Published at 6th of March 2023 08:54:14 AM

Chapter 660

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"It's said that it's the high-quality zodiac of the financial department and the Yellow sorghum people."

"Ah?" Liu Yiyi listened and ran over in a hurry.

When he ran into the crowd, it was really Xiao Han and five ferocious adult men ready to fight.

"Xiao Han!" Liu Yiyi cried out in a hurry.

"Yiyi?" Xiao Han turns to look at Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi's appearance immediately attracted the eyes of countless people. This beautiful girl, like a fairy, suddenly became the focus of everyone.

"Wow, that Isn't that Liu Yiyi, the new school flower? "

"I heard she knew Xiao Han."

"What's more, it's said that she and Xiao Han have some kind of unclear relationship!"

Gossip, public opinion is always the object of gossip, but also the object of curiosity. Liu Yiyi is so beautiful, naturally there are many fans, and about Liu Yiyi's affair, people are curious, can't help but gossip.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Liu Yiyi is very worried about Xiao Han, but, at this time, she dare not rush to pass.

"Don't worry." Xiao Han laughed and said, "you just look at me there and see how I beat them down!"

"You can!" Liu Yiyi yelled.

A group of boys look at Liu Yiyi with eager eyes. In their eyes, Liu Yiyi is so beautiful, how can he be involved with Xiao Han? Such a goddess like figure should at least let himself have some thoughts.

"Let's go." Xiao Han took a look at several people.

Five people looked at each other and said: "tension brother, you go first. I'm afraid you'll be enough. If we go together, we won't win. If it spreads out, it will damage our reputation, won't it? "

"Well!" The black waistcoat man nodded and said, "in this case, let me go first."

The man's name is tension, the national Sanda champion, but it's just a few years ago.

He stepped out slowly, looked at Xiao Han coldly, and then said, "very good."

"I advise you to join us." Xiao Han replied.

"Don't talk nonsense." Tension sneer, way: "beat me, they naturally on together."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

He stood cold in place, calmly looking at the tension, said: "let's go."

"Boy, I don't think you're happy." Xiao Han gritted his teeth, looked at the tension, and then said: "you are a dog day, young, like to pretend to force, this time, see how I deal with you!"

With that, the tension went up immediately. After all, he is the champion of Sanda, and his strength is excellent. There was a lot of fighting between the waves.

If change to do before, perhaps Xiao Han is not his opponent, but now Xiao Han, has become so strong that ordinary people are not his opponent at all. Even ordinary friars are not Xiao Han's opponents.

For a monk, to be able to cultivate Qi is definitely a threshold. However, a large number of monks may not be able to practice Qi in their whole life. They can only rely on the magic tools and spiritual tools in their hands.

Xiao Han stood in the middle of the field, and his momentum was natural.

The tension is about to come up. Xiao Han's left foot slipped and his right foot soared.


Xiao Han easily avoided the tension of the fist, the right foot kicked in the other side's chest.


The man flew out.


Tension throat a sweet, immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"You Tension was stunned. He didn't expect that Xiao Han was so powerful that he could have such a fast speed.

"It's not easy!" The old man in the blue robe said dully. He is a descendant of the 108 generations of the lost track boxing. It is said that he has great strength, but he doesn't know how to do it. Nowadays, Chinese martial arts are just a group of swindlers. One by one in the television show, however, in reality, but by a non - mainstream boxer hit the ground looking for teeth. Even when it was revealed by CCTV reporters, the so-called Qigong master was just a cheat, using some invisible tricks. Therefore, no one knows whether it is true or not.

"All right Xiao Han looked at a few people and said, "it's your turn!"


There was an uproar at the scene. Xiao Han's speed, Xiao Han's strength, all people are shocked, all of them are staring at this scene.

"How wonderful!"

"Did you just see it?"

The crowd was dumbfounded.

"Xiao Han, you are wonderful!" Liu Yiyi is very happy. She was very happy to see the man she liked so much.

"Wow, he's so good!" The girl beside Liu Yiyi asked curiously, "Yi Yi, do you know him?"

"Of course." Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "he is my boyfriend."

"Ah!" The girl was shocked and said, "you When did you have a boyfriend"All the time, but I didn't tell you." Liu Yiyi laughs.

The girl said in a hurry: "you are so beautiful, you should find a very rich, very handsome boy."

"I think Xiao Han is very good." Liu Yiyi said with a smile

"well Is he rich? " Asked the girl.

"Does it matter whether he has money or not?" Liu Yiyi thought for a while and said, "as long as he loves me."

"All right." The girl pursed her mouth and said, "you will soon find that two people are together, not only love. There has to be more. "

Liu Yiyi smiles and doesn't speak.

On the scene, tension struggled to get up, ran back in a gray way, and said: "this boy is very powerful, we want to go together!"

"If you're useless, say they're good!" At this time, a tall man came out, wearing a taekwondo suit and a black belt. He sneered and said, "you are killing your own prestige. Do you understand? "

"If you have the ability, try it!" Tension is not good gas return.

"I'll do it!" Taekwondo man cold hum, he strides to Xiao Han, way: "boy, let me meet you for a while!"

Taekwondo, black belt nine. This is definitely an object that ordinary people cannot reach. It is said that this guy was invited by Huang Liang from Shanghai and spent 200000 yuan, including round-trip air tickets and even health care. This makes the other party moved.

"Come on Xiao Leng hums a, way: "just, you ok?"

"You'll see if you try." The other party laughed.

"Do it." Xiao Han said.

Taekwondo man Dao Ye is not in a hurry to attack, but walked around Xiao Han, observing Xiao Han's weakness first. Xiao Han was not worried at all, but exposed his back to the other side. The other party did not turn back when he saw Xiao Han.


He pinched his fingers and swept his body towards Xiao Han's back.

On the battlefield, the back is exposed to the other side, which is absolutely fatal. Xiao Han's back to the Taekwondo man is obviously wrong.

"Broken!" Zhang Feng yelled: "Xiao Han, be careful!"

"Xiao Han!" Liu Yiyi covered her eyes and did not dare to look.

If the attack is successful by a taekwondo man, Xiao Han will not die or be disabled. So, many people can't bear to watch. In their mind, the next second, maybe Xiao Han will be bloody. Just, no one would have thought that the next second would be the opposite of what they had imagined.

Although Xiao Han has his back to the man, it doesn't mean that he can't find his opponent's moving track and attacking target.

At the moment when the other party moves, Xiao Han has already captured the figure of the other party. What Xiao Han didn't expect was that the other side would use such a dirty and shameless move to sneak attack behind his back. Only a few people who were inferior to him would use this kind of mean, but he didn't expect that the other side would be so shameless. Since the other side does not want to face, then he naturally will not be polite.


Xiao Han already has the ability of seeing and listening in all directions. When the opponent is about to kick over, Xiao Han's left foot is a little bit on the ground, and his body slides back. In the process of sliding, Xiao Han has completed a gorgeous turn.

Taekwondo man gaped, gaping, he looked at Xiao Han in amazement, how did not expect that the other side turned around at this time, did the other side grow eyes behind it? Are you going to fail your sneak attack today?

At this time, the Taekwondo man was surprised to find that Xiao Han's eyes flashed a strange smile.


Xiao Han suddenly split with one foot.

The man suddenly fell from the air. Xiao Han this foot horizontal split, kicks in the other side's thigh vividly. The thigh muscles are very sensitive, and Xiao Han's foot strength is also very big, even though Xiao Han did not use the Qi in his body, he still made the other party miserable.

After landing, although the man did not scream, but his face has been a sauce red. He knelt on the ground with one leg and covered his thigh with both hands. The pain of his thigh made him scream and feel very sad.

Xiao Han raised a smile around his mouth and said, "the defeated general under him!"

"You Taekwondo man didn't expect to lose to the other side with his black belt nine section strength.


The scene was again in uproar, and the sneak attack failed, and Xiao Han succeeded in the counter attack. Not only defeated the national Sanda champion, but also defeated the taekwondo black belt nine section master. This really makes people feel an abnormal feeling, as if it is not true.

"How wonderful!"

"Wow, he's a god man!"

Many students even call Xiao Han a god man.

However, Xiao Han's temporary victory did not let everyone put down that heart.

"I'm afraid it's going to be a fierce battle next!" Zhang Feng said anxiously.

"Xiao Han has already won the two of them." Liu Bin's face leaped with joy and said, "what are you worried about?""No!" Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "this kind of victory is only temporary. Look at the man in green robe. He is the descendant of the lost track boxing. I'm afraid it is not easy to deal with. What's more, I'm afraid the next five people will join hands to deal with Xiao Han. "

"No?" Liu Bin a listen, way: "they are so shameless?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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