Published at 6th of March 2023 09:17:24 AM

Chapter 141

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However, they are not satisfied with the change of teachers.

Troublemakers are never too big. They want to make things bigger, the better, because for them, only when things are big can people pay attention to them. Therefore, they gathered a lot of people, and some family members even brought all the old and the young. The office of the cold door training class is full of people.

Li is also a little anxious.

If these people give back their money, they are not willing to refund their money and drop out of school. Li Dabei rolled up his sleeves and stood at the door of the office with his hands akimbo. Looking at the family members at the door, he was really angry.

"What do you say?" Li said.

The families got together and talked. Seems to want to come up with a solution together.

At this time, some parents finally stood up: "since they are so overbearing, what are we still doing here? In any case, the teacher has been replaced, and the training class has no meaning to continue to stay. So, let's all drop out. "

"Good, drop out!" Many parents responded to him.

Subsequently, more than ten people began to withdraw from school. But most people are watching. Seeing that they had actually gone through the procedure of dropping out, some of the crowd were moved. They hesitated for a moment and finally decided to quit. As those people said, I've dropped out of school anyway. What's the point of staying here?

Soon, more than 20 people went through the procedures of dropping out of school, and the fat man brought 70000 in one breath.

More than 20 people dropped out of school, and only 20000 left. Today, the poor training class is not afraid of who will drop out. After dropping out of school, naturally someone will make up for it.

Sure enough, parents swarmed in immediately after these people dropped out of school.

"We're here to sign up!" The leader was a middle-aged woman with scattered hair. She said in a hurry, "here is a thousand yuan. Please have a look."

With that, she quickly put a thousand yuan in front of Li daphou.

Li Da Pang was stunned and said, "do you want to sign up for dropping out

"Yes, yes!" The middle-aged woman nodded in a hurry and said, "I believe that the cold door training class will never smash its own signboard."

"Good!" When Li daphou heard this, he immediately laughed.

Soon, Li began to register for these people.

Twenty three students have dropped out of school, 20 have signed up, and there are still three vacancies. However, Li is not in a hurry. This matter has not yet been spread out, once spread out, let alone three places, even if it is 30 places, he will be full.

Of course, this thing makes a big noise, more or less will have a certain impact on the cold door training class. Let some originally want to sign up for people have a hesitant heart. This is the characteristic of the Chinese people, chasing up rather than falling. Many people rush to register for the cold door training class, which leads to a storm and many people follow. Now, everyone is dropping out of school, so naturally no one will sign up.

The whole city of LJ was in a state of uproar.

It has been a long time since there was no news about the cold door training class. At first, the news came out because of the endorsement of Li hengzhong and the "endorsement" of the Education Bureau. Naturally, it is sought after by many people. In addition, there are really two brushes for poor training, but all the students who sign up have made progress more or less. Moreover, there is Xiao Han, the mysterious mask teacher, which adds some mysterious color to the cold door training class.

Revive the community.

"Did you hear that? The cold door training class is going to fall. "

"True or false?" A big sister was in a hurry: "my child just paid this month's money, how to pour it?"

"Yes "It is said that because of the change of Li Yunpeng, this strange old man, many people do not want to go."

"Ah?" On hearing this, the elder sister was more anxious: "no, Li Yunpeng, the old man, has been expelled from the school. Can he also teach? I have to get my money back in a hurry

Not only Fuxing community, but also the whole LJ city is spreading this storm. The cold door training class is about to collapse, but a group of people are in a state of panic. Lu continued to have a lot of people went to the office of the cold door training class to return money.

In front of it, everyone spread rumors, and then the media added fuel to the flames. What's more, the cold door training class seems to be in turmoil.

The situation is not good. Even Li Da Pang felt a bad feeling. In the past few days, Li daphou will stay in the office as long as he is free. Occasionally, some parents will rush to refund the money, which makes it as if the poor training class is going to make money and run away.

People who don't know really think they're going to run. It's like a panic.

In fact, rumors sometimes turn sour when they are spread. At first, I just said that the poor training class changed the teacher. Later, because of the large number of refund people, it was gradually passed on that the poor training class had to run away. In the end, many people came to consult and refund money

"Xiao Han, I'm afraid we can't go on like this!" Li daphou called Xiao Han and asked, "now many people have come to refund their money. You say, there are now more than 70 of these 100 students. If we go on like this, will we really close our doors? ""Even if there is one student left, we have to drive it!" Xiao Han chuckled indifferently, then said: "this is the principle of our poor training class, understand?"

"Oh Li daphou nodded and said, "but now public opinion is very unfavorable to us."

"At least the Education Bureau didn't bother us." Xiao Han replied: "there are always some people who are not good in society. They want to crush us and let them benefit. But they don't know that we are not fools at all

"Well What shall we do? " "I think I think it is necessary for us to change public opinion now. "

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "listen to me, we don't have to cater to public opinion. There is no need to cater to any media. What we need to do now is to improve ourselves. "

"You say What should we do? " Li Da Pang asked.

"To the outside world, reduce the degree of poor training class." "From now on, we should ensure the quality of teaching and improve the level of teaching," Xiao ordered

"Ah?" Li Da Pang was stunned and said, "why?"

"Not so much, why not?" Xiao Han laughed and said, "you can do as I say. There's not so much why. "

"All right." Li daphou nodded helplessly.

As the director of the training class, Li daphou has almost become the spokesman of the training course. Li daphou immediately contacted the reporter of LJ city TV station. As soon as the reporter heard that there was news to be released, he immediately drove to here for fear of being robbed of the fastest news by other media.

"Mr. Li, what kind of news are you going to announce?" The reporter asked in a hurry.

"That's it." Li daphou stood in front of the camera, tidied up his clothes a little, and then said, "in order to ensure the quality of teaching, in order to improve the level of teaching. We decided to cut back on the degree of the cold door training class. The original 100 degrees are now reduced to 80. And, according to the situation, it may continue to be reduced at any time. "

"Why?" The media reporter said with a smile: "is it because of the pressure of public opinion recently? So the number of trainees in the cold door training class is not full, so it is reduced? "

Media reporters always hit the nail on the head.

What's more, the meaning of his words is obvious. It makes people think. People think that it is because the poor school training class does not want to be so ugly, so they deliberately reduce the degree in the name of "ensuring the teaching quality and improving the teaching level".

"No Li daphou shook his head and said, "in fact, we have been troubled by too many students all the time. Although they want to reduce their degrees, none of the 100 students have dropped out in the past six months. Therefore, we have to work hard to uphold and support. Now, there are some waves and we think this is the best time. So we decided to reduce the number of degrees. "

"Well..." The reporter asked in a hurry: "is it true that the news that the cold door training class plans to change teachers recently?"

"No!" Li Dazhou shook his head and said, "this is absolutely not true!"

"Ah!" The reporters are dumbfounded. Is it true that the news that has been spreading wildly recently is not true?

"Of course "We didn't want to change teachers, but to reduce the pressure of teaching, so we added a teacher," Li said. On Saturdays, our original teacher Xiao teaches, while on Sundays, our new teacher Li Yunpeng teaches... "

Li daphou's words seem to be watertight, but also give them a complete reply.

Soon, the news about the reduction of degree in the poor training class came out, and immediately a large number of parents swarmed in. However, when they arrived, they found the door of the cold door training class office locked. There was no one to greet.

"Why should they reduce their degrees?" The leading parents were angry. They just dropped out of school a few days ago and learned that they wanted to reduce their degrees and that teacher Xiao would continue to teach their children. Naturally, they want to come back.

But it's easy to leave; it's hard to come back.

"Call!" In the crowd, parents began to call Li daphou. Unfortunately, there was a sound of shutting down the phone.

A group of parents were at a loss.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

For three consecutive days, the wind direction has been greatly changed, and the name of Hanmen training class is widely spread in LJ city. Of course, why is the cold door training class loved and hated. The main reason is that its education quality is obvious. Otherwise, it will not be promoted by people and become the target pursued by so many parents in LJ city. Even some parents of the third grade of junior high school try their best to send their children to the poor training class. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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