Published at 6th of March 2023 07:29:50 AM

Chapter 2062

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Who has seen a Terran gas refiner more than three meters tall?

In Terran time, mortals can not be so high.

So the answer is coming out.

"He is not a man." At this time, the nine princess is also in the eye the splendor repeatedly said: "he is a monster who has stepped into the Ninth level."

"Nine steps?"

The crowd looked at each other.

A nine step demon?

Isn't that a piece that has reached the legendary realm of demon emperor?

No wonder that he was able to rule the whole ten square refining area with the power thousands of years ago.

It seems that the one on the throne should be the leader of that mysterious force for thousands of years.

Only with the existence of this level, can we suppress the monsters in the whole ten directions refining area.

Xiao Han couldn't help sighing: "it's a legendary terror that can dominate the whole Shifang refining area. It's actually a nine level super monster. It's no wonder that he was able to inform the whole Shifang refining area with his subordinates, but I don't know how it will eventually fall here."

The ninth Princess whispered, "no one knows what happened thousands of years ago. Even the old guys in our family don't know much about it. After all, it has been too long."

Also, thousands of years ago, who said it clearly?

Even if there are records in ancient books, after thousands of years of time elapse, I am afraid it has long been missing?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han shook his head in awe.

It seems that no matter whether it is the Terran gas refiner, the monster or even the demon people, there is no way to break through that barrier. Sooner or later, they will die.

Xiao Han's eyes moved away from the body on the throne, and finally looked at the most open area of the hall.

There, there are more than a hundred people standing quietly, all of them standing in the same area. All the people around are powerful experts.

In a corner, Xiao Han once again saw Guo DA and Li Hu in the master's house of Xuanfeng city. As for the two elders of Feitian tiger demon clan and giant wolf demon clan, they were also in the crowd.

After searching for fun among the crowd for a while, Xiao Han still saw Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling of the wind chasing Qilin clan. As for the wind without trace, he is standing between them. It seems that the injury is almost healed. His expression is calm and his face is quite normal.

Seeing these familiar figures, Xiao Han's face could not help but show a sneer: "these guys, one by one, are running fast, it seems that they have already arrived here."

These people are all here. When the time comes, Xiao Han will have to clean up and find the past one by one, and get together. It will be a good idea.

When Xiao Han and others came to the group of people, it seemed that more than 100 people had been standing in the hall for a long time.

Although they are all together, they have their own small circle.

Except for a few strong and weak ones in the mountain range, most of them are strong and weak.

In addition to the wind chasing Qilin clan and Xuanfeng City Lord's house, Feitian tiger demon clan and giant wolf demon clan appeared on the field early.

Moreover, the two elders of Feitian tiger demon clan and giant wolf demon clan are standing beside a tall old man. It seems that the old man's status is not low.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly noticed that Yang sirang's eyes were now staring at the tall old man. His eyes showed a trace of hatred and reluctance.

Seeing this, Xiao Han's heart moved: "Lao Yang, that old man, should be the strong man of your black water Xuantian clan."

Yang Si Lang was a little stunned at first, and then said in a deep voice with clenched teeth: "eunuch has good eyesight. That man is the elder Liyuan of the black water Xuantian clan, and also my enemy of killing my father."

"Well." Xiao Han nodded and patted Yang Silang on the shoulder. He comforted him in a soft voice: "don't worry. Let's get rid of him and avenge you by the way."

Yang Silang turned to look at Xiao Han and said in a soft voice of gratitude: "thank you."

"Oh." The nine princesses on one side heard this and said with a soft smile: "you don't even see what strength other people are. Do you want to avenge Lao Yang?"

"Hey, hey," Xiao Han said with a smile, "isn't it an old guy whose cultivation level is still a little poor in the middle of the robbery period? Miss nine is sure to be able to get it. I don't have to do it at all. "

"The old man is so old that he smells of dying wood all over his body. I don't like it." Nine princess left her mouth, and finally whispered, "but let me clean up, or can."

Hearing this, Yang Silang could not help but look happy.

With Xiao Han's words and the nine princess's statement, the elder of the black water Xuantian clan in front of him, I'm afraid, is absolutely impossible to walk out of the ancient ruins alive this time.When Xiao Han and others entered the hall and slowly joined the crowd, they naturally attracted the attention of many people in the hall.

When Xiao Han and others came, many people turned around and showed their faces with different faces.

Among the people's eyes, there are hostility, vigilance, examination and curiosity.

Xiao Han naturally turned a blind eye to these complicated eyes around him.

But when Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling of the wind chasing Qilin clan look over, Xiao Han realizes that their faces are full of hatred.

Obviously, these guys who pursue the wind and Qilin should still be deeply worried about the big loss they suffered in the divine space of the heaven and earth.

Xiao Han has a sneer on his face for the hatred of the wind chasing Qilin people.

Now, even if the wind chasing Qilin clan doesn't come to Xiao Han's trouble, Xiao Han will take the initiative to find it and teach him a lesson.

In short, we can't let these guys of the wind chasing Qilin clan leave from the ancient ruins so smoothly.

Under the gaze of many mixed with various emotions, Xiao Han walked slowly into the crowd with Lady Yumei and Princess nine.

Because Xiao Han's strength is very strong, people will subconsciously step aside wherever they go, for fear of offending Xiao Han and others. Even if Guo DA and Li Hu of Xuanfeng City Lord's residence are not willing to face it, subconsciously they still choose to stay away from Xiao Han and others, waiting for Xiao Han to take them to their front, Guo Da took the people from the Lord's house of Xuanfeng city to move aside a few steps.

As you can imagine, a young guy can actually pull together such a powerful team?

At least the lineup around Xiao Han is not what Xuanfeng City Lord can do.

Therefore, if Xiao Han and others don't go to trouble with Guo DA and Li Hu, Guo DA and Li Hu are already thankful. At this time, the Lord's office of Xuanfeng City, where dare to provoke Xiao Han.

After crossing the crowd and walking to the front of the crowd, Xiao Han and others found that there was a reason why everyone was waiting quietly.

It turned out that around the huge stone, leaning against the corner of the wall, there were dozens of figures sitting cross legged.

These figures don't seem to be puppets made by Xuantian copper men, but they are lifelike. They seem to be hanging water from one seat to another.

But Xiao Han and others can see that these figures are closed their eyes and their faces are very peaceful. They should be real people.

It's just that although these figures are lifeless, their breath is very strong.

Although compared with the one on the throne, the breath of these figures is much weaker, but anyone with a little eyesight can feel it. Although these figures have been sitting cross legged for many years, their breath is very frightening.

Even though it looks like a corpse, the dozens of sculptured figures sitting cross legged around the stone platform make everyone dare not enter the stone platform, let alone those stars above the stone platform.

After seeing the figures around the stone platform that seemed to be sculptures without any vitality, the ninth princess suddenly looked surprised and said in a low voice: "ah, this is... A real puppet?"

"Miss nine, do you know these things?" Yang Silang on one side also has a different face. Obviously, Yang Silang should have heard of this real puppet.

"The so-called real puppet is actually a puppet made by a real person."

At this time, a dignified look flashed in Princess nine's eyes: "this kind of real puppet uses living Terran gas refiners and monsters to plunder all the life in them through some secret method, and then relies on the array manipulation to become a puppet like the Xuantian copper man.

This kind of real puppet is not different from that of Xuantian copper man, but its strength is different from that of Xuantian copper man. The strength of Xuantian copper man depends on the refining materials, while the strength of real puppet depends on the strength of people before their lives. The dozens of real puppets around them should be the strong ones in the cultivation realm in the early stage of the transition period. These real puppets are now offered back The leg sits still, it should just have not been activated


hearing this, Xiao Han and others, including some Terran gas refiners and monster experts who heard the nine princess's introduction, couldn't help but take a breath.

Real puppet?

Is it a puppet made by using living human gas refiners to forcibly plunder all the life in the body?

What a strange way to retain the strength of his life. It's really inhumane to make puppets of the people's gas refiners and monsters.

However, many people think of not only the inhumanity, but also the first time they feel very difficult. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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