Published at 6th of March 2023 07:17:51 AM

Chapter 2200

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Elder Chen came to Tianlun city with Guo Yi this time, not only to protect Guo Yi, but also to receive some materials that Guo family filial piety gave them to Xingyu sect.

Now that Guo Yi is in trouble, elder Chen has to do something about it.

As soon as the elder Chen's body moved, the whole person turned into a shadow and shot away at Guo Yi and Xiao Han.

"You've escaped a robbery and you have to die yourself. No wonder I'm cruel."

Xiao Han's murderous voice reached Guo Yi's ears. Guo Yi trembled, and a breath of death began to appear in Guo Yi's heart.

Before Guo Yi begged for mercy, a domineering force came from Xiao Han's palm and poured ferociously into Guo Yi's body.


from Guo Yi's body, there was a series of bone breaking sounds. Then, Guo Yi's body began to collapse on the ground, which was really turned into a pool of mud.

"Dare you."

Xiao Han's back rang a burst of drink.

A fierce force of Qi attacked Xiao Han.

Seeing that the other side was fierce and powerful, Xiao Han didn't want to fight with him, so he kicked Guo Yi's body behind him.

Guo Yi, who was unconscious, was kicked out by Xiao Han as a ball.

It was the elder Chen who rushed to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han just started to fight Xiao Han, but Xiao Han didn't fight him directly. Instead, he kicked Guo Yi's body to himself. There was no way for him. Elder Chen had to take back his strength and stretch out his hand to hold Guo Yi's body in his hand.

But after he started, elder Chen's face changed.

Guo Yi was so soft that he couldn't even sit down.

"Boy, what have you done to Guo Yi?" Elder Chen's face turned ugly.

Xiao Han said faintly: "it's him who wants to die, no wonder I, I left him a breath, has given face very much."

Elder Chen's face was gloomy. He poured a aura into Guo Yi's body. After searching Guo Yi's body, his face turned green.

Guo Yi's life is not in danger. It is true that there is still a trace of Qi in his body.

However, the meridians in Guo's body were at least broken by Xiao Hanzhen. That is to say, even if the injury in Guo Yi's body was cured, Guo Yi's cultivation level would never come back. It would be very good to have half the strength before.

Moreover, the joints and bones in Guo Yi's body were basically shattered by Xiao Han with his swift and violent force. Even if he is cured, I'm afraid that he will never be able to recover his previous strength in this lifetime.

"Good, you're fine, good." With a gloomy face, elder Chen stares at Xiao Han with a grim smile and says: "you dare to abolish a talented disciple of xingmeteor sect. I will certainly let you pay the price."

"Old man, are you blind?" Xiao Han is not polite tit for tat way: "it is he who seeks death, I did not kill him, is already very give face."

"I have never suffered such a big loss outside since the beginning of our star meteorite sect. Boy, it's your own death."

With that, elder Chen threw away the unconscious Guo Yi with a spirit to all the Guo family members who came after him.

Many Guo family strong people panic to reach out to catch, Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, grabs to check the seal, and the expression on his face instantly becomes difficult to see the extreme.

Guo Meng's eyes look at Xiao Han, a strong murderous spirit emanates from his body.

"Son of a bitch, you abandoned my son. My Guo family wants you to take your life against each other, and I will tear you to pieces."

"What? Guo Yi was abolished? "

"Isn't it? Guo Yi was abolished? "

"After this, the Guo family will not give up."

"It's clearly Guo Yi's conspiracy..."

"shut up, you're not going to die?"


Guo Meng's voice has just dropped, and there are more than 100000 people in the square.

But after a moment, the noise gradually subsided.

Although it is said that Guo Yi just how despicable sneak attack plot, we all see in the eye, but then what?

Now the Guo family is powerful and supported by the people of xingyizong. Who dares to say anything?

Power is axiom.

Who dares to accept it?

even though most of the people around him are indignant and feel that Guo Yi has more than deserved death, but what is the use of Guo family's strength here?

Besides the Zhao family, who dares to stand up and preside over justice?

In the face of the naked threat of the old star meteorite clan and Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, Xiao Han's face did not fluctuate.

Now that he has made a move, Xiao Han is already ready to bear all the consequences.

"I really doubt if you don't have eyes."

Xiao Han looks at the Guo family on the field indifferently, and finally stays on Guo Meng's body. Xiao Han is not humble or arrogant and says with a smile:"Just now that the contest is over, Guo Yi has lost, and I'm ready to leave. But Guo Yi attacks me secretly. Is it hard for me not to resist and wait for Guo Yi to kill me? If I hadn't flashed fast, I would have been the one who had fallen to the ground. "

Guo shouts fiercely, you don't want to talk to me with these ferocious voices

Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "ha ha ha ha, Guo Yi took a sneak attack when he lost the contest. You, who are Laozi, have no distinction. You want to blame me. It's very good that you two are indeed two father and son, a pair of virtue."

The scene on the field, even if the crowd around was a little angry, but no one said anything.

Since the Guo family dare to say so, they have already considered this point.

So now, there's no sound on the court.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense. You can't escape today."

The elder Chen of star meteorite clan looks at Xiao Han indifferently, as if he is looking at a dying man.

Elder Chen said in a deep voice: "also, just in the competition, why can you display our star meteorite sect's changeable body? You are not a disciple of Xingyu sect. How can you get in touch with the practice of changing body? "

"Change of circumstances? Is it good? " Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "I can see this simple body method twice. What else do you need to practice?"

"You are presumptuous." Chen Chang's face turned blue: "the changing of the wind and the changing of the body is a secret skill that we have never spread to the outside world. Can you learn it by looking at it? Are you all rubbish when we are meteorites? "

Xiao Han spread his hand and said with a smile, "I didn't say that. Of course, how to understand is your business."

Speaking of this, Xiao Han looked around and said with a loud smile: "all the heroes in Tianlun city are not blind. Guo Yi, who was defeated in the war, also launched a sneak attack. It's really a crime to die. The Guo family and the people of xingyizong have to play tricks on me. Xiao Han has no choice but to accompany him to the end."


everyone on the field hissed.

Hundreds of thousands of people on the square all looked indignant.

In the present situation, the Guo family and the old man of xingyizong are a little aggressive.

Just now Guo Yi was defeated by Xiao Han. Xiao Han is ready to take a stand, but Guo Yi even stealthily attacks. This practice is really disgusting.

The reason why Guo Yi was abolished is to blame himself. After all, Xiao Han has already let you go.

And before the competition, Guo Yi and Xiao Han were both agreed that whoever lost would die, and no one in the Guo family would stand up to express their objection.

It's all over. Xiao Han is ready to leave, but Guo Yi is still plotting a sneak attack. What is it?

Now the Guo family and the star meteorite Zong force Xiao Han to stay. It's shameless and shameless.

However, although they were determined to fight against Xiao Han's injustice, due to the Guo family's huge power in Tianlun city and the support of xingyingzong, no one was dissatisfied. They could only hiss to express their indignation.

However, other people on the field dare not say anything, but Xiao Han is the master of the Zhao family. At this time, Xiao Han is troubled by the Guo family and xingyingzong. If the Zhao family doesn't show up, it will be too unreasonable.

So when Guo Meng and others began to threaten Xiao Han, many of the strong men of the Zhao family also came in succession. Finally, a group of people rushed into the field and stood behind Xiao Han.

Zhao Jinchen, the head of the Zhao family, cried in a deep voice: "Guo Meng, in front of more than 100000 people in Tianlun City, do you want everyone to know that your Guo family is farting? You Guo family are not trustworthy people? "

Zhao duo'er also glared at Guo Meng and said with a sneer: "today's competition, your family Guo Yi has lost, even if you attack secretly. Now is your Guo family unable to afford to lose and want to repent in front of more than 100000 people?"

Zhao xuan'er also angrily exclaimed, "this is the martial arts competition arena recognized by our Tianlun city. On weekdays, the competition here is spontaneous. Don't tell me that your Guo family doesn't know about this?"

Zhao Jin and Zhao's two young ladies repeatedly reprimanded, Guo Meng's face is also very bad.

But what about that?

Guo Meng's heart was horizontal, and he called out in a murderous voice: "don't talk nonsense. The people sent by the Zhao family will abolish my son's cultivation. Our Guo family will never let it go like this. What do you Zhao family want to do? Do you want to go to war? "

Guo Meng, no matter what's right or wrong, is just insolent to the end.

Now, it depends on what the Zhao family means.

Whether a contest will lead to a battle between the two largest forces in Tianlun city depends on now.

Zhao Jin, the leader of the Zhao family, stares at Guo Meng, and says categorically: "this Mr. Xiao Han is fighting on behalf of our Zhao family. Now you Guo family is so unreasonable that you have to deal with him. Naturally, we Zhao family will not stand by, otherwise, who dares to stand by our Zhao family in the future? If you Guo family want to go to war, we Zhao family will definitely accompany you to the end. "At this time, Zhao Jin was also in a dilemma.

Although Zhao Jin's heart is also very clear, Guo family's influence is slightly better. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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