Published at 6th of March 2023 08:57:32 AM

Chapter 592

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"Is it?" Xiao Han a listen, immediately happy: "since you know I have soul beads, you still dare to start with me."

"Hum, if I can win the soul ball, I can greatly improve my strength." The ghost King snorted coldly and said, "so, I'll give it a shot?"

Xiao Han laughed and said, "good, good. But now you have to face the reality. You lost! "

"Yes The ghost King nodded.

"So you must surrender to me, or I will let them eat you alive." Xiao Han laughed and said, "you don't want to surrender to me anyway. It's better to feed them with you, which can also improve their strength, which is good for me."

On one side, twelve spirits nodded in succession.

It's very funny.

"It's a riot!" The ghost King snorted coldly.

"No way!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "we can't just let you go, otherwise, if you want to kill me in the future, it will be troublesome!"

"Good!" The ghost King took a deep breath and said, "since you say so, I will surrender to you, but you must promise me a condition!"

"Say it Xiao Han said.

"You can't call me in the future." Said the ghost king.

"Ha ha, don't worry about that." Xiao Han listened and said in a hurry, "I'm sure I won't call you easily."

Don't call and don't use it easily. That's two meanings, OK?

Xiao Han has just drilled this loophole.

Although the ghost king has intelligence quotient, he is obviously inferior to human beings in terms of strategy. He thought for a moment and said, "that's fine."

Xiao Han can use the soul bead to control the spirit, then he can use the soul bead to control the ghost king.

Xiao Han hastily sacrificed the soul bead from the heaven and earth bag, and then said with a smile, "you will stay in the soul bead after that."

When the ghost king saw the bead, his eyes were bright and his mouth was dripping with saliva.

For the ghost king, soul beads are indeed very attractive. Soul beads can improve the strength of ghost king, but also can have the effect of twice the result with half the effort. No wonder the ghost king is willing to take a chance against Xiao Han. Although failed, but, can stay in the soul bead, this is also a congratulatory thing for the ghost king.

"Let them in too!" The ghost King grinned, and a strange smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"You can't eat them!" Xiao Han immediately said.

"Of course not!" The ghost King shook his head and said, "if I eat them, who will I command later? How many men will you find to serve me? "

Xiao Han almost sprayed it when he heard it.

On one side, twelve evil spirits stood shivering aside, one by one aggrieved in the corner of the wall, looking at Xiao Han wrongly, without the previous crazy murderous spirit. At this time, the spirits were like twelve wronged kittens.

"Go Xiao Han comforts a way: "he won't eat you."

The twelve spirits got into the soul beads reluctantly. Although soul beads are also very beneficial to them. However, no one knows how the ghost king will abuse them in the beads. Seeing the twelve spirits entering the soul beads, the ghost King laughed three times and immediately got into the soul beads.

Once you enter the soul bead, you must obey Xiao Han's orders from now on.

See ghost king go in, Xiao Han immediately relaxed a breath, from now on oneself side also had a reliable helper.

The ghost King disappeared and the sky suddenly changed.

The clouds dissipated, and all the clouds dispersed rapidly in the air.

The maids, eunuchs, and guards screamed one after another, and they quickly ran to the dark place.

In the air, screams

Soon, the clouds cleared and the sun came back.

Everything around came out, the ghost disappeared, or completely fell into reincarnation, or found a place to hide. What Xiao Han didn't expect was that there were so many ghosts in this place. If not looking at them pitifully, I'm afraid Xiao Han will immediately let the twelve spirits wipe them out.

When the sun came out, the cold feeling disappeared.

"It's sunny." Chen Xiaowu said in a hurry.

"Yes, at last the sun comes out." Wan Yingying exclaimed, "we We can rest assured. "

Xiao Han came from afar.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Han asked.

"Xiao Han, are you a Taoist of Maoshan school?"

"Xiao Han, why are you so powerful? Do you know magic?"

Two people you a word I a language, Xiao Han said some speechless.

However, Xiao Han turned to think about it and said, "yes, I'm from Maoshan school, but you'll have to keep a secret for me in the future."

"Mm-hmm!" Girls like to know other people's secrets. It's better that no one knows them, only themselves.

Chen Xiaowu said in a hurry: "I don't even speak to my parents.""No one can say it." Xiao Han earnestly admonished: "this secret can only be known by yourself, understand?"

"Well!" Chen Xiaowu and WAN Yingying quickly nodded.

Both girls have bright eyes. They look at Xiao Han's eyes are full of worship and reverence.

For any one person, to meet a person as fierce as Xiao Han, I'm afraid we will have respect. What's more, they are two little girls who have no personal experience. They almost regard Xiao Han as a god like figure.

"Let's go." Xiao Han admonished: "in case we meet a more powerful ghost, isn't it trouble?"

"Mm-hmm!" Two people repeatedly nodded and rushed to the distance.

The distance between the East tube and the road was very long. It took them more than ten minutes to walk out. After coming out of the East tube road, several people went to an open place. Not far away, some tourists can be seen taking photos.

"This is the archery field." Wan Yingying said in a hurry: "we are safe."

"Really?" Chen Xiaowu said excitedly, "are we really safe?"

"Yes Wan Yingying nodded and said, "this is the archery field, here is the tourist area, so We are officially safe. "

"I didn't expect to run out of the ghost place through an old door." Xiao Han said with a smile.

The three looked at each other.

At this time, a few tourists not far away came over curiously.

"Why, where are you from?" A tourist asked curiously.

"We..." Wan Yingying turned her head and looked at the door behind her.

Several tourists also looked at the past curiously, one of them was surprised and asked, "where is this inside?"

"Don't..." Wan Yingying said in a hurry: "inside It's a closed area! "

"How did you get there without opening up?" The leading tourist asked curiously.

Wan Yingying did not know how to answer.

Who expected, Xiao Han on one side said with a smile: "this is the haunted place of the Forbidden City, do you want to go?"

A few people a listen, immediately happy: "great, we are deliberately to risk, but have not found the way, thank you for telling us this way."

Finish saying, a few people are about to push the door and enter.


Suddenly, the old Palace door with mottled clothes opened. An old eunuch, pale and dressed in eunuch's clothes, opened the door, exposed half of his head, and asked darkly, "do you want to come in?"


Several people were immediately shocked.

"Ghost!" Several people turned around and ran. Run all the way, scream all the way.

Chen Xiaowu and WAN Yingying have seen the world for a long time. They have seen more ferocious ghosts. Therefore, they do not care and are not afraid. They stood behind Xiao Han, carefully pulling Xiao Han's arm.

Xiao Han took a look at the old eunuch.

The old eunuch bowed respectfully to Xiao Han, and then slowly closed the Palace door.

Just as Xiao Han and they were ready to leave, a group of people ran in this direction.

Among them are the managers of the Palace Museum. Those tourists who were scared and silly came straight with the management staff. There were more than a dozen tourists who heard that they met an old eunuch here. They were very curious.

Management personnel see Xiao Han several people, ask in a hurry: "did you see the ghost?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Where did the ghost come from?" Chen Xiaowu asked in doubt.

The manager looked at the tourists with a puzzled look. The tourist was in a hurry: "really, really. They saw it, too. They just didn't admit it. Maybe Maybe they are ghosts

"Nonsense On hearing this, the manager gave a few people a look and said, "if you dare to talk nonsense, I will drive you away!"

"We really saw ghosts, don't believe it Open that door if you don't believe it Said the tourist in a hurry.

On hearing this, the managers felt that there was some truth.

He hurried past. There was a lock on the door, but now the lock has disappeared. He muttered: "strange, I remember that there is a lock on the door. Why not? "

With that, the manager opened the door with doubts.

After the door was opened, a cold wind blew through the corridor, and there was nothing in the corridor. Looking at the past, the ground was clean and spotless, not to mention half a person's shadow. The manager turned to look at the tourists.

"It's strange to see an old eunuch open the door." "Why Why is it missing? "

"Must have been hiding." Another tourist said in a hurry: "it must be hiding, otherwise, they can't disappear like this. We definitely saw it anyway. "

Despite the hype of a few tourists, managers no longer want to pay attention to them. Close the door directly, and then change a lock again, way: "less nonsense, next time you dare to talk nonsense, I will call the police!"When several tourists heard that they were going to call the police, they were too scared to make a noise.

However, they had just seen the old eunuch who opened the door. As for why he disappeared suddenly, they were not sure why. I just know it's true. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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