Published at 6th of March 2023 09:00:35 AM

Chapter 523

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"So fast?" Although she doesn't teach mathematics, finance is more or less related to mathematics. What's more, LAN yudie also knows the difficulty of college mathematics, so it's not so easy to finish the exam in just 40 minutes. Or I left before I finished the exam.

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "it's not a full score, it's definitely a high score!"

"So confident?" Blue rain butterfly surprised at Xiao Han.

"Of course Xiao Han nodded.

"Then you go." Blue rain butterfly replied.

Xiao Han turned around and left. LAN yudie laughed and then said to the male teacher beside him, "Mr. Chen, look at his test paper. How is your work?"

Finish saying, blue rain butterfly hastily handed Xiao Han's examination paper to an old male teacher.

Male teacher quickly took the test paper, to be honest, he was also interested in Xiao Han's answer. It's really curious how fast the boy answers questions. Although the content of this test is not very difficult, but the latter two big questions are not easy, at least it will take more than ten minutes to finish, right?

Mr. Chen quickly put on the presbyopia glasses, and then seriously began to look at the topic.

He knew all these questions, but he was looking at Xiao Han's answers and comparing them with his standard answers. After a comparison, sure enough, the guy actually got all the answers right.

"Great." Teacher Chen exclaimed in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Blue rain butterfly asks in a hurry.

"All right." Mr. Chen sighed, then took off his glasses and said, "this boy is so powerful that he can answer all the questions correctly."

"Is it?" LAN yudie looks at Xiao Han's paper in surprise.

"Indeed Mr. Chen nodded and said, "who is this child?"

"The student in my class is Xiao Han!" Blue rain butterfly replied.

"Oh..." As soon as Mr. Chen heard this, he immediately felt relieved and said, "it's no wonder that they were the number one students in the college entrance examination last year. Who am I supposed to be. Great, great! "

The blue rain butterfly shows no sign of silence, but she is happy to blossom in her heart.

Although others praise Xiao Han, but the blue rain butterfly's heart is happy. Happy face is almost blooming.

Two days of examination, Xiao Han is very smooth to finish the topic. In addition to professional courses, other examinations Xiao Han is confident to get full marks.

"Damn it, it's over at last!" Liu Bin said angrily: "I write code in the examination room, almost write crazy."

"You're a computer geek. You're crazy. Other people have to hang up?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Not at all!" Liu Bin did not have a good breath back, said: "must let us in two hours with C language to make a simple program. This Isn't it hard for people to do so? "

"It's OK. You did poorly in the exam, and so did the others. School teachers will think about it! " Xiao Han replied.

"Nonsense, who said I did poorly in the exam?" Liu Bin snorted coldly and said, "I wrote out the program of Tetris in two hours, and it runs perfectly well."

"Lying trough, so powerful!" Zhang Feng said in surprise.

"Teachers praise me as a genius!" Liu Bin looked at several people triumphantly.

"Hey, hey..." Zhang Dagu laughed and said, "my shot put test is also good, I broke the personal best record."

"Great, great!" Xiao Han looks at Zhang Dagu in surprise.

Zhang Dagu's physique is a natural shot putter. After systematic training in the school, he has finally broken through his best performance. For this reason, the people in the dormitory are very happy.

"It's worth celebrating!" Liu Bin said in a hurry: "how about we go to Hanmen restaurant to celebrate in the evening?"

"Yes, it's my treat." Xiao Han nodded.

"How about that?" Liu Bin shook his head and said, "the four of us will raise money and give money together."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Zhang Feng has some money in hand. The money Xiao Han gave himself last time has not been spent. Zhang Feng is a more frugal person, although in love, but he is still more economical. If you can't, you won't have to spend, and you can't miss what you should.

Zhang Feng grinned, and then said, "we don't get drunk at night."

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded and said in a hurry, "we Call them up. "

"Yes Several people nodded.

"Hey, I'll go to her now." As soon as Liu Bin heard this, he ran out in a hurry.

"This boy." Xiao Han looked at Liu Bin's back and couldn't help laughing and scolding. Then he said, "if you have a woman, you don't want a brother. This guy is really good enough."

It's only four o'clock in the afternoon, and there's at least an hour or two before dinner.

In the dormitory, several people began to pack things.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu are both busy packing things.

Zhang Dagu has bought tickets to Shenzhen, packing bedding and other things directly, and then locking them in the cabinet. As for other things, they are all packed up and ready to take them on the train in a few days. Zhang Dagu and Zhang Xiaomei went all the way. Both of them are ready to go to Shenzhen and find some jobs. Even if they can't make much money, the most important thing is to make some money for opening a house next semester.Xiao Han appears more calm, he sits on the chair to play with the computer. Although Xiao Han is a finance major, he is not interested in online stocks, crude oil, currency and so on. Because he's focused on his business empire.

In the second half of the year, Xiao Han will really set up a group company.

Zhao Lizhong and Yang Lu are already running around for this matter. In the provincial capital to set up a group company, the procedures are cumbersome. There are still some things I can't help. So, in order to save some tedious things to the greatest extent. In addition, Linjiang city has a policy of attracting investment, so Xiao Han decided to settle the Hanmen group in Linjiang city.

There are many acquaintances in Linjiang city. In addition, Zhao Lizhong and Yang Lu are basically in Linjiang. Therefore, the second half of the year to set up a group company is basically not too big a problem.

Linjiang city should also be more welcome to this. If the group company is located in Linjiang City, all taxes will be paid to the state tax unit of Linjiang city. This is very helpful to the achievements of Linjiang municipal Party committee.

All in accordance with Xiao Han plan in the same effort to develop.

Everything is ready, only the east wind.

As long as the Hanmen group once settled down in Linjiang City, it would be the nightmare of Jiang's group. Once the Hanmen group is established, then, it has the capital to fight against Jiang's group. Jiang's group belongs to a listed company. Although Jiang's family holds a large share, it does not mean that Xiao Han has no way to deal with them.

Every time I think of the arrogant arrogance of the Chiang family, especially the slap that Jiang's mother gave his mother, Xiao Han's heart seems to be stabbed by something. He will not forget, nor can he forget the stinging pain.

To revenge the Chiang family, that is to take everything that belongs to them and let them completely live on the street.

This is a very difficult thing, but it has been buried in Xiao Han's heart.

Xiao Han raised a smile, as if the plot is about to succeed.

"Xiao Han, what are you laughing at here?" Zhang Feng came over.

"Ah?" Xiao Han was surprised and said, "I Do I have one? "

"Of course Zhang Feng immediately nodded and said, "silly, it seems that there is something happy in my heart. I'll share it with you."

"Go away!" Xiao Han laughed and said, "nothing."

Didi didi

Suddenly, Zhang Dagu's mobile phone rang. Zhang Dagu took a look, it was Zhang Xiaomei who called.

"Xiaomei!" Zhang Dagu smiles.

"No, something's wrong." Zhang Xiaomei said in a hurry: "Liu Bin and people fight again."

"What?" Zhang Dagu was startled and said, "the boy is so flustered that he fights with others, but he can't fight again. He doesn't know to call us to go together."

"You're going to come." Zhang Xiaomei said in a hurry.

"Where is it?" Zhang Dagu asked in a hurry.

"In the university town." Zhang Xiaomei said in a hurry: "it's a fierce fight. If he doesn't come, Liu Bin will be killed. "

"Coming soon!" Zhang Dagu quickly hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaomei's voice on the phone is shouting, so Xiao Han and Zhang Feng really listen. After Zhang Dagu hung up the phone, the two quickly rushed out.

"Fuck, wait for me!" Zhang Dagu ran after him.

University town.

A group of people blocked the entrance of a shopping mall.

In the crowd.

"Hit him, kill him!"

"Yes, beat him, and kill the grandson!"

A lot of people yelled.

In the crowd, several people are facing Liu Bin to beat violently. On the other side, a man wearing an Armani shirt, wearing a pair of sunglasses, said with a smile: "dog day, you dare to challenge me, you must kill you today!"

"Stop fighting. Stop fighting Guan Xiaotong pleaded in one side.

"As long as you stay with me one more night, I'll let him go, OK?" The man said with a smile. It seems that this guy should not be a student around. Judging from his age, he should be in his thirties. He looks like he deserves to be beaten.

Guan Xiaotong shook his head and said, "no No, no! "

"Tut Tut, I am really infatuated with you!" The man said with a smile: "since that night, I have always wanted to find you, your body, every part of your body, all of you make me infatuated. It's better to I'll take care of you later

"Go away Guan Xiaotong roared.

"Hey, hey The man laughs and orders, "give me a fight, fight hard."

Liu Bin rolled on the ground, howling in pain.

People around him shivered at the sight. If we keep fighting like this, we'll be killed. No one can say anything. After all, this guy has a lot of money, and he has a dogleg around him. If he tries to persuade him, he will fight with , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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