Published at 6th of March 2023 09:08:47 AM

Chapter 405

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Xiao's mother quickly asked, "elder sister, are you coming? Did you have breakfast? "

"Yes, I just went to the square dance and came back to your house." Aunt Zhou laughed and said, "didn't you send me a message last night? Xiao Han has something to talk to me about. I'm here. What's the matter

Xiao's mother hastily poured tea for Aunt Zhou, and then took some fruits and melons for Chinese New Year.

Aunt Zhou is eating melon seeds and looking at Xiao Han.

"Auntie Zhou, is the road in front of our community under the control of our community?" Xiao Han asked in a hurry.

"Ah Aunt Zhou was stunned for a moment. She thought about it and asked, "why did you suddenly ask about this?"

Aunt Zhou didn't dare to admit it for fear that there would be something wrong with this road. Speaking of it, Fuxing community is really responsible for the road administration. Now it is in disrepair for a long time, and accidents often occur on the road. Therefore, Fuxing community does not recognize it. The municipal government doesn't care. In this way, both sides push back and forth. Nobody dares to take care of this road. Now, Xiao Han asked, naturally aunt Zhou dare not talk nonsense. If it was someone else, aunt Zhou would have said no.

"Oh, I just think the street lights on this road are almost rotten. It's easy to rob and rape." Xiao Han said in a hurry: "so, I think the streetlights on this road should be changed. It can be repaired and replaced. "

"You child, you are pure." Aunt Zhou laughed, and then said, "is this renovation free of money? We have no money to revive the community. Where can we do thankless things? The ownership of this road is indeed our rejuvenation of the community. The state does not allow us to set up a toll card, but let us pay for management. Who will do this kind of hard work? Besides, there is no money in our community. There are so many lonely old people and single parent families in our community. Money is also a priority to take care of them, this road The municipal government should pay for the repairs. "

"Aunt Zhou, since it's our way, we have to protect it." Xiao Han said with a smile: "if the municipal government really took this road away, I'm afraid you can't give up."

"Of course I can't give up." Aunt Zhou nodded quickly.

"It's better to look for people in the community, and I'll pay." Xiao Han laughed and then said, "I'll pay for the repair of street lamps on this road."


Aunt Zhou had just taken a sip of the tea poured by Xiao's mother, and the water that had not yet been swallowed gushed out on the spot. She looked at Xiao Han with a pair of eyes wide open. She said in amazement: "Xiaohan, you What did you say? "

"I said I would pay for all the repairs alone. Is that all right? " Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Xiaohan, where did you get the money?" Aunt Zhou and mother Xiao almost asked at the same time.

"Don't worry about the money you bring." Xiao Han smiles and says, "I guarantee that my money is clean and legal. I just want to do something for the community. Since we live here, we should have a safe environment. Let the Trinity case not happen again. "

When it comes to the March 13 case, aunt Zhou couldn't help but drop her head.

On the night of March 13, the year before last, a 14-year-old junior high school girl was raped, killed and raped on her way home. And the scene was just outside the walls of the Fuxing community. This is the road that Xiao Han wants to pay for repairing street lamps.

The March 13 case shocked the whole city. But even so, municipalities and communities are shirking their responsibilities. Both sides refused to take responsibility for this, and since then, no one has paid attention to the issue of streetlights on this road. After that, there were several robberies. As a result, the residents in Fuxing community are so panicked that they dare not go out at night. Even if they had to go out, they were in groups.

"Xiaohan, you are right. The community should also take responsibility." Aunt Zhou nodded and said, "it's rare that you have a kind heart. I also thank you on behalf of the community. "

"You're welcome." Xiao Han shook his head.

"I assure you that every penny spent on repairing street lamps will never be wasted." Aunt Zhou said seriously: "I will send people to supervise the workers every day, so that they are conscientious, honest, and safe to do the maintenance work well."

"Good." Xiao Han nodded.

"But I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money to repair this road." Aunt Zhou asked weakly.

"About how much?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"This road is more than 500 meters, almost all the street lamps need to be replaced, and more than a dozen poles need to be re installed..." Aunt Zhou is so precious that you can see that she is also very concerned about the situation of this road. Finally, aunt Zhou immediately reported a data: "about 200000."

"No problem!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Are you really willing to pay 200000 yuan for road construction?" Aunt Zhou still can't believe it.

"Aunt Zhou, why not do something to benefit the villagers?" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Good, good." Aunt Zhou was overjoyed, but she immediately calmed down. She turned to look at Xiao's mother and asked, "that Xiao Yang, look Do you have any opinion about it? ""I don't mind." Xiao's mother shook her head with a smile and said, "Xiaohan's money should be controlled by himself. I don't interfere. What's more, this money is beneficial to the villagers. How can I stop it? "

"Well, on behalf of all the residents of Fuxing community, I thank you." Aunt Zhou was very excited.

"Auntie Zhou, go and do it." Xiao Han said with a smile: "there are still three days to celebrate the new year. We should try to do it well before the new year, so that we can feel the brightness of the street lights before the new year."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to be busy." Aunt Zhou nodded repeatedly. She ran out as fast as she could. It's like a flying bird.

As soon as aunt Zhou left, Xiao's mother looked at Xiao Han seriously.

Xiao Han felt a little embarrassed.

"Mom, don't look at me like that." Xiao Han's face was slightly red.

"Xiaohan, are you hiding something from me?" Xiao's mother asked seriously.

"Yes Xiao Han nodded.

"Is that your BMW at the door?" Xiao's mother asked, "I secretly took a look at the driving license yesterday, and the name of the door is yours. In other words, you own the car, right? "

"Well!" Xiao took a deep breath.

"You should give me an explanation?" Xiao's mother took a look at Xiao Han, and then said, "you bought a house for the scholarship of college entrance examination, which I know very well. As for the extra money, where did you get it? Should there be an explanation? "

"Mom, I always wanted to tell you." Xiao Han looked at his mother timidly and said, "just, I don't know how to say it all the time. Today, however, I decided to be frank with you. In fact, Hanmen restaurant, Hanmen technology, including Hanmen training class, were all founded by me


Xiao mother a listen, just ready to put up the tea cup from the hands off. He fell on the ground and broke the ground.

"What?" Xiao's mother was staring at Xiao Han.

These familiar names from Xiao Han's mouth, Xiao mother simply can't believe. Recently, Hanmen restaurant is very popular in Linjiang city. One of them is at the gate of Fuxing community. There are countless people who eat every day. Therefore, people in Fuxing community say every day that Hanmen restaurant is the most profitable restaurant. What's more, the residents of the Renaissance community are all praising it. Because Hanmen restaurant uses a lot of people from Fuxing community. His reputation is very good.

Everyone knows that Hanmen restaurant is a profitable enterprise. Similarly, Hanmen technology is not to mention. Xiao Han used to work part-time in Hanmen technology, the only official Apple store in Linjiang. Although there are many places in Linjiang city to play Apple's official authorized store signboard, but only Hanmen technology store is really authorized. It is needless to say that Hanmen technology makes money.

As for the cold door training course. This training class, which has been famous all over the country, is now in full swing. At that time, he knelt down and begged the mask teacher. Now I think, it turns out that Xiao Han is playing tricks behind his back.

Xiao mother where dare to believe that all this is true, he simply can't believe, she gaped at Xiao Han: "Xiaohan, you What did you say? "

"Mom, I said that Hanmen restaurant, Hanmen technology and Hanmen training class are all my industries." Xiao Han looked at his mother seriously.

"No, no, no!" Xiao's mother quickly shook her head and said, "it can't be true. It's impossible! "

"Mom, that's true." Xiao Han said seriously: "I never lie. You should know your son better than me. Isn't it? "

Xiao Han's words appear incomparably pious. Xiao's mother didn't dare to believe such words. These companies add up, the output value of a year is tens of millions, right? Is Does his son become a multimillionaire? This Xiao's mother felt that her brain had been knocked down.

"Xiaohan, is this true?" Xiao's mother looked at Xiao Han with trembling eyes.

If all this is true, that name, Xiao Han has become a proud offspring of the Xiao family. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. She has always firmly believed that her son will certainly be outstanding, will be exalted and glorified. I didn't expect that this day should come so suddenly.

"It's true." Xiao Han nodded seriously and said, "Mom, all this is true. Your son is promising now. "

"My son is promising." Xiao's mother seemed very excited, and her eyes trembled. Her eyes even lost the focus. The tears in her eyes flowed down one by one, and the tears of bean big one fell one by one, which made people feel very sad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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