Published at 6th of March 2023 08:11:19 AM

Chapter 1474

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At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang also nodded, and then said: "if we kill all the powerful people who enter Penglai fairyland, there is no way to threaten the seal of suppressing the demon king. In fact, we really don't need to stay in Penglai fairyland for a long time."

Xiao Han said in a positive tone: "when it comes to going back, I really want to go back, but before we go back, we should prepare well. The cultivation environment in Penglai fairyland is much better than our own world. At least, as long as the magic spider's inner crystal is enough, we may improve our cultivation level and strength in Penglai fairyland as soon as possible. We stay in Penglai There are still some advantages in fairyland. As for the inner crystal of magic spider, we should take more back

Speaking of this, Xiao Han said with a smile: "because I'm not sure. After opening the exit of Penglai fairyland and taking you out, I'm not sure whether I can bring you in again. At least I can open the entrance of our secular world, but I don't know whether I can open the entrance of other worlds smoothly."

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded. He knew what Xiao Han meant.

After Xiao Han went back, he could successfully start the entrance of Penglai fairyland in his own world, but it was still a problem whether the entrance of Zhang Xiaoqiang and others could be opened, so now that other people go out, they may not be able to come back.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it and then said, "yes, before going out, we should spare a few days to specially kill some second-order magic spiders and collect more inner crystals."

The next downhill project was very smooth. Zhang Xiaoqiang and Ye Yu followed Xiao Han. It took only a few minutes to get out of the nightmare fog.

As for the previous mountain climbing process, that section of vigorous Qi raging mountain road is also calm all the way. It seems that the vigorous Qi that roared to and fro before did not exist at all.

This should be the advantage that Xiao Han controls the whole Penglai fairyland.

Originally, it took several days for Xiao Han to climb all the way. Except for Zhang Xiaoqiang and Ye Yu who followed Xiao Han to the top of Zhenmo mountain, all the other Terran gas refiners gave up on the way.

It took several days to climb the mountain. It was only half an hour to go down the mountain. If the surrounding 16 times gravity environment still existed, and Xiao Han and Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't get faster when they went down the mountain, I'm afraid the whole process would not take more than five minutes.

This should be the advantage of Xiao Han refining the token given to him by Taoist Taixu.

When Xiao Han took Zhang Xiaoqiang and the night rain through the barrier between 16 times gravity and 8 times gravity, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Among the people waiting outside the barrier, Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and huishao of the demon killing team, and the other seven people who gave up halfway in the climbing process were waiting for them. When Xiao Han, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Ye Yu stepped out of the barrier, their faces were full of joy and sorrow.

As for the eleven people who stayed here without climbing, none of them appeared.

Xiao Han's eyes coagulated, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

Where are Wu Yong and Nightingale?

Where are the other nine Terran gas refiners who are waiting at the same place? Why are there only seven people who have retreated from Zhenmo mountain, including Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and huishao from the demon killing team?

Ye Yu looked around and didn't see his sister Nightingale and Wu Yong. He asked with a puzzled look: "eh, what about Nightingale and Wu Yong? Why don't you see them waiting for us here? "

At this time, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team walked up to Xiao Han in front of him and said, "boss Xiao, something's wrong."

Standing in the night rain behind Xiao Han, his heart sank.

At this time, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team slowly explained what they found after they retreated from the Zhenmo mountain.

Except for Wu Yong of Chongxu gate and Nightingale of Emei sect, all the other nine people who are waiting here have been killed by Berger. As for Wu Yong and Nightingale, they should be taken away by Berg.

Hearing this, Xiao Han's face is as gloomy as water. As for the night rain, he is anxious.

His own sister was captured by the devil burger, now life or death is uncertain, you can imagine how anxious Ye Yu's heart is.

"Xiao Han, what to do? You must save the nightingale. "

Xiao Han looked at the anxious night rain, nodded, and then said, "don't worry. Berger killed the others and lightly captured Nightingale and Wu Yong. It should be that he wanted to threaten us with their lives. Therefore, according to my estimation, Wu Yong and Nightingale should be safe for a while. At least before we appear, Berg will not hurt him Our lives. "

If we don't use Nightingale to kill Wu Xiaoqiang, I'm afraid that they will not kill Wu Xiaoqiang before they are killed Don't worry for the time being. "Hearing this, the mood of the night rain finally stabilized.

Now all the demon masters who have entered Penglai fairyland, except Berger, have been killed by the Terran gas refiners. Even if Berg is now a demon level strength, it is still not enough to see in front of Xiao Han and others.

As long as Xiao Han makes a move, Berg will surely have only one end. Therefore, this should be the main reason why Berg killed the other nine Terran gas refiners, only keeping Wu Yong and Nightingale alive. Berger should know that Wu Yong and nightingale in chongxumen are the Terran gas refiners who have a close relationship with Xiao Han. They are more likely to take their lives in their hands How little can let Xiao Han and others dare not act rashly.

Now the most important problem is to find the whereabouts of Berg first. If we find the whereabouts of Berg, we will find the whereabouts of Wu Yong and nightingale.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han immediately said: "it should not be too late. Let's start together now. First of all, we should leave this level of boundary. Besides, Berg should have gone out. If I guess right, Berg should be waiting for us outside."

With that, Xiao Han began to walk out with all the remaining terran gas refiners.

When Xiao Han with night rain and Zhang Xiaoqiang and other people out of that layer of the boundary, just good-looking by a large number of second-order and third-order magic spiders surrounded by Wu Yong and Ye Yu.

As for Berg, he was sitting not far away. It seems that after Xiao Han and others came down from the magic mountain, he would surely rescue Wu Yong and nightingale at the first time.

Seeing Wu Yong and Nightingale surrounded by magic spiders and confirming that they are not worried about their lives for the time being, Xiao Han's hanging heart is completely released.

As long as Wu Yong and Nightingale are alive, the next thing will be easier to do.

As for the night rain, after seeing that the Nightingale was safe and sound, the look on his face became more relaxed.

"Brother Xiao Han, elder sister, we are here. Come and get us."

As soon as Xiao Han and Ye Yu and others come out of the boundary, the Nightingale screams with excitement.

As for the Nightingale next to Wu Yong, is also a face of excitement, in Nightingale and Wu Yong's view, as long as Xiao Han appears here, at least their safety will be guaranteed.

"Big devil, let us go, or brother Xiao Han will tear you to pieces."

As soon as Xiao Han and others appeared, those second-order and third-order magic spiders, which were still quietly surrounding them, immediately became agitated.

Now Xiao Han is not close to here, just those third-order and second-order magic spiders have received Berg's instructions.

As soon as Xiao Han appeared, Berger did not dare to be careless. He slowly stood up and went to Wu Yong and nightingale. He picked up Wu Yong, whose predecessor was seriously injured, but has not yet recovered.

Before Xiao Han killed the demon lord Rudi, the strength showed to let Berg still have a lingering fear, so Xiao Han has appeared, Berg began to be on guard.

For Xiao Han and others to be able to smoothly come down from the top of the magic mountain, Berger knew that this trip to Penglai fairyland had completely failed their plans.

Now in Penglai fairyland, there is only one strong demon, and there are several masters in the Terran side, especially Xiao Han. Since these people can successfully come back from the top of Zhenmo mountain and want to seal the demon king, they should have no flaw now.

If the demon lord Rudy is still alive, then between the Terrans and the demons, the winner is not sure.

However, even Rudi, the demon king, died in Xiao Han's hands. Now, relying on Berg alone, there is no way to compete with Xiao Han and his Terran gas refiner Kang. Berg's heart is very clear.

The second-order and third-order magic spiders around may be able to threaten other Terran alchemists, but Berg is very clear that a few magic spiders, no matter how many, can not threaten Xiao Han.

Looking at Xiao Han in the distance, Berger said grimly, "Xiao Han, the lives of these two little Terrans are now in my hands. We can sit down and talk about it."

Xiao Han went to the edge of that group of magic spiders. Those second-order magic spiders around felt the evil Qi in Xiao Han and immediately became obedient.

Xiao said in a deep voice, "talk about it? I don't understand what we can talk about? Berger, I advise you to let them go at once. I can give you a good time, so that you don't suffer too much when you die. "

Berg laughed and then said, "Xiao Han, don't you want to hear what I want to talk to you about?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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