Published at 6th of March 2023 08:03:54 AM

Chapter 1594

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Lu Chaofan has a sword in his hand, which makes him more confident.

Even if he has a rusty sword in his hand, Xiao Han really needs it now.

As soon as Xiao Han waved his hand, the rust on the long sword fell down one after another. But all over Xiao Han's body, all the sword Qi came out from Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han moved, the whole courtyard above, wind and clouds.

This scene, fell in the eyes of Xie Chunqiu, is also very strange.

Regardless of his cultivation level and strength, once he had the sword in his hand, only a Qi refiner in the psychic period could quickly get to how terrible it was.

Fortunately, Lu Chaofan's flying sword had been locked up at the beginning. Otherwise, Xie Chunqiu felt that the two sides would be inseparable from each other at the beginning. Although Xie Chunqiu did not worry that Xiao Han would be able to defeat him if he had a sword in his hand, it would be troublesome.

Xie Chunqiu raised his arm, and the lotus crown on his head seemed to be a living creature, slowly blooming.

That small lotus crown, originally tightly closed petals slowly extended outward, swaying posture, really like a lotus slowly unfolding in the pond.

Even the lotus among the lotus can be clearly seen, crystal clear, evil is good-looking.

Xie Chunqiu put the sword between his fingers into it. The Taoist crown was restored to its original shape, and the petals of the lotus crown were closed one after another.

In a short moment, the sky sword which was originally confined by Xie Chunqiu disappeared.

Xiao Han's eyes coagulated, and his eyes toward Xie Chunqiu's Lotus crown were even hotter.

This treasure is really powerful. It can not only form a defense in the attack, but also put the sky sword in it. It seems that it can store items, just like a bag of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, the sky sword that Xie Chunqiu put into the lotus crown has not broken contact with Xiao Han. Otherwise, Xiao Han will collapse.

In the face of Xiao Han, who is about to launch a sword, Xie Chunqiu lifts his hands into the air. It seems very clear that there is a difference between Xiao Han with a sword in his hand and Xiao Han without a sword.

Xie Chunqiu's hands were negative, and he looked down at Xiao Han's surroundings.

Even the well-informed Xie Chunqiu felt a little surprised.

If the sword in Xiao Han's hand is a magic weapon, that's all. The key is just a rusty and inferior sword.

If you let Xiao Han's magic weapon and hold the sky sword in your hand, what kind of scene will it look like?

Although you can see the sword in the middle of the spring and Autumn period, it's not bad to see the sword's ferocity, but it's just that you can't stand up to the spirit level in the later period It's just out of sight. "

Xie Chunqiu closed his eyes, turned to look at Xiao Han, and then said, "I don't know if the rotten sword in your hand will not bear the pressure and become broken iron when you take out the sword. What's more, can you really break my physical defense with the sword spirit that you reveal all over your body? I doubt it. "

Xiao Han is slightly a Leng at first, then also face has a different color.

He did not think that Xie Chunqiu's eyesight was so poisonous that he could see the momentum that he had not easily made.

Whether the rusty sword in his hand would be like Xie Chunqiu said, when he was out of the sword, because he couldn't bear the pressure and turned into broken iron, Xiao Han was not sure.

As for the sword in his heart, it's true that it's empty.

As for the real combat effectiveness, Xiao Han knew it would not be so empty.

It's just that in Xie Chunqiu's eyes, Xiao Han's posture is good, but it's useless.

Xie Chunqiu pointed to his lotus crown. "Now you have a sword in your hand, and I'll come and go. Is it fair to fight next?"

Xiao Han, the five fingers of my sword handle add a little gravity. The strong sword Qi around Xiao Han slowly returns to Xiao Han's body and returns to calm.

However, Xiao Han's momentum has been climbing all the way to the top.

The sword Qi just now is just the aura in Xiao Han's body. If you want to say it's sharp, it's really aura, and it's powerful, but in Xie Chunqiu's eyes, it's not very powerful.

The sword spirit around him slowly returns. Xiao Han's momentum has reached the peak. In Xie Chunqiu's eyes, it is the precursor of Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han weighed the rusty sword in his hand. The weight of the rotten sword was too light.

Compared with the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands before, it can be described as light floating.

In fact, it can't be blamed for Xiao Han. Since Xiao Han used to use the sky sword, other weapons in Xiao Han's hands are very light.If only the sky sword was in hand now.

For Xiao Han, the weight of the sky sword is just good.

It was not until this moment that Xie Chunqiu regarded Xiao Han as an opponent of the same level as himself. He no longer felt that he was a younger disciple as before.

The difference between the two is that in front of Xie Chunqiu, even if you have a fierce battle intention and even if you are as powerful as a rainbow, you can only be regarded as a child playing a broadsword, and you don't need to pay attention to it at all.

By now, Xie Chunqiu has regarded Lu Chaofan as his own equal opponent. Opponents of this level need to be treated with caution. If you are not careful, you will have a chance to hurt him.

Xiao Han exhaled heavily.

Long sword in hand, the only advantage is that Xiao Han can freely and vividly use his sword moves from the sky sword.

After arriving at this carefree secret place, Xiao Han felt that his combat effectiveness had improved by more than one level compared with that in the secular world.

Because the aura of this carefree secret place is too rich compared with the secular world.

Just now Xiao Han took the ten fists against Xie Chunqiu, which consumed a lot of aura in his body.

However, it is not long before Xiao Han's aura has been replenished.

Fighting in this environment, Xiao Han's overall strength is much stronger than in the secular world.

Xiao Han likes this feeling very much. The speed of the recovery of aura in his body makes him very satisfied.

In this way, Xiao Han can have a war with Xie Chunqiu.

Only Xiao Han, who has just entered the secret realm of carefree, can feel such a strong feeling.

As for the disciples of the Xiaoyao sect who grew up in the Xiaoyao secret place, I guess they have been used to it for a long time.

But for Xiao Han, this is a very useful detail.

Maybe, Xiao Han can save his life under Xie Chunqiu today, it depends on this detail.

In the Xiaoyao secret place, all Qi practitioners should have already liked the aura level in the heaven and earth, so they would not consider this detail when fighting with their opponents.

Xiao Han from the secular world, in this kind of energetic environment, it is easier to let go.

Xiao Han stimulates all auras in his body to extract a breath of pure Qi.

The true Qi Qi is like a dragon. It wanders through the five viscera and six Fu organs. It is like a frontier army elite riding on the territory, opening up a road suitable for the operation of the true Qi, which runs continuously throughout Xiao Han's body.

This scene, in the eyes of Xie Chunqiu, can even clearly feel that Xiao Han at this time is more terrible than when he used to punch.

In fact, along the way, Xiao Han's cultivation foundation is quite solid, so even if Xiao Han can't fight all the way, Xiao Han's chances of survival are much higher in the end.

In order to improve the cultivation level as soon as possible, many gas refiners may not pay attention to constantly sharpening the cultivation realm, so they have a poor foundation at the beginning.

When they reached a certain height, they suddenly woke up and found that their cultivation level was somewhat too high. Finally, they thought of pushing back against the current and began to make up for it.

Looking at the momentum of Lu Chaofan holding a long sword, the air around him is somewhat solidified.

Xie Chunqiu was very pleased.

This is a kind of gratification, which makes Xie Chunqiu feel for the first time that only a Qi refiner of Xiao Han's strength is qualified to be his opponent.

Xie Chunqiu said with a smile: "it's really good. I've been practicing for more than 100 years, and I've seen countless talents. But today is the first time that I've met an opponent who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me."

Xiao was silent. There was no expression on Xie Chunqiu's praise.

Since holding the sword, Xiao Han has been gathering momentum, and Xie Chunqiu has long seen that he is preparing, but he did not interrupt.

It seems that Xie Chunqiu has made up his mind to let Xiao Han use his most powerful moves.

This kind of self-confidence, let Xiao Han all admire.

Xiao Han did not rush up, but walked slowly to Xie Chunqiu with small steps. In his steps, there was a faint and cold breath of sword.

Xiao Han forward every step, stride out of the range is actually not the same.

Today's battle is the most difficult battle Xiao Han has played since he stepped into the middle of the channeling period.

This Xie Chunqiu is also Xiao Han's strongest opponent since he practiced.

Before the devil Rudi and Berger DC, in front of Xie Chunqiu, it is really slag like existence.

Every step is very cautious.

But the indomitable momentum of Xiao Han's body is really more amazing as it goes forward.

When Xiao Han arrived at the middle of the channeling period, his momentum was already at , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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