Published at 6th of March 2023 08:48:40 AM

Chapter 803

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Xiao Han nodded, but did not speak.

At this time, Lu Xuan has already seen Xiao Han, the vast Shuimu University. When Lu Xuan stood at the gate of the school, she had already sensed the location of Xiao Han. The most shocking thing for Xiao Han is that she has clearly locked herself, but she has no induction. It can be seen that this woman is absolutely not simple.

Lu Xuan went to Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, long time no see."

"Lord of the island, I don't know what you want from me?" Xiao Han is careless and fearless.

Naturally, Xiao Han doesn't have to worry about Lu Xuan's daring to do something here. Once they do something here, they will inevitably hurt the innocent. I'm afraid that the whole Shuimu University will be buried for it. At that time, the government will certainly not stand idly by. Moreover, the state organs have already complained about these major sectors. Once they are caught by the state organs, they will certainly seize the opportunity to attack.

Although Penglai Island is powerful, it is a world of artillery after all.

Even Lu Xuan was afraid when all the guns were fired. What's more, the country still had a nuclear threat.

Therefore, even if it is Penglai Island, it is absolutely not easy to offend state organs. Although they don't give the logistics department face on weekdays, they still dare not act rashly.

"So strange?" Lu Xuan's beautiful eyes flow.

"I don't know you well!" Xiao Han holds his chest in his hands.

There was an uproar.

Xiao Han and this beautiful girl even know each other?

"Fuck, Xiao Han knows her?"

"Too much exaggeration?"

People were shocked.

Zhang Feng is also shocked, NIMA ah, Xiao Han this bastard, did not expect that the world's beautiful women he knows? Isn't that amazing?

Lu Xuan laughed and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Let's find a place to talk about it."

"I have nothing to talk to you about." Xiao Han shakes his head and turns to go.

Lu Xuan frowned and said, "you'll talk to me."

"Are you so sure?" Xiao Hanbei is facing Lu Xuan.

People around me have been shocked. Everyone is baffled. They don't understand what Xiao Han and Lu Xuan are in charge of you. Why do they seem so familiar?

"Yes Lu Xuan nodded and said, "even if you don't care about yourself, you should also care about the people around you?"

With that, Lu Xuan turned around and left.

Xiao Han shivered all over his body. He turned and walked up quickly.

He grabbed Lucien by the arm.

Lu Xuan trembled slightly, and Xiao Han stepped back several times. In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Han is just caught off guard, but in Xiao Han's view, this is the difference in strength. Xiao Han was shocked in his heart and said: "this Is it the gap in the realm? "

It can be said that there is a gap between children and adults. Lu Xuan gently waved her hand, and Xiao Han stepped back several steps.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Xuan frowned slightly. Obviously, she had a strong antipathy to any opposite sex touching her body.

"I'll go with you!" Xiao Han returned.

"Hum!" Lu Xuan turns to leave.

Xiao Han is not far away from her back, two people from the school, outside, an extremely luxurious Rolls Royce parked at the door, several black bodyguards guarding her safety. Just now, if Lu Xuan hadn't asked to stop here and let some bodyguards wait for him, I think the car would have driven directly into the school. If you drive in, it will cause a storm.

"Get in the car!" Lu Xuan said.

Xiao Han gets on the bus decisively. If Lu Xuan really wants to deal with himself, that is what he says. Why bother? Therefore, it doesn't matter to her whether she gets on or not. As soon as Xiao Han got on the bus, the car started immediately.

Before long, the car arrived at a coffee shop.

Lu Xuan was not unfamiliar with the secular world.

She walked in slowly and ordered a latte casually. Xiao Han ordered a cappuccino.

They were sitting on a card seat in the corner.

Lu Xuan's appearance immediately caused a burst of shock in the coffee shop. Everyone was shocked, and everyone showed a touch of amazement. Lu Xuan's appearance really brought a great impact to every man on the scene.

"My God, there are such beautiful women in the world!"

"It's beautiful, just like the woman in the picture!"

A lot of people were amazed.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath and said, "I didn't think you would come."

"Ha ha!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "why do you say that?"

"Nothing!" Lu Xuan shook her head.

"You said before, I will regret not coming." "Talk about it," Xiao Han asked

"Make my question clear first." Lu Xuan said.

"Say it Xiao Han looks at her.

"You killed leader Liu of Qingcheng Mountain?" Lu Xuan asked."Yes Xiao Han nodded.

As soon as Lu Xuan heard this, her whole body breath came up, and the whole coffee shop was suddenly cold. The people around were all scared. One after another thought that the air conditioner had been turned on, but it was only in may now. The climate was mild and there was no need to turn on the air conditioner at all.

"You know who you killed!" Lu Xuan's face was like frost.

"He wanted to kill me, but I killed him accidentally." Xiao Han shrugged helplessly.

Lu Xuan laughed and said, "so what?"

"Since it is a world of the jungle, we should be ready to be slaughtered!" Xiao Han took a sip of coffee, and then said, "if you want to avenge him, I will be defeated by you, and I will accept defeat. I think so

"Hum!" Lu Xuan snorted coldly.

"If you don't kill me, you must have something to do with me." Xiao Han laughs.

"Yes Lu Xuan nodded.

"What do you want from me Xiao Han asked.

Lu Xuan's face softened, and the temperature in the coffee shop immediately recovered a lot. It seemed that all of them suddenly returned to the cold winter, and from the cold winter to the end of spring. Lu Xuan said faintly: "there is a place called Penglai fairyland in Penglai Island. It is said that it was the scene of Xiuzhen World War ten thousand years ago. In it, countless forefathers and pioneers fell."

"What do I have to do with it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Listen to me!" Lu Xuan said, "this time, I want you to enter Penglai fairyland and help me find something!"

"What?" Xiao Han looked at Lu Xuan curiously. He thought for a moment. Something was wrong: "you are much stronger than me. Why don't you go?"

"I am the master of Penglai Island, and I am a Penglai disciple. According to the regulations of our ancestors, Penglai disciples are forbidden to enter Penglai fairyland!" Lu Xuan snorted coldly.

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Han asked.

"What I'm looking for is a artifact left by our ancestors in Penglai Island." Lu Xuan looked at Xiao Han faintly, and then said, "the colorful clothes and feather clothes."

"Clothes?" Xiao Han looks at Lu Xuan in surprise.

"No!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said, "it's a piece of armor."

"Armor?" Xiao Han was still surprised and said, "in that place, thousands of years have passed, so we are not afraid of rotting?"

"The colorful clothes and feather clothes will not rot for thousands of years, and will not be changed for thousands of years!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said, "this is the only artifact in Penglai Island for thousands of years. It is particularly important for Penglai Island. As long as you can help me find him, no matter what treasure you find in Penglai fairyland, I will not investigate. As long as this one is colorful and feathered, how about it? "

"Why should I promise you?" Xiao Han sneered.

Since Lu Xuan found herself, it shows that there is something wrong with this. She is so powerful and powerful. Moreover, how many excellent disciples have come out of Penglai Island for so many years. It's not easy to find things in Penglai fairyland? However, for thousands of years, they never succeeded. They even made a rule that the disciples of Penglai Island were forbidden to enter. That is to say, in Penglai fairyland, it must be extremely dangerous, and ordinary people simply can't carry it.

Although there are a lot of treasures in Penglai fairyland, Xiao Han is not so stupid as to agree with him.

"If you don't deal with the people around you, you will." Lu Xuan said with a smile: "although you have transferred your mother and several of your girlfriends abroad, Li Xiaoya and Liu Yiyi None of them left. The Wangs will not let them go easily. "


Xiao Han took a cold breath and said, "you Are you threatening me? "

"No!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said, "if you promise me, I will keep them safe all the time. If you don't promise me, I'll just sit by and watch you lose them."

"Hum!" Xiao Han sneered and said, "what is the Wang family? I can kill them as long as I like

"Don't talk about you, even I don't dare to kill the Wang family easily!" Lu Xuan laughed.

"Why?" Xiao Han asked.

"The Wang family is in a high position, and his power is inclined to the government and the public." Lu Xuan looked at him and said, "it's not so easy to deal with."

"If I'm really cornered, why not?" Xiao Lenghan.

"There is a way to solve it. Why not use the normal way to solve it?" Lu Xuan looked at Xiao Han and said, "if I were you, I would certainly agree to come down."

Xiao Leng hum: "I can't be fooled easily."

"Xiao Han, you have no choice!" Lu Xuan looks at Xiao Han.

Indeed, Xiao Han has no choice. Both Li Xiaoya and Liu Yiyi are very important to Xiao Han. Xiao Han doesn't want them to have anything. So Xiao Han hesitated.

After thinking for a long time and weighing again and again, Xiao Han bit his teeth and said, "OK, I promise you!"

"That's about it!" Lu Xuan laughed.

"Then, is it time to talk about my question?" Xiao Han sneered.

"What's the problem?" Lu Xuan asked."You said I would regret it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Isn't the problem solved?" Lu Xuan looked at him and said, "I have promised you to keep them safe."

"Oh Xiao Han nodded.

Lu Xuan laughed, and then said, "well, this is the beginning of our cooperation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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