Published at 6th of March 2023 07:30:11 AM

Chapter 2059

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"In fact, I don't want to occupy this high-quality artifact." Luoluo first shook his head, and then he said in a low voice: "brother Xiao Han, in fact, I want to use the top-grade spirit tools to heal my wounds."


Is it said that the little girl was seriously injured?

Think of here, Xiao Han's heart a tight, quickly stretched out his hand to grasp the falling arm, whispered: "you are injured? Come and show me. "

Fall originally is some hesitant, but this time the arm has been caught by Xiao Han.

Looking at Xiao Han's face tense appearance, fell in the heart a warm, had to rest assured to give the arm to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han's big hand tightly pinched her arm, let the falling heart beat faster, the whole person changed some embarrassed.

Xiao Han's attention did not put on the falling face. He became nervous as soon as he heard that the falling body was injured.

Carefree mind thought move, will a trace of divine sense perception into the falling body.

Along the meridians of the falling palm, the divine consciousness gradually entered the falling body.

Luoluo also noticed the breath of that silk appeared in her body, which made her blush for a moment.

But at this time, Xiao Han's mind is all in the falling body.

After using the divine sense to investigate, Xiao Han's eyebrows also can't help but wrinkle up slightly. It seems that in the falling body, Xiao Han has some discoveries.

Originally, Xiao Han also knew that there was this evil Qi in Luoluo's body, and Xiao Han should not think that there was such an accident. However, after some investigation, Xiao Han found that there was indeed evil Qi in Luoluo's body.

Not only that, there is a lot of evil Qi in the fallen body, channels, bones and flesh.

However, these evil Qi is not like the cultivation of falling body, but it seems to be forced into the body.

There is a mixture of evil Qi in the whole body.

Xiao Han knew that the evil Qi was cold and cold, but the evil Qi in Luoluo's body seemed to control some of the key meridians and orifices on Luoluo's body, which seemed to control the falling body.

"Luoluo, what is the evil Qi in your body?" Pondering for a moment, Xiao Han raised his eyebrows and said softly.

Luo Luo said: "these evil Qi control the key orifices of my body. I suffer from the body eating pain of the demon family every day. I have tried many methods recently, but there is no way to get rid of the evil Qi."

"The evil Qi is not cultivated by you. It's not impossible to get rid of it. It's just a little troublesome."

Said here, Xiao Han's face is somewhat dignified.

The evil Qi enters the body, and the ordinary human gas refiners have already exploded and died.

But Luoluo didn't, but Xiao Han could think that falling would be eroded by evil Qi, and his body needed to bear great pain.

In fact, Xiao Han can do it if he wants to get rid of evil Qi. After all, Xiao Han's cultivation of demonic skills is not low.

The key is that Xiao Han is worried that when all the evil Qi in Luoluo's body is pumped out, it will damage the Luo Luo's meridians.

"I heard that the top spirit weapon can swallow up the evil Qi, and it will not damage my body or affect my cultivation level. Therefore, I will enter this ancient relic to take a chance, and I will really find it."

He looked down at the little monster lying motionless in Xiao Han's arms and whispered, "so I need this top-quality spirit tool. I'll try to get rid of the evil Qi in my body."

One side of the nine princess suddenly whispered: "this top-grade spirit weapon can even swallow magic weapons. You can actually use that little guy to devour the evil Qi in your body. But you should know that this kind of spirit weapon is the most resistant to the evil Qi. Even if this little guy recognized Xiao Han as the master, even if Xiao Han gave orders, it would not be willing to do so.

And even if this little guy is willing to help, just relying on a top-grade aura doesn't necessarily guarantee that you can completely eliminate the evil Qi in your body. "

"I've thought of that, but with me, it's not a problem. With the help of this high-quality spirit tool and my assistance, I can clear all the evil Qi in your body. It's just that it may be inconvenient to start in the ancient ruins. We have to wait until we leave here and find a safe place 。”

"Brother Xiao Han, I know. I've been with you recently?" Hearing Xiao Han's words, it was obvious that he was a little excited.

Xiao Han nodded with a smile.

But soon, Xiao Han thought of another thing.

How can there be evil Qi in the fallen body? It seems that it was forced into her body by the demons.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han tentatively asked, "Luoluo, how can you have so much evil Qi in your body?"

"Brother Xiao Han, in fact, my father was a member of the demons who set up secretly in the ten directions cultivation area, but later he died, but my daughter was also trained by the demons." "In fact, I didn't hide my strength around you at the beginning, but after you left, a demon master came to me, accepted me as a disciple and took me away from Langshan town. Later, he also taught me a set of magic skills to me, and instilled a lot of evil spirit into my body. My cultivation realm and strength began to advance by leaps and bounds."Xiao Han nodded, such behavior, if in the eyes of ordinary people, it must feel strange.

But Xiao Han knows that this is the way of doing things in the demon clan.

In fact, when he was in Langshan Town, Xiao Han also felt that his talent and roots were good.

It's just that there's no one to train, and in that small place like Langshan town.

Moreover, he is so young that he has not yet reached the age of rapid progress in cultivation and strength.

At least before in wolf mountain town fire Python team, in fact, the strength of the fall compared to other team members, or very strong.

If you compare the age, the advantage of falling is more obvious.

In addition, with Xiao Han's understanding of the demons, Xiao Han knows that the demons have some weird means.

Xiao Han nodded, patted the fallen shoulder gently, and comforted in a soft voice: "OK, Luoluo, there will be nothing wrong with me. You don't have to worry about it. Although your situation is a little troublesome, it is not impossible to deal with it. Just give it to me when it is time. But now it is not safe in the ancient ruins and is not suitable for helping you heal. We all go out I will find a way to help you get rid of the evil Qi in your body. Before that, you can follow me

"Good" first looked at Xiao Han's side nine Princess and jade Mei Niang, saw that they did not have a special reaction, this red face nodded, is very clever.

Xiao Han looked around with a smile.

If plus the strength is not weak fall, now Xiao Han's side, many masters ah.

Yu Mei Niang, nine princesses, Yang sirang, Zhou Min, now plus a fallen word, Xiao Han's helpers are not weak.

With such a strong lineup, the overall strength of the team has certainly improved a lot. In addition, the fallen hands have also taken in more than a dozen Xuantian copper men. Therefore, if Xiao Han's 18 Xuantian copper men are added, there will be about 30 Xuantian copper men here alone,

such a powerful force can not sweep all the Terran gas refiners and monsters But the general forces are nothing.

Next, if we meet fengwuchen and fengqingling, who are chasing the wind Kirin again, their apparent strength will be able to win them one notch.

All of a sudden on the field from the enemy into a small partner, will see this scene in the eyes of Yang Silang and others, to now are still a face muddled.

What's going on here? How did it suddenly become a playmate?

Is this a little too fast?

For the fall suddenly join the team, Yumei Niang naturally will not have any opinion.

When Yu was a little girl, she fell in love with her sister.

As for the nine princesses, I'm not happy for sure.

It would be better if it was a little more ordinary, and the key was still so beautiful.

But nine princess's identity is placed here, even if it is a little unhappy, the face will not show.

As for Yang Silang and Zhou Min, they will not say anything.

The more masters in the team, the more daring they can be, isn't it?

Anyway, it's right to follow Xiao Han. I believe they won't return empty handed this time.

At this time, Xiao Han holding the small monster in his arms, seems to be in front of falling, or a little afraid of the appearance.

Even if it was Xiao Han holding in his arms, he was still shivering. It seems that he was scared by falling down before.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han then said, "although this top-grade spirit weapon doesn't seem to have any breath fluctuation, if it is seen by some powerful Terran gas refiners and demon beast experts, I'm afraid it will be able to see a clue more or less. Therefore, I'd better put it away first. I'll take care of this top-quality spirit first, No Is there a problem? "

At this time, after hearing Xiao Han's words, he nodded frequently. It seemed that he was willing to be collected by Xiao Han. Anyway, as long as it was not left behind, it would be OK.

Looking at the head of the monster repeatedly nodded, Xiao Han a wry smile.

It seems that this little guy has a grudge.

It was a little fierce before, but now I always remember the bad of falling.

Luoluo spat out his tongue at the little monster playfully. He even scared it to Xiao Han's arms. All the people who saw this scene couldn't help laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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