Published at 6th of March 2023 09:10:08 AM

Chapter 378

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"Xiaoyan, you found a good boyfriend."

"Not bad. I still have the key to Audi."

Many young girls praised each other, which made Yang Xiaoyan very proud. She said shyly and triumphantly, "no, it's OK. Just so. "

After all, only go to university, few people can climb up to the top. In the University, the female student all has the duty, the most important is, even if has the rich family's child, the general female student also cannot catch up with, or is not prepared for the rich family's son to fall in love with. The girls in Chen Zihan's class, except for three or four good-looking people, are basically ordinary in appearance. Some of them are not only ordinary in appearance, but also mean.

Yang Xiaoyan's mouth raised a smile, her face is very proud.

An entry-level Audi car is enough to show off in front of a group of college students. No matter what, the logo is four circles, which is the symbol of Audi. What a great sign. What an enviable sign.

Xiao Han stopped Chen Zihan and walked towards Li daphou.

Jiang Xiaoliang looked at two people's back, appears very angry, but also appears incomparably angry. And it's out of breath. Jiang Xiaoliang walked slowly towards Liao Zhijie. Liao Zhijie was very happy today. He not only got the high position of lobby manager, but also met his classmates who had a good time at that time. Several people talked freely. The students who had a good time were admitted to the University. Although they were not key universities, he felt very envious when he heard about what happened in the University. He even regretted that he did not study well and did not enter the University. Even if it is a third rate University, at least it is a university?

"Xiaoliang!" Several students stood up one after another. With a smile on his face. He seems to have great respect for Jiang Xiaoliang.

This society is a society of money. It is a society where wealth is supreme.

"Oh, master Chiang!" Liao Zhijie showed a flattering smile.

"Liao Zhijie." Jiang Xiaoliang laughed and said, "you Do you want to be a lobby manager? "

"Yes Liao Zhijie nodded quickly.

"Well..." Jiang Xiaoliang glanced at Liao Zhijie and said, "do you want to be promoted to minister of security?"


Liao Zhijie has never thought of such a problem. The Minister of security has a lot of power. He is in charge of a group of people. Moreover, everyone knows that only when there are people under his hand can he have great power. If you don't have a vote of people, who will respect you? Who will talk to you?

If you can be the Minister of the security department, then you really have a high position and weight!

Liao Zhijie laughed and said, "yes, master Jiang wants me to be the Minister of security? I promise I will be able to fulfill the task you have given me. "

"No Jiang Xiaoliang laughed and said, "I just want to tell you that if you want to upgrade from the lobby manager to the head of the security department, then You should take my assessment. If you pass the assessment, the Minister of security will definitely let you be. "

"Really?" Liao Zhijie was overjoyed.

"Of course Jiang Xiaoliang nodded.

"Good!" Liao Zhijie nodded. He hooked his finger at Jiang Xiaoliang and said, "follow me!"

With that, Jiang Xiaoliang turned around and left.

Liao Zhijie immediately nodded, and then ran over. They went to the corner and there was no one on the side. When they got together, Liao Zhijie said in a hurry: "young master Jiang, you What do you think I should do to be the head of security? "

"You can see that Xiao Han is aiming at me and robbing my woman!" Jiang Xiaoliang gave a cold smile and said, "I said here, you should understand what I mean?"

"Understand!" Liao Zhijie listened and said with a smile, "you can rest assured."

"In addition." Jiang looked around, then glanced at Liao Zhijie and said, "Chen Zihan is the woman I like. I hope I can sleep with the woman I like in the last winter vacation."

"I see." Liao Zhijie nodded immediately.

Jiang Xiaoliang raised a strange smile and grinned: "if you do these two things well, not only the Minister of security will let you be, but your salary will double!"

"Really?" Liao Zhijie is surprised.

"At present, the Minister of security has a monthly salary of 6000, which can be doubled to 12000. And all kinds of benefits. " Jiang Xiaoliang said with a smile, "if you just want to be a lobby manager at ease, you can not promise me."

"No, no, no!" Liao Zhijie quickly waved his hand and said, "I will be the Minister of the security department."

"Ha ha..." Jiang Xiaoliang a listen, immediately happy: "good, that's settled."

Then, the two people from the side of the laughing and talking came out, and returned to the crowd again. Many people are very happy and excited in the banquet hall. It may be the first time in their lives that they have entered such an occasion.

Jiang Xiaoliang showed a smile, especially when looking at Chen Zihan, his eyes showed a evil smile. When Xiao Han turns around, he sees the evil in Jiang Xiaoliang's eyes. Xiao Han frowned and had a bad premonition in his head.Liao Zhijie walked slowly towards Xiao Han and then said, "Oh, isn't this Xiao Han?"

"Liao Zhijie!" Xiao Han laughed and said, "what? Are you here? "

"Can't you?" Liao Zhijie asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han smile, way: "anyway, this is not my money to do, who can, and I have nothing to do with it!"

"Yes, but how did you come?" Liao Zhijie stares at Xiao Han and says, "what are you? You once interrupted master Jiang's hand. Tell me about it. What qualifications do you have to enter the hotel of Jiang's group? This is not what you should be here

"Is it?" Xiao Han glanced at him and then said, "as a student of the same class, I have no problem. It's you. You used to be a gangster. Do you know where the door of the class opens

"You Liao Zhijie was very angry.

"You what you?" Xiao Han disdained to return a sentence, and then said: "don't be angry."

"Shit!" Where can Liao Zhijie swallow this breath, he swung his fist and smashed it in the past.

In the past, Xiao Han didn't pay any attention to it. Liao Zhijie thinks his punch can knock Xiao Han down. Who expected, Xiao Han completely did not put each other's fist in the eye. Xiao Han took Liao Zhijie's fist with one hand.


Xiao Han's slap immediately pinched Liao Zhijie's fist and exerted himself secretly under his hand.

"Ah Liao Zhijie immediately screamed. The man knelt down on the spot.

The tingling, like a needle in general, stinging people sad, people's legs weak. Xiao Han subconsciously let go of Liao Zhijie's hand, and then pretended to be cold and warm and asked, "Liao Zhijie, you Are you all right? "

"You Liao Zhijie gnaws his teeth and wants to kill Xiao Han.

However, Xiao Han this guy seems to be like nothing at all, a very innocent look. Liao Zhijie snorted coldly, moved his muscles and bones, and said, "you guy, don't be a running dog for others if you have nothing to do."

"Shit!" When Liao Zhijie heard this, it was good. He immediately picked up a chair from one side and smashed it at Xiao Han.


Xiao Han immediately escaped the blow. Liao Zhijie's chair fell on the buffet table behind Xiao Han on the spot. The crystal plate with the beautiful cakes on the table broke to pieces. Liao Zhijie was stupid on the spot. He gaped at the scene and said, "this This... "

"Liao Zhijie, you smashed Liao Zhijie's things." Xiao Han laughed.

"All blame you!" Liao Zhijie is even more angry, he immediately put all his anger on Xiao Han's body. He swung his chair again and smashed it hard at Xiao Han. The chairs in my hands are constantly swinging.

Xiao Han is not afraid of each other at all, his mouth raised a strange smile.

"You are asking for death Xiao Leng snorted.


All of a sudden, Xiao Han rushed up with a lunge. He was not afraid of the chair that was smashed by the other party. Instead, he rushed up with the speed of lightning. Xiao Han's eyes lock the movement track of the chair, coupled with the weight of the chair visually, the brain quickly calculates the kinetic energy and potential energy of the chair. His hand held the leg of the chair with precise speed and strength.

"Damn it!" Liao Zhijie is angry, his eyes spit out an angry look. Almost all his strength came out of him. His face was ferocious, and the flesh on his face suddenly appeared. Almost all the strength in the hands is going to explode.

These forces are nothing to Xiao Han. He gave a cold smile and said, "is that all?"

"Go to hell!" Liao Zhijie gnaws his teeth. He feels that no matter what kind of force his arm exerts, he finds that this chair seems to be possessed by a demon, motionless and unable to move at all.

Liao Zhijie has no choice but to use his own shadowless legs.


Liao Zhijie's leg kicked out, but was kicked back by Xiao Han. This foot left Liao Zhijie with the pain of almost splitting his leg bones. He immediately released his hand and limped back.

"Liao Zhijie, I didn't move you." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Shit!" Liao Zhijie dares to be angry but dare not speak. Xiao Han used to bully casually, but since that time Xiao Han was thrown into the school pool, he found that Xiao Han was not so easy to bully. He felt that Xiao Han in front of him seemed to be a different person. Liao Zhijie frowned and looked displeased: "Xiao Han, remember the humiliation you gave me today. Sooner or later, I will return it a thousand times."

"Good." Xiao Han disdained to look at him, and then said: "you just let the horse come." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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