Published at 6th of March 2023 07:41:39 AM

Chapter 1896

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Xiao Han's figure suddenly appeared on the top of the tiger demon in the jungle. He held a long sword in his hands and stabbed the head of the fifth level monster in the middle.


the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands fell into the head of the tiger demon in the jungle.

The Jungle Tiger demon, which soon cut off its vitality, fell to the ground with a huge amount of smoke and dust.

At this time, all the monsters and the members of the fire Python team were paying attention to the movement of the field. When they saw the picture of the Jungle Tiger demon falling to the ground, all the monsters and the Terrans were shocked.

One move, really one move will be the first five level monster Jungle Tiger demon to kill.

Xiao Han had just appeared, and the battle was over. His hand directly killed the fifth level monster, which was crisp and clean without any hesitation.

Many members of the fire Python team were looking at Xiao Han's figure standing on the tiger demon's head, and could not speak for a long time.

Cheng Cheng also looked at Xiao Han's direction with a shocked face and murmured to himself: "this Xiao Han, should not be just the strength of tongxuan period?"

And around those monsters found that their boss was killed by the Terran, their eyes also appeared a moment of dullness, soon, eyes began to show a trace of fear.

Xiao Han directly killed the fifth level monster. Originally, he intended to frighten those monsters under the tiger demon in the jungle. So when Xiao Han took the hand, the members of the fire Python team who came back to their senses began to rush forward and howl to fight with those monsters.

Dozens of monsters were chased and killed by the members of the fire Python team in the absence of a leader. The situation on the field quickly formed a changed slaughter.

When all the fighting is over, the members of the fire Python team begin to clean up the battlefield and collect all the demon pills.

And Cheng Cheng, Tiemu, Luoluo and others went to Xiao Han's side.

Xiao Han has jumped down from the head of the Jungle Tiger demon and is wiping the sky sword in his hand.

Cheng Cheng asked with a surprised face: "brother Xiao Han, are you sure you are just the state of cultivation in the early stage of tongxuan period?"

Xiao Han grinned and then said, "you said just now? Yes

"Er..." this sentence of Xiao Han is barely understood by Cheng Cheng. The cultivation realm just revealed by Xiao Han is the early stage of the tongxuan period.

It's just that Cheng Cheng can't figure out how to do it. Xiao Han's cultivation and strength are obviously lower than him. But why is his combat effectiveness more terrible than him?

"Luoluo, you just performed very well. You killed several monsters yourself." Xiao Han looked at the young girl with sweat on her forehead and gave a thumbs up.

Of course, Xiao Han can see that he is still under age, and his combat experience is not very rich. In addition, his cultivation time is not long, so his cultivation realm and strength are still good.

If you give her a little more time, the future strength should not be under Cheng Cheng.

Soon, the battlefield was cleared up. During the battle just now, the number of monsters killed by the whole team exceeded 60, and there were monster corpses everywhere.

In addition to the fifth level monster Jungle Tiger demon, there are ten level Four monster beast, more than 50 level three monster beast, and the whole fire Python team members are only more than 30.

Xiao Han listens to Cheng Cheng Cheng's excited announcement of his achievements, and then says with a soft smile: "vice captain Cheng, standing at the end of the battle, do you want to ask everyone whether there is still the strength of the first World War?"

Cheng Cheng and the surrounding fire Python team members were stunned at first, then some incredible pursuit asked: "brother Xiao Han, do you mean to... Make another wave?"

Xiao Han said with a smile: "yes, it's still early. If everyone can fight again, let's have a rest. And I'm responsible for attracting the Xuangu crocodile demon. Let's play it again according to the plot just now?"

Xiao Han's voice just fell, all the people around looked at each other.

See other no objection, Xiao Han said with a smile: "that's the decision, I'll go to find the Xuangu crocodile demon, we can clean up here."

Said, Xiao Han body shape a sweep, began to rush to the distance.

The main reason why Xiao Han didn't look for the three Tailed Fox demon, but the Xuangu crocodile demon first. Of course, the main reason for this is that generally speaking, as a fox demon, intelligence needs to be done more than other monsters of the same level. Therefore, Xiao Han thinks that if he has killed the Jungle Tiger demon and all the monsters under his banner, unless he finds another place to arrange traps and mechanisms, it will be very good It's hard to cheat that three Tailed Fox demon.

Once the head of the three fox demon to far away smell of blood, maybe that three tail fox demon will turn around and run.

As for the Xuangu crocodile demon, Xiao Han was not so worried.

When Xiao Han left, Cheng Cheng began to clean up the battlefield with all the members of the fire Python team.In fact, there is nothing to sort out. It is just to clean up the corpses of monsters who died in the trap, and then carry those who have fallen down.

All the members of the fire Python team were very active. More than 60 monsters have just been killed, which is a complete victory. In addition, there are almost no serious injuries in the team, only a few people have been slightly injured.

Before this achievement, those members of the fire Python team dare not even think about it.

However, with Xiao Han's help, he killed the whole demon beast tribe, and no one was killed or even seriously injured. All the people present were naturally in high spirits.

Xiao Han went directly to the nest of the crocodile demon.

Last time Xiao Han brought back a tiger whisker of a Jungle Tiger demon, which made the Jungle Tiger demon angry and chased with all his men.

This time, Xiao Han tore a piece of scales from the body of the Xuangu crocodile demon, and then ran away.

The scale in Xiao Han's hand was as big as a disk, which was pulled down from the back of the Xuangu crocodile demon. The black bone crocodile was furious and nearly collapsed the cave.

Xiao Han scolded while walking this time, which made the crocodile demon roar in the back, but he couldn't catch up with Xiao Han.

Finally, with dozens of hands, the Xuangu crocodile demon bumped into the trap area arranged by the fire Python team, and was in chaos.

Seeing that the crocodile demon was ambushed by the Terrans, he actually knew that he could not defeat the enemy. He took all his subordinates to pull back at the first time. The whole team lost more than a dozen monsters in traps and mechanisms.

However, the fire Python team members obviously had expected this kind of thing. When the dark bone crocodile demon was ready to escape, they rushed up from all directions at the first time and intercepted those monsters together.

Dozens of monsters were all intercepted by the fire Python team members in a small mountain forest, and Xiao Han was the first to stare at the dark bone crocodile demon.

For the Terran who tore a piece of scales from his back, the Xuangu crocodile demon was extremely angry, and rushed to Xiao Han with a roar.

The whole huge body of this black bone crocodile demon is the size of a train carriage. Besides the slow and heavy movement, it is a nightmare for the Terran gas refiner.

The crocodile can only cut the shallow scales on the surface.

So it took some time for Xiao Han to kill the Xuangu crocodile demon. Although Xiao Han's Sky Sword stabbed several swords in the missing scale of the Xuangu crocodile demon, it did not cause fatal injury to the Xuangu crocodile demon.

Fortunately, Xiao Han seized the opportunity to stab the Xuangu crocodile demon's eyes twice in a row, and finally killed the Xuangu crocodile demon.

At this time, the team members of the fire Python team also gradually controlled the situation.

Compared with the group of Jungle Tiger demon's subordinates, these dark bone crocodile demon's subordinates are obviously more difficult to deal with, especially those crocodile demons like the dark bone crocodile demon. The scales on the surface of their bodies are very hard and their defense ability is very excellent. For a moment, even if they are ambushed by the Terrans, the monsters on the field can resist the fire Python team members The attack.

Finally, when Xiao Han killed several fourth-order crocodile demons, the situation on the field began to control in the hands of the fire Python team members.

At this station, the Xuangu crocodile demon and more than 50 monsters were completely destroyed, and one member of the fire Python team was killed.

Broken hands, fire Python station team members some sad, but this kind of thing is also more common in the team.

Once joined the team, the head was hanging around the neck.

It's very difficult for the Terran gas refiners in the ten directions to make a living if they don't become team members. There is no other living livelihood around Langshan town except for the large and small teams.

As a celebrity gas refiner, he has to join the team, not only can he get his own cultivation resources, but also the whole family will be supported by the team.

After the completion of the battle, there will be monster corpses all over the field.

These monster corpses don't need to be cleaned up by the fire Python team members. In the evening, it will become a place for a large number of demon beasts to eat. Some first-order and second-order monsters, or even third-order monsters, who have not yet cultivated the demon Dan, can chew away the monster carcasses here in one night, leaving only skeleton.

By this time, it's almost time for the fire Python team to finish work. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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