Published at 6th of March 2023 06:53:07 AM

Chapter 2573

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Encounter this level of master, Xiao Han can only admit his life.

At the thought of this, Xiao Han slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then sorted out the mood, changed back to normal.

Since the other party is obviously looking for their own, then the soldiers will block the water to cover it.

The big deal is death, and there's no big deal.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned his eyes to his front.

Not far in front of Xiao Han, the figure stood with a negative hand.

The man was dressed in blue and looked very elegant.

There was no strong sense of oppression in the whole person.

But because of this, Xiao Hansi did not dare to underestimate.

And Xiao Han's heart can be very sure, from his practice to now, the person in front of him is definitely the strongest and most terrifying person he has ever met.

However, since the other party showed up, Xiao Han naturally would not show too frightened appearance.

At this time, if the other side really wants to make a move, Xiao Han is afraid to be dead, not afraid is also a death, there is no room to fight back.

Think of here, Xiao Han quickly convergence good mentality, slowly walked in the past.

It is because the strength of the mysterious man who appears in front of Xiao Han is too terrible. Xiao Han knows that he has no resistance ability at all in front of this person.

Similarly, Xiao Han is also because of this, he is not worried about what the mysterious man will do to him.

Xiao Han's heart is very clear, in front of the mysterious man has that kind of terrible strength is not he can fight against.

Don't say it's a move. I'm afraid the other party can crush him with a wave of his hand. Maybe he can hurt himself by blowing a breath.

Because of this, the mysterious man would not engage in those meaningless tricks, because there was no need at all.

Since the other party found him in the middle of the night, he did not kill him, but brought him here. It seems that he has something to say.

Xiao Hanqing cleared his throat, looked at the mysterious man in front of him, clasped his fist, and said in a loud voice, "this elder, looking for me at night, what advice can you give me?"

"No, I just want to see you."

Xiao Han slightly a Leng, it seems that the other party knows his identity.

Come to see him?

What's good to see?

It seems that the other party knows him, but Xiao Han doesn't remember that he knows such a mysterious strong man.

"I didn't expect that, after the ancestry of the Xiao family was abandoned, there would still be a young man like you. No wonder your ancestors of the Xiao family once said a word after they left the realm of the Protoss. Within 300 years, the Xiao family would return to the realm of the Protoss. At the beginning, I thought your ancestors were bragging. Now think about it It's not unreasonable. It seems that your ancestors of the Xiao family are very confident. "

After hearing this mysterious person's words, Xiao Han also can't help but feel a natural.

Although this person just said such a paragraph, but Xiao Han heard a lot of things from this person's paragraph.

It seems that the mysterious master has come and gone with their ancestors of the Xiao family, and the mysterious man seems to be very familiar with them.

In this case, the mysterious man in his 40s may be just a representation. The other person may be a strong old man who has lived for many years.

However, Xiao Han seems to have never heard of them before, Xiao Han's father Xiao Zhan has never mentioned before.

"Do you dare to ask me if you have something to do with my ancestors of the Xiao family?" Xiao Han arched at the man again, and then asked softly.

After hearing Xiao Han's question, the mysterious man first smiles and then slowly walks towards Xiao Han.

The closer he was, the more puzzled Xiao Han was.

This person's age seems to be about 40 years old. He has a white face and a peaceful face.

Just from the appearance, it looks like an ordinary middle-aged person.

At the moment, the man was wearing a simple blue shirt, which was not outstanding at all, but looked ordinary.

But this person's face always has a trace of peaceful smile, which makes Xiao Han, who was a little nervous, feel at ease a lot.

Since the other side has no hostility, it should not have been the opponent of their Xiao family.

From the current situation, Xiao Han guessed in his heart that this person may be an old man of the golden dragon clan.

After all, this is the territory of the golden dragon clan. If this person is not a member of the golden dragon clan, his presence here should alarm the strong ones of the golden dragon clan.

But now that the other party has appeared for such a long time, so far there are no golden dragon people around. So Xiao Han thinks that this person is probably a member of the golden dragon clan.

However, a strong man in the fairyland is so ordinary, and his clothes and clothes are so ordinary, which is still a little different from Xiao Han's excellent demeanor of immortal realm.Originally, Xiao Han thought that the strong man in the immortal realm should be full of immortal breath, with extraordinary bearing between hands and feet.

But look at the middle-aged man in front of him, Xiao Han has a little unreal feeling.

However, not waiting for Xiao Han to relax, the mysterious middle-aged man's next words, directly let Xiao Han suddenly change to be stunned.

"Well, I'll tell you, I'm actually the father of the ninth princess."


the father of the ninth princess?

The head of the golden dragon?

It turns out that this mysterious middle-aged man is actually the patriarch of the golden dragon clan and the father of the nine princesses?

At the thought of this, Xiao Han almost exclaimed.

No wonder the other side said that they came to see him on purpose.

Xiao Han thought, since he entered the territory of the dragon, the other side has not really appeared.

As the head of the golden dragon clan and the father of the nine princesses, he naturally wanted to meet his daughter's sweetheart.

At the thought of each other's identity, Xiao Han was a little stunned.

He once heard the ninth Princess mention that her father was the current patriarch of the golden dragon clan, and one of the most powerful in the whole world.

However, the ninth princess did not say that her father would be a strong immortal.

Of course, Xiao Han did not ask at that time.

But now, the world's most top figure in this way with a common appearance in front of Xiao Han, which makes Xiao Han have a kind of unreal feeling.

Are all the strong people in the fairyland so approachable?

However, the only thing that makes Xiao Han happy is that the father of the ninth princess does not seem to have a very bad attitude towards himself, a Terran boy who pursues her daughter.

This alone makes Xiao Han feel at ease.

When he saw Xiao Han's face gaping, the head of the golden dragon clan also couldn't help smiling.

He looked at Xiao Han and said with a smile, "what? Are you surprised that I came here to meet you? "

At this time, Xiao Han also gradually came back from the surprise.

Xiao Han has been secretly looking at the middle-aged man in front of him. Seeing that he is not angry, Xiao Han has to laugh twice.

"Er... It's really... A little unexpected."

Nine princess's father suddenly came to find himself, Xiao Han said not nervous, that is false.

For a while, Xiao Han didn't know what to say.

Xiao Han, who was originally well-informed, was somewhat restrained at the moment.

If the other side is just a strong immortal, Xiao Han may not be so.

The key is that the identity of the other party is the father of nine princesses, which makes Xiao Han a little flustered.

It should be a common fault of all men.

He pushed the other party's daughter, even if he knew that the middle-aged man in front of him might be his father-in-law in the future, Xiao Han was still a little nervous.

In addition, the relationship between Xiao Han and the ninth princess is extraordinary.

Xiao Han and Princess nine are not only engaged in a private life, but now she has Xiao Han's flesh and bones in her belly.

Xiao Han also does not know if this matter is known by the other party, will not be in a bash after angry, slapped himself into meat mud.

You should know that the middle-aged man in front of him is extremely powerful and has a high level of cultivation.

In front of this kind of terrifying figure, Xiao Han even vaguely felt that every thought flashed in Xiao Han's heart would be clearly known by the other party.

Think of here, Xiao Han in the heart slightly startled, immediately convergence of mind, dare not think about it again, for fear that the other side to see a trace of clues.

However, Xiao Han felt that the ninth princess was pregnant, even if the other side was a strong immortal, he might not be able to detect it.

Did the nine princesses say that it would take at least two years for their golden dragon women to change?

Now, it seems that it has not been two years. Apart from the nine princesses, no one in the whole golden dragon clan can see it?

At the thought of this, Xiao Han was a little relieved.

Think about it. The other person doesn't know.

If the father of the ninth Princess knew that he and the ninth princess had children, Xiao Han would die.

"My name is Luo Tianhong. To tell you the truth, I once saw you in the secular world on the day you were born, but no one knew my identity at that time. Even my father didn't know that I had appeared."

The middle-aged man who saw Luo Tianhong gave a faint smile, and then sighed: "now think about it, you have grown so big in the past 20 years, and the time is really too fast."

Hearing this, Xiao Han was stunned again.What? What?

When I was just born, the other party had been to the secular world, and had seen myself?

You don't even know who your father is?

This makes Xiao Han incredible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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