Published at 6th of March 2023 08:18:20 AM

Chapter 1378

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Zhong xuanhai nodded and said, "don't worry. If we go back today and find that boss Xiao still doesn't go back, I can't guarantee whether other people will come early in the morning, but Laotian and I will definitely accompany you here to look for Mr. Xiao!"

The night rain finally relieved himself, "well, since that's the case, let's go back first."

When they heard that the night rain had said this, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren were relieved. The thing they were most afraid of was that the night rain had not been found before the boss Xiao had found it.

Moreover, they think that according to the current situation, since the place where Xiao Han Xiao had been before has been found, from the traces of the scene, it is likely that after trying various means, Mr. Xiao still finds that there is no way to pass through this layer of prohibition. Therefore, Mr. Xiao may give up the idea of trying to enter this layer of prohibition and kill several people around him A thousand second-order spiders returned home.

"Come on, let's go back to see if Xiao Han is back in the middle of Lingxiao city."

With that, the night rain directly stepped on the immortal sword and flew away in the direction of Lingxiao city.

In the back, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren looked at each other and at the same time revealed a wry smile.

After persuading for such a long time, she finally persuaded the little girl to go back. Otherwise, if the night rain had to stay here, they would not be able to explain it.

You know it's going to be dark now. If ye Yu refuses to leave here, it seems that Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team can only stay here with the night rain.

However, they are now located in the area near Zhenmo mountain, which can be said to be the core area of Penglai fairyland. It is better in the daytime. Even if there are more second-order magic spiders, at least they can cope with it. However, it is hard to say what will appear in the surrounding area after night.

Think of here, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren two people a burst of fear, this just chase the night rain together to rush to Lingxiao city.

On the way, the night rain did not stop once. It flew directly to Lingxiao city. Even Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren, who were following the night rain, could see that the night rain was already very tired, but the night rain was still on its way.

If you want to return to Lingxiao city earlier to confirm whether Xiao Han has come back, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren can understand this mood.

Originally, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren originally wanted to persuade the night rain to stop and rest. But later, he thought that it was so late now. In order to arrive at Lingxiao city before dark, and to confirm as soon as possible whether the eldest Xiao Hanxiao had returned to LingXiao City, he tried his best to make his way.


when night fell, Ye Yu, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren finally arrived at Lingxiao city. After arriving in LingXiao City, Ye Yu flew directly through the tower of Lingxiao city and flew to their residence in spite of the rules formulated by all the people who practiced Qi.

If it hadn't been for those Terran Qi practitioners who took up the realm task on the tower of LingXiao City, they could have seen from a distance that the three brilliant lights flying over were all the people practicing Qi and hungry immortal swords, they would have been flying up and blocking them.

After arriving at the station, Wu Yong and Nightingale are aware of the movement and come out of the yard at the same time.

Seeing the rain falling from the sky, the Nightingale ran up and asked, "sister, did you find brother Xiao Han?"

On hearing this, the night rain, who had just stabilized her figure, sank in her heart? Is it that Xiao Han hasn't come back yet

The Nightingale shook her head blankly, and then said, "no, sister, you and Lao Zhong have not gone to see brother Xiao Han? Why, didn't you find him? "

Hear here, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren two people at the same time secretly call bad.

It seems that Xiao Han did not come back to Lingxiao city. Otherwise, Nightingale and Wu Yong could not have seen Xiao Han.

Thinking of this, Zhong xuanhai said quickly, "don't worry. I'll go to the dead wood master of Prajna temple and Zhang Xiaoqiang who burned heaven palace to see if Xiao Hanxiao has already returned to LingXiao City, but has not had time to return to our residence!"

With that, Zhong xuanhai ran out.

Hearing this, the face of the night rain just eased a little.

Yes, there is still such a possibility. After all, if Xiao Han really returns to LingXiao City, he may not return to his residence in the first place. Maybe Xiao Han found something in the vicinity of Zhenmo mountain. As soon as he returned to LingXiao City, he ran to the dead wood master of Prajna Temple or Zhang Xiaoqiang who burned the heaven palace to discuss matters Yes.

At this time, Nightingale seems to see his sister Ye Yu's face a little pale, and quickly took her hand and said with concern: "sister, I guess you are trying your best to get on the way, and then have no time to rest. You see your face is very bad, come with me to have a rest!"

The matter has been so far, night rain also know that even if it is anxious, it is no use, now it is dark, if Xiao Han has returned to LingXiao City, if Xiao Han has not come back, then even if her heart is anxious again, it is impossible to go out to find Xiao Han at night!Thinking of this, the night rain smiles bitterly and nods, and follows the Nightingale into the yard. At last, the night rain still turns around and tells: "Tian Daren, if Zhong xuanhai comes back, please ask him to inform me immediately!"

"Don't worry, you will!"

Tian Daren raised his sleeve and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. He quickly replied.

Just after the night rain, he flew all the way to the imperial sword of Lingxiao city. On the way, he didn't even have a rest. Even now Tian Daren is the strength of the peak state in the transformation period, and now he can't bear it.

It seems that there is not a long distance from Lingxiao city to Zhenmo mountain, but the distance from Lingxiao city to the foot of Zhenmo mountain is far more than 100 kilometers. Even if Tian Daren, an expert in the peak state of the transformation period, has driven such a long way, he has already consumed his aura in his body.

This is the case with Tian Daren. In fact, Zhong xuanhai is no better. Although Zhong xuanhai said that his cultivation level and strength were a little higher than Tian Daren, he was only a little higher than Tian Daren.

What's more, after Zhong xuanhai returned to LingXiao City, in order to determine whether Xiao Han had returned to Lingxiao city as soon as possible, Zhong xuanhai ran all the way to find Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, and the withered wood master of Prajna temple.

Zhong xuanhai knows that if their eldest brother Xiao Hanxiao really returns to LingXiao City, the person they are looking for is Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned heaven palace, besides the dead wood master of Prajna temple.

So the place where Zhong xuanhai went first was the place where he burned heaven palace.

After arriving at the residence of the burning heaven palace, Zhong xuanhai began to ask the disciple who stood guard at the gate of the burning heaven palace sect from afar, "brother, have our eldest brother Xiao Hanxiao come to see your elder martial brother Zhang Xiaoqiang?"

The disciple of the burning heaven Palace also knew Zhong xuanhai. Seeing the anxious look on Zhong xuanhai's face, he said with a smile: "no, elder martial brother Zhang is sitting in the room to regulate his breath. We didn't go out all day, and I didn't see your eldest brother Xiao come in."

Thank you, brother

After getting an accurate answer, Zhong xuanhai turned and ran.

After confirming that Xiao Hanxiao didn't go to Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned heaven palace, Zhong xuanhai immediately ran to the residence of Prajna temple.

Zhong xuanhai didn't arrive at the Prajna temple. On the way, he saw the dead wood master of Prajna Temple coming slowly.

Zhong xuanhai immediately stopped and bowed to master deadwood and asked, "master deadwood, has the eldest Xiao Hanxiao come back to look for you?"

The withered wood master is slightly a Leng at first, then a face doubt way: "how? Have you not come back yet

As soon as he heard this, Zhong xuanhai immediately said something bad about it. Now he is basically sure that Xiao Hanxiao has not returned to Lingxiao city.

Zhong xuanhai immediately bowed to master deadwood and called out in a trembling voice, "master deadwood, please think of a way. Our boss Xiao hasn't come back yet!"


I don't know how long it took, Xiao Han, who was in a coma, slowly woke up.

At this time, although has woken up, but Xiao Han's head is still a little dizzy.

When he fully opened his eyes, he just saw a dark sky, and then immediately noticed a gust of wind blowing around him. The dust from the dust hit Xiao Han's face, which made Xiao Han close his eyes involuntarily.

Xiao Han was slightly stunned. He suddenly felt how familiar the surrounding scenes were.

The dark sky, the roaring wind, the dust swept up by the wind, this... This...

Xiao Han slowly sat up and saw the body of a third-order magic spider lying not far in front of him.

"I bought a watch last year!"

Xiao Han couldn't help cursing, because he had discovered it. Just after he fainted, he didn't know what he had found. He returned to the double gravity area again.

It took so much effort to get out of the boundary, and finally returned to the origin?

"Trough, what's going on?"

Xiao Han couldn't help but curse, and finally squeezed into the boundary. He experienced two times of gravity, four times of gravity and eight times of gravity. Originally, Xiao Han thought that he should be at the foot of Zhenmo mountain?

At least it should be in the core of Zhenmo mountain, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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