Published at 6th of March 2023 08:13:10 AM

Chapter 1442

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If even Xiao Han, an expert in the psychic cultivation realm who can directly ignore the eight times gravity area and has no effect on his body, feels a bit out of breath in such an environment, then Zhang Xiaoqiang and his people will be even more miserable.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is OK, but his face is a little dignified. It can be seen that Zhang Xiaoqiang can still keep calm in the surrounding 16 times gravity area.

However, behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, the faces of those Terran gas refiners were somewhat distressed.

Not to mention Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team. Even Yeyu of Emei sect and yelongxuan of Wudang sect have a look of pain on their faces.

Sixteen times the gravity, the greater the multiple, the more likely the gravity will be superimposed on the surrounding environment. Even if it's the Terran Qi refiners who appear here now, their cultivation level and strength are at least the strength of the peak state of the spirit transforming period, and the time to step into the peak state of the spirit transforming period is not short. However, every place in the whole body is oppressed by 16 of them. Even a master of the peak state of the spirit transforming period, he can't bear it.

Now, in everyone's body, it is equivalent to a heavy burden of tens of thousands of Jin, and every part of the body is jumping with the burden of tens of thousands of Jin.

Compared with the current 16 times gravity environment, the former eight times gravity environment did not simply increase by two times, but under the former eight times gravity environment, the surrounding gravity increased eight times again.

In such a terrifying gravity environment, not to mention fighting, it will be difficult for a Terran gas refiner to walk at the peak of his transformation period.

"Big brother Xiao Han, how heavy it is!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, I think it's too much to eat!"

After a few Terran gas refiners full of pain, obviously in the surrounding environment of 16 times adhere to the very fortunate suffering.

Moreover, even when they started to speak, they could not help panting gently when the voice was just over

Zhang Xiaoqiang could still insist in such an environment, so he opened his mouth and said, "the front is Zhenmo mountain. Only when you get to the top of Zhenmo mountain, can they get the inheritance of martial arts and magic weapons left by the eight leaders of the human race more than a thousand years ago! ”

just after Zhang Xiaoqiang's voice came to an end, all the Terran gas refiners, including Xiao Han himself, were in front of him.

The inheritance of martial arts and magic weapons left by the eight leaders of the human race?

All the people present entered Penglai fairyland with the purpose of inheriting the immortal weapons left by the leader?

At that time, all the Terran alchemists didn't know how dangerous Penglai fairyland was and how powerful the demon masters were.

What's more, their main mission in Penglai fairyland is to prevent the demon masters from destroying the seal of Zhenmo mountain, and to release the demon king who was sealed by the eight leaders of the Terran in the last immortal devil war.

Now, after hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang's warning, all the people present remembered that they had entered Penglai fairyland this time. They had a try and see if they had the chance to get the skill inheritance and various magic weapons left by the eight leaders of the human race many years ago?

Now, the inheritance of skills and all kinds of magic weapons left by the eight leaders of the Terran are at the top of Zhenmo mountain not far away. If you want to get hold of it, it depends on their abilities.

For Xiao Han, Xiao Han doesn't care much about the inheritance of skills left by the eight leaders of the human race. After all, his cultivation realm and strength have entered the cultivation realm in the early stage of the channeling period. Among the eight leaders, the lowest level of cultivation and strength is the highest level of spiritual cultivation, which is not very attractive to Xiao Han.

Of course, if you can get the skill inheritance of the eight leaders of the human family unexpectedly, even if it is the inheritance with the lowest level of cultivation and strength, it will be of great benefit to Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength improvement, not to mention those left by those masters who pass the cultivation realm in the seclusion period.

But what Xiao Han is more interested in is the immortal weapons left by the eight leaders of the human race.

Now in Xiao Han's hand, there is a half divine weapon sky sword. Although the sky sword is only a half divine weapon, and there is still a little distance from the level of the divine weapon, its power is so strong that it can increase its power and produce wisdom with the improvement of Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength.

If Xiao Han has a chance to get a real magic weapon or a real immortal weapon, then Xiao Han's overall strength may be improved again.

Xiao Han promised Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, to help them find their magic weapon of Penglai Island after entering Penglai fairyland. Naturally, Xiao Han did not forget.

But Xiao Han still has to think about himself. Even if he can't take back his colorful clothes and feather clothes, he has to find a magic weapon or an immortal weapon. Otherwise, is Xiao Han losing a lot?

Think of here, Xiao Han's face also appeared a smile.

It's been half a year since entering Penglai fairyland. It's hard for Xiao Han to let go of such an opportunity.Looking at the looming Zhenmo mountain not far away, Xiao Han secretly decided that he would try his best to climb Zhenmo mountain, regardless of whether it was the sword mountain or the sea of fire in front of him today.

At this time, with the reminder of Zhang Xiaoqiang, all the talents realized that the gray hill ahead was the most important place in Penglai fairyland, namely, the place where the eight leaders of the Terran sealed the demon king.

As for the immortal weapons and skills inherited by the eight leaders, they are also on the top of Zhenmo mountain. If you have a chance, you can get the inheritance left by the eight leaders.

Of course, in order to obtain the skills and magic weapons left by the eight leaders, the most important thing is to have the ability to successfully climb the top of Zhenmo mountain in an environment of 16 times the gravity around Zhenmo mountain.

If you don't even have the strength to reach the top of the mountain, then don't think about the skill inheritance and magic weapons left by the eight leaders.

Xiao Han looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and asked with a smile: "there should be no danger in the magic mountain of this town except the surrounding environment of eight times the gravity."

Even though Xiao Han has some memories left by his master, Sheng Xu, in his mind, Xiao Han does not know more about Zhenmo mountain than Zhang Xiaoqiang, a disciple of the gate school.

After all, when Xiao Han's master, Saint Xu Taoist, fell down in the hands of the powerful demons, the immortal devil war in Penglai fairyland had not been completely ended, and the demon king of the demon clan had not been sealed by the eight leaders of the Terran family. Therefore, there is no detailed information in the memory of the Zhenmo mountain which has been sealed by the Demon Lord.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the town magic mountain not far away, and said: "it's not so simple. At the beginning, our Terran gas refiners and eight leaders transformed their residual aura and strength into the one used to protect the whole town's magic mountain. Finally, in order to prevent the demons from breaking the barrier, they boarded the town magic mountain and released the sealed ones Demon Jun, there are many prohibitions and Dharma arrays left in many places of Zhenmo mountain. It is not so easy to climb the mountain successfully

Hearing this, Xiao Han's face could not see any fluctuation, but the Terran gas refiners standing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang began to suffer.

Originally thought that it was not easy to wait until today's opportunity, they finally survived in the battle of the demons, and finally qualified to enter the core area of Zhenmo mountain. Now they finally have a chance to climb Zhenmo mountain.

However, I didn't expect that in addition to the surrounding gravity environment of 16 times, we had to go through those prohibitions and arrays along the way. Only in this way can we get to the top of Zhenmo mountain.

In this way, in addition to fighting against the surrounding 16 times the gravity, we should also pay attention to the prohibitions and arrays encountered along the way. This is really a good thing to do.

Of course, there is no emotional change on Xiao Han's face, because Xiao Han's heart is very clear, if Zhenmo mountain is really so good to climb, then don't mention the Terran gas refiner, even the demon master will be easier to climb Zhenmo mountain.

If there is no setup on the way to mount the magic mountain, I'm afraid that when the entrance of Penglai fairyland was opened several times before, the demon king would have been released by the demon master by every possible means.

That is to say, with all the difficulties, Zhenmo mountain was able to seal the demon king at the foot of Zhenmo mountain, and had not seen the sun again for more than a thousand years.

What's more, if you want to get the skill inheritance and magic weapons left by the eight leaders, how can you get it easily without suffering?

it is estimated that the eight leaders of the Terran set up so many prohibitions and arrays on the way to the top of Zhenmo mountain. In addition to preventing the powerful demons who enter Penglai fairyland from breaking the seal after entering the border, it is estimated that they also exist Test the mind of the descendants of the people who enter Penglai fairyland.

If you don't have this skill, don't try to get any skill inheritance or magic weapon. Just stay in the eight times gravity area to practice.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said with a smile, "since you are here, let's start climbing now."

"Well, it's a pity not to have a try if we have all come here."

"Yes, although the surrounding 16 times gravity environment is very difficult, but we have a lot of magic spider crystal in the bag of heaven and earth, we should have a chance to climb the town magic mountain!"

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly thought of a very critical problem, that is, there is almost no magic spider inner crystal in his heaven and earth bag.

Previously, Xiao Han had consumed all the inner crystals of the magic spider in the heaven and earth bag by practicing in the environment of eight times the gravity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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