Published at 6th of March 2023 06:57:30 AM

Chapter 2500

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Looking at the young man with a resolute face in front of him, Luo Qingyuan sighed softly and stopped speaking.

The purpose of his coming here today has been achieved.

Although Luo Qingyuan came to persuade Xiao Han, he didn't inform anyone, but Luo Qingyuan did favor the ninth princess.

His identity is here, and he is the first among the young generation of the Dragon nationality. Although he is not a member of the Presbyterian of the dragon clan, Luo Qingyuan's status among the dragon clan is no less than those elders.

Luo Qingyuan strongly opposed to using extraordinary means to deal with Xiao Han, which made Xiao Han avoid a lot of trouble.

However, Luo Qingyuan is not for Xiao Han, but for Princess nine.

To be exact, it is for Luo Qingyuan's wife and the elder sister of nine princesses.

But now Luo Qingyuan has said everything, which can be regarded as a dedication.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly felt the black water under his feet suddenly began to slow down.

All of a sudden, Xiao Han felt that the surrounding spatial fluctuations also began to weaken a lot.

And the speed of the black water Xuan Tian GUI's shuttle space has finally slowed down a lot.

At this time, people saw the surrounding lush forest, and appeared in the vision of a huge incomparable mountain.

"Is the Golden Dragon's core territory ahead?"

Looking at the dark sky from the distance, those misty peaks getting closer and closer, Xiao Han's heart also began to become hot.

The closer he was to the core territory of the dragon people, Xiao Han couldn't help but beat his little heart.

Thinking about seeing the ninth Princess soon, Xiao Han couldn't help being a little excited.

Although it is only more than a year since the ninth princess was separated, it seems that it has been as long as many years in Xiao Han's feeling.

Like Xiao Han, other human gas refiners also stood up from the sky and looked at the endless mountains in front of them.

Now, all of them have begun to slow down and fly slowly over the endless peaks.

Standing on the dark sky, Xiao Han can vaguely feel that there are obscure and powerful breath hidden from the continuous mountains around him.

It seems that there are many masters hidden in the ruthless territory of the dragon clan.

At this time, Xiao Han moved in his heart and turned his head to look at a mountain peak surrounded by clouds in the distance.

That peak, the highest peak in the neighborhood.

Attracting Xiao Han is not the mountain peak, but a figure standing on the top of the peak.

This figure looms on the top of the misty peak.

However, even if it is far away, see is not very real, but Xiao Han still vaguely feel a trace of familiar feeling.

This figure, let Xiao Han's mind suddenly appeared in the mind of a peerless face familiar face.

Far away from each other, Xiao Han and the four eyes of the figure are so far away, whether it is time or space, it seems to be completely solidified at this moment.

Luo Qingyuan, who stood at the last place of xuantianhe, slowly looked up at the top of the mountain, which looked like a fairy's noble figure.

Luo Qingyuan's face is also unable to help showing a trace of complex smile.

Over the years, I'm afraid the only one who can let the ninth Princess come here in person is Xiao Han.

The nine princesses lived in the Dragon Kingdom, and had little contact with the outside world.

Moreover, the nine princess's cultivation talent is extraordinary. If she did not sneak out after she was just an adult and spent many years in the heaven and earth holy spirit tower of xiaoyaozong, I'm afraid that the strength of the ninth princess would not be weaker than that of Luo Qingyuan.

"Here you are."

At this time, a soft voice slowly spread from the distance. With the soft voice, all the Terran gas refiners and demon beast masters on the xuantianji were immediately attracted by the sound.

This figure seems to have incomparable charm. In addition, the graceful figure revealed in the mist makes the eyes of countless people around him look at it.

Xiao Han is also an incredible face, looking at the front of the cloud shrouded mountain, listening to the soft voice in the ear.

This voice, let Xiao Han have a kind of deep marrow general familiar feeling.

Even if it is more than a year did not hear this sound, but Xiao Han now listen to the voice of the ears, no reason for the heart is boiling hot.

"Nine princesses..."

after a moment, Xiao Han looked at the looming figure in the distance and called softly.


hearing Xiao Han's cry, many people around him could not help but exclaim.

Nine princesses?

The youngest and most beloved little princess of golden dragon?Think of just nine princess, the first sentence is you come, plus now Xiao Han called nine princess.

From now on, is Xiao Han's visit to the dragon clan really related to Princess nine?

And it seems that the guy in front of me has a lot to do with the nine princesses of the dragon clan.

Luo Qingyuan, who was originally indifferent, had a slight change in his face because of the sudden appearance of the ninth princess.

It was the first time that he saw the ninth Princess come out to meet a man with such solemnity.

Moreover, in recent days, the family has arranged for two old guys to guard around the ninth princess. They are worried that after Xiao Han arrives at the holy city, the ninth princess will slip out to look for Xiao Han, and then there will be a joke.

But even so, the ninth princess still appeared here. It seems that even the two elders arranged by the family couldn't stop the ninth princess from coming out to meet Xiao Han.

It seems that Princess nine is eager to see Xiao Han.

Think of here, Luo Qingyuan's face appeared a trace of helpless look.

At this time, some things are not Luo Qingyuan can change.

Since this is the case, then there is no Luo Qing Yuan anything.

At this time, Xiao Han actually noticed that there were two obscure and powerful breath in the whole space of Princess nine.

Xiao Han can vaguely feel out, these two breath should be the elder level master of the dragon clan.

There are two elder level masters hidden around the nine princess. It seems that the dragon clan is very worried about the nine princess.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's face changed and his eyes turned to the space around Princess nine.

But nine princess can appear here, obviously these two elders should only be responsible for monitoring the nine princess.

"Is that the ninth Princess of the dragon clan?"

"Nonsense, who can have such a good temperament except her?"

"Envy ah, originally that Xiao Han, really has something to do with the ninth princess. I'm afraid it's already two lovers?"

"Ghost knows, now that both sides have appeared, I guess the dragon clan should not allow the ninth princess to associate with a human race gas refiner?"

At this time, the slender figure of Miaoman on the top of the peak came slowly from the top of the mountain, and then under the gaze of countless eyes around, slowly and several steps directly crossed the limit of space and appeared in front of Xiao Han.

The ninth princess is wearing a long white dress today. It doesn't look gorgeous, but there is still a kind of dignified atmosphere from the nine princess.

That kind of noble breath is not worldly noble spirit, but a kind of noble spirit similar to holding the heaven and earth in general.

This kind of feeling, like the blood of the protoss, has a long history and exists in the sky and the earth.

Nine princess that head of hair is a pink ribbon a bunch, seemingly casual in the back of the head.

Three thousand green silk is pasted on the moving curve of nine princesses.

In the breeze, the wisps of hair flutter in the wind, which makes the nine Princess look more beautiful, just like a fairy in the sky, which makes people feel a sense of awe that can only be seen from afar.

All the people present were stunned at the young woman who suddenly appeared on the back of Xuantian.

People's eyes, all stay in the nine princess that white flawless delicate face.

It is like the white skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, with a touch of moving blush.

Nine princess's mouth also with a trace if there is no smile, so that all around have a feeling like spring breeze.

Different from what people expected, the ninth princess is not a cold, hard to approach appearance, but a soft face.

Many people around feel that as long as you see the smile of the ninth princess, even the faint uneasiness and anxiety in your heart will disappear in an instant.

This kind of temperament is not possessed by ordinary women at all.

That kind of feeling is like a fairy in the sky with the spirit of heaven and earth in one. The whole body is perfect, and people can't pick out any flaws.

Nine Princess walked slowly over, did not look at Luo Qingyuan not far away, but under the gaze of countless eyes around her, she gently gazed at the thin figure in front of her.

When the ninth Princess saw the incredible look on Xiao Han's face, even the ninth Princess couldn't help smiling.

At that moment, the nine princess's face showed a smile, and the surrounding air seemed to warm up at this time.

Many people can't help but stupefied on the spot, looking at the nine princess's face smile, the whole heart is about to melt in general.

This, should be the so-called, smile, very Qingcheng.

Like a fairy in the sky, nine princesses slowly walked to Xiao Han. She looked at Xiao Han quietly. Her eyes were full of tenderness.I didn't meet for more than a year. Seeing Xiao Han again, the nine princess seemed to have a thousand words to say.

However, now there are all human gas refiners and monster experts around. Even if the ninth princess is passionate in her heart, she has to suppress it.

"Xiao Han..."

under the gaze of countless hot eyes around, the nine Princess standing in front of Xiao Han suddenly whispered.

A clear and gentle cry rang in the ears of the people.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

It seems that the relationship between Princess nine and Xiao Han should be a real hammer.

Xiao Han's face is full of excitement. Even Xiao Han's body trembles slightly because of excitement.

Xiao Han's eyes fixedly stare at the figure that makes him think about it day and night.

This is only two years short, but Xiao Han feels like a long time after countless spring and autumn.

The nine princesses appeared in front of Xiao Han. Although it is said that it has been more than a year now, the nine princesses have changed a lot.

Nine princess's whole temperament has changed, the appearance looks more plump than before, the breath that sends out all over the body is also more mature.

This kind of maturity makes the nine princesses just like the goddess in the hearts of countless people.

However, at the moment of seeing the princess, Xiao Han also gradually reacted. This should be the reason why the ninth princess is pregnant with a small life.

Because of this, the whole talent of Princess nine will change a lot.

However, no matter how the ninth Princess changes, she is still Xiao Han's woman.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Xiao Han's body began to shake gently involuntarily.

"Nine princesses..."

after a moment, Xiao Han finally couldn't restrain his excitement and strong yearning for more than a year, watching the nine Princess cry out.

Not waiting for everyone to wake up from the consternation, Xiao Han suddenly took a big step forward, and then directly opened his arms. Among the countless surprised eyes around him, Xiao Han directly hugged the fairy like woman in his arms.

Xiao Han suddenly bold move, even nine princess are slightly surprised.


nine princess's mouth could not help but send out a cry of surprise, and her face was covered with a layer of red.

In Xiao Han's arms, the princess struggled gently and gave up directly.

Now between Xiao Han and nine princesses, is not just two lovers.

Moreover, before Xiao Han was in front of nine princesses, nine princesses in front of Xiao Han were all emotional and polite, and had never been so intimate in front of people.

However, it is precisely because of this, Xiao Han and the ninth princess can vaguely feel their emotions suppressed in their hearts.

Between Xiao Han and nine princesses, even if there is no intimacy at ordinary times, they are deeply imprinted with each other.

Especially in more than a year did not meet, in fact, Xiao Han and nine princess are deeply missing each other.

But the ninth Princess showed a little more reserved, but Xiao Han could not help his deep thoughts, and could not help making this kind of intimacy.

"Boy, you are so brave."

At this moment, suddenly there was a roar in the air.

The two elders of the dragon clan, who had been hiding beside the ninth princess, had a sharp look on their faces when they saw Xiao Han holding the ninth princess in his arms. One of them could not help pointing to Xiao Han in the distance and reprimanding them.

Holding nine princesses in his arms, Xiao Han looked at the direction of the voice, without a look of fear.

The two elders of the dragon clan who were hiding in the air were supposed to rush out and reprimand Xiao Han. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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