Published at 6th of March 2023 08:06:47 AM

Chapter 1559

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(the first two chapters have been updated and repeated. Now they have been revised. You can read them again.)

However, Xiao Han felt that he should not show his real strength so soon.

Either Zhao Wan'er or Zhao Wuji is not the best player in this happy secret place. It's better to keep a low profile first.

By this time, Xiao Han knew that there was no way to avoid the fight between him and Zhao Wuji.

Therefore, Xiao Han naturally suppressed his cultivation realm to the stage of tongxuan, and his overall strength was even lower than that of Zhao Wuji.

Xiao Han's purpose is to try first, the real level of Zhao Wuji.

The guy named Zhao Wuji suddenly raised his arm and slowly opened his hand.

I saw, in his palm palm, quietly lying an inch long sword, in the sunshine, crystal clear, very good.

Flying sword?

Xiao Han looked at it and knew that Zhao Wuji's small sword, which was inch long, should be a treasure.

If Xiao Han guesses well, the little sword in Zhao Wuji's hand. It should be a kind of flying sword.

It's like the sky sword in Xiao Han's body.

Some gas refiners like to hide their flying swords in their bodies and blend them with their bodies. When they use them, they can use them with a single thought, which is very convenient.

However, some flying swords are not suitable to be put into the body, so some Qi refiners will take them with them.

Xiao Han hasn't come yet to ask about the origin and origin of Zhao Wuji and Zheng Waner.

the cunmang in Zhao Wuji's hands has taken on new momentum.

I saw Zhao Wuji's hand inch awn suddenly rose dozens of centimeters, and then it hovered quietly on Zhao Wuji's palm.

That Zhao Wuji smile, "let you see, I this" inch mang "power."


that inch of awn suddenly moved, like a living creature, flitted across Zhao Wuji's body, and then circled around him like a urchin.

This scene, let Xiao Han confirm, this inch awn in Zhao Wuji's hand, is indeed a magic weapon.

Even if it is not comparable to the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands, I'm afraid the inch awn in Zhao Wuji's hands is not low.

Before Xiao Han could figure out why, he suddenly felt a strong wind.

He subconsciously turned his head, the inch awn whistling past Xiao Han's ear, almost drilled a hole in Xiao Han's forehead.

"Lying trough, do it without saying a word. Is this not harmonious?"

The head is biased, just not biased and unbiased to avoid that handle whistling from the inch awn, Xiao Han heart secretly scold.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, ignoring the small flying sword whistling in the air, and the whole person directly jumped like Zhao Wuji.

Since this guy is standing in the same place to control the flying sword, Xiao Han will simply go straight to Huanglong and go to Zhao Wuji.

Appeared in front of Zhao Wuji, he just stabilized his figure, that inch awn with a sharp light roared.


With one blow, he smashed the flying sword for several tens of meters. However, the flying sword, which was so entangled, whooshed, and in a flash, stabbed Xiao Han's scissors.

When Xiao Han tries to find a chance to hold the flying sword and imprison it in his hand.

However, it seems to be cunning to retreat, and never love war.

This kind of flying sword comes and goes like the wind. It's impossible to defend against it. Even though Xiao Han is physically strong, he is not afraid to be injured, but it is also quite troublesome to deal with it.

What's more, Xiao Han's strength of suppressing his cultivation realm in the early stage of the tongxuan period is worse than that of Zhao Wuji.

However, it's only with this kind of fighting that it tastes good.

Xiao Han just feels that there is no big fight recently, and his body is a little lax.

Today, I happened to meet Zhao Wuji, a good opponent.

It's also a physical activity.

"Come on, elder martial brother. This guy's strength is a little worse than you. You should have no problem beating him."

Xiao Han just moved. Zhao Wan'er, who was watching the war, saw the strength of Xiao Han.

However, she can see the details of Xiao Han, because Xiao Han deliberately released the breath.

Around there is a flying sword constantly harassing, forcing Xiao Han to keep dodging.

Xiao Han didn't want to fight Zhao Wuji straight forward, so he tilted his route and ran around Zhao Wuji.

One is to constantly dodge the flying sword whistling to and fro, the other is to find opportunities to shoot.

And Zhao Wuji has been changing his body shape, which can not only deal with Xiao Han's hand, but also control the flying sword to launch an attack, which always frightens Xiao Han.

Xiao Han slapped off the flying sword that swept from the side with one hand. He hit the flying sword into the ground two feet like a fly.But the flying sword, like a woman twisting her waist, soon pulled herself out of the mud and hovered in the air again. The tip of the sword trembled violently. It seemed that he was quite dissatisfied with Xiao Hangang's just throwing it into the ground.

Zhao Wuji's divine sense control is on the one hand. On the other hand, when he reaches this level of flying sword, he almost produces some independent consciousness. Just like Lu Chaofan's sky sword, he can fight without Xiao Han's control.

Although Zhao Wuji's flying sword has not reached the level of the sky sword, it is also very good.

Soon the flying sword swept towards Xiao Han again.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and began to move forward in an inch. He did not pay attention to the flying sword that was about to roar.

After that, every step he took was bigger and bigger.

Finally, he took a few tens of meters away. After coming to Zhao Wuji, he did not say a word, but hit him in the chest.

Before hitting Lu Chaofan's chest, Lin Wuzhi's fist burst out with pride.

After Xiao Han's fist, the shadow of a golden dragon looms behind him.

He can transform his whole body into a dragon shape, which shows that the fist meaning of Xiao Han's fist has been extremely strong to the point of being unimaginable.

Zhang wujiye knows that Xiao Han's fist is extraordinary.

Even if there is no flying sword around, the power of a fist is very terrible.

Zhao Wuji is still and concentrated, allowing the flying sword whistling in the air to move freely. He wants to catch Xiao Han's fist first.

At this time, all the air seemed to solidify in Zhao Wuji's whole body.

"Do you think I can only kill enemies with flying swords? Then you are very wrong. " Zhao Wuji looks at Xiao Han, the corner of his mouth shows a trace of smile.

When Xiao Han's fist was close to his eyes, Zhao Wuji's hands suddenly clenched, and a turbulent and majestic air machine emanated from his body.

"Tear pull..."

before the two people collide, the surrounding air is torn to pieces.


there was a loud noise, which was very enlightening.

At the moment when Xiao Han's fist touched Zhao Wuji's body, the shadow of the Golden Dragon behind him disappeared instantly.

Xiao Han's whole body up and down all the boxing intention, without reservation, imposed on Zhao Wuji's body.

Zhao Wuji retreated more than ten steps and left two rows of deep footprints on the ground.

Zhao Wan'er was a little stunned at first, then her face showed an incredible expression.

This Xiao Han can beat his elder martial brother back with one punch?

Xiao Han deflected his head and avoided the flying sword which was directly inserted into the back of his head. Looking at Zhao Wuji, he said with a smile: "how about, can I still use this blow? If I had not left a hand, now you would have been lying on the ground crying father and mother

By the opponent so despised, Zhao Wuji's face difficult to see the pole.

Obviously, Xiao Han's strength is even weaker than him. Why is it so powerful when one punch comes over?

Up to now, Zhao Wuji's whole body is still in disorder.

Zhao Wuji didn't say a word, but suddenly he was hunting in a white robe.

There is no wind around him, and there is no fan behind him. We can imagine how angry Zhao Wuji is now.

Anger to a body cultivation to the extreme.

Xiao Han once again jumped up the whole person, and easily avoided the flying sword that galloped again.

This flying sword is flying around. I'm very upset.

If Xiao Han didn't suppress his cultivation realm and strength in the early stage of tongxuan period, Xiao Han really wanted to grasp it directly in his hand and smash the inch long flying sword directly.

"Are you angry? I'm very angry and I can't help it. I'm afraid you can't take it. "

Said, Xiao Han is another step out, and then angrily, "try another punch."

Xiao Han gave another punch.

The momentum of the blow was very weak. It was almost weak and explosive. There was no movement.

Compared with the last time, the Golden Dragon shadow is the sound of breaking the air, which is absolutely calm to the extreme.

However, Zhao Wuji, who was standing in the same place, showed a dignified look for the first time.

Although the guy in front of him only had the cultivation level in the early stage of the tongxuan period, he was surprised by his overall strength in fighting.

Zhao Wuji seems to deliberately let Xiao Han's body in this boxing. He suffered a secret loss in the previous one, so he intended to let Xiao Han fight again, so this fist hit him in the chest.

The blow, whether it was a punch, or hit Zhao Wuji's chest, was silent.

However, such a calm blow, but not far away Zhao Wan'er also face a change.Zhao Wuji is smashed by Xiao Han and flies out. The whole person is smashed and flies out of the path and falls into the flower beside him.

All the way down the flowers and plants, Zhao Wuji finally stopped.

However, he soon put his hands on the ground and walked to Xiao Han from the flowers.

Zhao Wuji's face was extremely gloomy.

Xiao Han laughed and said, "how about it? You have a flying sword and I have a fist. Your flying sword can't stab me, but my fist can hit you. Do you want another punch , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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