. With one hand, he directly increased the speed to more than twice the usual.

In this way, Xiao Han is only twice as much physical strength as usual. If the opponent is a demon master, Xiao Han certainly won't be like this. After all, Xiao Han is afraid that he will be consumed too much in the process of fighting, and will be easily taken advantage of by the other party. However, when dealing with two third-order demons, Xiao Han has no such worry at all.

The next moment, Xiao Han directly appeared in the sky of the third-order demon. Before Xiao Han fell down, the third-order demon reacted very quickly. Seeing Xiao Han ready to press down, he thought of retreating quickly.

That third-order demon's crawling speed is very fast. If Xiao Han hadn't predicted its reaction in advance, he would have gone straight to the sky.

In front of him, the third-order demon retreated, and Xiao Hangang just landed on the back of the third-order demon spider.

Compared with Xiao Han's speed, this third-order devil spider is still a big difference. When Xiao Han's legs stepped on the third-order devil spider's back, Xiao Han pressed down heavily and used a move to suppress Mount Tai.

The third-order devil spider was rushed by Xiao Han's whole body strength and a commanding blow. Xiao Han's whole body was trampled by Xiao Han's feet and crawled directly on the ground, and his eight legs were directly lying on the ground.

Without waiting for the third-order spider to start to take the next step, Xiao Han directly attached himself to his body and grabbed the two legs of the third-order devil spider in both hands, and then rolled back.

What is Xiao Han doing? It feels like a dodge.

At the next moment, the third-order devil spider, which was originally covetous behind Xiao Han, suddenly jumped high and appeared in the position where Xiao Han appeared before. Now it has jumped to the position where Xiao Han is now.

At this time, Xiao Han rolled on the spot. After standing still, the third-order devil spider that Xiao Han grasped in his hand kept struggling. Xiao Han could hardly catch both hands.

Taking advantage of the third-order magic spider in his hand is constantly struggling, Xiao Han turns twice in the same place, and then waves both hands at the same time. The third-order magic spider struggling in Xiao Han's hand is released from Xiao Han's hand, and directly bumps into the third-order magic spider that was originally behind Xiao Han's body at a very fast speed.

You know, although the body of a third-order devil spider is smaller than that of a first-order spider, it weighs at least two or three hundred jin with eight legs. In addition, Xiao Han turns around twice and then habitually takes off. The third-order devil spider that flies out of Xiao Han's hands is extremely fast, much faster than their own high jump speed.In addition, Xiao Han poured a Qi force into the body of the third-order devil spider before he let go of it. The third-order magic spider was equivalent to that of Xiao Han. How could Xiao Han smash it out? You can imagine how powerful it was.

And the third-order devil spider, which originally rushed to Xiao Han's back, was also extremely fast. One was extremely fast, the other was faster. The impact force of two third-order magic spiders colliding can be imagined.


a huge sound sounded, even Xiao Han's eardrum was a little shaken. It can be imagined that two third-order magic spiders collided with each other in a mess?


when the two third-order spiders were still in the air, they made a shrill cry. Among them, the third-order devil spider, who sneaked into Xiao Han's back, broke through a distance of three or four hundred meters, while the other third-order spider flew back to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han reached out his hand and just caught the leg of the third-order devil spider, which was still swinging in the air. Then Xiao Han grabbed the leg of the third-order devil spider and hit it down heavily. The whole third-order devil spider was hit by Xiao Han as a club hammer.

Before the third-order devil spider, which was hit by his own kind in mid air, was calmed down, Xiao Han lifted up the third-order devil spider from the ground and hit the ground heavily after reaching the highest point.

"Dong Dong....

two times, three times, four times... When one of the third-order magic spiders, which had been hit and flew for hundreds of meters, climbed again in front of Xiao Han, the third-order magic spider in Xiao Han's hand had at least 20 or 30 times contact with the ground.

Xiao Han saw that it was almost smashed, and the third-order magic spider in his hand did not seem to struggle any more. It seemed that he did not have any ability to move any more. Xiao Han threw the third-order devil spider to his feet, and then Xiao Han stepped on the third-order magic spider that passed out fainting under his feet.

Xiao Han raised his head and raised his head at the other third-order devil spider who was not far away. Even the third-order devil spider could feel it clearly.

In fact, the third-order devil spider in Xiao Han's hand did not have much damage to his body. However, Xiao Han couldn't help smashing it on the ground like a club mallet. After so many falls, the third-order devil spider was stun by Xiao Han, and lost the ability to move completely in a short time. Now it is trampled by Xiao Han, and can't move at all.

In addition, the third-order demon spider hesitated. It seemed that even it felt that the current Terran Qi practitioner was not easy to be provoked, and dared not move in the same place.

Xiao Han saw that the third-order devil spider didn't want to attack, so he stretched out his hand. The sky sword in his body received Xiao Han's call and appeared in Xiao Han's hands.

Then, Xiao Han holds the sky sword upside down and stabs the back of the third-order devil spider under his feet.


the tip of the sky sword was on the back of the third-order devil spider, which surprised Xiao Han.

As expected, it is really a third-order devil spider. Its shell is so hard that it can't fit into the sky.

You know, when Xiao Han killed the first-order and second-order evil spiders, Xiao Han stabbed the first-order or second-order magic spiders in the back, and the sky sword directly pierced these magic spiders. But in front of the third-order magic spiders, he couldn't even pierce the sky sword?

If there is no way to pierce the sky sword fight, then if it is replaced by the weapons of other Terran Qi practitioners, it is not that you can't poke it in with your family?

In this case, isn't it more difficult to kill a third-order spider?

But Xiao Han really didn't believe it. Did the third-order spider have no weakness?

At this time, Xiao Han kicked with his foot, and the body of the third-order devil spider rolled on the sand for several times and then stopped. Then the fangs on both sides of the mouth were wide open, just right for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han's heart moved, he stabbed the third-order devil spider's mouth with a sword, just stabbed into the third-order magic spider's body.

After killing this third-order devil spider, it seems that the third-order spider, which was not far away from Xiao Han, finally saw Xiao Han's power, turned around and ran back, and disappeared in Xiao Han's sight.

Xiao Han seems to think vaguely that there are some memories about these magic spiders in the memory of master Shengxu Taoist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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