Published at 6th of March 2023 09:14:21 AM

Chapter 205

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After several people left, my aunt was still smiling.

"Mom, why did you let me promise them?" Xiao Han frowned.

"Your aunt used to treat our family well." Xiao's mother opened her mouth and said, "although we are also against our family, it is estimated that it is also because of the instigation of your uncle and second uncle. So, you can't blame your aunt. We can only remember other people's good to us, can't remember other people's bad to us

"Oh Xiao Han nods helplessly.

Mother is a good man and a kind woman. In other words, she is a typical Chinese man. Good hearted, hardworking, and very docile, but also a submissive person. Over the years, she has been bullied by the uncle and the second uncle, but she never remembers hatred, nor does she.

This is the place that Xiao Han admired most. From childhood to adulthood, he had seen too many times his mother was submissive, and he had seen too many big uncle's unreasonable momentum. Or strong and deceptive. Therefore, Xiao Han never liked his so-called relatives. For so many years, no matter in holidays, Xiao Han never thought of these relatives, and never wanted to walk around with them. Last year's new year was also because they invited their own home, otherwise, Xiao Han would not have gone.

Xiao Han seems very helpless.


On the way back, Xiao Han's aunt and Xiao Ling's family went out.

"Auntie, thank you this time." The middle-aged man looked grateful and said, "here's a thousand yuan. Take it."

"Good!" Aunt excitedly took the 1000 yuan, and put it into her pocket. She also specially separated her money from her own. She went back and counted it. By the way, she also checked whether there were counterfeit notes. If there were counterfeit notes, the matter would not be over. After putting the money away, she said with a smile, "Xiaoling, you have to study hard. You can see how good your parents are to you, and spare no effort for you. So, you have to work hard, you know? "

"Well!" Xiaoling nods. The girl is wearing a long dress. She has a dream of a princess in her heart. She seems to be a girl who doesn't eat fireworks.

The family went back.

"Auntie, your family is so cold." The middle-aged man said with envy: "it's really fierce. It's not only the champion of the college entrance examination, but also the full score. It's really enviable. It must be very proud of such a powerful figure in the Xiao family? "

"No!" My aunt said triumphantly: "my neighborhood, which one does not envy me?"

"Hey, hey..." The middle-aged man laughed and said, "yes, I envy you too. I just hope my daughter can get into a good university. In this way, we are both relaxed. Making more money in the future is also a contest for us. "

"No, who doesn't want to get into a good university now?" My aunt said in a hurry: "as long as I can get into a good university, there must be a way out in the future."

"Yes The middle-aged man nodded and said, "we just suffered from not reading. Otherwise, where is it now? "

"In the future, if anyone wants to take a cold door training class, you can ask him to find me!" My aunt patted her chest and said, "I'm sure I'll sign up for them. My nephew will listen to me most. As long as I open my mouth, he will be flexible."

"Yes." On hearing this, the middle-aged man said: "many people in my neighborhood are inquiring about this time. If they are asked to give some money, they are probably willing to do so."

"All right My aunt nodded.

Where does Xiao Han know that he loosened his mouth for the first time, and the trouble behind him will come unexpectedly.

Early the next morning.

Xiao Han is still sleeping and sleeping soundly. He was awakened from his sleep by a loud noise outside. He opened his eyes in a hurry and took a dim look at the outside. Then he could hear the sound clearly.

"Sister in law, you have to help me with this." Aunt's voice came in from outside.

"I can't help you!" Xiao's mother looked helpless, and then said, "I can't say anything about this. Yesterday Xiao Han promised you that he was in a good mood. Because you are his aunt, otherwise, with his character, where would you agree to such a thing? "

"It's not a bad thing!" My aunt said, "it's a win-win thing. The cold door training class was supposed to enroll students. I also took the opportunity to earn some money to support the aged. Why not

"You're not doing it right." Xiao's mother said with a wry smile, "it's unfair to those who are queuing up. Do you know? "

On hearing this, my aunt said in a hurry: "this country is a country that stresses relations and contacts. What about queuing? The leaders of ICBC also bring along their families. The whole industrial and Commercial Bank of China has almost become a family business. Why don't people care about it, but we can't? "

"This is not the same, the situation is not the same!" Xiao's mother explained.

"Will you help?" Aunt some angry, she also ate to death Xiao's mother, knew that she ate this set most. That's why she's reckless.

"I can't help. I didn't open the cold door training class." Xiao mother said helplessly."Forget it, I'll go to find Xiao Han!" My aunt was angry and went inside.

Xiao's mother couldn't stop her. Let her go inside. After entering, Xiao Han had already got up from the head of the bed. He looked at his aunt and said, "Auntie, why did you come to our house early in the morning?"

"Oh, Xiaohan, my aunt's good boy." "Did you have breakfast?" she asked

"Have I just got up?" Xiao Han looked at her and then said, "you come to our house early in the morning. Is there something wrong?"

"No!" The aunt nodded in a hurry and said, "my aunt is not short of money, has no job and has many physical problems recently. So, I want to make some money to support myself. A lot of people have come to me recently, so I've collected some tips from them for running errands to ask you to help join the team. Xiaohan, can you help me with my aunt's old age and frailty

"Auntie, how much did you make yesterday?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"They gave a red envelope of 200 yuan." Said the aunt hastily.

"Two hundred dollars?" "Xiao Leng more than one way immediately smile?"

"Er..." My aunt turned her eyes and said, "there are not many. It's only 200 yuan. If you don't believe it, you can ask their home. "

"But Xiao Ling said she gave a thousand!" Xiao Han said.

"Ah..." On hearing this, she said, "this I I really don't know. I haven't opened the red envelope given by their family. It's still at home. I thought it was only 200 yuan, but I didn't expect to give 1000 yuan. I... "

"Aunt, it's almost OK." Xiao Han took a look at him and then said, "you can't be too greedy or too much. The cold door training class has always been a fair and just image, and it can never be changed because of some people. "

"But, I..." My aunt was at a loss.

"Come on, how many people this time?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's all here!" The aunt quickly took out a step of information from the backpack, and then said embarrassed: "a total of 23 people. I brought all their information. Xiaohan, do you think it's ok? If I can, I'll leave all this information? "

Xiao Han was stunned.

Greed, from the woman's expression and eyes, he saw full of greed. This greed is as heavy as an elephant. At one breath, I received 23 people's information. The number of students enrolled in the training class of the poor gate was only 100. She had already cut in the queue and took one. This time, she took 23 more. Xiao Han is a bit incredible.

"What?" My aunt looked at Xiao Han with doubts on her face. She didn't know whether it was OK or not.

"Auntie, you can't go too far." Xiao Han seriously said: "Twenty three people, you immediately took a quarter of the cold door training class quota. When we open the door to sign up tomorrow, we will know how many places we have absorbed by counting the number of applicants. Don't you make us look bad? "

"What does it matter?" Aunt quickly shook her head and said, "society is so, why should we be rigid?"

"No way!" Xiao Han did not hesitate to shake his head, and then said: "this matter can not, and, no discussion."

"Xiaohan, please be my aunt, will you?" My aunt took Xiao Han's arm and begged bitterly, "my aunt has no son, only one daughter. It's a problem to support the aged in the future. Your uncle is not good to me. What can I do in the future?"

As she spoke, her tears soon came down.

Xiao mother in the side also advised: "Xiaohan, can help it. You see, your aunt has a hard life. "

"Yes, life is hard." The aunt seemed to grasp the straw to save her life. Then she cried and said, "I haven't married the right person, so I have to earn pension money when I get old. It's not easy, it's not easy... "

"Xiaohan..." Xiao's mother took her aunt's arm and said, "they are all people who have a hard life. Please help if you can. Otherwise

"Well." Xiao Han asked, "Auntie, how many tips did you receive from these people?"

"A thousand for one." The aunt bowed her head and said, "Twenty three thousand in all."

Twenty three thousand is nothing for Xiao Han, but for ordinary people, it's an easy income. No wonder my aunt is willing to come and beg for herself.

"That's it Xiao Han laughed and said, "I'll give you 23000. You'll return the information of these people. Is that all right? "

"Ah?" My aunt was stunned.

All of a sudden, she was at a loss. She never thought about taking Xiao Han's money. However, the money sent can be taken. However, it seems that it is not very good to take money openly. My aunt thought for a moment and said, "well Is that ok? "

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