Published at 6th of March 2023 07:29:14 AM

Chapter 2069

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In a few moments, at least 50 figures fell around the stone platform.

Among these people, they are the Terran gas refiners and monster masters who fell under the attack of the real puppets.

At least it is the end of serious injuries, or lack of arms and legs, and a large part of them even directly lose their breath.

Some of them were left from fighting each other before, but most of them were just killed by real puppets.

Soon, the whole stone platform was directly covered by scarlet blood. There was a thick smell of blood on the field, which made many people around him feel cold.

Xiao Han, who hasn't started yet, looks dignified when he sees this scene.

Xiao Han has seen that these real puppets on the field are at least the strength of the early stage of the transition period.

After being activated, it starts to spread in the air.

One after another, as if they were destroying Gula, they killed many people's gas refiners and monsters.

There are also some experts in the early stage of the robbery period, but they are very few. Basically, they are some senior level masters with great influence.

As for those Terran gas refiners and monster masters who are the first to compete for starlight in the mid air, most of them are the strength of tongyouqi's peak state.

There is even a part of the realm of cultivation in the middle of Tongyou period.

There is no way to compete with those real puppets.

When the real puppets rush into the air, they are often just the first move, and some Terran gas refiners or monster masters will be beaten by these real puppets and fall from the air.

"As expected, they are different from those bronze men in the dark sky. Their fighting power is not only amazing, but also the circulation of aura is basically the same as that of living people."

Xiao Han looks at the real puppets who are killing madly in the air. From these real puppets, Xiao Han can feel the spirit of their crazy circulation.

Even when Xiao Han saw the eyes of these real puppets, Xiao Han found that the eyes of these real puppets were not as empty and emotionless as the Xuantian copper men he had collected before, but with a killing breath that made people feel cold in their hearts.

Now it looks like a living person.

Judging from the combat effectiveness of these real puppets, the means of making them are simply supernatural.

Tang Yin looked at the real puppets who were killing all over the field, and his eyes were full of Splendor: "these real puppets use great magic power to pull the divine consciousness of the people's gas refiners or monsters out of the body, and then the makers use their powerful divine consciousness to send a divine consciousness into the bodies of these real puppets to control these bodies This kind of puppet can not only give full play to the whole strength of his life, but also can perfectly display the skills and skills practiced before his life, which is far beyond the comparison of those bronze men in the dark sky. "

After entering the ancient ruins, Tang Yin, who always had light wind and light rain, had a dignified look on his face at this time.

"Take away the divine consciousness of the living? What's more, he was still a master of the realm in the early stage of the transition period, so he was forced to withdraw from it

Hearing this, Xiao Han couldn't help but take a breath.

According to Tang Yin, there is a great possibility that the real puppets in front of us should be made by the top man on the throne during the period of plunder.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not have this ability to forcibly withdraw the divine consciousness of dozens of masters who had been cultivating in the early stage of the transition period.

This method of making real puppets is really incredible.

If these real puppets were really made like Tang Yin said, does it mean that when these real puppets were made, the strong man on the throne who was at the peak of the plundering period, the big demon of nine steps, was equivalent to killing dozens of high-ranking hands in the transitional period?

In the sky above the stone platform, there was already a chaotic situation with the breaking of the space ban. Because these real puppets who rushed out and killed directly, the situation on the field became more chaotic.

At this time, those guys in the air who are fighting for starlight have no way to concentrate on fighting for the baby.

There are dozens of strong people in the early stage of the transition period to kill, even if they are large, there is no way to ignore the surrounding situation at this time.

Not to mention those Terran gas refiners and monster masters who are fighting for starlight in the mid air. Even standing below, there has been no movement. The camps of the major forces that originally wanted to wait below to reap the benefits of the profits have no way to observe the changes.

You know, those real puppets, in addition to those Terran gas refiners and monster masters in the air, even those who haven't started their work below have been targeted.

Some real puppets saw that the strength of those guys in the air seemed not to be difficult to deal with, so they immediately separated more than ten of them from the team and rushed to the ground.Seeing these senseless puppets, Xiao Han and others can see that even if they stay on the ground, they will not be able to escape. They will also be regarded as targets of attack.

Xiao Han looked at the more and more chaotic situation on the field. Most of the Terran gas refiners and monster masters were chasing those light groups that flashed in the air.

Many people began to lose their senses gradually. They did not care about the real puppets in the early stage of the robbery period. They only knew how to catch the guangtuan crazily.

If there are other people fighting for the same light group, there will be a big war.

The aura in the air is rampant, and there are scenes of fierce fighting everywhere. Some of them are lucky enough to grab the light regiment. Before they have time to take a close look, they will be besieged by the Terran gas refiners and demon beast experts around. Finally, they only come and make a sound of scream.

Before you can see what the treasure in Chu Guang Tuan is, the whole person is directly blasted into a ball of meat mud.

"Wait a moment and find the right time. We can try to grab one or two stars and try our luck. Don't rob too much. Otherwise, it may be more dangerous. At this time, we should be more rational."


Listening to Xiao Han's reminder, Yang Silang and others around him nodded heavily.

It's not that you can't grab more starlight, but you'll grab too much starlight, which will surely make the people around you red eyed.

In this case, even if the strength of the other side is weaker, it will still rush up to fight.

A person can't grab more than a few, always have a chance to win.

At this time, many people will not care about their own strength and how much gap between their opponents.

In case of seizing the divine level skill while taking advantage of the chaos, it will not be a huge profit, even if it is to pay a little price, it is acceptable.

You should know that the temptation brought by a set of divine level skills can make everyone crazy.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Xiao Hangang just said hello to Yang Silang and others. In the middle of the air, at a place where there were a large number of people, the ten people's gas refiners and monsters were suddenly turned into blood mist by a breath of aura.

More than a dozen of people's gas refiners and demon beast experts with high cultivation level and strength were killed in a short time without leaving a whole corpse.

Soon, there was a shadow that flashed out of the blood mist at a speed of astonishing speed. A big sword whose body was completely covered with blood, with a sharp sword Qi, burst at Xiao Han, Yang Silang and others.

"Be careful, everyone. It's a real puppet. Spread it out."

Looking at the flash shadow, Yang Silang, standing next to Xiao Han, changed his face.

along with several experts who have reached the peak of Youqi period, dozens of Terran gas refiners and demon beast experts could not resist thinking that they were real puppets. We can imagine how fierce the real puppet was in the battle.

Yang sirang's figure flashed in front of Xiao Han and Yumei Niang.

Yang Silang burst into a drink and rushed directly up to intercept the real puppet.

He wanted to let Xiao Han and others take the opportunity to concentrate on fighting for the stars in the sky, so they rushed up to resist.

On the face of it, among a group of people, only Yang Silang's realm is the closest to the period of crossing the loot.

The strong man in front of us in the early stage of the robbery period can still do it with Yang Silang's strength for a short time.

A surging aura burst out of Yang Silang's body and stood directly with the real puppet.

When Yang Silang intercepted the real puppet, Xiao Han was able to check the situation of the real puppet at a close distance.

It turns out that the body surface of these real puppets seems to be covered by a thin layer of aura. It seems that the whole body is shining with a layer of brilliant light.

It is this layer of glory that makes the bodies of these real puppets have the ability of terror defense that is not inferior to those of monsters and beasts. Even if they are masters in the early stage of the robbery period, they can't shake the glory on their body surface.

It seems that the role of this layer of glory should be to enhance the physical strength of these real puppets in the realm of cultivation in the early stage of the transition period.

I don't know whether these brilliant lights are an attribute after making a real puppet, or have it before.

At this time, nine Princess standing beside Xiao Han suddenly whispered: "Xiao Han, didn't you take Xuantian copper man before? Now just try to see if you can take this real puppet. "

"Before, those Xuantian copper men were only the strength of the peak state of Youqi period, so it was not so difficult to subdue them. However, these real puppets were also the cultivation realm in the early stage of the transition period. I think the possibility of success is very low." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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