Published at 6th of March 2023 09:21:09 AM

Chapter 77

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"Give him an emergency call." Xiao Han waved his hand.

"Good, good." Li Da Pang said hello three times, and then quickly took out the phone to dial the number.

Later, Xiao Han left the excellent labor dispatch company with a group of people.

Li daphou and others were still frightened. More than 20 people rode several motorcycles and left, leaving behind a group of frightening security guards. These security guards were scared to death. Some people started to call 5000 years in a hurry. 5000 years is Liu Si's territory and Liu Si's headquarters.

Five thousand years entertainment club.

It's the afternoon break.

Liu Si was sleeping with a new girl in his arms. He was excited and had a high tide when he was knocked at the door.

"Who is it?" Liu Si frowned.

I'm working hard. I'm disturbed by people. I'm not happy with you. What's more, Liu Si is such a powerful and temperamental person.

"Fourth brother, it's me!" Outside the door, a man's voice rang out.

"Fuck, come in!" Liu Si recognized the other party's voice is his right-hand assistant's voice, if not for important things, estimated that the other party would not easily knock at this time. Liu Si could only turn over and lay on the side of the beautiful woman with natural beauty, and said: "fourth master, what's the matter with you? What are you doing with him? "

"Something, something, don't make trouble!" Liu Siyi pushed the woman away.

At this time, the assistant came in from the door, he did not have any embarrassment or maladjustment, seems to have formed a certain habit. Liu four corners of the mouth raised a strange smile, he looked at each other one eye, and then said: "fourth master, something happened."

"What's the matter?" Liu Si took a cigarette from the bedside table and took a deep breath.

"Someone has smashed our field and injured our people!" Assistant Li Shan opened his mouth and his face was solemn.

"Who did it?" Liu Si didn't panic.

"I don't know yet!" Li Shan shook his head and said: "the other side are all fresh faces. In addition, Chen Ming is still in the hospital now. I don't know who did it for the time being."

"Check it out at once." Liu Si gave a cold smile, and then said: "dare to start on my territory, I think he is tired of living."

"Yes Li Shan immediately nodded. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "fourth master, have we been silent for too long, so someone dares to move on our heads. They are tired of living when they are too old

Liu Si took a puff of smoke and said carelessly, "find the person for me first."

"Yes Li Shan immediately nodded.


From excellent labor dispatch company.

Xiao Han is sitting on Li daphou's motorcycle. The road is raging and the cold wind is blowing on Xiao Han's face. Xiao Hansi did not feel the slightest bit of cold, on the contrary, he could feel a trace of warm air. He didn't feel any regret and fear for what he did today. Mother is the only close relative in her mind. She raised herself and pulled herself up. Especially after her father passed away, her mother never had a smile on her face, and she added a wisp of white hair on her head. However, there were still people who bullied her.

Don't say to offend Liu Si, even if it is to risk his own life, Xiao Han also at all costs.

"Xiao Han." At the gate of Fuxing community, Li daphou stops his car.

"What do you want to tell me?" Xiao Han asked.

"I..." Li Dazhou looked at Xiao Han and said, "I want to say that you'd better find a place to hide. If you offend the fourth master, it will be very miserable. I hope you can understand. "

"I know you're going to say that." Xiao Han laughed and said, "don't worry, what I've done will not let you carry it. If I leave, it will not be Xiao Han! "

"See what you say!" Li Dazhou glared at Xiao Han and said, "I'm not a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I just want to tell you that if you don't leave, Liu Si will definitely settle accounts with you. At that time, you can't go if you want to. This matter is now in the forefront of the storm, you go out and hide for a while, maybe it will be over. "

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Are you afraid of death?" Li daphou looks at Xiao Han anxiously.

To offend Liu Si is to offend the king of hell in LJ city. The king of hell will let you die at the third watch and never leave you until the fifth. It is because Li daphou knows these things that he wants to persuade Xiao Han to leave quickly. Otherwise, he will have to fight with Liu Si, which will be a trouble.

Li daphou appears very anxious. If Xiao Han doesn't leave, things will be in trouble. If Xiao Han goes away, things will be in trouble. Life is just getting better. I didn't expect to fall into the underestimation again. Therefore, Li is very sad. Before the apple store opened, Xiao Han was faced with the choice of escape.

"I fear death!" Xiao Han said with a faint smile, "but I still can't go. Once upon a time, I was afraid, I was afraid, and I didn't think I could afford anything. However, I am different today. I have decided to protect everyone around me, everyone I loveLi daphou looks at Xiao Han in amazement. He feels a little surprised. Xiao Han's changes are unbelievable. Once he was a cowardly and cowardly man, now, he has become so domineering and arrogant. Xiao Han is growing up, from a timid person, and now he has become a man who is bold and fearless. Li daphou was shocked.

Xiao took a deep breath, and then said, "this is my oath, is my lifelong goal to fight for!"

"Xiao Han!" Li daphou looked at Xiao Han solemnly, patted him seriously on the shoulder and said: "my good brother, no matter what happens, I will help you, and will stand behind you without hesitation."

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

The two hands were tightly clasped together.

Two people grow up from childhood, can be regarded as small, also can be regarded as good brothers, the feelings between the two people is absolutely not the general friendship and brotherhood can replace.


That night.

Five thousand years entertainment club.

Liu Si was sitting on the sofa in the hall, with many people standing upright beside him. There was a dignified expression on their faces. Before long, Li Shan trotted in all the way from the outside. The atmosphere in the hall is rather dignified.

"Fourth master, just asked!" Li Shan said in a hurry.

"Who did it?" "Is it leopard that bastard?" asked Liu Si in a sharp voice

"No, no!" Li Shan shook his head in a hurry.

Today, Liu Si also went to excellent labor dispatch company to check the situation, arrived at the scene only to discover how messy the scene was. And judging from the scene, how tragic the situation was. Chen Ming was broken an arm, although it was Chen Ming who broke the arm, but the knife was like a slap in the face of Liu Si. Liu Si feels hot.

"Who is that?" Liu Si was stunned.

On the site of Wangjiang District in LJ City, who dares to do it yourself? This is too arrogant. Liu Si can't think of anyone except leopard.

"Yes It's a student! " Li Shan said in a hurry.

"Ah!" Liu Si immediately exclaimed, and he said in dismay, "Lao Li, you boy has been following me for so many years. Should you know the end of deceiving me?"

"Fourth master, I never lied to you." Li Shan said in a hurry: "this thing is like this..."

After that, Li Shan immediately told Liu si the cause and effect of the matter. Liu Si frowned and said, "Chen Ming, this boy is not a thing, is it?"

"That's what happened!" Li Shan said in a hurry: "fourth master, how do you see this matter handled?"

"Although Chen Ming is wrong, he is my man after all." Liu Si sneered and then said, "my fourth brother is a protector. No matter what mistakes he has made, beating the dog depends on the owner. I was surprised that the boy was a student

"Fourth master, look at this..." Li Shan asked.

"This revenge must be avenged!" Liu Si suddenly stood up from the sofa and said, "we are too quiet recently. We should always make an example. We can't let people say that even a student dares to act wild in our territory, right?"

"This..." Li Shan nodded slightly and said: "it's really troublesome. If you protect your brother too much, it will lead to more unscrupulous disturbances by the brothers below, which will destroy your image of fourth master outside. If you don't settle accounts with each other, it will make people feel that we are easy to bully!"

"Yes Liu Si nodded. He looked at Li Shan and said, "Lao Li, what can you do?"

Li Shan frowned. Before long, his eyes lit up: "fourth master, why don't you take that boy for your own use?"

"What do you say?" Liu Si asked coldly.

"Think about it. A student boy has such a great ability that he dares to break into our territory on his own." Li Shan grinned: "so it can be seen that this boy really has some abilities. Why don't we put him in our camp? In this way, you will have a good assistant. The outside world not only won't say anything, but will think that you are a man of measure. What do you think? "

"Well, not bad!" Liu Siyi, this is really a good way.

If you really bring people and horses to find Xiao Han to settle accounts, it will make people feel that the strong bully the weak, and the big bully the small. However, if this matter is settled like this, it will give people a feeling of being bullied. In this way, we can only compromise. Xiao Han was shut up at the door. If you can really harvest Xiao Han, it is estimated that no one will say anything. They will feel that Liu Si is a broad-minded person. Not only did not look for Xiao Han to settle accounts, but also incorporated him into their own people.

However, after a second thought, Liu Si said, "Chen Ming almost killed his mother. Do you think he will join us?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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