Published at 6th of March 2023 08:14:20 AM

Chapter 1426

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According to the truth, since Xiao Han has been trapped in this boundary for more than ten days, he should have been able to see the traces left by him in the boundary. However, just now the Terran air trainer did not see any trace left by Xiao Han in the double gravity area.

Of course, it is also likely that the place where they entered the boundary was not in the same place as Xiao Han, otherwise, there would be no trace left by Xiao Han.

However, when the Terran gas practitioners were in the double gravity area, they actually searched around, and there was no trace of Xiao Han staying around in the double gravity area.

At this time, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the night rain and demon killing team began to search around the four times gravity area, but after searching for a circle, no trace was found.

If Xiao Han knew that all the Terran Qi practitioners and Demons had entered this level of boundary, I'm afraid it would be a little strange.

Xiao Han must feel very depressed. That's why when he appeared in the double gravity area and the four times gravity area before, he met with three order magic spiders, two at the beginning, and a dozen later.

But now the Terran gas practitioners and demons have reached four times the gravity area, and there is no third-order magic spider from the beginning to the end.

There is no trace left by Xiao Han in the four times gravity area, at least it is not sure whether Xiao Han has been in the four times gravity area for how long.

At this time, the Terran Qi practitioners stayed where they were, because Zhang Xiaoqiang just said that everyone should be given a quarter of an hour to adapt to the surrounding environment.

There is no movement on the side of Terran gas practitioners, and the demons' team is also standing there waiting. It seems that the demons will not leave before the Terran gas practitioners start.

About a quarter of an hour later, the night rain of Emei sect and Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team all returned to the team. Although they said that they did not find Xiao Han's activities in the four times gravity area, there was no sign of disappointment on the faces of Ye Yu, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren.

Although Xiao Han's whereabouts have not been found yet, at least they have just reached the four times gravity area, and there are still eight times the gravity area in front of them.

At least up to this morning, Xiao Han is still the first one on the battle effectiveness list of the nameless stone tablet in LingXiao City, which proves that Xiao Han is still alive.

As long as Xiao Han is still alive, this is enough for Ye Yu of Emei sect and Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team of Emei sect.

As soon as the time came, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the temple of heaven, started to set out for the eight times gravity area with all the Terran practitioners.

As soon as the Terran practitioners set off, the nine demons also began to move forward. It seems that they will not rush to the front of the Terran practitioners.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned the heaven palace, and the withered wood master of Prajna temple, all know clearly in their hearts. As long as they arrive at the eight times gravity area, Rudy and Berg, the demon kings of the demon Kingdom, are likely to attack.

After all, they have reached the eight times gravity area. Even if the demons don't start their hands when they reach the eight times gravity area, when they cross through the boundary and reach the foot of Zhenmo mountain, then it is the time for both sides to fight.

At that time, it's really hard to say whether the Terran Qi practitioners can resist the attack of the demons.

In addition, it is still a big problem whether Xiao Han can be found in the eight times gravity area. After all, no one can determine whether Xiao Hanxin is in the eight times gravity area or has climbed Zhenmo mountain.

It can be said that it is about time for the life and death of the Terran Qi practitioners. If the demons are determined to fight to the end with their team, then from the beginning of the battle in Lingxiao city to now, the most unfavorable situation for the Terran Qi practitioners will come.

Now there are two strong men in the ranks of the demons. For the Terran Qi practitioners, Xiao Han is still in a state of disappearance. Now, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has the highest level of cultivation and strength, is Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is in the middle of the tongxuan period. As for the rest of the people, Xiao Han is still in the missing state All of them can only resist the attack of magic King Berg.

After all, Berger has just stepped into the level of demon king, and his cultivation and strength have not been completely stabilized. In this way, Berger did not give full play to the real strength of the demon king.

As for the devil's Berg, so far, no one has ever met him except Xiao Han, so no one knows how much stronger Rudy is than Berg.

At present, the Terran Qi practitioners can barely resist the attack of a demon level master. As for another strong demon level man, when the time comes, it will be like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves to kill the Terran Qi practitioners whose cultivation level and strength are only the peak state strength in the spirit period?

Fortunately, in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Kuki master, they are now in a four times gravity area, and in front of them is an eight times gravity area. At that time, not only the Terran Qi practitioners were affected by the surrounding environment, but their cultivation realm and strength would be greatly suppressed, and those powerful demons would also be suppressed by eight times gravity.At that time, the team of Terran gas practitioners can at least occupy the absolute advantage in the number of players, and hope that the disadvantages on the field can be reduced to the lowest level.

It seems to have noticed that the demons are more and more likely to make a move. Now in the team of Terran gas practitioners, everyone's look is dignified, but many people are trying to suppress it.

At the end of the journey, the Terran Qi practitioners obviously slowed down, especially those who had lower cultivation level and strength. With the deepening of the distance, the suppression of the surrounding four times gravity environment on them became more and more obvious.

Even if you take a step forward, you will feel very hard, and the circulation speed of Qi machine in the body has slowed down four or five times. At this time, even if it is simply to activate the aura in the body, it is quite hard, and the consumption speed of the aura in the body is at least four times that outside the boundary.

If it wasn't for the cultivation level and strength of these people who practiced Qi, at least they were masters above the cultivation level in the middle of the transformation period, I'm afraid that many people would not be able to hold on to the journey of only a few thousand meters.

This is the situation of the Terran Qi practitioners. As for the demons, the situation is not much better.

Among the ranks of the demons, the leader of the demon king Berg and the back Rudy naturally look as usual, can not see any difference with the previous.

As for the Seven Magic generals behind, it seems that there is no big difference, but with the deepening of the journey, the distance between them and the two demons who walk in front of them gradually increases. This is because they dare not fall behind too much. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the powerful demons with the level of magic generals will stop to have a rest.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who burned heaven palace, and Kuki master of Prajna temple, who were at the front of the team, were OK. Although their bodies were under considerable pressure due to the four times of gravity around them, at least on the surface, they still could not see anything. The speed of air circulation in the body slowed down four times, which was equivalent to carrying four self walking They are masters of the realm of the metaphysical period, and they can bear it.

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others also noticed the difference behind them, so they naturally slowed down their pace.

Not long after that, what appeared not far ahead was the diaphragm between the four times gravity area and the eight times gravity area. As long as it crossed this boundary, it would be the eight times gravity area.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was the first to cross the line, followed by the withered wood master of Prajna temple.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was the first to step into the eight fold gravity area, felt a natural disposition after stepping into the eight fold gravity area with both feet.

The feeling of eight times gravity made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel a little out of breath. As for the internal Qi machine, it slowed down more than eight times. If Zhang had not prepared himself before he came in, he could not help but change his face.

"Cluck, cluck..."

behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, those people who slowly entered the eight times gravity area, many of them had clucking sounds on their joints.

This is an irresistible reaction of the body. In the surrounding environment of eight times the gravity, each shoulder seems to press the weight of eight people. If the average person comes to the environment with eight times the gravity, I'm afraid it's hard to move even one finger even if it's two steps.

If not every Terran Qi exerciser has done enough psychological preparation before coming in, I'm afraid that once they appear in the environment of eight times gravity, many Terran gas practitioners will fall directly on the ground.

At this time, the cultivation level and strength of the team were the lowest, including Wu Yong of Chongxu gate and Nightingale of Emei sect. Their cultivation level and strength were just good, and they were in the middle of the transformation period. Therefore, among all the people practicing Qi, they felt the greatest pressure on them.

As soon as they entered the environment of eight times the gravity, their bodies were forced down by the surrounding gravity. As for their faces, their faces were a little red, and even it was difficult for them to breathe. It was not until a moment later that the body was used to the surrounding gravity environment that the reaction of the whole person was not so strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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