Published at 6th of March 2023 09:00:11 AM

Chapter 531

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Xiao Han didn't expect that he was generous, driving a luxury car instead of letting the other side start the price.

"Don't make a fool of yourself!" Xiao Han grabbed Li daphou and said, "we are here to talk, not to fight!"

"This boy is too much." Li daphou looks a little angry.

"Ha ha!" Xiao Han laughed, and then said, "no matter what, we are always here to negotiate, not to rough."

"Well!" Li daphou nodded.

"This price can be discussed." Wang Jinxi laughed and then said, "or You can pay eight million! "

Eight million?

Xiao Han certainly can't accept the price. It's not that Xiao Han can't afford this price, but because the price of eight million can only connive the boy. Once he's got eight million, he'll probably play tricks. Therefore, Xiao Han will not agree.

"Eight million, don't you think it's high?" Xiao Han asked.

"Not high." Wang Jinxi shook his head and said, "how many years will eight million buy you. No one knows how many years will be lost. "

"Er..." Xiao Han Leng for a moment, said: "I have said that bone marrow donation will not affect people's life span."

"People here say it will affect it!" Wang Jinxi laughed and then said, "anyway, I must be ready for eight million pension. What if I lose my labor force because of bone marrow donation? So I have to think about the rest of my life

Xiao Han narrowed his eyes and said, "Wang Jinxi, don't be so greedy

"How much do you say?" Wang Jinxi asked.

"Two million at most!" Xiao Han looked at him and said, "if I were someone else, I would have saved 200000. I am also willing to pay two million yuan for your poor life

Wang Jinxi took a deep breath.

The price of eight million must be empty. Now that Xiao Han has already made an offer, it is easy for him to do it. Two million is already very attractive. Wang Jinxi was very happy. He kept quiet and said, "it's too low."

"Tell me, how much do you want?" Xiao Han asked.

"Or Step back, three million deal! " Wang Jinxi said.

Li daphou looked at Xiao Han and said, "is it too dark?"

"Deal Xiao Han doesn't want to argue with each other.

"Pay first!" Wang Jinxi said.

"There's no reason to collect money first?" Li daphou listened and said, "shit, you should not donate bone marrow first, and then take the money?"

"That won't do!" Wang Jinxi shook his head and said, "I went to your site. If I donated bone marrow and you don't give me money, what should I do?"

Li Dazhou was stunned for a moment, then said, "who pit you three million."

"I can't, I just have to pay first!" Wang Jinxi snorted coldly.

"Deal Xiao Han nodded.

Wang Jin was overjoyed and said, "give it now!"

"Go to the bank and transfer it to you!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Good, good, near here!" Wang Jinxi was overjoyed.

Several people immediately walked out of the teahouse.

"Old man, here's your tea." After Wang Jinxi came out of the room, he directly threw a 100 yuan bill to the old man of tea. Then he yelled, "don't change it. I'll give you the rest!"

"Shit! Is it true? " The old leader gaped.

Wang Jinxi has always been a poor man. In the past, he owed all the money for tea. Now he has lost one hundred of his ten yuan for tea. He even said that he didn't need to change it. This made the old man confused.

"What's the matter with this boy? Are you rich? "

"Who knows, maybe they are really rich!"

"Maybe someone has found a way to get rich!"

In the teahouse, many people discussed that they knew Wang Jinxi's family situation very well, so they also appeared very curious. Wang Jinxi has always been a man with only a few dozen yuan in his pocket. Never more than a hundred dollars. I didn't expect that this guy took out so much money in one breath. It's really curious.

An agricultural bank nearby.

In the bank, Xiao Han transferred three million yuan to Wang Jinxi's account.

During the transfer, several bank employees repeatedly confirmed to Xiao Han, and kindly reminded: "any project of sunshine, any project 1040 is a fraud, sir, you must not be fooled!"

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded.

"OK, we'll transfer the money to you right away!" The bank does not have a few million businesses throughout the year. Today, a business of 3 million yuan has come. It really made them feel curious and surprised.

Xiao Han laughed and said, "OK!"

Soon, three million went to Wang Jinxi's account.

Wang Jinxi reveled, he several times to the bank staff to determine: "my account is not three million more?""Yes, you still have three million and eight dollars in your account now!" The staff nodded.

"Good, good, great!" Wang Jinxi was so excited that he said, "hurry up Get me ten thousand dollars first

"Sir, 10000 yuan business can be operated on the ATM. We only handle more than 20000 yuan at our counter!" The staff said with a smile.

"Then give me 50000!" Wang Jinxi snorted coldly and said, "anyway, I have money. It won't hurt to take more! "

"Yes The staff immediately nodded.

Then, immediately counted 50000 yuan to him.

Wang Jinxi took 50000 yuan and said excitedly, "Damn it, I finally have money. I don't have to do those hard work any more."

"Can you come with us now?" Xiao Han asked.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Jinxi shook his head and said, "brothers, you'd better find a hotel nearby. I'll go home and say goodbye to my wife, children and parents. What's more, I don't know if I can come back this time. If I die on the operating table, I will at least give my last words. "

"No exaggeration!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Anyway, we have to go through the process, right?" Wang Jinxi smiles.

"If you don't feel at ease, go ahead." Xiao Han said with a smile, "let's go home with you and then go to the hotel."

"Yes Wang Jinxi nodded.

Then, several people immediately went out, Xiao Han drove a few people to Wang Jinxi's home and went straight.

Wang Jinxi's family is relatively poor. The place where I live is relatively shabby. It seems that it is not a good community, but a very old one. The house is still made of bricks. And, from the outside, just look like bricks. There is no bit of cement at all.

Xiao Han did not go in.

"Well, why don't you come in?" Wang Jinxi asked.

"We won't go in, we'll go back to the hotel first!" Xiao Han replied.

"Well, you go back, I'll go home and talk to my family!" Wang Jinxi replied, "tomorrow you will come to my house directly to look for me!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Watching Wang Jinxi enter the room.

Li daphou frowned and said, "Xiao Han, are you so relieved to give him the money? What if the boy is cheating? "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han had a smile, and then said: "you take people to stare here, if there is any news, you immediately inform me."

Li Dazhou was stunned for a moment, and then said, "OK, I'll stare at it with the third one."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Then, several people immediately began to move.

Wang Jinxi ran into the room excitedly, and then yelled: "Mom and Dad, wife, I'm back!"

"Why did you come back?" A dark skinned woman glared at Wang Jinxi and said, "don't you have to go to work today?"

"Haha, I won't work any more." Wang Jinxi smiles.

"Why?" When the woman heard this, she suddenly got angry: "you don't go to work, who will support this family in the future?"

"By me, of course." Wang Jinxi went to the old sofa and said, "come on, make me some tea and cut some fruit."

"You..." Wang Jinxi's wife saw this, and immediately she was angry. She roared: "you You bastard. Believe it or not, I'll kill you at once

"What do you want to do?" Wang Jinxi glared at his wife and said, "you dare to try to move half of my hair!"

"Asshole!" His wife was angry and immediately took up a rolling pin and smashed it at Wang Jinxi.

Suddenly, Wang Jinxi immediately took out ten thousand yuan from his pocket.

His wife was immediately stunned. She asked, "you Where did you get the money? "

"Hey, hey..." Wang Jin was so happy that he took out another ten thousand yuan.

"My God, you Where did you get all that money? " His wife was excited to take the money.

Wang Jinxi took out ten thousand and ten thousand. His wife was very excited. She was excited to take the tens of thousands of dollars, excited to say: "so much, so much money, really all of us?"

"Ours, of course!" Wang Jinxi nodded and then said, "the money belongs to us. You can take it and spend it. And when it's over, there's more. "

"Ah?" His wife immediately stupefied, she said in a hurry: "you Don't scare me. Tell me where the money comes from? Don't be illegal income. That's going to jail

"Of course I know!" Wang Jinxi nodded and said, "how could I possibly do such a thing?"

"How did you get the money Wang Jinxi's wife asked in a hurry.

"Do you remember the incident half a month ago?" Wang Jinxi smiles."What's the matter?" Wang Jinxi asked his wife.

"It's my bone marrow problem." Wang Jinxi laughed and said, "now the girl's friend has come. She wanted to match my bone marrow and give me a sum of money? "

"That's all?" Wang Jinxi's wife spread out her hands and put 50000 yuan in order. His face sank at that time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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