Published at 6th of March 2023 07:41:07 AM

Chapter 1904

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If that young man can defeat his young master, then is it not to say that the strength of the other side is even higher than that of his young master in the middle of Tongyou period?

Is that the young man is the peak of tongyouqi?

Can't you? In addition to xiurenjie, the leader of the dragon team, and even in the whole Langshan Town, there is only xiurenjie, an expert who can reach the peak of seclusion.

But if that young man is not a master of the peak state of Youqi, how can he beat his young master xiusen with one blow?

It's impossible to think of it when I die, but now I look at xiusen, who is sitting on the ground. The cruel reality in front of him makes all the members of Tianlong team look dull.

Looking at those around him who had been stunned for a long time, xiusen spat out blood again, and roared angrily: "you idiots, what are you doing here? If you don't go after him, you must follow that guy tightly. After going out, send a signal to let my father come as soon as possible and kill the boy."

"Yes, young master..." xiusen's roar made these dragon troops wake up. They answered in a hurry, and then swept over and chased Xiao Han, who escaped from the cave.

Hard to prop up the body, xiusen leaning on the stone wall, heavily breathed a few breaths.

At the thought of himself and the team members of the Tianlong team in Langshan Town, who were defeated by an unknown nobody, xiusen's eyes flashed a ferocious look.


xiusen's fist hit the ground heavily and said fiercely: "you son of a bitch, don't let me catch you, or I will let you live or die, to vent my hatred."

But at the thought of the other side's strength to be higher than himself, xiusen's brow was slowly wrinkling up.

When his father arrives, he will be able to catch the guy.

At the thought of being able to crush Xiao Han into pieces and the beautiful woman beside Xiao Han, xiusen's face could not help flashing a trace of ferocious color.


Xiao Han took Yumei Niang and rushed out of the cave before the members of the dragon team.

Xiao Han thought, the sky sword has automatically appeared in front of Xiao Han, Xiao Han took Yumei Niang and stepped on it directly, and then directly took the sword into the air.

Anyway, all the treasures in the immortal remains have been obtained, and Xiao Han has no need to stay here.

If you want to find the field back and teach the dragon team a lesson, there will be opportunities in the future.

After rushing out of the hole, Xiao Han suddenly felt some hot and dry all over his body when the cold wind in the night sky blew.

"Eh..." Xiao Han was surprised in his heart.

With the flying speed of imperial sword, the night wind in the night sky is blowing. How can it be hot and dry?

At this time, Xiao Han faintly felt that the dry heat was emitted from his body.

And Xiao Han subconsciously will over look, just good-looking to the face of scarlet jade Mei Niang.

"Xiao Han... That... That... You... Have you noticed that there is something wrong with your body?" Standing in front of Xiao Han, Yumei's mother suddenly asked in a soft voice.

Listen to her question, Xiao Han's heart is involuntarily fierce jump.

Just before meeting the beautiful lady Yumei, a pretty face, I don't know when it is full of attractive crimson, originally smart eyes, at this time also become a little confused.

After Xiao Han's eyes moved down, he found that even the slender jade neck of Lady Yumei was also climbing up to a layer of crimson.

Xiao Han grinned bitterly, one face doubts a way: "yes, how to return a responsibility, is a bit wrong."

At this time, Xiao Han also found that his body began to become more and more fiery up, and the body inexplicably appeared in this fire and the trend of continued spread.

"How could that happen?"

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Han looks at her pretty face. Because of this strange scene, there appears a frightened lady Yumei. Then she looks down at the scarlet lady Yumei all over her body.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han's heart suddenly moved, because he suddenly found that the spirit in his body was running slowly.

Xiao Han was startled and immediately thought of the kind of He Hua San that the team members of the Tianlong team spilled out in the cave.

Xiao Han some dry mouth asked: "can be that he Hua San?"

Yumei's mother was stunned at first, and then exclaimed in a startled voice: "by the way, the hehuasan, in addition to affecting the circulation of breath in the body, seems to have... And the role of aphrodisiac. Is it true

"Ah? You didn't say it earlier? " Xiao Han had some tears to cry."I've only heard of that kind of thing, I haven't seen it at all, and I'm not sure if it has such effect." At this time, lady Yumei seems to have thought of the special powder he Huasan that may have been spilled by those members of the Tianlong standing team.

With a long sigh, Xiao Han found that the evil fire rising from his abdomen was getting stronger and stronger. At the moment, his abdomen shrank in a hurry, and with the help of aura, he controlled the evil fire in his body from spreading.

"Xiao Han, I really don't know that hehuasan has this effect. Besides, both of us have closed our breath just now, so we haven't inhaled many hehuasan."

In front of the jade Mei Niang is also feeling the body is more and more dry and hot, wish to have a kind of impulse to strip off clothes, but after all, it is a seven level demon, even now has transformed human nature, but after all, her strength and strength are still, and she forcibly represses the heat in her heart.

However, empress Yumei didn't know that this kind of Hehua powder was a kind of rare plant pollen in the ten directions refining area. It was effective for the human race, especially for the monster. So, she couldn't control it now.

The desire in her body surged up like a tide. She had been standing on the sky sword and was close to each other. She wanted to have an impulse to plunge into Xiao Han's arms.

Xiao Han looked back and found that there were several brilliant lights behind him. It should be those members of the dragon team who were chasing after him.

Seeing that the aura in his body is running more and more slowly, Xiao Han knows that he must get out of the way as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if he can resist invading Yumei's mother, but after those Tianlong team members catch up with him, he and Yumei's mother can't escape death.

"This can't work. We need to find a place to hide. We should sit still and relax as soon as possible to suppress the toxicity of Hehua powder... Otherwise, we don't know what will happen next?" His face was flushed and faintly a minute, Xiao Han said.

What happened? What else can happen? Isn't it just about men and women?

Think of, jade Mei Niang is pretty face first stagnant, immediately gush up a large piece of blush, she does not know why she would have such a bold idea.

Jade Mei Niang had to pant soft voice to say: "Xiao Han, you see to do, want to hurry up, I can't hold fast to fast."

At this time, Yumei's mother was also a little at a loss, completely without the calm and demeanor of the seven stage demons in the giant wolf mountain.

Xiao Han knows that he can't delay now, so even if the aura in his body is getting slower and slower, Xiao Han still runs the aura in his body to the extreme.

The sky sword under Xiao Han's feet seemed to know that his master was in a state of fire, so he quickly passed away in the air.

After all, Xiao Han is the peak state of Tongyou period, and the team members of the dragon team behind him are the strength of the early stage of tongxuan period. How can they match Xiao Han's speed?

In addition, the sky sword has its own intelligence, and this time the speed has been promoted to the peak. After a few turns around the mountain top, the sky sword will leave the team members of the sky dragon team behind them.

At this time, lady Yumei pointed to the cave below and said, "Xiao Han, there is a cave there. Although the space inside is not big, it should be able to let us hide."

Soon Xiao Han with Yumei Niang jumped down from the sky sword and walked into the cave.

This cave is not big, but at the end of the cave, there is a platform stone platform, which can barely sit.

In the middle of the cave, Xiao Han pointed to take out the stone platform and said, "we haven't inhaled much Hehua powder. We should be able to suppress it with our strength here for a while." With that, Xiao Han went to cross legged, quickly closed his eyes, and then ran the aura in his body to suppress the rising desire.

Looking at Xiao Han, Yumei's mother just wanted to use the breath in her body to suppress it. But at this time, she found that the spirit of the monster in her body had completely stopped, and there was no way to run it.

The effect of hehuasan on monsters is far greater than that of human beings. Therefore, this plant, called hehuacao, is often chewed by some monsters in estrus to boost their spirits.

Therefore, at this time, Yumei Niang was surprised to find that she had no way to mobilize the body's breath to suppress the body's desire.

With the burning of desire in her heart, the bright eyes of Yumei Niang are more and more blurred, and lust is driving away her reason.

A cool wind blowing in the cave made Yumei sober up a little. Yumei resisted the impulse to plunge into Xiao Han's arms. Looking at Xiao Han's trembling voice, she said, "Xiao Han, i... I can't suppress..."

Xiao Han, who was originally suppressing the desire in her body, could not help but be scared to death. What's the meaning of not being able to suppress it?

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