Published at 6th of March 2023 07:18:48 AM

Chapter 2188

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This is why Guo Yi does not even look at other women, but always has a special love for Zhao duo'er.

However, for Guo Yi, Zhao Duoer likes him very much, but Zhao's sister Zhao xuan'er is not bad.

To be able to two sister flowers together in the house is excellent, it is not really good, a Zhao duo'er, is enough.

As time goes on, more and more people are on the square.

A sound of noise straight into the sky, a huge sound wave, in the whole square filled.

Today, this square gathers one third of the flow of people in Tianlun city.

Today, this square is the most lively and the most popular place in Tianlun city.

Today, the whole city of Tianlun can hear the noise coming from this square.

Some of them don't want to crowd around in the crowd. If they are qualified to sit on the platform, the guys with high status will not appear in the square.

These people stand far away from the buildings around the square, staring at it and watching coldly.

In the underground casinos of Tianlun City, nearly half of the people in Tianlun city have participated in the contest between Guo family and Zhao family.

The reason why a lot of people don't come here is not that they don't want to come, but the place where they place their bets. If they don't wait for a few hours, you can't make a bet on you.

When the whole square is full of heads, even the edge is almost unable to stand, far away on the street, came a group of people.

This large group of people slowly appeared in the public's sight, and soon caused a stir in the whole square. "

"Look, are those Zhao people?"

"That's them. The Zhao family still came."

"Who do you think the Zhao family will send to fight today?"

"I don't know. Isn't it that Guo Yi has already released his words? No matter who the Zhao family sent out to fight, as long as they are experts of the same generation as Guo Yi, and if they defeat Guo Yi in the end, the Guo family will never trouble the Zhao family again. "

"Ha ha, Guo Yi is cunning. He knows that it is very difficult for Zhao family to find an opponent to match him."

"It's true. Although Guo Yi behaves perversely and looks very annoying, what we have to admit is that in our Tianlun City, none of the younger generation's masters can still find anyone who can break hands with him. Even Zhao duo'er, the best of the Zhao family, is just a little bit short."

"Do you think it's Miss dor who appears in the Zhao family today?"

"It's possible that if the Zhao family lost the competition this time, it would not be just a miss dor."

"Is it difficult for us to have a big family after Tianlun city?"

"It's quite possible."


as soon as the Zhao family appeared, there were countless whispering voices in the square.

All the eyes of the audience all looked at the past. The Zhao family and his party approached from a distance, then walked through the channel of the square and slowly walked towards the platform.

Xiao Han walks behind Zhao duo'er and Zhao xuan'er, shoulder to shoulder with Zhao Yun.

Just started, Zhao Jin, the owner of the Zhao family, urged Xiao Han to walk with him side by side.

Was rejected by Xiao Han: before the war, I'd better keep a low profile.

"There are so many people." Xiao Han looked around, looking at the dark crowd around him, and sighed.

I'm afraid there are more than 100000 people in the square, right?

I'm afraid this kind of scene is rare in the secular world?

"More than that." Nearby Zhao Yun said softly: "and heard that many people did not have time to get here, is in the gate of the major casinos to bet."

"Oh? Bet? What's the bet? " Xiao Han asked curiously.

Zhao duo'er turned back and quietly explained, "it's a very simple way to play with the result of this competition between Zhao and Guo. The dealer will set the odds according to the winning and losing probability of both sides, and buy the winning or losing directly."

So that's it?

Xiao Han looked at Zhao Yun and said, "what's the odds now?"

Zhao Yun took a look at Zhao duo'er in front of him, and said in an embarrassed whisper: "according to the odds ratio of our Zhao family's casinos, the odds of the casinos in Tianlun city are almost the same, all of them are 1:15."

One to fifteen odds?

Xiao Han heard this and laughed.

You don't have to think about it. There are more people who won over the Guo family, and not even one-fifth of the Zhao family won.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han said with a smile, "Zhao Yun, can you help me bet now?"

"As long as you don't start the competition, you can bet, but I don't know if I can make it." Zhao Yun nodded.

"Here are three eight level demon Dan, you go to help me bet, bet you Zhao Jia win." Said Xiao Han from the heaven and earth bag out of three eight order demon Dan.Demon Dan has appeared, Zhao duo'er and Zhao xuan'er look back.

When they saw Xiao Han's three eight step demon Dan, they couldn't help being surprised.

"This..." Zhao Yun looked at Xiao Han, and then looked at the two Zhao girls in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face: "in case you haven't made a bet, you have already started to compare, and you may fail to bet. Besides, are you sure you want to place such a heavy bet?"

"You just need to help me to go there. You don't have to worry about the rest. I promise you, if you haven't come back, I won't fight with Guo Yi. Isn't that ok?" Xiao Han said with a smile: "also, I suddenly feel that three eight level demon Dan is a little less, and then ten seven level demon Dan."

With that, Xiao Han directly took out a box from the heaven and earth bag and handed it to Zhao Yun's hand.

"Er..." Zhao Yun suddenly felt that he could not react.

Three eight level demon pills are not enough, Xiao Han still need to add?

Seeing Zhao Yun for a long time, Xiao Han said with a smile: "go quickly, I can't wait any longer. Can you help me in charge?"

Then Xiao Han said with a smile to Zhao duo'er and Zhao xuan'er in front of him: "miss duo'er, miss xuan'er, do you want to have a little more fun?"

Zhao duo'er and Zhao xuan'er look at each other and see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Forget it, you can play. Our Zhao family has several casinos in the middle of Tianlun city. This time, if you win, it's OK. If you lose, you'll lose." Zhao duo'er shook her head slightly, with a worried look on her face.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was about to turn around and leave, Xiao Han suddenly took Zhao Yun and said with a bad smile: "wait, don't go to your Zhao family's gambling house to bet. Do you know that?"

Zhao Yun is a Leng first, then a face of consternation nodded.

Xiao Han said with a bad smile: "forget it, since you want to finish playing bigger."

With that, Xiao Han took out all the remaining 40 seven level demon pills sent by Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, in the Qiankun bag and put them into Zhao Yun's hands: "go quickly, I'm all pressed."

Zhao Yun looks at Xiao Han in a daze. With such a big note, can Xiao Han have absolute assurance that he can defeat Guo Yi?

Zhao Yun hesitated and finally saw Zhao duo'er nodding. Under Xiao Han's insistence, Zhao Yun left the team and ran away.

"Mr. Xiao Han, are you so confident that you can win?" Zhao Xuaner in front of her thought for a moment, but she couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "no, self-confidence or a little bit, but gambling this kind of thing, originally depends on luck, fight, maybe the high rate of return is frightening. Besides, you Zhao family put all hope on me, I always want to let myself also have the feeling of breaking the cauldron and sinking."

"Mr. Xiao Han, I hope you can win." Zhao xuan'er smiles. Seeing that her sister is in a trance, she stops speaking.

Xiao Han originally wanted to take Zhao duo'er and Zhao xuan'er to bet together, but seeing that they were not interested, Xiao Han had to give up.

There were enough places reserved for the Zhao family on the field. Some forces friendly to the Zhao family stood up to say hello after all the Zhao family appeared.

But these people's faces are a little stiff, and their eyes are full of worry. Obviously, today's situation seems not very good.

Obviously, the opening odds of casinos have already explained the situation.

Zhao family in this competition, the odds are very low.

Zhao's friends with these forces have been embarrassing before.

At this time, it's too late to rush to Baoguo's thighs, so they can only work hard with Zhao's family.

The worry in the eyes of the leaders of many forces is thinking, what should we do if the Zhao family loses the competition next?

I'll visit Guo's later. I'm familiar with my face. Can't I come?

Seeing the appearance of Zhao family and others, a middle-aged man of the same age as Zhao Jin, with a big belly, stood up in the crowd of the Guo family.

Looking at his appearance, Guo Yi is very similar to this middle-aged man. He should be Guo Yi's father.

He stood up and laughed: "brother Zhao Jin, we have been waiting for a long time. You Zhao Jiazong is here. Everyone has already come. This time, you Zhao family won't come at all. Just admit defeat."

"Brother Guo Meng, you think too much." Zhao Jin sneered: "since you Guo family all said, this war your Guo family lost, will no longer our Zhao family's trouble, Guo family is so sincere, I Zhao family will not let you Guo family lose face, how do you say, we Zhao family how to continue, otherwise is not to disappoint your Guo family's good intention?"

"This big bellied guy is Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family. Despite his big head and ears, his cultivation level is not weaker than that of my father."

When Xiao Han's eyes were watching the middle-aged man, a faint fragrance came from his ear.

Xiao Han looked sideways and found that it was Zhao duo'er.

Guo Meng sneered, "brother Zhao Jin, don't worry about me. You'd better think about how much dowry you Zhao family will give duo'er in the future. Ha ha ha ha. After duo'er marries our Guo family, you can be a father. Our Guo family never bullies women. After duo'er passes through the door, he will never be bullied." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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