Published at 6th of March 2023 08:16:26 AM

Chapter 1402

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As for Penglai fairyland, the number of second-order magic spiders killed every day must be more than the number of second-order magic spiders consumed every day. In this way, Xiao hanman thought that the number of second-order magic spiders in his heaven and earth bag would only be more and more, not less and less.

However, Xiao Han only practiced for a short day in this level of enchantment, consuming more than 20000 and nearly 30000 second-order magic spider inner crystals. Even Xiao Han was shocked by such a large number.

"Lying trough, I don't know if I've consumed so many second-order magic spider crystals?"

Xiao Han really can't believe it.

In this level of cultivation, the inner crystal consumption rate of the second-order devil spider is so fast that it is beyond Xiao Han's expectation.

We should know that Xiao Han will spend at least 10 days in this layer of boundary in the next time. In this way, Xiao Han will consume at least 200000 second-order magic spider inner crystals.

Xiao Han is a little silly.

Now in his own bag of heaven and earth, although Xiao Han has never calculated, but Xiao Han thought, how can the number of second-order magic spider inner crystal not exceed 200000?

What's more, Xiao Han is still practicing in the four times gravity area, and the consumption rate of the second-order magic spider's inner crystal has reached more than 20000. Then, if Xiao Han reaches the eight times gravity area, will the number of second-order magic spider inner crystals consumed by Xiao Han in practice be greater?

To eight times the gravity area, Xiao Han consumed more than 40000 pieces a day? Xiao Han can't be sure about this. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the second-order magic spider inner crystal in Xiao Han's heaven and earth bag is not enough for Xiao Han's cultivation in the alliance these days.

"NIMA, never worried that the magic spider crystal in her bag of heaven and earth would not be enough. Originally, she thought that she had enough in stock. She didn't think that she would spend money like water after she got into this barrier."

Xiao Han shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Han slowly stood up.

After a whole day's practice, Xiao Han consumed more than 20000 second-order magic spiders' inner crystals, and his internal meridians expanded a lot. Although Xiao Han felt that he was still far from the broken state, at least one day's practice was equivalent to three or four days' practice outside this level of enchantment.

When Xiao Han stood up, the bones all over his body crackled, just like setting off firecrackers.

Xiao Han looked around and found that the boundary was always gray. There was no day or night at all.

At first, Xiao Han didn't feel anything after coming in, but now after staying for a long time, Xiao Han felt that it was really boring to stay in this level of boundary. He couldn't even feel the alternation of day and night.

Previously, Xiao Han was afraid that in the four times gravity area, he would suddenly run out of more than a dozen third-order magic spiders to surround him.

But now, Xiao hanba couldn't wait to see more than a dozen third-order magic spiders around him.

After confirming that the number of second-order magic spider crystals in his Qiankun bag was not enough for him to consume, Xiao Han felt that it was better to kill more third-order magic spiders. After all, after all, after all, when the second-order magic spider inner crystals in the Qiankun bag were consumed, even if it was painful again, those third-order magic spider inner crystals should be taken out and used up.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han thought that he had just practiced all day and had a rest for a short time. Anyway, in Xiao Han's body, his aura is very full, and his physical strength is also very abundant. Even the evil Qi hidden in Xiao Han's body has almost recovered to 30%.

Therefore, Xiao Han sat down cross legged again, and began to take out the heaven and earth bag, ready to count the number of magic spider inner crystals in his Qiankun bag.

Before that, Xiao Han had not really carefully counted the number of magic spiders in the Qiankun bag. After all, at that time, Xiao Han didn't care about how many magic spiders were inside the heaven and earth bag.

But now it's not the same. Xiao Han clearly knows that before this level of enchantment is opened, the inner crystal of the magic spider in the heaven and earth bag is not enough for him to consume at all. Then Xiao Hangan makes a careful count of the number of the magic spider inner crystals in the heaven and earth bag.

Xiao Han thought and put a divine sense into the bag of heaven and earth. Before counting the inner crystals of the second-order magic spider, Xiao Han found a part of the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider in the corner of the heaven and earth bag.

However, the number of these first-order magic spiders is not large, that is, 50000 or 60000. Even Xiao Han's consumption is not enough for half a day.

After all, the aura contained in the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider needs 60 or 70 first-order magic spider inner crystals to be equal to the amount of aura in a second-order magic spider inner crystal. In this way, the 560000 second-order magic spider inner crystals found by Xiao Han can be thought of as many as 1000 second-order magic spider inner crystals.

As for the number of inner crystals of the second-order devil spider, Xiao Han counted more than 160000, even less than 200000.

Even if Xiao Han spent 10 days practicing in the four times gravity area, the inner crystal of the second-order devil spider in the heaven and earth bag was not enough for Xiao Han to spend 10 days, let alone to practice in the environment of eight times gravity area.If we want to talk about the progress and efficiency of cultivation, of course, the efficiency of cultivation in the area of eight times of medium gravity is higher, but Xiao Han is very shy now.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help sighing.

If I had known that I would encounter such a situation today, I should have killed the second-order demon spider Neijing desperately when I was fighting outside Lingxiao city. If this was the case, I would not face such a dilemma today.

Xiao Han is even more regretful now. Before that, outside the boundary, the proficiency of the second-order magic spiders around him was frightening, but Xiao Han just killed more than 5000 of them.

If Xiao Han had spent more time and killed more than tens of thousands of second-order magic spider inner crystals, I'm afraid we would not have to worry about not having enough inner crystals of magic spiders when practicing.

Xiao Han sighed, and then some lost looking at the distance.

If Xiao Han really consumes all the inner crystals of the second-order magic spider in the heaven and earth bag, it seems that Xiao Han will have to sit in this layer of enchantment and stare.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly moved in his heart.

It suddenly occurred to him that after those members of the demon killing team had died, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team were responsible for keeping the bags of heaven and earth. They hoped that when they could get out of Penglai fairyland in the future, they would return the relics of these members to their respective clans. It was also a kind of pastry, with the meaning of falling leaves and returning to their roots.

At that time, Xiao Han remembers that after Zhang Qi and Guo Zimo died, their heaven and earth bags were kept by Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren and their brother Liang. After all, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren were good friends in the secular world for many years. Guo Zimo and Zhong xuanhai had known each other in the secular world before. As for the other team members, after their sacrifice, their heaven and earth bags were all He was sent to his own hands by Zhong xuanhai.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's face is happy, he groped for a while on the body, as expected, found several bags of heaven and earth in a small bag.

Xiao Han's bags of heaven and earth are all in Xiao Han's hands.

Xiao Han held those bags of heaven and earth in his hand, and his face showed a look of remembrance.

Xiao Han is not a pedantic person. Now he needs to consume a lot of magic spider inner crystals in this level of association. It is just that there should be some inventory of magic spider inner crystals in the heaven and earth bags left by Yan sensitive and others.

Xiao Han had never thought of using his brother's relics before, but now there is no other way. Xiao Han thought that when he went out from this level of the enchantment, he would surely kill more magic spiders and make up for the inner crystal of the magic spider left by these brothers.

Think of here, Xiao Han is also booed.

Did not expect these dead brothers, actually in this most critical time to help Xiao Han.

Now these bags of heaven and earth are ownerless. Moreover, Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength are much higher than those of the original masters of the heaven and earth bags. Therefore, it is easy for Xiao Han to send his own consciousness into it.

In Yan's Qiankun bag, there are more than 10000 second-order magic spider inner crystals, more than 30000 first-order magic spider inner crystals, Zhang Qiang's Qiankun bag contains more than 20000 second-order magic spiders, and more than 30000 first-order magic spider inner crystals. As for the number of evil spiders left by the willful and Ren Nian brothers, the total number is similar to that of Zhang Qiang.

Xiao Han got together and counted them. Among these bags, he found more than 70000 second-order magic spider inner crystals. The first-order magic spider inner crystals were almost 120000. In this way, the second-order magic spider inner crystals were almost 80000 second-order magic spider inner crystals, equivalent to half of Xiao Han's own heaven and earth bags.

With the support of these spider endocrysts, Xiao Han's time in the quadruple gravity zone should be increased by a few days.

In this way, Xiao Han's confidence has doubled.

Xiao Han doesn't plan to go directly to the eight times gravity area. According to Xiao Han's calculation, he has just practiced in the four times gravity area for a day, and has not yet made his body fully adapt to the surrounding four times gravity environment.

In the following time, Xiao Han plans to spend four days in the environment of four times the gravity until his body can fully adapt to the surrounding environment of four times the gravity. After that, Xiao Han almost has 100000 second-order magic spider endocrysts.

Then Xiao Han is going to save the remaining 100000 second-order and 1560000 first-order spider endocrysts to cultivate in the eight times gravity area.

As for the third-order spider, Xiao Han killed 21 before, and there are also 21 inner crystals of the third-order spider. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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