Published at 6th of March 2023 06:58:26 AM

Chapter 2493

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Now, Xiao Han has rescued his father, and has a vague understanding of his life experience.

Since the Xiao family was once a Protoss, it was abolished.

So Xiao Han, as the son of Xiao family, if there is such a possibility, Xiao Han will try his best to recover his divine blood.

Xiao Han had also heard faintly before that the only way to restore the ancestral blood of their Xiao family was that they once again had a supreme power in the immortal realm.

Only in this way can they activate the blood of the protoss in their bodies, become a part of the protoss again, and reappear the glory of the Xiao family in the past.

So Xiao Han, of course, can not let go of all the opportunities to enhance strength.

The evil emperor, in order to pay attention to the keepsake of their Xiao family, imprisoned his father Xiao Zhan for ten years.

Now he has encountered such a deep plan of the dragon clan, which makes Xiao Han wonder whether the purpose of the dragon clan is not as simple as the magic emperor.

Think of here, Xiao Han Dynasty around Chen Jinnan and jade Mei Niang made a wink.

Chen Jinnan and empress Yumei, meeting each other, protect Xiao Han and Cao Qi in the middle, and slowly release the aura in their bodies, so as to isolate some interested people from prying around.

Xiao Han doesn't want others to hear him talking to Cao Qi.

And Cao Qi looked at this scene, but also secretly nodded, it seems that Xiao Han's experience in the river and lake is very rich, it is not really the level of a novice.

Seeing that Chen Jinnan and Yumei's mother had begun to protect themselves, Xiao Han said softly: "brother Cao Qi, if you want to open up the realm of the protoss, do you need a keepsake?"

Cao Qi fixed his eyes and nodded gently: "yes, if we are still the blood of the protoss, naturally we don't need any keepsake. If we want to enter the realm of the protoss again, we must have a keepsake to open the entrance of the protoss territory."

Xiao Han pondered for a moment and then asked, "brother Cao Qi, your Cao family was once the blood of the Protoss. In this way, does your Cao family have a keepsake that can open up the realm of the protoss?"

"It's not like that." Cao Qi first gave a bitter smile and then said, "do you know? This time, more than half of the human gas refiners and demon beast experts entered the Dragon kingdom. Their ancestors used to be the blood of the protoss, or the family related to the protoss blood, but the protoss blood had been abandoned for a long time. However, the keepsake entering the realm of the protoss was not possessed by every abandoned family. At least, we did not have it in the Cao family, which I know There are no other families. "

Cao Qi looks at Xiao Han, but he doesn't speak.

Xiao Han knows that Cao Qi originally wanted to ask them if they had any, but Cao Qi didn't ask.

See this scene, Xiao Han for Cao Qi also with a trace of vigilance psychology to gradually eliminate.

If Cao Qi directly asked Xiao Han whether they had the keepsake, whether Xiao Han would tell the truth or not, at least, Xiao Han would be more and more alert to Cao Qi.

But Cao Qi did not ask.

This shows that Cao Qi at least knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Think of here, Xiao Han for the front of this Cao Qi's good feeling promoted a lot.

Of course, Xiao Han will not tell anyone that he has a keepsake of the Xiao family, or that Xiao Han is a keepsake itself.

This matter matters a lot, even Xiao Han's father Xiao Zhan confessed to Xiao Han only some time ago.

But Xiao Han still felt a little strange.

Why didn't Cao's family, who was also a Protoss, not leave a keepsake.

But Cao Qi said that with his understanding, it seems that the other families whose ancestral blood had been abandoned did not leave any keepsakes.

Why did they leave a keepsake when they arrived at Xiao Han's house, which was refined into Xiao Han's body by Xiao Zhan, Xiao Han's father.

Xiao Han himself, for so many years, has never sensed any abnormality in his body.

Seeing that Cao Qi didn't ask any more questions, Xiao Han went on to ask, "brother Cao Qi, can you tell me something about this Protoss realm? I'm really curious about this Protoss realm. " Xiao Han said with a smile.

Xiao Han's father, Xiao Zhan, had not mentioned anything about the protoss before.

What's more, Xiao Han was more puzzled. This time, Xiao Han left for the dragon clan from Yunwu city. His father Xiao Zhan clearly knew that the golden dragon clan was also one of the guardians of the fairyland. The Dragon kingdom was the closest to the protoss realm.

However, from Xiao Han's decision to go to the Dragon Kingdom, until Xiao Han officially left Yunwu City, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Han's father, never mentioned anything about the protoss realm.

Xiao Han has some doubts. Is it because his father Xiao Zhan doesn't know these secrets, or does his father think it's time to tell Xiao Han now.

Fortunately, Xiao Han heard something about the protoss realm from Yang Yan of the demon clan last night. Otherwise, Xiao Han is still in a fog.Since I finally met a trusted person, Xiao Han can take this opportunity to ask about some things about the protoss field.

Cao Qi first pondered for a moment, then said softly, "you really asked me the right person about the protoss domain. Brother Xiao Han, in fact, it's not a secret for you about the protoss domain. It's just that you didn't get any information from your father or ancestors. Now that we've all arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, I'll tell you I'll tell you something I know. "

With that, Cao Qi went on to say, "the protoss realm is actually some space around the fairyland, in which are some families with the blood of the Protoss.

The space where these clans inhabit becomes the realm of Protoss.

In fact, there are quite a lot of clans with the blood of the Protoss. The territory between all the clans is actually connected.

However, when the protoss blood of a family is abandoned, the territory of the corresponding family will become desolate.

Just like the territory of your Xiao family and our Cao family, your Xiao family is not far away from the Dragon Kingdom, while our Cao family's territory is not far away from your Xiao Han.

However, when the ancestral blood in your Xiao family and our Cao family is abandoned, you are qualified to enter the protoss field. In short, you are automatically expelled.

Take the territory of the Xiao family as an example. Although it has been abandoned, it is still the place where all the ancestors of the Xiao family fell and prospered. If I had the chance, it would not only be you, but also I would like to enter the kingdom of the divine family of our Cao family to commemorate the ancestors of our Cao family, which would be regarded as the wish of future generations. "

Hearing this, Xiao Han could not help but look dignified.

It seems that the resurgence of their Xiao family is in the realm of Protoss.

At that time, the ancestor of the Xiao family was also buried in the realm of the Protoss.

It is expected that after the abolition of their ancestral clan, no descendants of the Xiao family have once again entered the territory of the Xiao family to commemorate their ancestors.

Let's not say whether there are Tiancai Dibao left by our ancestors in the realm of Protoss. Just for this, Xiao Han and Cao Qi have the same idea.

If you have a chance, you should try your best to enter the realm of the protoss, and pay homage to those ancestors of the family, which is also a little of the wishes of future generations.

Originally, Xiao Han thought that the so-called Protoss realm was just a secret place containing all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. Now, Xiao Han didn't expect that the protoss domain was still related to the ancestors of the Xiao family.

Originally, the main purpose of Xiao Han's coming to the Dragon kingdom was to deal with the affairs between him and the ninth princess.

But now, Xiao Han thinks it is necessary for him to find a way to enter the realm of Protoss.

The main reason is to commemorate their ancestors, and then to see if they can find some opportunities or treasures to enhance their strength in their Xiao's residence.

Since he had the opportunity to enter, Xiao Han naturally would not let go of such an opportunity. He might as well go to the Xiao family's residence in the realm of the protoss to explore it.

At this time, Cao Qi then whispered, "Xiao Han, the clue I found from the notes of my ancestors is very wonderful in the realm of the Protoss. Although the descendants of our family say that the blood of the protoss has been flown out, they can still get great benefits if they have the opportunity to enter the once family territory.

In the territory of our family, there are still some inheritance marks of many ancestors. Although these inheritance marks have passed through countless years, it is easy for our descendants to get those inheritance marks.

If you want to get the inheritance left by the ancestors, you have to go through some tests.

In addition to the inheritance of our ancestors, because we are the guardians of the fairyland, some powerful monsters who want to sneak into the fairyland will be sealed by our ancestors.

However, after our Protoss blood was abolished, this powerful monster has been suppressed for countless years and will come out again. Although it is said that these powerful demons have lost a lot of strength, they are still difficult to deal with.

But as long as we defeat these monsters, we can pass the examination of our ancestors, and we can obtain the inheritance left by our ancestors. If we can accept all the inheritance, our strength will be greatly improved. "

"It turns out that this is the case. It's difficult. These guys all come here with such a purpose." Xiao Han was stunned.

Feeling this time, so many people present entered the Dragon kingdom. On the surface, it was to get involved with the dragon clan, but the key point was to find a way to enter the protoss realm.

Xiao Han thinks it makes sense.

Even if you don't have a chance to open the entrance of the protoss realm, at least you've been to the Dragon Kingdom and left some friendship with some strong people of the dragon clan.

It is estimated that many people come with such a purpose.If you can't enter the realm of protoss, you can communicate with the dragon.

Cao Qi said with a smile: "it's almost like this. Why do you think the dragon clan has invited so many Terran gas refiners and demon beast experts to come here this time? These are the abandoned families of the Protoss. This time, the dragon clan wants to take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen its strength again, and the other people present naturally hope to improve their strength Force is ready to reactivate the protoss blood in the body in the future

Xiao Han nodded, a face of contemplation.

These things just mentioned by Cao Qi are also very important to Xiao Han.

If we can obtain the ancestral inheritance in the protoss field, Xiao Han's strength will certainly be able to make rapid progress again in a short time.

Xiao Han is now the strength of the triple disaster, the next every time, will become very long.

Although Xiao Han said he was still young, his time was limited.

He has been away from his hometown for a long time.

In the secular world, there are so many relatives looking forward to his return.

Xiao Han is a gas refiner. He has a long life and is not easy to grow old, but his family members waiting for him are ordinary people.

Xiao Han owes them a lot. He should go back as soon as possible and do something for them.

It's just that Xiao Han has rescued his father Xiao Zhan. It's time to go back first.

In the future, even if it is not possible to bring all the relatives around, but Xiao Han has the responsibility and obligation to settle them first.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han secretly decided that it was time to go back to the secular world and let the family reunite.

Seeing that Cao Qi was still looking at himself, Xiao Han closed his mind and sighed in a low voice: "if you have a chance to enter the realm of the protoss, it would be great."

Cao Qi said with a smile: "of course, let's not say how powerful those demons are. If we can get the inheritance of our ancestors' virtues, that is what we need most. Although we say that our ancestral blood has been abandoned, it is more effective than any other martial arts to get those inheritances."

Xiao Han suddenly thought of a question and asked softly, "brother Cao Qi, do you think that in the realm of the protoss, the richness of the aura of heaven and earth can reach the level of the Dragon kingdom?"

Cao Qi was stunned, and then said, "I'm not sure about this. The ancestor's notes didn't mention this point. However, I think although our family's ancestral blood has been abolished and the palaces in the protoss realm have also been abandoned, the aura in the protoss field should be very rich."

Xiao Han nodded, but also some heart.

It seems that it is necessary to find a way to enter the protoss realm.

In the realm of the protoss, there are not only ancestral inheritance, but also other good things to be found.

Moreover, if the spirit of heaven and earth is very strong in the realm of protoss, and can reach the level of the Dragon Kingdom, Xiao hanruo is also excellent to enter into it and Practice for a period of time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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