Published at 6th of March 2023 07:50:47 AM

Chapter 1773

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Hearing the shouts of the disciples of the xiaoyaozong sect, the faces of the three elders Zhen Jia and the eldest elder were relieved.

There was a scum in the clan, which no one expected. Now the most important problem is not to be angry, but to find a way to retreat from the enemy.

At this time, Zhen Jia, the three elders, motioned to the elders who had been attacked to go down and breathe. Then he waved his hand into the woods around the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, and called, "all the lifelong elders, all come up to fight."


With the orders of three elders Zhen Jia, all the life-long elders hiding around the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth all echoed in unison. Then a dozen shadows turned into brilliant lights and rushed into the air above the tower of the Holy Spirit of heaven and earth and came behind the three elders and others.

Among these lifelong elders, there are elder Mo Yan and elder Xiao Li. They are lifelong elders. However, these lifelong elders had previously practiced in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, so they did not participate in the previous war.

Although it is said that elder Moyan and their lifelong elders are not as strong as those before, many of them rushed to stand behind the three elders Zhen Jia, and the momentum of xiaoyaozong is also one of the strongest.

"Since you xiaoyaozong is so stubborn, don't blame our demon family for being cruel.

Feel from those xiaoyaozong elders sent out the fierce momentum, Liu Chunfeng and other demon masters face no fear look.

Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu looked at each other, and then they stepped back at the same time. Then Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu turned back at the same time, then bowed to the woods below, and then called respectfully: "little Lord, please show up."

"Little Lord?"

All the people present were slightly stunned. Then the elder and three elders Zhen Jia looked at the direction of Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu's worship, and their faces sank.

Can be Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu, the two demon lords so respectfully invited out of the figure, absolutely not what kind of fault.

Little Lord?

Among the demons, who can afford this name, and who can make Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu kowtow, I'm afraid only the descendants of the previous generation of demon.

"Yes, you did well." After the sound of Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu fell, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the forest below. Then, there was a space fluctuation from the forest. A very great figure appeared in the sky like a ghost.

"Ji Wu Tian?"

"What's the matter? What's the matter, Ji Wutian? "

"Is Ji Wutian actually the little master of the demon clan?"

"How could it be? Is that impossible? "

"What else is impossible? Even those lifelong elders have six or seven who betrayed their school. What is impossible at this time? "

"That's it. Ji wudian is the little master of the demon clan. It's really incredible that a little master of a demon lord has been lurking in our Xiaoyao sect for such a long time."


Ji wudian's sudden appearance made all the disciples of Xiaoyao sect look like dirt.

Both the elders and the ordinary disciples were shocked.

If we can understand that there were six or seven traitors in the team of lifelong elders before, then Ji Wutian, an excellent disciple of Xiaoyao sect, is the little master of the demon clan, which is hard for everyone to accept.

Ji wudian's position in the Xiaoyao sect is very special. He is not an elder and has no interest in becoming an elder of the Xiaoyao sect. However, among the disciples of the older generation, Ji wudian is one of the best.

It is because of Ji Wutian's strong strength, coupled with his appearance of no desire and no desire, many disciples of Xiaoyao sect admire him.

In addition, Ji Wutian is a senior member of the Xiaoyao sect, and he is older than the younger generation's disciples. Even many of the young disciples present were more or less instructed by Ji wudian before they were on their way to practice.

However, Ji Wutian is the little master of the demon clan. This news is really unacceptable for a while.

Xiao Han is also a helpless look at Ji Wutian, who gradually drifts up. Xiao Han doesn't feel a trace of demon spirit from Ji wudian, so there are only two possibilities.

The first is Ji Wutian's body has some kind of demon family's treasure, can cover up the devil's breath.

The second is Ji Wutian's cultivation realm and strength. He can already rely on his own cultivation realm and strength to cover up the devil's breath.

And that's not the most surprising.

What surprised Xiao Han most was that Ji wudian's body was filled with real aura, which only the Terran Qi refiners could cultivate, not the evil spirit.

That is to say, Ji Wutian was the first demon clan to cultivate the human clan skills.

This is the real reason for Xiao Han's shock.Originally Xiao Han thought that the whole world should be only his own most special.

Xiao Han is the only one in the whole world who has practiced the magic skills. He is definitely the first person who has been far away from the past for thousands of years.

Originally, after Xiao Han returned to the secular world, because those who could not find the magic Qi had not practiced the magic skills of the demon clan for a long time, so Xiao Han almost forgot the evil Qi in his body.

However, when he saw Ji Wutian, who practiced the skills of the human race as a demon, Xiao Han found that there were also such talents in the demon clan.

When Ji wudian appeared, Lu Xuan, standing on a treetop, looked at Ji Wutian in shock, and then at Xiao Han's position. There was a flash of light between her eyebrows.

Looking at the figure that appeared in the sky, the faces of the elder and the three elders Zhen Jia suddenly changed, and the voice of sucking cold air from their mouths came out at the same time.

The elder looked at Ji Wutian who was slowly rising into the sky. His face was very rare and some pale. He sighed a long time and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect that you are the little master of the demon clan. What's more, as a demon clan, you can cultivate the martial arts of the human race. It's unbelievable."

The three elders exclaimed in surprise: "boss, it's impossible. How can people in the demon clan practice human skills? Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

the elder said with a wry smile: "there's nothing impossible. People in the demon clan can practice our people's skills. Maybe some people in the clan can practice the skills of the demon clan."

Speaking of this, the elder looked at Xiao Han's hidden position.

In this short moment, Xiao Han knew that his spy had already been seen through by the elder, and the evil spirit in his body had already been seen through by the elder. However, Xiao Han wondered why the elder didn't suspect that he was the spy of the demon clan.

At this time, from the forest below, more than a dozen figures swept into the air. The middle men of xiaoyaozong found that these ten figures were all small followers who had been following Ji Wutian before. Ji chenling and Leng Qingfeng were in the line.

But the three elders Zhen Jia and the elder elder found that there was not a trace of evil spirit in the body of these ten figures.

Just when people were puzzled, Ji wudian, who had just appeared in front of Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu, chuckled softly and then said, "are you surprised that I can hide in the Terran for such a long time without being discovered?"

Said, Ji Wu Tian suddenly stretched out a palm, in his palm heart suddenly appeared a colorful ball.

After the round ball appeared, people found that a trace of the faint magic spirit emanating from Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu was quickly absorbed into the ball.

Xiao Han looked at the colorful ball in Ji Wutian's hands in the mid air and murmured to himself: "is this the treasure that can cover up the demon flavor? Is there such a magic treasure in the world? "

At this time, Xiaoyue whispered in Xiao Han's mind: "if I guess right, Ji wudian's hand should be a treasure that has been lost in ancient times. It is called hundunzhu. Although it has no other magical function, it just can cover up all the breath. Unexpectedly, this hundun bead appears in the demon clan Hands. "

Xiao Han Leng way: "can cover up all breath? Is that the Terran with the chaotic beads, even the demons can not find the aura of the Terran? "

Xiaoyue nodded, and then said: "yes, this is the magical use of hundun beads, which is why Ji wudian's people are generally around him."

Xiao Han thought in his mind, if he could snatch this chaotic bead, would he be able to blend into the demons in the future?

But soon Xiao Han laughed at himself.

Xiao Han's intuition tells him that Ji Wutian is very dangerous. Now he should not be Ji Wutian's opponent. He is the little master of the demon clan and the son of the last demon king. His strength can not only be in the middle of Tongyou period.

The middle period of Tongyou period should only be the realm that Ji Wutian practiced in the Terran time.

With the appearance of Ji Wutian, the little Lord of the demon clan, it is not difficult to explain why the six or seven lifelong elders of the Xiaoyao sect betrayed their school.

There are so many demons should be placed in the xiaoyaozong, so it is not difficult for Liu Chunfeng and Mu Tiezhu in Feixian town to pass through the mountain protection array of xiaoyaozong.

Now, with Ji Wutian's appearance, the situation on the field is becoming more and more unfavorable to xiaoyaozong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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