Published at 6th of March 2023 07:47:34 AM

Chapter 1827

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Xiao Han found this magma fire spirit in an ancient book in xiaoyaozong's library.

At that time, Xiao Han just looked at it casually and understood it briefly.

So Xiao Han recognized it at a glance. Now the nine princess used it as a concealed weapon to attack himself. It was the legendary magma fire spirit.

, as the name suggests, magma fire essence is the essence of a kind of fire produced by magma.

This is not a rare thing. It can only be produced in underground magma.

In order to produce magmatic pyroxene, in addition to a large amount of magma at the bottom of the earth, it will take thousands of years to condense from the magma the size of a fingernail.

In fact, the name of magmatic fire spirit should be magma pyrotoxin.

This kind of pyrotoxin is the condensation of toxic gases and toxins in a large amount of magma. After thousands of years of precipitation, it can precipitate the pyrotoxin as big as a nail plate in a large amount of magma.

We can imagine how rare it is to produce a little fire poison.

This rare thing is also because the toxicity of the magma fire poison is very terrible.

The magma fire poison can sneak into the Terran's body without a sound. Once the Terran gas refiner is poisoned by the magma, there is no antidote to relieve it. It is said that once the poison breaks out, the whole body will fester and itch incomparably.

Then the poisoned person began to scratch and scratch all over his body. Finally, he couldn't stop scratching his head and bleeding.

It can be said that although the magma fire poison is not the kind of extremely poisonous thing, it is better than that it will be colorless and tasteless when it comes into contact with the human body, making people unable to guard against it.

Looking at the dozens of milky white things shot by the nine princesses of the Dragon nationality, Xiao Han's first reaction is to get away.

Xiao Han is very clear, although this magma fire spirit is not something with strong toxicity, but it is very strange.

The general poison can't play a very important role in the cultivation realm and strength of the Terran Qi refiners. Just like Xiao Han now, it can be said that most of the poisons in the world can't play a role in Xiao Han's body.

But the magma fire poison is different. According to the records of that ancient book, unless the cultivation realm and strength reach the immortal realm, there is no way to restrain it.

Once the magma fire poison is contaminated with the body, the consequences can be unimaginable. Even if there is no way to kill Xiao Han, it will also let Xiao Han take off his skin.

What's more, such a rare magma fire poison was collected by the nine princesses of the Dragon nationality. Each regiment is the size of a thumb.

It takes a thousand years to form a cluster in the magma lake. There are dozens of clusters here. How many years does it take to agglomerate?

"Magma fire poison, you actually collected so much magma fire poison." Xiao Han some angry scold way: "you still say I am despicable, I see you are no better where to go."

With that, Xiao Han began to dodge around.

However, when Xiao Han didn't think of it, those milky white magma fire poison was controlled by the ninth Princess and surrounded from all directions. Xiao Han had no way to escape.

When Xiao Han goes to the left, the milk white magma fire poison goes to the left, and the milky white magma fire poison goes to the right,

as a result, Xiao Han has to fall directly into the magma lake to avoid the dozens of milky white magma fire poison.

However, even if Xiao Han's whole person has penetrated into the depth of the magma, the dozens of milky magma fire poison are still in pursuit.

"Damn it, such a despicable means and how mean our people are. I don't think that nine princess is any better."

Xiao Han manipulates his body to shuttle through the magma, surrounded by dozens of lava fire spirits from all directions.

Those milky magma fire spirits are particularly conspicuous in the red magma, but even if Xiao Han's body speed is very fast, those magmatic fire spirits behind are still in pursuit.

Xiao Han knew that those lava fire spirits were controlled by the nine dragon princesses, so he had been pursuing Xiao Han.

Although nine princesses of the Dragon nationality said that there was no way to use space shuttle and other means around the magma lake, it was effortless to control dozens of magma fire spirits to chase Xiao Han.

"It depends on where you're going to escape..."

looking at Xiao Han, who wears through the magma, nine princesses of the dragon family have an imperceptible bad smile.

Xiao Han, who is being chased around, is looking for Countermeasures in his mind.

I can't go on like this.

There are dozens of magmatic fire spirits around. No matter where Xiao Han runs, he will be caught up. If Xiao Han's speed is not fast enough, I'm afraid those magmatic fire spirits would have caught up.

However, Xiao Han's speed is no use. Those lava fire spirits are controlled by the Dragon nine princesses. As long as they don't hit the target, they won't stop.

Xiao Han, who was shuttling through the magma, suddenly moved in his heart and thought of a good idea.Now the ninth Princess must stay in the drama. If so, why don't Xiao Han lead those lava fire spirits to her side.

If you can't, I'll hold you directly. I think you dare to let those lava fire poison touch me. Then I'll let you have a taste of it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han made a turn in the lava lake. After finding out the right time, the whole person was like a shell that was fired at the top of the lake and shot the princess in the air.


looking at Xiao Han, who suddenly jumped out of the magma lake, the ninth Princess noticed Xiao Han's intention at the first time.

As soon as Xiao Han appeared, dozens of milky magmatic pyrogens in the magma lake also rushed out.

Nine Princess body movement, just good will Xiao Han hit the figure to dodge away.

But how could Xiao Han let the ninth Princess hide so easily?

But dozens of magma fire poison is chasing Xiao Han around. If Xiao Han can't solve it, I'm afraid that the next dozens of magma fire poison will keep chasing Xiao Han.

"Despicable dragon clan, where are you going Xiao Han yelled and rushed up, following the ninth princess.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Xiao Han chasing after him, nine princess's eyes also appeared a little flustered look.

Originally, Princess nine didn't think that only dozens of magma fire spirits could kill Xiao Han. Basically, the nine princess used to teach Xiao Han a lesson.

But now Xiao Han is chasing her in the back, which makes the ninth princess a little at a loss.

"What? Isn't that obvious? I'll give you the same way. Don't you understand? " Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Mean and shameless." Nine princess can't help but curse.

Xiao Han turned a deaf ear to the curse of the ninth princess.

Xiao Han has never thought of anything despicable or despicable when fighting with people.

As long as you can get rid of your opponent, you can't go too far. After all, Xiao Han is not a pedantic person.

Both sides are rivals to divide life and death. What kind of moral principles should be considered? This can't be done, and that can't be done. It's better to stand still and wait.

Along the way, Xiao Han encountered innumerable intrigues, all kinds of traps Xiao Han encountered.

However, the other side how to dig a hole, Xiao Han took it.

But Xiao Han himself used some means a little, but let a lot of opponents swear a lot of times.

It seems that whether it is the Terran or the dragon, the treacherous and obscene means can only be used by the other party, he Xiao Han can not use it, Xiao Han uses it is mean and vulgar, and the other party uses it is fair and aboveboard.

Now the nine princesses of the Dragon nationality use the magma fire poison. Fortunately, Xiao Han once read about the magma fire poison in the Linglong Pavilion in the xiaoyaozong's library. So Xiao Han gave the nine princess's magma fire poison at a glance. Otherwise, Xiao Han would be the first time to attack.

If Xiao Han doesn't know what the dozens of milky white things around him are, I'm afraid it's hard to avoid contacting with dozens of magma fire spirits around.

At that time, Xiao Han will definitely suffer a big loss.

So Xiao Han had no choice but to chase the ninth princess.

Now, over this lava lake, this strange scene begins to appear.

Xiao Han chased after the nine princesses of the Dragon nationality, and behind him there were dozens of milky white magma fire spirits chasing after him.

And the last dozens of milky white magma fire spirits are controlled by the nine princesses of the Dragon tribe.

In order to get rid of Xiao Han who was staring at him, the ninth Princess manipulated dozens of magma fire spirits behind Xiao Han more quickly, in order to let those lava fire spirits chase after Xiao Han as soon as possible, so that Xiao Han could be trapped by the fire poison on the magma essence, so as to get rid of Xiao Han.

But the faster Princess nine controls those lava fire spirits, the faster Xiao Han's speed is, and the tighter Xiao Han pursues her.

Originally, the speed of the ninth Princess didn't have to be slow, but the seal power under the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth had a certain suppression effect on her strength, so the ninth princess could not give full play to her strength.

This is the main reason why Xiao Han was able to drag the ninth princess to death, and even forced her to reveal her true body.

At that time, if Princess nine didn't show her real body, I'm afraid Xiao Han would have poked dozens of holes in Princess nine's dragon with one sword in his hand.

Now, Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength have been improved a lot. In addition, Xiao Han will not be suppressed in the aura cage under the spirit tower of heaven and earth, like the nine princesses. Therefore, Xiao Han can exert his strength to the utmost.

Under the ebb and flow, Xiao Han's speed can make the ninth Princess unable to get rid of, can chase the nine Princess far away, even the nine princess are helpless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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