Published at 6th of March 2023 08:56:41 AM

Chapter 610

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"I'm not interested in meeting you." Xiao Han sneered and said, "I'm here today to take my friend away."

"Please!" The man in black quickly let a way.

"Let's go." Xiao Han said.

Several people went out at once.

After coming out of the territory of the axe gang, several people were relieved. Liu Bin, in particular, is afraid that he will continue to be followed by the other party if he does not leave the territory of the axe gang. Shivering, he has been shaking his heart.

"Xiao Han, thank you!" Liu Bin took the initiative to speak.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Han shook his head and then said, "there is no need to be so polite between our brothers."

"Well!" Liu Bin nodded.

"Liu Bin, are you ok?" Zhang Feng looked at the wound on Liu Bin's head, the blood was stopped, but it looked very frightening.

Guan Xiaotong in the side of concern said: "let's go to the hospital."

"It's OK. I feel good." Liu Bin shook his head and said, "go back and put some medicine on it."

"But what if the wound is infected?" Guan Xiaotong is in a hurry.

"Go to Corning clinic." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Yes, yes. Go to the Corning clinic." Liu Bin nodded.

Subsequently, Xiao Han immediately turned the direction and ran straight to Kangning clinic.

By the time we arrived at the Corning clinic, it was already over 9:30 p.m. At this point, there are not many people in the Corning clinic. There are still a few people who are taking drops.

Liu Sisi sat on a chair beside her, her hands holding her pink cheeks.

"This guy doesn't come to see me until now!" Liu Sisi pursed his mouth, then sighed and said, "now it's summer vacation. I don't know if he's home or stay in the provincial capital. Alas..."

Liu Sisi is a little sad.

When Liu Sisi was thinking about it day and night, suddenly, several people came in from outside.

When Liu Sisi looked up, her eyes were bright, because she saw a figure that she was very familiar with. Her eyes lit up and she blurted out, "Xiao Han!"

"Think." Xiao Han said with a smile, "are you still at work?"

"No!" Liu Sisi nodded and said, "I don't go to work. Who goes to work? My father went to Beijing to attend a medical seminar, so I was left alone. "

"You should go home early and have a rest." Xiao Han said.

"If I go home to rest, what will the patient do?" Liu Si sipped her lips.

Xiao Han Leng for a moment, then smile, way: "what does this matter, patients can come back tomorrow."

"That's not right. You don't think that way." Liu Sisi shook his head and said, "it is the nature of doctors to save the dying and heal the wounded. How can we close the door and leave when the patient has a need

"Ha ha..." Xiao Han couldn't argue, he could only laugh.

"See a doctor?" Liu Sisi pursed her mouth and asked.

"Oh, yes, my friend has a broken head." Xiao Han pointed to Liu Bin and said, "do you want to sew a needle for him

Liu Sisi leaned over, took a look at it and said, "if you want to sew a needle, you need to sew two or three stitches."

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Don't you want to shave your hair?" Liu Bin asked in a hurry.

"Not so?" Xiao Leng snorted, and then said, "it's normal that you can sew needles only by shaving your hair, and it's good for wound healing. It's not easy to hide dirt on the scalp."

"Alas..." Liu Bin was anxious: "Miss sister, can't you not shave your head?"

"That won't do!" Liu Sisi shook his head and said, "if you don't shave your head, you can't sew a needle. So, do it yourself. "

"I..." Liu Bin was embarrassed.

"Shave." One side of Guan Xiaotong pursed his lips and laughed and said, "I won't dislike you. Right? "

"Really?" Liu Bin asked.

"True, of course!" Guan Xiaotong nods.

"That's good!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "since you don't dislike me, I will shave."

"Hurry up!" Guan Xiaotong smiles.

Liu Sisi immediately took the hair pushing machine and pushed it on Liu Bin's head. His hair fell in clusters and soon became a bald head. Two startling wounds on the head.

"Fortunately, the wound is not deep." Liu Sisi took a look and said, "just sew a few stitches."

Liu Sisi was promoted to a doctor, and a female nurse was employed in the clinic. However, by this time, the female nurse had already gone home from work, so all the work needed to be done by Liu Sisi alone.

Liu Sisi began to sew needles after he had prepared the things.

Stitching is a relatively simple surgical operation, and Liu Sisi's mind is also more delicate, so the stitches are very neat, and they can easily sew four or five stitches. A total of five stitches were sewn into the two wounds.

"All right Liu Sisi laughed and said, "sew it up, you can see it yourself!"With that, she handed a mirror to Liu Bin.

Liu Bin only looked at it and screamed: "my God, my hair is gone!"

"Not all shaved off!" Liu Sisi laughed and said, "is it hard to shave you into a lucky baby?"

"I..." Liu Bin face helpless, said: "well, forget it, I don't want to care about so much!"

"Pay." Xiao Han warned.

"I'll do it!" Guan Xiaotong quickly took a few hundred yuan notes and said, "Miss sister, thank you!"

"Not so much!" Liu Sisi shook his head in a hurry and said, "it's just sewing a needle. Where you need 500 yuan, it's only 120 yuan."

"The rest is thank you!" Guan Xiaotong said in a hurry: "you still stay in the clinic in the middle of the night to sew needles for us. We really appreciate it. Besides, the money is not mine. It's Xiao Han who makes it for me. "

Liu Sisi looks at Xiao Han with a puzzled face.

"It's compensation from someone else!" Xiao Han smiles.

"Oh Liu Sisi nodded.

Liu Sisi said that the money should not be wasted. So, she put it away without ceremony.

"Let's go back first." Xiao Han opened his mouth.

"To where?" Liu Sisi asked subconsciously.

"Go back to rest." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Are you not with me?" Liu Si sipped her lips.

"I..." Xiao Han listened, embarrassed said: "this is not very late? Besides, can you walk away now? "

"Yes Liu Sisi nodded quickly.

"Xiao Han, you can accompany Sisi." One side of Liu Bin said in a hurry: "I and Zhang Feng take a taxi back, so, you don't have to worry about us."

Not waiting for Xiao Han to open his mouth, this guy immediately pulled Guan Xiaotong to go out. Zhang Feng gave a sinister smile to Xiao Han, and then left in a hurry.

Xiao Han raised a smile and said, "there are still patients here. How do you deal with it?"

"It's OK. They're not a big problem!" With a smile, Liu Sisi turned and said, "Auntie Liu, you can go home. Come back tomorrow. Uncle Zhang, you can go back. There is still a bottle of your drip. Let's play it tomorrow! "

"Good!" Aunt Liu nodded quickly.

Uncle Zhang also very skillfully pulled out the needle, and then said: "well, I will go back first, do not disturb Sisi you fall in love."

The only people in the clinic left.

"Hee hee, is it empty now?" Liu Sisi giggled.

"All right." Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Sisi immediately closed the door, and then took Xiao Han out. She was very happy, and her face was full of joy.

Two hands in hand go out. Liu Sisi excitedly took Xiao Han's arm and said, "do you know? There's a lot more food in the Hutong. "

"Is it?" Xiao Han was surprised.

"Let's go, let's go, we can catch up!" Liu Sisi said excitedly.

Xiao Han followed Liu Sisi to the old street.

In the alleys of the old street, there are many people here. The old woman who sold old yoghurt last time was still there. She was sitting on a chair with her head hooked and dozing. Liu Si Si hurried over and said, "Granny Liu, I'll buy yogurt."

"Oh, it's thinking." Granny Liu opened her eyes and said with a quick smile, "come on, I'll give you Sheng."

"Don't bother you. I'll do it myself." Liu Sisi quickly opened the lid, then took two spoonfuls from the bamboo tube and put them in the bowl. Then he handed it to Xiao Han and said, "you can use it. Grandma Liu's recently improved yogurt, strawberry flavor."

Xiao Han took the yogurt, tasted it with a small spoon, and said: "good, the taste is really good, sour and sweet, very small taste."

"Right!" Liu Sisi was excited.

She also quickly filled a bowl, and then gave granny Liu ten yuan.

They continued to move on. There was a lot of food in this alley, especially in the evening. The business of supper was very hot. What's more, it's a mess. Most of the people who come to eat here also live in this alley. There is a world in this alley. This is a village in the city. Basically, they are old houses from the 1980s. From the outside, you can't see the houses inside. The houses are in disorder. It seems that it's hard to walk out when you walk in.

Xiao Han laughed and said, "I didn't see so many people last time."

"Last time we came in the afternoon." Liu Sisi said with a smile: "everyone has gone to work. It's evening. Every family is at home. In the evening, I eat supper, go for a walk and enjoy the cool. Therefore, there are more people here. "

"I didn't expect that there were so many residents here." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"No Liu Sisi giggled and said, "it is said that some developers want to dismantle it, but seeing so many people here, they don't dare to dismantle it."

"Is it?" Xiao Han smile, and then said: "this developer is too timid?""Mainly because it's in here." Liu Sisi said with a smile: "although the location is good, there are many people, so it is not easy to make up for the compensation through negotiation. So, it's more troublesome. "

Xiao Han nodded and said, "yes, it's not easy to demolish now. In the past, we can demolish houses by violence, but now we dare not. The media exposure is too strong, especially the network media exposure, which is frightening. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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