Published at 6th of March 2023 08:56:17 AM

Chapter 620

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"Yiyi." Liu Guodong walked in with a smile.

"Dad, why are you here?" Liu Yiyi looks at Liu Guodong curiously.

"Isn't this to see you?" Liu Guodong smiles and sits down opposite Liu Yiyi.

"It's rare that you are free!" Liu Yiyi looked at her father with a smile and then sat up straight.

Liu Guodong raised a smile, and then said with a smile: "how are things recently? How are you doing? Did you go to the hospital for regular review? "

"Yes!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said: "the hospital said that my index is very normal, let me review it after half a year."

"That's good." Liu Guodong nods.

Father and daughter have a stubble in the living room, not a stubble of chatting. Unconsciously, I chatted for more than half an hour.

Liu Yiyi looked at her father curiously and asked, "Dad, it's hard for you to sit here for more than ten minutes?"

"Ah?" Liu Guodong listened and laughed awkwardly.

"Didn't your wife call you?" Liu Yiyi laughed sarcastically.

Liu Guodong's face is even more red, because every time less than 10 minutes, his wife's phone will ring. However, this time, his wife knew that she was here to do business, so she didn't urge herself. She hoped that she could persuade Liu Yiyi, hoping to make Liu Yiyi the fiancee of Qin Xiaotian, and then get to the gymnasium project.

"Ha ha..." Liu Guodong laughed awkwardly and said, "today I come to see you for something."

"What's the matter?" Liu Yiyi asked in doubt.

In fact, seeing her father sitting so late, she probably guessed that there must be something wrong.

"I..." Liu Guodong hesitated for a moment and then said, "this It's a very difficult thing to say. It's not a big deal. It is... "

Liu Yiyi has been waiting for her father to talk, but he has been slow to say, which makes her a little uneasy.

"It's about your marriage." Liu Guodong laughed and said, "the head of the Qin family came here and said that now that you are well, you should continue to perform your engagement, and take back the letter of divorce they sent before!"

Hearing Liu Guodong say so, Liu Yiyi's face suddenly turned black.

"Do they think the Qin family is really Royal?" Liu Yiyi was very angry and said: "we are slaves of the Liu family. What do you think of our Liu family? How can marriage become a joke in their mouth? When I was suffering from a terminal illness, they were going to give up their marriage. Now that I am well, they regret it again. What a car have they made of our Liu family? "

Liu Yiyi is very angry, also very angry. In her eyes, this kind of thing should not have happened, but, this kind of thing has happened vividly, which makes him very angry. Very angry.

One side of Liu Guodong is incomparably calm. Hearing his daughter's anger, he didn't feel surprised at all. On the contrary, he thought it was normal for his daughter to have such a reaction. If there was no such reaction, it would be abnormal.

"Yiyi." Liu Guodong said: "this matter..."

"No discussion!" Liu Yiyi shook his head and said, "I will never marry a man of Qin family in my life. I will not even consider a man surnamed Qin!"

Words have been so far, Liu Guodong suddenly speechless.

"I..." Liu Guodong took a deep breath and really didn't know what to do. This matter develops to now, Liu Guodong feels very helpless, also feels very tragic. "But I have promised the Qin family. "

"Dad, you!" Liu Yiyi looked at Liu Guodong in a daze and said, "you How could you agree to such a condition? "

"Mainly..." Liu Guodong laughed and then said, "it's mainly for the interests of the Liu family. I know it's very unfair to you. However, I also have my own difficulties. Do you know? "

Ha ha! Liu Yiyi listened and sneered, "I really didn't expect you to say such a thing."

"Well..." Liu Guodong looks at Liu Yiyi in embarrassment.

"In a word..." Liu Yiyi suddenly stood up and said, "let me marry the Qin family unless I die. Otherwise, I will never dream in my life

With that, Liu Yimo stood up and quickly walked upstairs.

Looking at Liu Yiyi's back, Liu Guodong suddenly felt that he was incompetent, and suddenly felt helpless. He is not only unable to be a qualified father, but also a qualified company leader.

"Alas..." Liu Guodong sighed heavily, then stood up and left the villa.

Back home.

Liu Guodong's wife rushed to meet him and asked excitedly, "how about it? Did Yiyi agree? "

"No!" Liu Guodong shook his head and said, "she didn't promise!"

"Why didn't she agree?" Mrs. Liu asked in a hurry.

"She Very angry Liu Guodong shook his head and said, "wife, in fact, you can change your position and think about it. If it is you, will you be angry? If it was you, you would be angry, right? ""I..." As soon as Mrs. Liu heard this, she immediately changed the topic and said, "would she not consider it for the Liu family? Won't you consider the future of Liujia company? Besides, what's wrong with the Qin family? Qin's group is very powerful in the whole Z province. With a market value of 10 billion yuan, such a large company and such a powerful family, she married in the past, that is, she married into a rich family, and she will never worry about her own future

Mrs. Liu's words made Liu Guodong shake his head.

"Wife, you think too much." Liu Guodong said with a bitter smile: "Liu Yiyi, this child doesn't think so much of you. Moreover, she is just a child, and she doesn't have so many ideas."

"How can you, as a father, let her choose for herself?" Mrs. Liu was in a hurry: "she doesn't understand, don't you?"

Liu Guodong frowned, and then said, "well, Yiyi has suffered a lot since she was a child, and she has finally survived. I have thought about it and let her do it. If she doesn't want to marry the Qin family, she won't

"You On hearing this, Mrs. Liu was in a hurry: "how can I do that? You don't want the stadium project? "

"I want it!" Liu Guodong gave a bitter smile and said, "but I don't want to lose my daughter's happiness because of this. I don't want to lose my daughter's own self possession because of this, and I don't want to let my daughter fall into pain from now on."

"She's married to a rich family!" Mrs. Liu's attitude suddenly became a little overbearing: "besides, she is the daughter of the Liu family, so she should obey the arrangement of the Liu family. Father's life is greater than heaven. Doesn't she know anything about it? "

"Don't force it!" Liu Guodong shook his head and said, "Yi Yi, this child has died once. This time, she can come back to me, and I am very happy. Don't force things she doesn't like

Mrs. Liu frowned and did not speak. She had her own thoughts in her heart. Mrs. Liu knows that Liu Guodong and Liu Yiyi have the same personality. Once they make a decision, they can never change it. Therefore, Mrs. Liu simply stopped persuading her husband. After all, I'm afraid there will be no result if she continues to talk. Now that is the case, nah and he will say more?

"All right." Mrs. Liu laughed and stopped arguing. She asked, "well What are you going to say about the Qin family? "

"I didn't promise them." Liu Guodong looked at his wife and said, "I just told them that I tried my best to persuade Yiyi. If Yiyi agreed, it would be the best thing to do, because feelings need to be consensual rather than wishful thinking. If Yiyi disagrees, I have no way. I don't want the stadium project

"That would be a great loss." Mrs. Liu sighed and then said, "not only will we lose hundreds of millions, but I'm afraid there will be no relationship between the Qin family."

"We have no relationship with the Qin family for a long time." Liu Guodong laughed and then said, "besides, we don't need to rely on the relationship of Qin family now. The relationship between the Qin family is of little use to us. "

"If the two families get married, it may not be the same." Mrs. Liu sighed and said, "if the two families get married, our company will certainly be able to make a great success in the future, and From then on, I'm afraid no one dares to bully us

"Shopping malls are like battlefields." Liu Guodong said with a smile: "today, the Qin family can support you, and tomorrow he will be destroyed. I spent a lot of time to let our company get rid of the influence of the Qin family, but I don't want to take the initiative to send to the door as a dependency."

Liu Guodong knows a lot about shopping malls. As he said, shopping malls are like battlefields. If the Lius continue to rely on the Qin family, they will never be able to get rid of the influence of the Qin family. I'm afraid that in the future, the Liu family will gradually become the "dog" of the Qin family.

"All right." Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "you are the owner of the willow family. You has the final say."

As she spoke, Mrs. Liu looked at the baby sitter nearby.

Mrs. Liu's son is more than three years old. It will take 20 years for her son to take over the Liu family and become the leader of the family. Now Mrs. Liu is doing everything for her son. Let Liu Yiyi marry into the Qin family. In this way, we can strengthen the Liu family and make the wealth of the Liu family accumulate into a mountain. In the future, his son can struggle less for many years. If you can sacrifice Liu Yiyi, so as to improve the relationship between the Liu family and the Qin family, and you can accumulate the Qin family connections for your son, why not?

Mrs. Liu's mouth raised a strange smile.

"Well, go to bed early." With that, Liu Guodong turns and enters the room.

Mrs. Liu has been sitting in the living room, she asked the nurse to bring her son. The naughty child in Mrs. Liu's hands is very quiet, a pair of lovely eyes looking at their mother, Mrs. Liu looked down at her son, almost doting to the bone. For this son, she placed almost all her hopes on him. She hoped that she could rely on her son and become a real lady. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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