Published at 6th of March 2023 07:08:39 AM

Chapter 2341

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Xiao Han sends out the breath in his body and covers Ruan Qingqing. The two sides fight fiercely. Then, Xiao Han strangles all Ruan Qingqing's Qi.

"Don't act rashly. Don't think I dare not kill you. If you mess around, you'll be embarrassed if I miss."

The breath of Ruan Qingqing was hanged thoroughly. Xiao Han sneered, and the strength of his hands began to increase gradually.

Ruan Qingqing hums, obviously Xiao Han's strength simply does not have the meaning of pity.

"Xiao Han, do you dare to kill me?"

"Why don't I dare to kill you?" Xiao Han asked.

Seeing this scene, Wan Jian, the great elder of xingmeteorite sect, couldn't help crying: "Xiao Han, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill people

"Killing people? Why not kill people? " Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "if it's me who is defeated now, I guess Ruan Qingqing has already hurt the killer?"

"You..." the big elder Wan Jian flushed and pointed to Xiao Han. His face was very ugly.

"What's the big elder worried about?" Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, said with a smile: "don't you think Xiao Han has not killed people yet? He just made a move. Ruan Qingqing is still alive. You can rest assured. "


Wan Jian still wants to talk, but at this time, he sees the leader of the star meteorite clan, Shi Jingtian, shaking his head slowly.

Wan Jianyi gave a cold hum and glared at Lu Chen fiercely.

Lu Chen didn't care.

"Now that the win and the loss have been divided, it seems that Miss Ruan Qingqing is not convinced by what she has lost?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"How do you say that?" Ruan Qingqing is also slightly stunned.

Xiao Han said with a smile, "is Miss Ruan Qingqing a little unwilling? If you don't like it, then we'll have another fight. Otherwise, we'll just give up

Give up?

Hearing this, Ruan Qingqing's pretty face suddenly became iron green.

Thousands of people admit to defeat her.

But now Xiao Han is controlling her. What can Ruan Qingqing do?

Seeing this, all the people on the field looked at each other.

Xiao Han, this is to force Ruan Qingqing to admit defeat on the spot.

It seems that Ruan Qingqing in this case, either with Xiao Han to fight again, or can only obediently admit defeat.

But what can another fight change?

Ruan Qingqing is no longer Xiao Han's opponent, another fight is also asking for trouble.

Ruan Qingqing's face changed several times, and finally squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "I admit defeat."

"If you give up earlier, you'll be OK? It's a waste of time. " Xiao Han smiles, and is too lazy to entangle with Ruan Qingqing.

Xiao Han's body flash, the whole person directly appeared in Chen Jinnan's side.

"Lord Shi, if I win, can I take my friend away?"

Xiao Han rushed to sit on the head of the stone Jingtian arched his hands, chuckled.

Seeing Ruan Qingqing take the initiative to admit defeat, Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan school, is finally relieved.

He stood up with a full face of spring breeze and said with a smile to the nearby star meteorite clan leader Shi Jingtian: "ha ha, Lord Shi, now that the contest between Ruan Qingqing and Xiao Han has come to an end, according to what you said before, from now on, the gratitude and resentment between you Xiao and your star meteorite clan will be written off?"

Star meteorite clan leader Shi Jingtian looked at the field with a gloomy face.

Around countless eyes staring at him, this time, in addition to fulfilling his promise, how can Shi Jingtian do?

Although he was very angry in his heart, he could not speak in public.

If we do that, we will not only lose his face, but also the company of the whole star meteorite sect.

Stone Jingtian to countless eyes staring, can only force down the heart of unwilling, stiff nod.

Shi Jingtian stares at Xiao Han and says in a deep voice: "in the face of Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, from today on, the gratitude and resentment between you and xingyizong will be written off. In the future, we will not trouble you again. However, I hope you have cultivated the changeable body. In the future, don't let the cultivation method of the changeable body decline. Otherwise, don't blame it I will kill you myself. "

Xiao Han gave a slight smile to the threatening words of the leader Shi Jingtian, and then he bowed his hand and said, "Lord Shi, don't worry, the changeable situation of your star meteorite sect will never leak out from me."

Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, took a look at Shi Jingtian, whose face was extremely ugly. After looking around the audience, he said with a loud smile: "ha ha ha ha, Lord Shi is still broad-minded. Xiao Han, you should remember master Shi's painstaking efforts."

"What Master Lu taught me is that I must remember it in my heart." Xiao Han quickly arched his hand and said.Lu Chen grinned and looked at the people around him and said in a low voice: "it seems that the next competition doesn't need to be continued, right? Judging from the strength shown by Ruan Qingqing, she must be able to dominate the group. I think other people should have no objection, right

There was a dead silence around, but no one stood up to express dissatisfaction.

Ruan Qingqing was defeated by Xiao Han. At this time, if we fight again, we will surely lose.

However, Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, directly gave a step to the family, which saved a bit of face of Xingyu sect.

Moreover, Xiao Han's enmity with xingyizong seems to have been successfully resolved because of the presence of Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan school.

Although it is said that shijingtian, the patriarch of Xingyu sect, and WAN Jian, the great elder, they are still unwilling.

However, no matter how unwilling they were in their hearts, they could only give their face to Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect. In this way, the face of their star meteorite sect would be better.

Of course, Lu Chen also knows this, so it is euphemistic to say so.

What's more, if Ruan Qingqing, the star meteorite sect, doesn't fight Xiao Han, who can shake Ruan Qingqing's position on the field?

So Lu Chen said this, which is also a small compensation for the star meteor sect.

Other people naturally know this. If we give Ruan Qingqing some strength and let her recover to the peak state, I'm afraid no other young master on the field can beat Ruan Qingqing.

However, this does not mean that Xiao Han, who can defeat Ruan Qingqing, is the strongest of the younger generation on the field?

Although Xiao Han is not a person of three sects and four sects, he is now related to Guiyuan school.

Thinking of this, the patriarch of the star meteorite sect, Shi Jingtian and the elder Wan Jian, felt even more miserable.

However, in any case, the words of Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, undoubtedly made Shi Jingtian look better. At least Ruan Qingqing was defeated by Xiao Han, but he was still the first person in the younger generation of the three sects and four sects.

While Li Guiyuan, the leader of huangquan gate and Han Shuang, the headmaster of Danxia clan, pondered for a moment, they could only nod their heads.

As for the headmaster of huangquan sect, Li Guiyuan is even more helpless. Even Cao CI is not necessarily an opponent of Ruan Qingqing. Li Chen was easily defeated by Xiao Han. Now Li Chen's injury is more serious than Ruan Qingqing, so is it not that there is a big gap between Li Chen and Ruan Qingqing.

In this case, even if Li Guiyuan did not approve of Lu Chen, he would not dare to ask Li Chen to fight Ruan Qingqing again.

"Everyone's happy, everyone's happy. This result can really be regarded as a happy one." Lu Chen laughs.

Li Guiyuan and Shi Jingtian, the headmasters of huangquan gate, grinned and did not speak.

What kind of person is this? Everyone's happy?

It can be said that they won a complete victory.

"Now that this competition is over, I should also leave. If some old friends have leisure in the future, they will come to our Guiyuan sect to walk around and regret it for a long time."

Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, arched his hands at Shi Jingtian, the leader of Xingqiu sect.

Finally, with a wave of land dust's hand, from a corner of the meteorite peak, a huge flying beast appeared in mid air.

Lu Chen, with a flash of body shape, appeared beside Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan with Cao CI.

"Let's go..."

Lu Chen said in a low voice.

Xiao Han nodded his head. He knew clearly that it was better to leave xingyizong as soon as possible before taking advantage of xingyizong.

This is not a place to stay for a long time. It's better for Xiao Han to leave with Chen Jinnan as soon as possible.

Although Xiao Han is still a little reluctant, after all, he has not found the subordinates sent by the devil emperor, but this situation is really not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Lu Chen, the leader of Guiyuan sect, grabbed the back of the flying monster, followed by Cao CI.

Xiao Han glared at Chen Jinnan's side and winked at the back of the flying monster.

Seeing that Xiao Han and others were all on top of the flying beast and standing in the front of the flying beast, the land dust made his mind move and urged the flying giant to fly high.

When the flying giant's wings vibrated, there was a gust of wind on the field.

Then, with a whimper, it broke through the sky and flew over the meteorite peak.

In just a few moments, the flying beast with Guiyuan school Lu Chen and Cao Ci, Xiao Han and other people completely disappeared in the eyes of countless eyes below.

Danxia patriarch Han Shuang, seeing that Guiyuan sect and others have left, also said goodbye to huangquan sect leader and shijingtian, and then quickly left xingyizong with Wang Qiaoqiao.

Li Guiyuan, the head of the huangquan sect, looked at Li Chen with a sad look on his face. With a long sigh, he said weakly, "since the competition is over, I will stay soon."

The people in the square looked at each other, and no one thought that this gathering of two races, three sects and four sects would come to a hasty end.And all this is because of the guy named Xiao Han who suddenly appeared.

His presence took all the limelight off the court.

Even Ruan Qingqing of xingyizong, Li Chen of Guiyuan school and Ruan Qingqing of Danxia sect, who are the influential figures of the younger generation, are dim in front of Xiao Han. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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