Published at 6th of March 2023 08:06:49 AM

Chapter 1558

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The second time, it appeared directly in the clouds, without any discovery.

The third time, Xiao Han jumped up again, only to find that his whole body was covered by a layer of fog, and the surrounding clouds seemed to be gathering around Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han then flew up and swept away. In an instant, with that aura, he appeared in a brand-new space.

Here, it seems to be a cave.

Around a piece of dark, in Xiao Han's ear, can only hear the drip sound.

Xiao Han released his divine consciousness and found that there was no obstruction.

Here, although there is no light, but Xiao Han can perceive that this is a cave, very humid cave.

From just that aura, to now suddenly appear in a cave, Xiao Han really some did not respond.

"Xiaoyue, do you know where this is?"

"Master, you should have passed the examination and approval of this space and entered the interior of the space. We should be in that hidden space now. As for where it is, I don't know exactly. We should be allocated immediately."

Immediately distributed?

And that kind of thing?

It seems to see Xiao Han's doubts, Xiao Yue said with a smile: "although it is distributed immediately, it should be in a specific area of this space. We should be safe for the time being."

Xiao Han nodded, and then began to rely on his own divine consciousness and went forward.

The space of the whole cave is not big. After walking for several tens of meters, there will be light soon.

The front should be the exit, but Xiao Han doesn't know where the front exit can lead. For safety, Xiaoyue soon got into Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han walked directly past, found that the hole is not small, through the hole, Xiao Han came to a piece of open space.

Here flowers everywhere, birds and flowers, the scenery is very beautiful.

There is a path in the middle. There is a sea of flowers on both sides. All kinds of flowers bloom in the sun.

Xiao Han looked around, he just came out of the hole is still in place, and did not disappear, this is relieved.

This is a valley. It seems that if you go up through the valley, you will find some mountains in the distance.

Even Xiao Han is very surprised by the aura of heaven and earth here.

In the surrounding air. The spirit of heaven and earth contained in it can be described as strong and incomparable.

Even in those famous sects, there is no such strong aura.

Here, it should be the ancestral home of a Shanmen sect. Otherwise, there would be no such strong aura.

Xiao Han walked about five or six hundred meters ahead of the road, there was a huge stone.

On the boulder, there are four clear characters.

"Carefree secret place."

Happy secret place?

This space is called the secret place of carefree?

Xiao Han turned to look around and found that he could see a mountain in the distance. On the mountainside, there were palaces and pavilions.

It seems that there should be the main place of this happy secret place.

Happy secret place?

Xiao Han looked at the huge stone in doubt.

Is this Xiaoyao secret place the Xiaoyao palace where the mountain gate is located?

Is the Mountain Gate of Xiaoyao palace located in the middle of the heaven and earth of Xiaoyao secret place?

After thinking about it, Xiao Han thinks that the possibility is quite high.

Xiao Han learned that the gate of Xiaoyao palace is located near Kunlun mountain.

Kunlun Mountain, however, is only two or three hundred li away from the token peak. In fact, whether this token peak or Yulong mountain is one or two hundred li away, they are all the remnants of Kunlun Mountains.

In fact, it is also within the range of Kunlun mountain.

If it is calculated in this way, then the Xiaoyao secret place is likely to be the gate of Xiaoyao palace.

If this is the case, then is not Xiao Hangang just good under the wrong hit, found the xiaoyaogong?

This can be true, there is no place to find, get all the time.

Xiao Han had been ready to deal with the affairs of token peak. He went to Kunlun sect and inquired about the gate of Xiaoyao palace. However, he may have found the gate of Xiaoyao Palace by mistake.

Xiao Han is preparing to move on.

"Who dares to break into the Xiaoyao secret place without permission?"

In front of Xiao Han, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The man held his chest in his hands and his face was murderous.

He was about twenty-five years old. He was dressed in a white robe. He was very handsome, with star eyebrows and sword eyes.His costume looks like an ancient man. If Xiao Han hadn't been well-informed, he would have thought that he had met the troupe who made the costume drama.

"Elder martial brother, is this the man who intrudes into our secret place?"

Not waiting for Xiao Han to answer, another figure appeared beside the white robed man.

A woman in a green skirt, with both hands holding her chest, stood in front of Xiao Han.

The woman was wearing a light green dress with pale blue peonies embroidered on her cuffs, and several pieces of auspicious clouds were drawn out with silver thread.

At the bottom, there is a row of blue sea water clouds. On the chest is a wide piece of pale yellow brocade wrapped around the chest. The body is gently rotated and the long skirt is spread out. It is graceful and graceful like the wind blowing willows.

The woman's eyebrows and eyes are very moving. She has a small waist, but she is a little smaller.

"Two immortal masters, I mistakenly broke into your carefree secret place, not on purpose. Please forgive me Xiao Han said politely.

The two in front of him should be the disciples of the Xiaoyao secret place. So Xiao Han was modest in his attitude. He hoped to find out the situation and then make plans.

The young man snorted coldly: "hum, did you say it was not intentional? How can we break into such a secret place where we are free and easy? Should we pay more attention to making up lies? "

"Elder martial brother, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's take him down first and then take him back for strict interrogation. If we don't believe him, we won't tell the truth."

Once up, the other side is very unfriendly, according to Xiao Han's temper, it should start now.

But Xiao Han thought about it and felt that he was not in a hurry.

This is a carefree secret place. It belongs to the other party's land. Besides, Xiao Han has not found out the truth of each other, so he is not in a hurry to start.

What's more, it's not sure whether this is the gate of Xiaoyao palace. It seems that it's not appropriate to start this rashly.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "two don't rush to start, first ask the situation before starting, is not better?"

The beautiful woman snorted, "what else do you need to ask? If you break into my free and easy secret place, according to our rules here, you should be sentenced to death. "

From Xiao Han's perception, the two men in front of him should be the realm of cultivation in the period of tongxuan.

If it is put outside, it is already a very powerful master.

However, the Xiaoyao secret place is already the realm of cultivation in the period of tongxuan when two disciples come out casually. In this way, it seems that the Xiaoyao secret place is the Mountain Gate of Xiaoyao palace, and the possibility is very high.

It's just that they don't seem friendly.

Xiao Han laughed, then arched his hand and said, "don't you need this? Although I have broken into your place by mistake, I can't do it. I'll just walk away. I still need to be put to death, so terrible? "

Xiao Han's current state of cultivation has no problem dealing with these two young men and women in the period of enlightenment. However, he has just appeared here, but he is not in a hurry to start.

The man put down his hands in front of his chest and said impatiently, "when we come here, some things can't help you."

Xiao Han had no choice but to shake and shake, and said with a smile, "if you want to say so, you must start?"

The man nodded and said, "yes, I'll take you back and let us deal with it."

Xiao Han is a little speechless. " This is a bit unfriendly. If they take them back, they have to let them handle them. These people are so bad at talking. It seems that they must start today.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said with a smile, "if I really want to start, I have no way. My name is Xiao Han. I don't know the names of the two immortals."

The woman laughed triumphantly, and then said, "my name is Zhao Wan'er, and my elder brother's name is Zhao Wuji. Just listening to the name, does it frighten you to faint?"

The little girl named Zhao Wan'er is very proud. It seems that the two names are quite different.

Xiao Xianshi, can't we smile

Being called by Xiao Han, Zhao Wan'er and Zhao Wuji are in a daze at the same time. It seems that Xiao Han called him, which was very unexpected.

Xiao Han has always been very tolerant and polite.

After all, what he needs now is to find out the details of this world.

The two disciples who came out were tongxuan period. It seems that the Xiaoyao secret place, whether it is Xiaoyao palace or not, is still very strong.

Therefore, Xiao Han is not sure whether there is a master of psychic period or even pass seclusion period in this carefree secret place.

It's better to keep a low profile for the time being.

This is Xiao Han's idea now.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't get caught. Then I have to do it. "

The guy named Zhao Wuji suddenly laughed and said.

"Elder martial brother, this guy's origin is unknown. It seems that he is not good at stubbornness. You should be more careful."Zhao Waner, however, naturally stepped back a few steps and apparently emptied the battlefield.

That Zhao Wuji laughed and said: "younger martial sister, you can rest assured, I don't believe it, casually ran out of a guy, beat me Zhao Wuji."

Xiao Han estimated that Zhao Wuji should be close to the strength of the middle stage of the tongxuan period. To say it was very powerful, it was still OK.

Compared with Xiao Han's strength in the middle of the channeling period, it is a whole lower level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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