Published at 6th of March 2023 08:51:10 AM

Chapter 732

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"Of course Xiao Han nodded.

"Yes, thank you." Merlin said hastily, "if so, I If you don't charge your processing fee, you should make a friend

"Ha ha, thank you, Miss Merlin!" Xiao Han holds her hand.

"No, I should thank you." Meilin held Xiao Han's hand in her hands and said, "thank you for trusting me and putting such an expensive diamond here."

After some advice, Xiao Han left Kelly jewelry.

It takes at least half a month for a diamond to be separated, which is a long time. Of course, the risks are self-evident. However, with the development of science and technology, diamond cutting is basically done with sophisticated instruments. After the diamond is cut, it is polished by experienced craftsmen, which takes a lot of time. Moreover, these craftsmen need to work overtime for more than 10 hours a day to complete the work.


Taking advantage of this half a month, Xiao Han decided to go to Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyi palace in Wuyi Mountain is also a mysterious sect. Wuyi palace belongs to a branch of Taoism. The birthplace of Taoism was not in Wuyi Mountain, but now the main gathering point of Taoism is in Wuyi Mountain. Taoism, known as the main gate of 100000 disciples, but its whereabouts are strange and mysterious. Few people know the real strength of Wuyi palace.

Moreover, Wuyi palace seldom communicates with other sects, so it makes people feel more mysterious.

Wuyishan is located in the remote area. It takes only five or six hours to drive from the provincial capital. Therefore, Xiao Han decides to drive alone. Early the next morning, Xiao Han drove to the road. I said hello to some roommates in the dormitory and asked for a leave for blue rain butterfly.

Along the way, Xiao Han was faster.

Four and a half hours later, Xiao Han has entered the territory of Wuyi Mountain.

According to legend, Wuyi palace has 36 caves and 72 blessed places, all of which are the places where immortals live and play. People think that the land connecting heaven is full of auspiciousness and happiness, which is admired by people. Taoist hermits, who like to live in secluded mountains and forests, prefer to build temples and temples where there are legends of immortal traces, so they hope to shade the fairies and make contributions to Taoism and gardens. Since the past dynasties, Taoist lovers have been staying, pilgrims and tourists are in an endless stream, so the paradise has become a scenic spot of China's beautiful rivers and mountains. Dongtianfudi, also known as the thirty-six small Dongtian.

After driving to Wuyi Mountain, you can see the peak surrounded by aura from a distance. Far away, the most beautiful, really fascinating.

"Beautiful." Xiao Han couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao took a deep breath and sped forward.

More than 20 minutes later, the car arrived at the foot of Wuyi Mountain. At this time, it was ten minutes at noon, and the air in the mountain was cold. Although the sun was very big, I could not feel the heat at all. On the contrary, I could feel the coolness in the air. It was very comfortable.

"How comfortable!" Xiao Han couldn't help but stretch.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many tourists.

Here, most people come to Wuyi palace to burn incense. On the mountainside, there is a huge palace, which is specially open to the outside world and has many visitors. It is said that many people have succeeded in praying here. So many tourists here. Every year, there are many people who donate money and things.

When he went up the mountain, Xiao Han saw many disciples in Taoist robes going up and down the mountain. They walked quickly and came and went in a hurry. Instead of communicating with tourists, they are in a hurry.

Xiao Han follows the steps online.

I have to say that the scenery here is really beautiful. The cliffs on the left and right sides are like knives. On the top of the mountain, there are lush trees. Between the cliffs, a waterfall falls from the cliff of several hundred meters and hits a clear pool at the bottom of the mountain. It splashes with huge water waves and fog, which makes it full of vitality.

"It's a good place indeed." Xiao Han couldn't help admiring.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Xiao Han."

Xiao Han was very surprised. He turned his head in a hurry, but there was a familiar figure behind him. Seeing this familiar figure, Xiao Han couldn't help feeling. At this time, the chance was really wonderful: "Nightingale, is it you?"

"My God, is it really you?" Nightingale looks at Xiao Han in surprise.

Nightingale was wearing a long white dress, and a straw hat was woven with green grass on her head. She wore two wild flowers in her hair. Xiao Han said with a smile: "what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Yes Nightingale is also very surprised, she excitedly ran to Xiao Han's side, and then said: "I really did not expect to leave Penglai, we meet so soon!"

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Han asked in doubt.

"I came to Wuyi palace to ask for something." Nightingale helpless smile.

"Ask for something?" Xiao Han looked at the nightingale in surprise.

"Yes The Nightingale nodded and said, "yes, our elder martial sister is very ill, so we need to come to Wuyi palace for something."

"The last shamsui pill didn't work?" Xiao Han asked in doubt.

"Useful!" The Nightingale laughed and said, "but if you want to save my elder martial sister, you must synthesize several medicines. Xi Sui Dan is the most important. Also need the dew on Wuyishan's Dahongpao. ""The dew needs to be picked, too?" Xiao Han asked.

"Of course The Nightingale nodded and said, "and it must be morning dew collected within ten minutes after Yangon comes out, otherwise, it will be useless."

"All right." Xiao Han nodded.


At this time, a young man in a vest coughed and said, "Nightingale, let's go to Wuyi palace. Don't delay

The man is obviously a little uncomfortable. Just now Nightingale has been talking to Xiao Han. He never thought about introducing himself. Later, he gave a serious smile. How could Xiao Han be so familiar? It turned out to be the most brilliant person in this league competition, so he immediately became jealous and quickly took the Nightingale to go.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother Wu." Nightingale said in a hurry: "I finally met Xiao Han. I should thank him very much."

"Thank you later. Go and get the dew first." The man said quickly.

Xiao Han smile, way: "go, go together."

"Well!" Nightingale appears to be very happy, she excitedly and Xiao Han shoulder to shoulder forward. As for the elder martial brother Wu, he could only follow the two men with a gloomy face.

All the way up the steps.

The steps are very high, and the road to the mountain is very long. However, from a distance, you can see the palace not far away. The palace has green bricks and green tiles. The four corners around it are tilted, and there are four statues of ancient gods and beasts on it. It looks incomparable and has a feeling of deep mountain Taoist temple.

Soon, several people arrived at the gate of Wuyi palace, with disciples guarding the gate. Visitors are allowed to come and go freely. In the main hall of Wuyi palace, there is a Taoist priest who tells fortunes, prays for people, and even looks at people In short, Wuyi Palace's business is relatively wide. Making money is like printing money. Because of the good reputation, the incense is very vigorous.

Nightingale rushed to one of the gatekeepers and said, "Hello, senior brother. I'm the Nightingale of Emei Mountain. This is our document. We want to see your headmaster."

The other party was stunned for a moment, looked at Wen die and said, "please follow me!"

With that, the disciples of Wuyi palace led the three nightingales to the back mountain. Like other sects, Wuyi palace is also divided into two parts, the front mountain and the back mountain. The front hill is used for interaction, blessing, incense burning and even donation. Houshan is a place for the disciples of Wuyi palace to live and practice.

From the front mountain to the back mountain, we passed a cliff. The road is narrow and guarded by disciples. Through this mountainside, it seems to have entered a vast paradise.

Not far away on the top of the mountain, is a grand palace, surrounded by dense houses, around this palace, on that huge palace, smoke, white fog, as if it is full of aura.

"The Wuyi palace really contains heaven and earth." Xiao Han said in surprise.

At first, Xiao Han saw the Wuyi Palace on the mountainside and thought it was a part of Wuyi palace. It was not until he passed through the cliff and saw all the Wuyi palace that he found himself wrong. No wonder there are rumors that Wuyi palace has 36 caves and 72 blessed places, all of which are the places where immortals live and play. Now I finally understand the meaning of this sentence.

It took me more than half an hour to walk with this disciple all the way inside, and I walked at a very fast speed. Then I arrived at the mountainside on the opposite side.

"Elder martial brother, they are from Emei Mountain. They come to find the leader." The disciple who leads the way can only come here. If he goes up again, he has no qualification to go up the mountain. Therefore, he can only honestly give nightingales to higher level disciples.

The leading disciples passed on the grey robes, while the ones in charge of the reception wore black ones. What's more, the disciple of the black Taoist robe was a little dismissive, and then said, "OK, you can go quickly."

This guy is eating some fruits and melons. He is eating vigorously. Suddenly, he is disturbed. He is unavoidably unhappy.

"Yes The grey robed disciple turned and left.

Nightingale and they stand in this side hall, do not know what to do.

The man in black Daopao ate a mango and then an orange. They were all offered by tourists down the mountain. Every year, tourists offer countless fruits, enough for the disciples of Wuyi palace to eat, and even some are wasted.

It seems that the other party doesn't want to pay attention to nightingales at all, but keeps on eating.

"Elder martial brother, can you take us to see the leader?" The Nightingale anxiously asked, "I have nothing urgent."

"What's more urgent than I eat?" The disciple glared at the Nightingale and said, "wait here honestly until I finish eating!"

"Yes The Nightingale nodded.

After all, it's people's territory, and you have to ask people, so it's hard to say anything. Nightingale can only stay in place, dare not make a sound. Her face was helpless, and she was extremely sad. Nightingale turned to look at Xiao Han, as if very aggrieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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