Published at 6th of March 2023 08:48:04 AM

Chapter 820

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Xiao Han a listen, some distress.

Zhang Fei is the God of war. He is just a human being. How can he defeat him?

If he had used soul beads, the boy would have turned into a pool of black water, just like his guardian. If you don't use soul beads, how can you defeat him? After struggling for a long time, Zhang Fei has already rushed to kill himself for several rounds.

Xiao Han was a little distressed, but also a little depressed.

However, looking at the strength of the other side, Xiao Han decided to recruit Zhang Fei, a fierce general, in any case.

So he immediately went forward to fight.

After a few rounds, the two drew. However, Zhang Fei did not seem to use all his strength. It was a few tentative attacks.

"Boy, if that's all you have, you're going to die today." Zhang Fei said with a smile.

"Is it?" Xiao Han sneered, he took out a red Fu, said: "today let you see a good play!"

With that, Xiao Han jumped up and his fingers were printed.

In the sky, bursts of blood clouds rolled past. The scene was very tragic and terrible.

Zhang Fei looked up and said, "what's going on?"

Xiao Han has been wrapped in the golden light, forming a protective shield.

Zhang Fei raised a smile and said: "thief, dare to play tricks in front of my grandfather, see how I kill you!"

With that, Zhang Fei raised his spear and stabbed at the other side.


The spear stabbed on the light shield, and there was no reaction. Zhang Fei was shocked: "what the hell is this? It's so hard that I can't break my spear. What a ghost

Soon, the printing was finished.

In the sky, the blood cloud forms a huge whirlpool.

"My God, what is this?" Zhang Fei was shocked.


Suddenly, a burst of dragon chant came.

"My God, dragon!" Zhang Fei was stunned.

A Golden Dragon flew into the sky.

Zhang Fei is the most brave general in history, and he is famous for his courage.

Therefore, he jumped up and rushed to the Golden Dragon.

"It's true that he is brave but not scheming." Xiao Han said with a cold smile.

With the power of ghost spirit, how can it compete with golden dragon? The consequences can be imagined.

Sure enough, the Golden Dragon rushed to Zhang Fei, and the sacred power immediately made him unable to resist, and immediately fell down. On the spot, he was photographed in the brick and stone, and hit the ground a few feet deep.


Zhang Fei was almost inlaid in the ground. He vomited a mouthful of blood and said, "good What an attack

If Zhang Fei had just tried to hide, or tried his best to defend himself, he would not have come to such an end, but he would have to fight head-on. This is the typical example of courage without plan. The power of the golden dragon, let alone his kind of ghost handsome, even if the ghost king came, he did not dare to fight easily.

Xiao Han walked slowly in the past and sneered, "Zhang Fei, can you take it?"

"I I... " Zhang Fei was nearly out of breath and said, "I'll take it!"

"Would you like to mix with me now?" Xiao Han asked.

"I I will! " Zhang Fei nodded.

"In that case, admit it!" With that, Xiao Han recognized his servant with blood.

Zhang Fei agreed honestly.

In fact, Xiao Han didn't expect that the road was so smooth that there was almost no obstacle except that he emptied all the strength in his body when he just finished printing. Of course, if Zhang Fei is not foolhardy, maybe he won't succeed easily. With his ability, if he tries his best to avoid Jinlong's attack, maybe he can save himself. Even if he can't, he can leave at least half of his strength.

But just in order to summon the supernatural powers, Xiao Han almost emptied all the power in his body, so he was more afraid in his heart. If Zhang Fei had just chosen reason instead of being rash, he might have died.

But reality is reality. Also thanks to the reality, let me meet Zhang Fei, otherwise it is about Zhao Yun, maybe I will die.

Zhang Fei could only nod his head honestly. He did not expect that the magic power should be so powerful. However, living in hell all year round, I have never seen the magic power. How can I know that the magic power has such ability that it can't beat the other party with all one's strength.

"All right!" Zhang Fei highlighted his turbid spirit and said, "I can't beat you anyway. It's good to be your subordinate."

Zhang Fei struggled to get up from the ground, and then shook the dust on his body. Although injured, but, as long as good recuperation, can certainly recover.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han laughed and said, "go, order the troops outside Chengwang county to withdraw, and welcome the people outside the city into the commander's office of Chengwang County!"

"Yes Zhang Fei nodded honestly.

Then he walked out.Soon, the soldiers outside the city stopped fighting.

Chen Jin has been trying to delay the troops, but unexpectedly, during the bloody battle, the troops began to retreat orderly.

"Is it Did he succeed? " Chen Jin was shocked.

The withdrawal of troops means that Xiao Han may have succeeded. Chen Jin's face was filled with excitement. In the back carriage. Xiao Ruyue exclaimed, "my God, are they retreating?"

"Miss, they are retreating!" The soldiers on one side nodded quickly.

"This..." Xiao Ruyue called out: "this Is that true? "

"Well!" The soldier nodded and said, "it must be the adults who have successfully defeated the ghost commander!"

"Is that too fast?" Xiao Ruyue is a bit incredible.

In fact, she has not been too optimistic about Xiao Han. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han succeeded so quickly. And with such a fast speed, he won the ghost commander of Chengwang county. It's not just Xiao Ruyue, but also the ghost soldiers who come with him and look at death as if they were going home.

It takes days and nights to fight between ghost kings.

And in hell, it's been too many years since we've had such a thing.

Ghost King challenges ghost commander!

This is definitely the biggest play in a thousand years. Of course, no one can be optimistic, for thousands of years, there are not many people who can succeed. Few ghost generals will be defeated by ghosts. Once the ghost commander is defeated, the end is very miserable. Of course, the end of the ghost King's defeat was also miserable. The way of death is terrible, it's also tragic.

Therefore, no one is easy to challenge, if not have full assurance, no one will easily fight for life.

This time, Xiao Han, as a human being, even challenged the ghost commander. The most important thing is that he succeeded. This is what people think is incredible. They all thought it was a little incredible. It's hard to understand.

Before long, the soldiers were swept away.

Then a light horse came out of the city.

"Who is Chen Jin?" Cried the leading soldier.

"I am!" Chen came in and came out.

"Mr. ghost Shuai, please let Chen Jin and his party in!" Said the leading soldier.

"Yes Chen Jin is still a little uneasy.

Although the soldier retreated, he did not know whether Xiao Han had succeeded. If Xiao Han fails, it will be a disaster. If Xiao Han succeeded, it would be fine. If he had been promoted to the rank, it would be for sure.

Chen Jin entered Chengwang county with his men and horses.

As a matter of fact, he had already felt it when the supernatural power was down. But, he never thought, this is Xiao Han's ability. The ghost king has never seen Xiao Han show his magic power.

Very smooth into the Chengwang County, all the way unimpeded, and also very smooth into the Shuai Fu.

Traces of the fighting are still there. Outside the main hall, in a mess, large numbers of soldiers are cleaning up bodies and repairing damaged floors and walls.

Xiao Han is visiting the hall.

This place is obviously much better than ghost house. It is all paved with jade. There is a garden behind it. It is really a luxury to have such a garden in a place like hell. Xiao Han is very satisfied. Not only that, but also there is a spirit pool in the garden. The water in the spirit pool is very clear, as cold as a thousand year old ice cave. The most important thing is that the water here is full of aura.

"Yes, it's a good place!" Xiao Han drank a mouthful of water, thorough heart. It is full of spirit.

At this time, several people came in.

"Master Xiao rushes to the past.

Chen Jin hurried in and said, "Xiao Han, you You made it

"Yes Xiao Han nodded and said, "I succeeded. Although I won some flukes, at least I won it, isn't it?"

On one side, Zhang Fei looks up at the sky, but he doesn't hear anything.

From the moment Xiao Han's blood dripping to recognize his servant, Zhang Fei was destined to become Xiao Han's subordinate and his puppet. Once Xiao Han died, both Zhang Fei and Chen Jin would be destroyed. Including Xiaoyue.

"Great!" Chen Jin was so excited that he was about to cry.

I didn't expect that life went so smoothly. It's unbelievable. Xiao Han laughed and said, "don't be excited, you will soon become the king of ghosts."

"Well!" Chen Jin nodded.

There are ten ghost kings in Chengwang county. Zhang Fei is one of them. As for Wenchuan Prefecture and Dujiang Prefecture, they are all little ghost kings. Now that the owners of Chengwang county have changed, news will soon spread from Chengwang county. At that time, the top ten ghost kings under Chengwang County, including more than ten ghost kings under Chengwang County, will come to celebrate. And a gift. It also needs to be under the jurisdiction of the new ghost commander.

As long as Xiao Han is willing, he can deprive any ghost king of his fiefdom at any time and give him to himself.

However, Xiao Han's words made Chen Jin excited.

"Of course, your position is not only here." Xiao Han looked at Chen Jin seriously, and then said, "because in the future, you will become a ghost commander.""Ah?" Chen Jin was shocked.

"Yes Xiao Han stood at the top of the mansion, looking down at the whole Chengwang County, and then said, "because I want to challenge the ghost king!"


Not only Chen Jin, but also Zhang Fei and others are stupid.

If Xiao Han wins Zhang Fei, it's just luck, but ghost Jun is not ordinary people. In the distant imperial capital, ghost king is an extremely mysterious existence. Moreover, the existence of the ghost king is definitely not what ordinary people can deal with. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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