Published at 6th of March 2023 06:51:54 AM

Chapter 2594

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It seems that this guy of Zhao family has some prejudice against him, which should be the reason why the ninth princess said.

But think about it, it's necessary to remember such a small thing for hundreds of years?

"It's said that the ancestors of the Xiao family and the owner of the Zhao family took a fancy to a treasure at the same time. In the end, it was your ancestors of the Xiao family who seized it. The Zhao family was so jealous." Nine Princess sees Xiao Han a face helpless look, can't help but cover mouth secretly smile way.

Xiao Han is a Leng at first, suddenly speechless.

Xiao Han said helplessly on his face: "robbing the baby depends on his own ability. Whoever grabs it is whose. It can also remember and hate our Xiao family. It's really small bellied chicken. If it's OK, let him remember it. I really don't believe it. How can Zhao Si take me?"

"I don't need to introduce the one in front of me. Fengjiu, the elder of Tianfeng clan, is our favorite guest of the dragon clan. This time, he has to make a lot of efforts to open the entrance of the protoss realm. Therefore, a lot of things are mainly based on him.

However, Fengjiu should not enter the realm of Protoss. This time, those who enter the realm of protoss are the younger generation of strong people in each family.

In addition to looking for the two jade medals, we also want to send the younger generation of strong people to the protoss field for training. After all, this Protoss field is indeed a very good training place. "

Xiao Han nodded slowly.

At this time, Fengjiu, the elder of Tianfeng clan, and several elders of golden dragon clan all gathered together,

and when all the elder level masters left for the flying beast where Princess Jiu was, others also came from the flying beast.

The nine princesses controlled the flying beast and landed slowly on a mountain below.

At this time, when Xiao Han and Princess nine and others jumped down from the flying beast, Fengjiu and the elders of the golden dragon clan also came to them.

"This is the edge of the Dragon territory. If you want to open the door of the protoss realm, you can do it here."

One of the golden dragon clan's patriarchs nodded slightly at the nine princesses, which was a greeting, and then said with a loud voice.

At this time, all the descendants of the protoss blood family around had gathered together. In addition, Luo Qingyuan, the general leader of the guard army, and others slowly appeared in the crowd of a group of golden warriors.

At this time, at least hundreds of people gathered at the top of the mountain where Xiao Han and Princess Jiu were located.

Some Terran gas refiners and monster experts who are not qualified to enter the protoss domain also came to join the fun.

"Listen to me first, gentlemen."

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly stood up and said, "I have a keepsake of the protoss blood family, which can open the door of the protoss domain smoothly. Does that mean that I can decide who can enter the protoss realm?"

Xiao Han suddenly made a voice, and many people on the field suddenly changed their faces.

If we really let Xiao Han decide the number of places to enter the protoss field, wouldn't many people lose the qualification to enter the protoss field?

"Xiao Han, what do you mean? It was not agreed that this trip to the protoss realm was arranged by our dragon clan? " One of the elders of the dragon clan stood up and said in a loud voice, "who do you want to deprive you of your token?"

This time, the dragon clan entered the realm of protoss, accounting for half of the quota.

The elder was angry that he was worried that Xiao Han would affect the general quota of the dragon clan.

"Don't worry, elder." Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile, "you have five golden dragon people. I have no opinion about this, and I am not going to change anything."

Hearing this, several elders of the golden dragon clan looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

But they are also quietly relieved.

Xiao Han has a keepsake of divine blood in his hand. If Xiao Han can open the entrance of the protoss realm, it will save the dragon people a lot of trouble.

So really, the dragon people are happy to see Xiao Han open the door of the protoss realm.

But now Xiao Han said that he would not change the number of their dragon clan, and the elders of these dragon people had no words to say.

Since Xiao Longhan will not change the number of places they play in Xiaohan first, let's see what they can do in Xiaohan.

If Xiao Han's decision is too much, most of them are from the dragon clan to open the entrance of the protoss realm.

Thinking of this, the elders of the golden dragon clan present chose to be silent.

"Xiao Han, if you have any ideas, you can tell us what you think. If you don't have any opinions, you should do as you say."

Feng Jiu, the elder of Tianfeng nationality, smiles, indicating that Xiao Han can make his own decision.

Even Fengjiu said so, and other people have no opinion.Yang Yan and Huowu, including Zhao Si, who were standing in the crowd, looked a little ugly.

At the moment, Xiao Han suddenly stood up to do something, and Yang Yan and others suddenly appeared a trace of bad premonition.

If Xiao Han takes the keepsake on his body as a chip to cancel their qualification to enter the protoss field, then they will be totally stupid.

Yang Yan's face was as gloomy as water. After thinking about it, he still felt that he couldn't wait to die. He walked out of the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Han, what do you want to play? Are you going to compete with the dragon people for the dominance this time? "

It's not just Yang Yan and Huowu. Zhao Si, the descendant of Zhao family, is also a little uneasy at the moment.

Before, Zhao Si didn't give Xiao Han a good look. Now, Zhao Si suddenly has some regrets.

This is the opportunity for Xiao Han to carry his keepsake and wear small shoes to himself, and directly cancel his qualification to enter the protoss field, which will be a big loss.

The relationship between the Zhao family and the Xiao family is very tense, but it is also an old feud hundreds of years ago.

If there is a chance, Zhao Si will certainly teach Xiao Han a lesson, but that's not now. At least we have to wait until the entrance of the protoss realm is opened. Can we talk about it after they enter the protoss realm?

If Xiao Han is now in trouble with their Zhao family, Zhao Si will really have nothing to do.

After hearing Yang Yan's question, Xiao Han glanced at Yang Yan, then said with a soft smile: "I haven't spoken yet. How are you doing? It seems that I'm afraid that I will cancel your qualification to enter the protoss field, right? Don't worry, whether it's my opponent or my friend, I'm not such a careful person. "

said that Xiao Han looked around for a week and then said, "since I can open the door to the field of the protoss, then I must has the final say. I think it is rare to open the gate of the protoss field, but the ten entries that qualify for the protoss domain are really too few."

"What do you want, according to your will?"

"Yes, we also think that the number of places is a little less. This time, only the top ones are qualified to enter the protoss field, which is really unfair."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Han. What are you going to do? Tell me about it."


immediately, many people began to understand Xiao Han's meaning, and soon many people's gas refiners and demon beast experts began to echo Xiao Han.

Xiao Han waved his hand and waited until the surrounding area was quiet, then he said aloud: "I suggest that each clan should arrange two places to enter the protoss territory. In this way, everyone in each family is qualified to enter the protoss field. Only in this way can it be considered as fair. Of course, this time, the things opened in the protoss field are organized by the dragon clan, so the dragon clan occupies more A few places are also reasonable. Do you have any comments on such an arrangement? "

"Good, good, good."

"That's right. That's fair. Otherwise, we are descendants of the ancestral clan. Why can't we enter?"

"Xiao Han, do as you say."

"Yes, I think Xiao Han's proposal is the most reasonable. We support it."

"We also support..."


Xiao Han's voice had just dropped, and all the people were excited.

Many Terran gas refiners and monster experts who were not qualified to enter the protoss domain before all came forward to support Xiao Han's proposal.

The faces of several elders of the golden dragon clan were stiff at first, and then became a little ugly.

Although it is said that Xiao Han's proposal does not change their five quota of golden dragon race.

However, these elders of the dragon clan still feel something is wrong. How come Xiao Han is the only one who has become a good person. All of them are bad people?

However, the main attention of those Terran alchemists and demon beast masters around him still focused on Xiao Han's proposal. These elders turned their lips and finally did not speak.

Yang Yan and the fire dance around him looked at each other with a look of amusement.

Xiao Han does this, seem to be a little hard to please.

Is Xiao Han just trying to get a favor from everyone?

At present, there are at least 20 Protoss blood families present. If there are two places for each family, will not at least 40 or 50 people be able to enter the realm of the protoss?

If there are more people, there will be less benefits for individuals.

It's true for Yang Yan and Xiao Han, but it's still the case for Xiao Han. It seems that Xiao Han's doing this now seems a bit thankless.

The faces of the people on the field were different. Some were ecstatic, some were frowning and others were confused. They couldn't understand why Xiao Han was doing this.

The first people to react on the field were Fengjiu, the elder of Tianfeng clan, and the ninth princess.Fengjiu naturally knows some of the past events. For Xiao Han's ideas, Fengjiu soon thought it through. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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