Published at 6th of March 2023 07:14:43 AM

Chapter 2245

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I have been on the road for such a long time. All the way is silent, only the wind blowing in my ears.

Suddenly came to the noisy city, is really a bit not used to it.

Xiao Han shook his head with a bitter smile on his face.

The flow of people in the eight square city can only be realized by walking to the gate.

However, it seems that there are not only a lot of people entering the city, but it seems that the investigation at the gate of the eight square city seems to be very strict.

Everyone who enters the city is stopped by guards.

Xiao cold heart read a move, the heart has some speculation.

Will it be that there are people from star meteorite sect in bafangcheng, and set some traps with Tianlun City, waiting for Xiao Han to enter the city?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han is a little embarrassed.

This bafangcheng must go in. If the people of xingyingzong are really in the bafangcheng, Xiao Han should also find a way to go into the city to find the trace of Yumei Niang and her falling down.

And the more so, maybe Yumei Niang and Luoluo already know what happened in Tianlun City, they will be very anxious.

At present, the people of xingmeizong should not know the existence of Yumei Niang and Luoluo, at least their safety problems need not be worried.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han, who was still in the air, looked at the gate of bafangcheng below, and suddenly turned back and rushed to the distance with his feet on the sky sword.

Xiao Han came to a small hillside with no one around.

The grassland on the hillside is very luxuriant, half a man's height.

Xiao Han found a place to sit down and pondered in his heart.

If you walk into the eight square city like this, you may have something like a reward notice at the gate.

Xiao Han thought, or should try to change some of his appearance.

Xiao Han's heart moved, remembering that there seemed to be a set of tools for transfiguration in Xuanfeng city.

This kind of face changing tool can simply change the appearance, at least not the closest or most familiar person, simply can not recognize.

However, if the four elders of xingyizong and others stand in front of Xiao Han, they can recognize him from his breath without looking at his appearance.

Since Xiao Han wants to enter bafangcheng, he should dress up for safety.

Soon, when Xiao Han got up from the grass, he became a big man with a full face and a little dark on his face and neck.

That Xuanfeng city young city Lord's set of face changing tools is very exquisite, but looking for all the ugly, not handsome.

It is estimated that the young city Lord of Xuanfeng city may have some kind of eccentricity.

After dressing up, Xiao Han put on a big black robe, and then went to the gate of bafangcheng again.

Xiao Han queued into the city for about 20 minutes.

As expected, a reward notice was posted at the gate of bafangcheng.

The star meteorite clan offered a reward for Xiao Han's head with the price of twenty eight level demon pills.

This is a huge sum of money.

As for the hiding place of Xiao Han, the reward of fifty seven level demon pills may also be provided.

And it's not just twenty eight step demon pills. If you can kill Xiao Han, you can not only get a reward, but also make friends with xingyizong. If you can walk near the demon Imperial City in the future, no one dares to provoke him.

After Xiao Han changed his face, it was quite different from the nature on the portrait. The guard asked Xiao Han to take off the big black robe, took a look at it, and then let him go.

After paying a five level demon pill, Xiao Han slowly walked into the city.

Xiao Han originally wanted to find the whereabouts of Luoluo and Yumei first.

However, walking in the middle of the city, I just saw two rows of various shops in the city gate.

Most of these shops sell some things commonly used by Terran gas refiners. There are also magic weapons and demon Dan. As long as they are used in the cultivation of Terran gas refiners, you can find sales shops here.

The area near the city is very vast. If you want to travel around the city, you will buy a map and put it on your body.

This kind of map is not a precious treasure.

Xiao Han soon found a map shop in bafangcheng.

In addition to selling maps, this shop also sells made Qiankun bags.

As long as the cultivation level reaches a certain level, you can buy a brand-new heaven and earth bag by spending a seven level demon pill.

But this price is really cheap for Xiao Han.

Ordinary people who make gas refiners have to buy a bag of heaven and earth to put on their bodies when they smash pots and sell iron. Otherwise, it's really inconvenient to wander in the mountains and forests.

Xiao Han walked into the shop and found that the shelves were empty, with only some bags of heaven and earth on them, and all the other shelves were empty.

Don't you sell maps here?

Xiao Han has to wonder if he has gone to the wrong store.But when I came in, I looked at the sign clearly. It was a map.

Looking at the empty shelves around, Xiao Han suddenly had a little reaction but could not come.

Xiao Han walked in the middle of the shop and did not find a map to sell.

At this time, when Xiao Han looked surprised, an old man in grey robe came over.

Xiao Han can feel that the old man in grey robe is also a Qi refiner, but his cultivation level is not high. He is only through the cultivation in the early period of seclusion. Moreover, he is so old that there should be no room for improvement in his life.

However, it should be more than enough for an elderly person of this level to open a shop for a living.

The grey robed old man was not high in cultivation, with a goatee and a smile on his face.

"What can I do for you, little brother?" See Xiao Han is looking around, the grey robed old man asked with a smile.

I'm sure I'm here for shopping, but I'm here to drink?

Xiao Han said with a smile: "you are the shop where you buy maps. I naturally come to buy maps. Shopkeeper, give me a map near the demon imperial city. The more detailed, the better."

"I'm sorry, we've sold out of maps." Said the old man in grey with a smile.

"Finished?" Xiao Han is slightly a Leng, a look of surprise.

How terrible is the sale of this map?

You don't even have maps in the shops that buy them?

"Isn't it? Shopkeeper, why did you buy the map so quickly Xiao Han Leng way.

The old man in grey robe said with a smile: "yes, in this period of time, all the map stocks in my shop for ten years have been sold out."

"None of them?" Xiao Han Leng way.

What's the matter? A map shop has sold out of stock for ten years at once?

if you don't want to wander around the demon Imperial City, you don't need to carry a map with you.

But now it's so strange that the map shop's maps are sold out.

"Little brother, to tell you the truth, all the maps in our shop are sold out, even the maps around bafangcheng are sold out."

At last, the old man in the grey robe turned his words and said with a soft smile: "but...

Xiao Han moved in his heart and said with a smile:" shopkeeper, if you still have a map, you might as well make an offer. "

Xiao Han estimated that the profiteer wanted to take advantage of the fact that map sales were not worrying, so that he could have a rare commodity to live in.

It seems that this profiteer is trying to raise the price a little bit.

So Xiao Han directly let the other side offer.

The old man in grey robe said with a smile: "little brother, to tell you the truth, the stock in our store is really gone, but I think I'm quite in favor with you. I'll tell you, I have a map that I've kept for many years. If you want it sincerely, I can buy it for you. At least three... Five seven level demon pills are required."

Five seven level demon pills?

The old man's heart is still black.

How could a map sell five seven level demon pills?

On weekdays, I don't need a six level demon pill, right?

Seeing Xiao Han's dismay, the old man in grey took out a box with exquisite packaging from the bottom of a container behind him. He handed it to Xiao Han and said with a smile: "I don't lie to you, little brother. I have only a map of the area near the demon imperial city. This is a souvenir sent to me by my master when I was just leaving school in the new year The meaning is extraordinary. The geographical location of the upper demon imperial city is very detailed, not to mention five seven level demon pills. In my heart, it is priceless. "

"Five seven level demon pills, I really met a profiteer."

Xiao Han couldn't help muttering.

This old man is really not a common profiteer.

Five seven level demon Dan, can buy a good magic weapon.

Is a map so expensive?

This is not a trap. What is it?

The gray robed old man pretended to be sorry and sighed: "if the little brother thinks it's expensive, it's OK. Anyway, I can keep it myself."

"No, I'll take it." After thinking about it, Xiao Han was too lazy to argue with such a profiteer.

It is estimated that there is such a shop selling maps in the whole bafangcheng.

Before Xiao Han in Tianlun City, is a family did not see.

Xiao Han is too lazy to go to other places to look for things.

"Here are five seven level demon pills. Please take them." Said, Xiao Han directly took out five seven steps demon Dan, and then took the small box from the hand of the old man in grey robe.

Why did Xiao Han take the five seven level demon pills from Xiao Han's hand and quickly send them into the heaven and earth bag, as if afraid of Xiao Han's repentance.

Xiao Han is also too lazy to argue with each other, this kind of thing is also willing to fight, a willing to get, there is no value is not worth.

Anyway, Xiao Han needs a map, and the other party has a map. He pays money and delivers goods at the same time. Five seven level demon pills are a big price for other Terran gas refiners, but not for Xiao Han.Xiao Han slowly took out a scroll from the small box with exquisite packaging, and then unfolded it directly on the container.

The above is indeed the geographical distribution map of the vicinity of the demon Imperial City, and it can be seen from this map that the location of the city in the surrounding mountains is not only shown, but also the area with the largest number of monsters in each mountain range is marked in red. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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