Published at 6th of March 2023 08:56:30 AM

Chapter 615

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"Oh, my God Zhang Feng quickly carried the iron bar to resist.


When their weapons collided, there was a burst of sparks. Sparks and blood spatter three feet.

Zhang Feng took the lead to react. The blood was not his own, nor the other party's. But the iron stick in the hand of Zhang Dagu smashed on the skull of a younger brother of the other side. The other party's head was broken and bleeding. Blood splashed on Zhang Feng.

"Good fellow!" Zhang Feng saw the situation and said, "you are opening a ladle!"

"Hey, hey..." Zhang Dagu laughed and said, "this boy is so brainless that he dare to fight against me!"

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu are slightly reluctant, but Liu Bin is even worse. Although this guy took a machete, he is relatively small, so he is slightly disadvantaged. In addition, the strength of the other side is really good, and it is also very fierce. Therefore, Liu Bin appears incomparably to suffer losses, also appears incomparably flustered.

"Damn it!" Zhang Dagu frowned.

"Help Liu Bin Zhang Feng shouts.

"Good!" Zhang Dagu nodded, and he kicked the black man in front of him. And then quickly rushed over.

Liu Bin was almost hanged by the other party. Fortunately, Zhang Dagu arrived in time, otherwise, with Liu Bin's strength, I'm afraid he will be killed by the other party.

Liu Bin took a deep breath and said, "Dagu, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" With a smile, Zhang Dagu showed his white teeth and said, "who let us be brothers?"

"Well!" Liu Bin nodded.

"Be careful!" Zhang Dagu immediately put Liu Bin behind his back, fighting against each other two people alone.

With Zhang Feng and their help, Xiao Han's pressure is much more relaxed. He faces five people by himself, completely relaxed, without any pressure. Bare handed, dealing with a few tough guys with weapons.

Bang Bang

Xiao Han quickly rushed to the past, suddenly reached out to grasp each other's arm, and then mercilessly threw out. One person bumps into another person's body, seems to have a chain reaction at once.

Do not wait for the other side to react to come over, Xiao Han with the speed of the potential of thunderbolt rush up.

Bang Bang

Another two feet, kick two people.

Chen tie was stunned at one side. Xiao Han's moving speed was amazing, and his reaction speed was also very strong. This guy is like a computer, he can clearly and accurately calculate each other's action, and can also be very accurate in place, and accurately hit every target.

"It's over Chen tie looks at his brother. He looked depressed.

Watching the eleven Axe Gang fall helplessly, Chen tie is very sad. It's more painful than hitting yourself in the face. Just now, he swore that he would teach Xiao Han a lesson and tell him that these people are the best young brothers of the axe gang. It is easy to deal with Xiao Han. But now? The ending seems to be opposite to what I imagined.

"Leader Chen." Xiao Han grinned, then walked slowly past and said, "it seems that Your people can't do it

"You Chen tie gnaws his teeth.

"What? You want to come out and compete with me? " Xiao Han walked slowly past.

"Boy, you are cruel today." Chen tie's face was livid, and he said, "green mountains will not change and green water will flow forever. We will have a long way to go. Go

Finish saying, Chen tie is preparing to take his own person to leave here.

"Stop!" Xiao Han suddenly yelled.

"What? What else do you want to do? " Chen tie turns and looks at Xiao Han coldly. Even if he lost, he didn't think he was good, or even if he lost, he didn't feel ashamed.

"You lost!" Xiao Han said.

"How?" Chen tie asked.

"Ha ha!" Xiao Han had a smile and said, "leader Chen, you are still a fool on the road. If you lose, you don't know how to express yourself?"

"What expression do you want?" Chen tie frowned.

"Let your men kneel down and kowtow me three times!" Xiao Han returned.

"You Chen tie was almost angry when he heard it. He roared and said, "you are crazy!"

"Shouldn't the loser be like this?" Xiao Han asked.

"Don't think about it!" Chen tie roared.

"In that case, don't go Xiao Han suddenly took over the machete from Liu Bin. Then he said, "if you are willing to gamble and admit defeat, if you lose, you should kneel down and kowtow. Do you think you can avoid death if you are the leader of the axe gang? "

"You Chen tie's face was black.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant." At this time, one side of the old Liu stood out, said: "are mixed up on the road, life should leave a line of back, so as not to meet in the future."

"Who would like to meet you?" Xiao Han didn't like to return a sentence, and then said: "on you such a person, I still disdain!"

"You Lao Liu was also very cold by Xiao. He gritted his teeth and roared, "boy, we Axe Gang is not bullied by you."With that, Lao Liu quickly rushed to the other side. Behind, more than ten younger brothers also quickly rushed to the past.

The two sides immediately launched a bloody battle.

This time, it is not a contest, but a fight for dignity.

Even though the other side has blood, but no strength, the battle is bound to lose.

After a bloody battle, the other side was completely destroyed.

Lao Liu fell in front of Xiao Han. Xiao Han stepped on his skull with one leg, and then said coldly, "listen to me clearly. If you don't kowtow to me today, no one will want to walk from here."

With that, Xiao Han tightened his machete.

"Even if we die, we will never kowtow!" Lao Liu roared.


Xiao Han listen, the knife hand in hand rises and falls. Liu's arm was cut off on the spot.


All the people at the scene took a breath. Not only the ax Gang, but also Zhang Feng were scared. Xiao Han seemed to be possessed by a God. I have no hesitation.

"Ah Old Liu Dun felt a burst of pain in his arm, and then, the pain was drilling toward the heart.

When the knife went down that moment, the cutting surface turned white, and then, the hard work suddenly gushed out. The fresh blood spattered on Chen tie's face.

At that moment, Chen tie regretted that he should not have offended the man who killed thousands of swords and who he could not afford to offend. However, the bow is full of strings, and the arrow is on the string, so it has to be sent.

"Lao Liu!" At this time, Chen Tiefei quickly rushed to the past.


Xiao Han kicked Lao Liu away. He walked slowly to the side of the second axe to help his younger brother and said, "do you kneel or not?"

The little brother was so scared that he didn't dare to speak because he didn't hesitate. Xiao Han's face appears some ferocious, he looks at each other coldly, way: "you kneel not kneel!"

"Kneel down, I I kneel Finish saying that, the younger brother quickly climbed up, and then kneel in front of Xiao Han, desperately kowtow.

Seeing this guy kneel down, Xiao Han turns and walks toward another person.

Without waiting for him to approach, the little brother quickly knelt down. One by one, ten people all knelt down, and finally Chen tie was left.

Xiao Han walked slowly towards Chen tie. Chen tie was a little flustered. Facing Xiao Han, he has no confidence.


Chen tie swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"You What do you want to do? " Chen tie glared at Xiao Han.

"Kneel down!" Xiao Han's tone is very heavy, word by word, way: "kowtow!"

"Don't think about it!" Chen tie is angry.


All of a sudden, Xiao Han rushed over and kicked him with a spin. At that time, he kicked the other party away. Chen tie hit a tree heavily, and the man slowly slipped down from the tree. Chen tie covered his chest and said angrily, "boy, I'll fight with you."

With that, Chen tie got up and waved his fist again.

The disciple of Tiequan sect is very powerful. However, this time, he met Xiao Han, who was stronger than him. One can defeat the three major victories of Dao League, one can win the dark angel, and one can win the boxing champion of northern Myanmar.

In fact, even if Chen tie loses, he won't be disgraced. However, Chen tie is not willing to humiliate.

Whoosh, whoosh

Chen tie's iron fist swings fiercely, the fist falls toward each other like raindrops. Xiao Han's eyes catch each other's fists, and his brain digitizes all the things he sees in his eyes. His fist's speed, strength and landing point are all calculated. So, Xiao Han just needs to follow the brain's instructions.

Chen tie's fist can't fall on Xiao Han.

"It's no use!" Xiao Han dodged left and right, sneered and shook his head.

"No way!" Where Chen tie is willing, very reluctant. He was biting his teeth and frantically attacking each other.

If you lose today, you will lose the face of the world. Therefore, if you can't lose, it's not about winning or losing, but about your dignity. Therefore, he decided that he could not lose. He almost used his life to fight with each other.

Where can Chen tie lose, lose means oneself downtown dignity.

However, Chen tie is destined not to be Xiao Han's opponent, doomed to be unable to defeat Xiao Han.

Bang Bang

Xiao Han kicked Chen tie's chest. Chen tie's whole person suddenly rises into the air. Far down, fell in that green belt.


After Chen tie fell to the ground, he covered his chest and immediately vomited out a mouthful of blood.

"You lost!" Xiao Han walked slowly past.

"Even if I lose, I can't let you humiliate me!" Chen tie breathed heavily.

"Good!" Xiao Han grinned and showed a ferocious look on his face.Chen tie snorted coldly, gritted his teeth, and then said, "what do you want?"

"Break your arm!" Xiao Han roared.

"Come on Chen Tiedao is also a tough guy, he stretched out an arm.

He would rather sacrifice one of his arms than his dignity. Dignity is the foundation of a man's life. If there is no dignity, for a man, what is the meaning of living? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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