Published at 6th of March 2023 09:14:44 AM

Chapter 195

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"Ah She exclaimed, and then said, "it's really Xiao Han!"

Obviously, she couldn't believe it. Will Xiao Han's archives be put into Shuimu university?

"What to do?" Male teacher excitedly said: "we, let's put Xiao Han's file into file."

"No The female teacher quickly shook her head and said, "once in the file, there is no way to change it. It would ruin a person's life. We, we'd better ask the members of the school committee to decide. "

"It's OK." The male teacher nodded.

Then they immediately called the school leaders.

Chen Aiguo, President of Shuimu University, was informed of the news and rushed to the admissions office to check the situation. When confirming the truth of the news, he was also silent.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do?" The male teacher asked curiously.

"Don't worry!" Chen Aiguo took a deep breath. In fact, he hesitated. If he orders the admissions office to accept Xiao Han's files. It is estimated that no one can block it. Finally, it is the people in the college entrance examination office to take the responsibility. It has nothing to do with myself.

However, I am afraid that it will delay a person's life.

Thinking for a long time, several teachers in the admissions office have been staring at Chen Aiguo, as if waiting for his instructions.

After a long time, Chen Aiguo said, "I'll call the college entrance examination office to ask about the situation. Can I see if this file is sent wrong? I think there are nine times out of ten that I have made a mistake. How can such a good student get into Shuimu university? "

Of course, this is not to say that Shuimu university is not good, because Xiao Han is too excellent to be admitted to Shuimu University.

"All right." One side of the teacher nodded.

They not only hope that Xiao Han can be admitted to Shuimu University, but also hope that Xiao Han will not apply for Shuimu University. After all, Xiao Han is the examinee of Z Province, he is the pride of Z province. Therefore, no one wants Xiao Han's life to be destroyed. However, they also hope that Xiao Han can apply for Shuimu University in this province. After all, everyone hopes that the fertile water will not flow into the field.

Chen Aiguo immediately called the office of the national college entrance examination office.

"Ha ha, Lao Chen, who are you?" At the other end of the phone, a laughing voice came: "what? Call me all of a sudden. Would you like to invite me to a wedding banquet

"Oh, what kind of wedding wine to drink?" Chen Aiguo said helplessly: "something happened, something big happened."

"Oh? What's the matter? " On the other end of the phone, the voice asked curiously.

"The file is misplaced." Chen Aiguo said anxiously, "how did you put the files of the top one in the national examination into our school?"

"What's the big deal for me?" On the other end of the phone, he laughed and said, "I'm sure this file is right. How can we miss such an important role? You may as well accept this file! "

"Ah?" On hearing this, Chen Aiguo immediately said, "can't it?"

"Yes The other party nodded seriously, and then said, "I remember very clearly that Li hengzhong, the principal of Linjiang No.1 middle school, seriously told me about this problem. I didn't tell you all the time. I just wanted to surprise you

"Say so." Chen Aiguo was surprised and said, "Xiao Han said that he applied for Shuimu university?"

"Yes The other party said with a smile, "how are you, are you surprised? This is a great event. You'll have to treat me to a wedding banquet later

"No problem!" Hearing this, Chen Aiguo nodded on the spot and said, "I will treat you to a wedding banquet."

Hang up the phone, Chen Aiguo appears very excited.

The male teacher on one side asked curiously, "headmaster Chen, do you Did Xiao Han really apply to our school? "

"Yes Chen Aiguo immediately nodded, and then said, "Xiao Han did apply to our school, and the national college entrance examination office has confirmed it. I didn't expect that Xiao Han would report to Shuimu University. I'm so glad. "

"President Chen, we are not bad at Shuimu University." Said the female teacher.

"Compared with Tsinghua University and Peking University, our university of Shuimu has indeed checked a grade!" Chen Aiguo laughed and said: "although we are also key universities in China, Peking University and Tsinghua University are also the top universities in the world. There is still a little bit of self-knowledge. "

"Yes, yes!" Several teachers nodded.

"Well, it seems that I have to go to Linjiang in person." Chen Aiguo said with a smile: "in order to show that our school is thirsty for talents, I should personally send Xiao Han the admission notice, in addition, we should give him a certain reward!"

"How much is the prize?" One side of the male teacher asked curiously.

"I heard that the provincial Party committee awarded 500000." Chen Aiguo laughed and said, "let's reward 500000."

"So much?" The male teacher said in dismay.

"If it wasn't for the reward of 500000 yuan from the provincial Party committee, I might have awarded more." Chen Aiguo laughed and said, "I believe Tsinghua University and Peking University should be more than this number. Therefore, since Xiao Han has chosen us, naturally we can't let him down. ""President Chen said so." The male teacher nodded.

Soon, Chen Aiguo drove to Linjiang city with 500000 bonus and admission notice. From the provincial capital to Linjiang City, it is about two hours' journey. Moreover, when Chen Aiguo goes to Linjiang City, he can also visit his old classmate Li hengzhong and learn about Xiao Han from Li hengzhong.

Recently, there have been all kinds of news about Xiao Han on TV, almost overwhelming publicity. Facing such crazy propaganda, Chen Aiguo was confused. A champion in the college entrance examination and a student in a poor school training class, the two identities were not in conflict, but now they are related together, which makes people feel confused. Chen Aiguo always thinks that this is just the need of media propaganda, so he exaggerates some propaganda contents. It is because of this that Chen Aiguo needs to find Li hengzhong about Xiao Han.

On TV, Xiao Han has never faced the media head-on. I have never been interviewed by any of them every day. Chen Aiguo believes that this should be the needs of media publicity. All media reports are all news reported by the media themselves. This also aroused some doubts of Chen Aiguo.


Revive the community, a harmonious.

It's hot in August. The trees in the Renaissance community are lush. Many old people enjoy the cool under the trees, drink tea and play chess. The greening of Fuxing community is really good. The trees of several decades have covered the whole community. Let the whole community is particularly cool and cool. Everyone felt comfortable.

At this time, a black Passat car slowly drove into the Fuxing community.

Many old people on the side of the road looked at the black car curiously.

Chen Aiguo drove to the community, he curiously poked out his head. Although he knew that Xiao Han's family lived here, he did not know the specific location of Xiao Han's home. In desperation, he had to get out of the car. Then ask passers-by.

"Old man, do you know Xiao Han?" Chen Aiguo asked in a hurry. However, after the words were asked, he felt that there was something wrong with them. These people are all old people in grade. Who can know a boy who is still in his infancy. Therefore, Chen Aiguo has hastily added: "it is a student. This year's top student in college entrance examination

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Uncle Liu knocked on his pipe and said, "we may not know the Secretary of the municipal government, but we can't help knowing Xiao Han."

"Ha ha..." The crowd roared with laughter, and a group of people laughed forward and backward.

"Well..." Chen Aiguo said in a hurry: "old man, can you tell me where Xiao Han's family lives? I want to find him! "

"You Who are you? " "Xiao Han is more afraid of media reporters recently. It seems that he doesn't welcome people from the media to go to him."

"Don't worry, I'm not." Chen Aiguo shook his head in a hurry, and then said, "I am the president of Shuimu University. This time I came to Xiao Han to send the admission notice. And the scholarship from our school to Xiao Han! "

"Oh, it's the president of Shuimu University!" On hearing this, uncle Liu was immediately enthusiastic. He said in a hurry: "it's the intellectuals. I'll show you the way. My home is not far from Xiao Han's

"Thank you, old man." Chen Aiguo said quickly.

"You're welcome!" Uncle Liu shook his head and then said, "Xiao Han won honor not only in our city but also in our community. You see, these street lamps have just been changed. Last time the Secretary of the municipal government came to Xiao Han's house and saw that the street lamps here were out of repair for a long time, so he ordered the people of the street lamp management office to repair them. Haha, the problems that can't be solved for more than ten years have been solved by Xiao Han. "

"Ha ha..." Chen Aiguo smiles. It is true for the domestic situation. As a principal, Chen Aiguo could not understand the domestic situation? It's just that he doesn't want to say anything. Just a faint smile.

I arrived at Xiao Han's house.

Uncle Liu said with a smile, "here, that's Xiao Han's home."

"Is it?" On hearing this, Chen Aiguo immediately said, "great, thank you, old man!"

"You're welcome!" Uncle Liu waved his hand and said, "I'll knock on the door for you."

With that, uncle Liu yelled in his voice all the way: "sister, are you at home?"

Not much, Xiao's mother came out of the house and asked, "Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

"Here comes the president of Shuimu University." Chen Aiguo said in a hurry: "people personally sent admission notice to your son Xiao Han."

"Ah?" When Xiao's mother heard this, she rushed out and wiped the corner of her clothes with both hands. She said with embarrassment: "headmaster, you Hello! I'm Xiao Han's mother. I'm really sorry to ask you to come all the way to send the admission notice. However, I heard that admission letters are not all sent to Shunfeng? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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